Haggi Gen_46_16 /^{Haggi /Shuni , and Ezbon , Eri , and Arodi , and Areli . Haggi Num_26_15 /^{Haggi /the family of the Haggites : of Shuni , the family of the Shunites : Haggiah 1Ch_06_30 /^{Haggiah /his son , Asaiah his son . Haggites Num_26_15 /^{Haggites /of Shuni , the family of the Shunites : Haggith 2Sa_03_04 /^{Haggith /and the fifth , Shephatiah the son of Abital ; Haggith 1Ki_02_13 /^{Haggith /came to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon . And she said , Comest thou peaceably ? And he said , Peaceably . Haggith 1Ki_01_11 /^{Haggith /doth reign , and David our lord knoweth it not? Haggith 1Ki_01_05 /^{Haggith /exalted himself, saying , I will be king : and he prepared him chariots and horsemen , and fifty men to run before him.