Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
Hail ^ Joh_19_03 And <2532> said <3004> (5707), {Hail} <5463> (5720), King <0935> of the Jews <2453>! and <2532> they smote <1325> (5707) him <0846> with their hands <4475>.

Hail ^ Luk_01_28 And <2532> the angel <0032> came in <1525> (5631) unto <4314> her <0846>, and said <2036> (5627), {Hail} <5463> (5720), thou that art highly favoured <5487> (5772), the Lord <2962> is with <3326> thee <4675>: blessed <2127> (5772) art thou <4771> among <1722> women <1135>.

Hail ^ Mar_15_18 And <2532> began <0756> (5662) to salute <0782> (5738) him <0846>, {Hail} <5463> (5720), King <0935> of the Jews <2453>!

Hail ^ Mat_26_49 And <2532> forthwith <2112> he came <4334> (5631) to Jesus <2424>, and said <2036> (5627), {Hail} <5463> (5720), master <4461>; and <2532> kissed <2705> (5656) him <0846>.

Hail ^ Mat_27_29 And <2532> when they had platted <4120> (5660) a crown <4735> of <1537> thorns <0173>, they put <2007> (5656) it upon <1909> his <0846> head <2776>, and <2532> a reed <2563> in <1909> his <0846> right hand <1188>: and <2532> they bowed the knee <1120> (5660) before <1715> him <0846>, and mocked <1702> (5707) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), {Hail} <5463> (5720), King <0935> of the Jews <2453>!

hail ^ Mat_28_09 And <1161> as <5613> they went <4198> (5711) to tell <0518> (5658) his <0846> disciples <3101>, <2532> behold <2400> (5628), Jesus <2424> met <0528> (5656) them <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), All {hail} <5463> (5720). And <1161> they came <4334> (5631) and held <2902> (5656) him <0846> by the feet <4228>, and <2532> worshipped <4352> (5656) him <0846>.

hail ^ Rev_08_07 <2532> The first <4413> angel <0032> sounded <4537> (5656), and <2532> there followed <1096> (5633) {hail} <5464> and <2532> fire <4442> mingled <3396> (5772) with blood <0129>, and <2532> they were cast <0906> (5681) upon <1519> the earth <1093>: and <2532> the third part <5154> of trees <1186> was burnt up <2618> (5648), and <2532> all <3956> green <5515> grass <5528> was burnt up <2618> (5648).

hail ^ Rev_11_19 And <2532> the temple <3485> of God <2316> was opened <0455> (5648) in <1722> heaven <3772>, and <2532> there was seen <3700> (5681) in <1722> his <0846> temple <3485> the ark <2787> of his <0846> testament <1242>: and <2532> there were <1096> (5633) lightnings <0796>, and <2532> voices <5456>, and <2532> thunderings <1027>, and <2532> an earthquake <4578>, and <2532> great <3173> {hail} <5464>.

hail ^ Rev_16_21 And <2532> there fell <2597> (5719) upon <1909> men <0444> a great <3173> hail <5464> out of <1537> heaven <3772>, every stone about <5613> the weight of a talent <5006>: and <2532> men <0444> blasphemed <0987> (5656) God <2316> because of <1537> the plague <4127> of the {hail} <5464>; for <3754> the plague <4127> thereof <0846> was <2076> (5748) exceeding <4970> great <3173>.

hail ^ Rev_16_21 And <2532> there fell <2597> (5719) upon <1909> men <0444> a great <3173> {hail} <5464> out of <1537> heaven <3772>, every stone about <5613> the weight of a talent <5006>: and <2532> men <0444> blasphemed <0987> (5656) God <2316> because of <1537> the plague <4127> of the hail <5464>; for <3754> the plague <4127> thereof <0846> was <2076> (5748) exceeding <4970> great <3173>.