Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases

Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases
Athaliah ^ 1Ch_08_26 / Athaliah /^

Athaliah ^ Ezr_08_07 / Athaliah /^and with him seventy males.

Athaliah ^ 2Ki_11_03 / Athaliah /^did reign over the land.

Athaliah ^ 2Ki_11_13 / Athaliah /^heard the noise of the guard [and] of the people, she came to the people into the temple of the LORD.

Athaliah ^ 2Ch_23_12 / Athaliah /^heard the noise of the people running and praising the king, she came to the people into the house of the LORD:

Athaliah ^ 2Ch_22_12 / Athaliah /^reigned over the land.

Athaliah ^ 2Ki_11_14 / Athaliah /^rent her clothes, and cried, Treason, Treason.

Athaliah ^ 2Ch_23_13 / Athaliah /^rent her clothes, and said, Treason, Treason.

Athaliah ^ 2Ki_11_02 / Athaliah /^so that he was not slain.

Athaliah ^ 2Ch_22_11 / Athaliah /^so that she slew him not.

Athaliah ^ 2Ch_24_07 / Athaliah /^that wicked woman, had broken up the house of God; and also all the dedicated things of the house of the LORD did they bestow upon Baalim.

Athaliah ^ 2Ki_08_26 / Athaliah /^the daughter of Omri king of Israel.

Athaliah ^ 2Ch_22_02 / Athaliah /^the daughter of Omri.

Athaliah ^ 2Ch_22_10 / Athaliah /^the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal of the house of Judah.

Athaliah ^ 2Ki_11_01 / Athaliah /^the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal.

Athaliah ^ 2Ki_11_20 / Athaliah /^with the sword [beside] the king's house.

Athaliah ^ 2Ch_23_21 / Athaliah /^with the sword.

Baalshalisha ^ 2Ki_04_42 / Baalshalisha /^and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of corn in the husk thereof. And he said, Give unto the people, that they may eat.

Hachaliah ^ Neh_01_01 / Hachaliah /^And it came to pass in the month Chisleu, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the palace,

Hachaliah ^ Neh_10_01 / Hachaliah /^and Zidkijah,

Hali ^ Jos_19_25 / Hali /^and Beten, and Achshaph,

haling ^ Act_08_03 / haling /^men and women committed [them] to prison.

Mahali ^ Exo_06_19 / Mahali /^and Mushi: these [are] the families of Levi according to their generations.

Nahaliel ^ Num_21_19 / Nahaliel /^and from Nahaliel to Bamoth:

Nahaliel ^ Num_21_19 / Nahaliel /^to Bamoth:

Nephthalim ^ Mat_04_13 / Nephthalim /^

Nephthalim ^ Mat_04_15 / Nephthalim /^by] the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles;

Nephthalim ^ Rev_07_06 / Nephthalim /^were] sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses [were] sealed twelve thousand.

Shalim ^ 1Sa_09_04 / Shalim /^and [there they were] not: and he passed through the land of the Benjamites, but they found [them] not.

Shalisha ^ 1Sa_09_04 / Shalisha /^but they found [them] not: then they passed through the land of Shalim, and [there they were] not: and he passed through the land of the Benjamites, but they found [them] not.