Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
fro ......... to and fro 2831 -kludonizomai->
frogs ......... frogs 0944 -batrachos->
from ......... a fellow from the earth 1093 -ge->
from ......... and from all 3956 -pas->
from ......... and from beyond 4008 -peran->
from ......... and from blood 0129 -haima->
from ......... and from David 1138 -Dabid->
from ......... and from Decapolis 1179 -Dekapolis->
from ......... and from fornication 4202 -porneia->
from ......... and from generations 1074 -genea->
from ......... and from henceforth 0737 -arti->
from ......... and from him that hath 2192 -echo->
from ......... and from his power 1411 -dunamis->
from ......... and from house 3624 -oikos->
from ......... and from Idumaea 2401 -Idoumaia->
from ......... and from Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->
from ......... And from Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->
from ......... And from Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
from ......... and from Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->
from ......... And from Miletus 3399 -Miletos->
from ......... and from our Lord 2962 -kurios->
from ......... and from strangled 4156 -pniktos->
from ......... And from that hour 5610 -hora->
from ......... And from that time 5119 -tote->
from ......... and from the carrying 3350 -metoikesia->
from ......... And from the days 2250 -hemera->
from ......... and from the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->
from ......... and from the glory 1391 -doxa->
from ......... and from the hand 5495 -cheir->
from ......... and from the Lord 2962 -kurios->
from ......... and from the Lord 2962->
from ......... and from the Lord 2962->
from ......... and from the north 1005 -borrhas->
from ......... and from the power 1849 -exousia->
from ......... and from the sea 3882 -paralios->
from ......... and from the seven 2033 -hepta->
from ......... and from the south 3558 -notos->
from ......... and from the things which are written 1125 -grapho->
from ......... and from the west 1424 -dusme->
from ......... and from the wrath 3709 -orge->
from ......... And from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
from ......... and from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
from ......... And from thence 3606 -hothen->
from ......... And from thenceforth 5127 -toutou->
from ......... and from things strangled 4156 -pniktos->
from ......... and from thy kindred 4772 -suggeneia->
from ......... And he from within 2081 -esothen->
from ......... And that from a child 1025 -brephos->
from ......... And when they come from the market 0058 -agora->
from ......... as from us , as that the day 2250 -hemera->
from ......... as they were from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... as was not from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... away from among 3319 -mesos->
from ......... away from him .
from ......... away from the sepulchre 3419 -mnemeion->
from ......... away from you , with all 3956 -pas->
from ......... but from him that hath 2192 -echo->
from ......... But from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... but from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... did from his .
from ......... down from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... down from Jupiter 1356 -diopetes->
from ......... down from the third 5152 -tristegon->
from ......... For from henceforth 3568 -nun->
from ......... For from within 2081 -esothen->
from ......... For from you sounded 1837 -execheomai->
from ......... for you from the foundation 2602 -katabole->
from ......... forth from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
from ......... from a servant 1401 -doulos->
from ......... from a wife 1135 -gune->
from ......... from above 0507 -ano->
from ......... from above 0509 -anothen->
from ......... from above : )
from ......... from Abraham 0011 -Abraam->
from ......... from Adam 0076 -Adam->
from ......... from ages 0165 -aion->
from ......... from all 3956 -pas->
from ......... from among 0575 -apo->
from ......... from among 3319 -mesos->
from ......... from among men 0444 -anthropos->
from ......... from among the multitude 3793 -ochlos->
from ......... from among the people 2992 -laos->
from ......... from among yourselves 0846 -autos->
from ......... from an evil 4190 -poneros->
from ......... from another 0240 -allelon->
from ......... from another ? and what 5101 -tis->
from ......... from another star 0792 -aster->
from ......... from Antioch 0490 -Antiocheia->
from ......... from Asia 0773 -Asia->
from ......... from Athens 0116 -Athenai->
from ......... from being burdensome 0004 -abares->
from ......... from being burdensome 0004 -abares->
from ......... from Bethany 0963 -Bethania->
from ......... from Caesar 2541 -Kaisar->
from ......... from Caesarea 2542 -Kaisereia->
from ......... from Caiaphas 2533 -Kaiaphas->
from ......... from Christ 5547 -Christos->
from ......... from coming 2064 -erchomai->
from ......... from Cornelius 2883 -Kornelios->
from ......... from Crete 2914 -Krete->
from ......... from day 2250 -hemera->
from ......... from dead 3498 -nekros->
from ......... from death 2288 -thanatos->
from ......... from Ephesus 2181 -Ephesos->
from ......... from every 1538 -hekastos->
from ......... from evil 2556 -kakos->
from ......... from faith 4102 -pistis->
from ......... from far 3113 -makrothen->
from ......... from fleshly 4559 -sarkikos->
from ......... from fornication 4202 -porneia->
from ......... from Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->
from ......... from glory 1391 -doxa->
from ......... from God 2316 -theos->
from ......... from God 2316->
from ......... from God 2316->
from ......... from God by an holy 0040 -hagios->
from ......... from grace 5485 -charis->
from ......... from heaven 3771 -ouranothen->
From ......... From heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... from hence 1782 -enteuthen->
from ......... from henceforth 0534 -aparti->
From ......... From henceforth 3063 -loipon->
from ......... from henceforth 3568 -nun->
from ......... from her .
from ......... from her husband 0435 -aner->
from ......... from her virginity 3932 -parthenia->
from ......... from him , and give 1325 -didomi->
from ......... from him , and he hath sent 0649 -apostello->
from ......... from him , and he was cleansed 2511 -katharizo->
from ......... from him , and put 1745 -endusis->
from ......... from him , and put 1746 -enduo->
from ......... from him , Peter 4074 -Petros->
from ......... from him .
from ......... from him : for they know 1492 -eido->
from ......... from him ; for this 5124 -touto->
from ......... from him ; lest 3379 -mepote->
from ......... from him all 3833 -panoplia->
from ......... from him for a season 2540 -kairos->
from ......... from him that called 2564 -kaleo->
from ......... from him that speaketh from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... from him that speaketh from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... from him the pound 3414 -mna->
from ......... from him which 3588 -ho->
from ......... from his birth 1079 -genete->
from ......... from his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->
from ......... from his hands 5495 -cheir->
from ......... from his mother s 3384 -meter->
from ......... from his old 3819 -palai->
from ......... from his own 0848 -hautou->
from ......... from house 3614 -oikia->
from ......... from house 3624 -oikos->
from ......... from idolatry 1495 -eidololatreia->
from ......... from idols 1497 -eidolon->
from ......... from iniquity 0093 -adikia->
from ......... from Italy 2482 -Italia->
from ......... from Jacob 2384 -Iakob->
from ......... from James 2385 -Iakobos->
from ......... from Jericho 2410 -Hiericho->
from ......... from Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->
from ......... from Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->
from ......... from Joppa 2445 -Ioppe->
from ......... from Jordan 2446 -Iordanes->
from ......... from Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->
from ......... from land 1093 -ge->
from ......... from Macedonia 3109 -Makedonia->
from ......... from Macedonia 3109 -Makedonia->
from ......... from man 0444 -anthropos->
from ......... from me , all 3956 -pas->
from ......... from me , except 3362 -ean me->
from ......... from me , ye cursed 2672 -kataraomai->
from ......... from me , ye that work 2038 -ergazomai->
from ......... from me .
from ......... from me : nevertheless 0235 -alla->
from ......... from me : nevertheless 4133 -plen->
from ......... from me ; for I am 1510 -eimi->
from ......... from me ; of whom 3739 -hos->
from ......... from me the stewardship 3622 -oikonomia->
from ......... from meats 1033 -broma->
from ......... from meats offered 1494 -eidolothuton->
from ......... from men 0444 -anthropos->
from ......... from morning 4404 -proi->
from ......... from my forefathers 4269 -progonos->
from ......... from my God 2316 -theos->
from ......... from my youth 3503 -neotes->
from ......... from Nazareth 3478 -Nazareth->
from ......... from on high 5311 -hupsos->
from ......... from one end 0206 -akron->
from ......... from our enemies 2190 -echthros->
from ......... from Paphos 3974 -Paphos->
from ......... from Perga 4011 -Perge->
from ......... from Philippi 5375 -Philippoi->
from ......... from pollutions 0234 -alisgema->
from ......... from righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->
from ......... from Rome 4516 -Rhome->
from ......... from Samuel 4545 -Samouel->
from ......... from sin 0266 -hamartia->
from ......... from sinners 0268 -hamartolos->
from ......... from sleep 5258 -hupnos->
from ......... from such 5108 -toioutos->
from ......... from such 5128 -toutous->
from ......... from supper 1173 -deipnon->
from ......... from that day 2250 -hemera->
from ......... from that hour 5610 -hora->
from ......... from that law 3551 -nomos->
from ......... from that place 1564 -ekeithen->
From ......... From that time 5119 -tote->
From ......... From that time many 4183 -polus->
from ......... from that very 1565 -ekeinos->
from ......... from the baptism 0908 -baptisma->
from ......... from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... from the beginning 0746->
from ......... from the beginning 0746->
from ......... from the beginning of the world 0165 -aion->
From ......... From the blood 0129 -haima->
from ......... from the blood 0129 -haima->
from ......... from the body 4983 -soma->
from ......... from the bondage 1397 -douleia->
from ......... from the brethren 0080 -adephos->
from ......... from the chief 0749 -archiereus->
from ......... from the coasts 3725 -horion->
from ......... from the commonwealth 4174 -politeia->
from ......... from the covenants 1242 -diatheke->
from ......... from the cross 4716 -stauros->
from ......... from the dead 3498 -nekros->
from ......... from the door 2374 -thura->
from ......... from the earth 1093 -ge->
from ......... from the east 0395 -anatole->
from ......... from the error 4106 -plane->
from ......... from the face 4383 -prosopon->
from ......... from the faith 4102 -pistis->
from ......... from the Father 3962 -pater->
from ......... from the Father 3962->
from ......... from the Father 3962->
from ......... from the field 0068 -agros->
from ......... from the first 4413 -protos->
from ......... from the foundation 2602 -katabole->
from ......... from the four 5064 -tessares->
from ......... from the garment 2440 -himation->
from ......... from the glory 1391 -doxa->
from ......... from the goats 2056 -eriphos->
from ......... from the head 2776 -kephale->
from ......... from the heart 2588 -kardia->
from ......... from the heart 5590 -psuche->
from ......... from the hill 3735 -oros->
from ......... from the Holy 0040 -hagios->
from ......... from the holy 0040 -hagios->
from ......... from the hope 1680 -elpis->
from ......... from the house 3614 -oikia->
from ......... from the husbandmen 1092 -georgos->
from ......... from the kingdom 0932 -basileia->
from ......... from the land 1093 -ge->
from ......... from the last 2078 -eschatos->
from ......... from the law 3551 -nomos->
from ......... from the least 3398 -mikros->
from ......... from the life 2222 -zoe->
from ......... from the living 2198 -zao->
from ......... from the Lord 2962 -kurios->
from ......... from the mount 3735 -oros->
from ......... from the mountain 3735 -oros->
from ......... from the multitude 3793 -ochlos->
from ......... from the old 3820 -palaios->
from ......... from the other 0240 -allelon->
from ......... from the people 3793 -ochlos->
from ......... from the place where 3757 -hou->
from ......... from the presence 4383 -prosopon->
from ......... from the rich 4145 -plousios->
from ......... from the rudiments 4747 -stoicheion->
from ......... from the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos->
from ......... from the sepulchre 3419 -mnemeion->
from ......... from the simplicity 0572 -haplotes->
from ......... from the sixth 1623 -hektos->
from ......... from the slaughter 2871 -kope->
from ......... from the stall 5336 -phatne->
from ......... from the temple 2411 -hieron->
from ......... from the throne 2362 -thronos->
from ......... from the top 0509 -anothen->
from ......... from the tree 3586 -xulon->
from ......... from the trees 1186 -dendron->
from ......... from the truth 0225 -aletheia->
from ......... from the utmost 4009 -peras->
from ......... from the uttermost 0206 -akron->
from ......... from the uttermost 4009 -peras->
from ......... from the wedding 1062 -gamos->
from ......... from the words 3056 -logos->
from ......... from the world 2889 -kosmos->
from ......... from the wrath 3709 -orge->
from ......... from thee , and all 3956 -pas->
from ......... from thee , and thou shalt find 2147 -heurisko->
from ......... from thee , Lord 2962 -kurios->
from ......... from thee .
from ......... from their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->
from ......... from their labours 2873 -kopos->
from ......... from their masters 2962 -kurios->
from ......... from their mother s 3384 -meter->
from ......... from their seats 2362 -thronos->
from ......... from their sins 0266 -hamartia->
from ......... from them , and carried 0399 -anaphero->
from ......... from them , and had launched 0321 -anago->
from ......... from them , and separated 0873 -aphorizo->
from ......... from them , and the evil 4190 -poneros->
from ......... from them , and then 5119 -tote->
from ......... from them , neither 3756 -ou->
from ......... from them , that they perceived 0143 -aisthanomai->
from ......... from them .
from ......... from them ; for they were taken 4912 -sunecho->
from ......... from them about 5616 -hosei->
from ......... from them an herd 0034 -agele->
from ......... from them from Pamphylia 3828 -Pamphulia->
from ......... from them from Pamphylia 3828 -Pamphulia->
from ......... from them into 1519 -eis->
from ......... from them naked 1131 -gumnos->
from ......... from them of whom 3739 -hos->
from ......... from them received 1183 -dekatoo->
from ......... from them returned 5290 -hupostrepho->
from ......... from them that do not believe 0544 -apeitheo->
from ......... from them which desire 2309 -thelo->
from ......... from them who live 0390 -anastrepho->
from ......... from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
from ......... from thence into 1519 -eis->
from ......... from these 5023 -tauta->
from ......... from these 5130 -touton->
from ......... from thine 4675 -sou->
from ......... from this 5127 -toutou->
from ......... from thy feet 4228 -pous->
from ......... from Tiberias 5085 -Tiberias->
from ......... from Troas 5174 -Troas->
from ......... from two 1332 -dietes->
from ......... from Tyre 5184 -Turos->
from ......... from unreasonable 0824 -atopos->
from ......... from whence 3606 -hothen->
from ......... from whence 3739 -hos->
from ......... from whence 4159 -pothen->
From ......... From whence 4159 -pothen->
from ......... from which 3739 -hos->
From ......... From which 3739 -hos->
From ......... From whom 3739 -hos->
from ......... from whom 3739 -hos->
from ......... from within 2081 -esothen->
from ......... from without 1855 -exothen->
from ......... from wrath 3709 -orge->
from ......... from you , and given 1325 -didomi->
from ......... from you .
from ......... from you ?
from ......... from you for a short 5610 -hora->
from ......... from you unto us , and brought 2097 -euaggelizo->
from ......... from your 3588 -ho->
from ......... from your 5216 -humon->
from ......... hath from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... her from the Lord 2962 -kurios->
from ......... him , and from Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->
From ......... him , From whence 4159 -pothen->
from ......... him from death 2288 -thanatos->
from ......... him from Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->
from ......... him from generation 1074 -genea->
from ......... him from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... him from his bands 1199 -desmon->
from ......... him from the dead 3498 -nekros->
from ......... him from them , and in their hearts 2588 -kardia->
from ......... him that is from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... him up from the dead 3498 -nekros->
from ......... himself from them .
from ......... himself from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
from ......... is from above 0509 -anothen->
from ......... is from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... is from Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->
from ......... it , from whose 3739 -hos->
from ......... it from me , but I lay 5087 -tithemi->
from ......... it from thee : for it is profitable 4851 -sumphero->
from ......... it from thee : it is better 2570 -kalos->
from ......... it from you , and judge 2919 -krino->
from ......... man from that day 2250 -hemera->
from ......... me , from the least 3398 -mikros->
from ......... me from every 3956 -pas->
from ......... me from my mother s 3384 -meter->
from ......... me from the beginning 0509 -anothen->
from ......... me from the body 4983 -soma->
from ......... me from this 5026 -taute->
from ......... men from the east 0395 -anatole->
from ......... not , from him shall be taken 0142 -airo->
from ......... not ; from henceforth 3568 -nun->
from ......... not from above 0509 -anothen->
from ......... not from hence 1782 -enteuthen->
from ......... not from house 3614 -oikia->
from ......... not from the temple 2411 -hieron->
from ......... not from whence 4159 -pothen->
from ......... of compassion from him , how 4459 -pos->
from ......... of people from Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->
from ......... of that country from whence 3739 -hos->
from ......... on from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
from ......... one of you from his iniquities 4189 -poneria->
from ......... out from among 3319 -mesos->
from ......... out from God 2316 -theos->
from ......... out from the altar 2379 -thusiasterion->
from ......... out from thee , and they have believed 4100 -pisteuo->
from ......... out from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
from ......... out from us , but they were not of us ; for if 1487 -ei->
from ......... out from us have troubled 5015 -tarasso->
from ......... out from you ? or 2228 -e->
from ......... received by tradition from your 5216 -humon->
from ......... shall there be from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... that cometh from God 2316 -theos->
from ......... that from his body 5559 -chros->
from ......... that from Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->
from ......... that is from above 0509 -anothen->
from ......... the epistle from Laodicea 2993 -Laodikeia->
from ......... the matter from the beginning 0756 -archomai->
from ......... the things which were sent from you , an odour 3744 -osme->
from ......... thee , and from him that would 2309 -thelo->
from ......... thee from above 0509 -anothen->
from ......... thee from the hour 5610 -hora->
from ......... thee from the people 2992 -laos->
from ......... them from city 4172 -polis->
from ......... them from darkness 4655 -skotos->
from ......... them from the evil 4190 -poneros->
from ......... them from the judgment 0968 -bema->
from ......... them from thee : it is better 2570 -kalos->
from ......... them from their purpose 1013 -boulema->
from ......... themselves from things offered 1494 -eidolothuton->
from ......... thing from any 1536 -ei tis->
from ......... thing from without 1855 -exothen->
from ......... things , from which 3739 -hos->
from ......... things from the very first 0509 -anothen->
from ......... things from the wise 4680 -sophos->
from ......... things of him from the creation 2937 -ktisis->
from ......... to him from every 3836 -pantachothen->
from ......... to him from the excellent 3169 -megaloprepes->
from ......... to us , that would come from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
from ......... unto him from Cornelius 2883 -Kornelios->
from ......... unto him from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... unto them , Ye are from beneath 2736 -kato->
from ......... unto them from the dead 3498 -nekros->
from ......... unto you from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... unto you from the Father 3962 -pater->
from ......... up from Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->
from ......... up from prayer 4335 -proseuche->
from ......... up from the dead 3498 -nekros->
from ......... up from the earth 1093 -ge->
from ......... up from the roots 4491 -rhiza->
from ......... up from us , must 1163 -dei->
from ......... up from you into 1519 -eis->
from ......... up with him from Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->
from ......... us from all 3956 -pas->
from ......... us from evil 4190 -poneros->
from ......... us from our sins 0266 -hamartia->
from ......... us from so 5082 -telikoutos->
from ......... us from the curse 2671 -katara->
from ......... us from the face 4383 -prosopon->
from ......... us from the love 0026 -agape->
from ......... us from the power 1849 -exousia->
from ......... us from the wrath 3709 -orge->
from ......... us from this 3588 -ho->
from ......... was from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... was it ? from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... was it from heaven 3772 -ouranos->
from ......... we from him , That he who loveth 0025 -agapao->
from ......... which was from Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->
from ......... with him from Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->
from ......... with me from the beginning 0746 -arche->
from ......... ye from your 5216 -humon->
from ......... you from evil 4190 -poneros->
from ......... you from falling 0679 -aptaistos->
from ......... you from my Father 3962 -pater->
from ......... you from their company , and shall reproach 3679 -oneidizo->
from ......... yourselves from every 3956 -pas->
from ......... yourselves from this 5026 -taute->
froward ......... to the froward 4646 -skolios->