Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
0063 + abiding +/ . agrauleo {ag-row-leh'-o}; from 0068 + land + lands + field + country + and lands + The field + in a field + that field + his fields + the country + and country + to his farm + in his field + of the field + in thy field + in the field + from the field + be in the field + was in the field + a piece of ground + and in the country + out of the country + men shall be in the field + let him which is in the field + And let him that is in the field + it away and he that is in the field +/ and 0832 + is piped + We have piped +/ (in the sense of 0833 + fold + palace + the hall + the palace + his palace + of the hall + in the palace + But the court + unto the palace +/ ); to camp out: --abide in the field .
0782 + greet 0782- greet 0782- Greet + greet + salute + Salute + greeteth + saluteth + to salute + our leave + ye salute + and salute + and saluted + thee . Greet + There salute + and embraced + to him saluted + up and saluted + for us . 26 Greet + with you saluteth + of them and embraced + And when we had taken + that are with me salute + which are with me greet + And when he had saluted +/ . aspazomai {as-pad'-zom-ahee}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a particle of union) and a presumed form of 4685 + by drew + he drew +/ ; to enfold in the arms, i .e . (by implication) to salute, (figuratively) to welcome: --embrace, greet, salute, take leave .
0833 + fold + palace + the hall + the palace + his palace + of the hall + in the palace + But the court + unto the palace +/ . aule {ow-lay'}; from the same as 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ ; a yard (as open to the wind); by implication, a mansion: --court, ([sheep-])fold, hall, palace .
0835 + and he lodged + out and abode +/ . aulizomai {ow-lid'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 0833 + fold + palace + the hall + the palace + his palace + of the hall + in the palace + But the court + unto the palace +/ ; to pass the night (properly, in the open air): --abide, lodge .
1250 + two + hundred + him Two + but as it were two +/ . diakosioi {dee-ak-os'-ee-oy}; from 1364 + twice + and again +/ and 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ ; two hundred: --two hundred .
1366 + edges + with two + twoedged + him twofold +/ . distomos {dis'-tom-os}; from 1364 + twice + and again +/ and 4750 + face 4750- face 4750- to face 4750- to face 4750- face + mouth + mouths + to face + the edge + my mouth + the mouth + our mouth + her mouth + own mouth + his mouth + the mouths + by my mouth + by the edge + you a mouth + of my mouth + as the mouth + by the mouth + in his mouth + of his mouth + And his mouth + and his mouth + with thy mouth + it to his mouth + and their mouth + he not his mouth + unto him a mouth + Out of the mouth + him on the mouth + out of the mouth + out of his mouth + that in the mouth + is in their mouth + and with the mouth + And in their mouth + out of their mouth + out of their mouths + thee out of my mouth + and out of his mouth + and out of the mouth + And out of his mouth + come out of the mouth + to you . In the mouth + thee even in thy mouth + and out of their mouths + unto me with their mouth + but it shall be in thy mouth + it up ; and it was in my mouth +/ ; double-edged: --with two edges, two-edged .
1507 + when it is rolled +/ . heilisso {hi-lis'-so}; a prolonged form of a primary but defective verb heilo (of the same meaning); to coil or wrap: --roll together . See also 1667 + shalt thou fold +/ .
1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ . hekaton {hek-at-on'}; of uncertain affinity; a hundred: --hundred .
1541 + old + years + an hundred +/ . hekatontaetes {hek-at-on-tah-et'-ace}; from 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ and 2094 + year + years + and thy years +/ ; centenarian: --hundred years old .
1542 + an hundredfold +/ . hekatontaplasion {hek-at-on-ta-plah-sec'-own}; from 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ and a presumed derivative of 4111 + formed + to him that formed +/ ; a hundred times: --hundredfold .
1543 + centurions + centurion s + a centurion + the centurion + The centurion + and centurions + to the centurion + of the centurions + But the centurion + unto the centurion + when the centurion + When the centurion + unto him a centurion +/ . hekatontarches {hek-at-on-tar'-khace}; or hekatontarchos {hek-at-on'-tar-khos}; from 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ and 0757 + to rule + to reign +/ ; the captain of one hundred men: --centurion .
1667 + shalt thou fold +/ . helisso {hel-is'-so}; a form of 1507 + when it is rolled +/ ; to coil or wrap: --fold up .
1670 + drew + me draw + to draw + and drew + will draw + up and drew +/ . helkuo {hel-koo'-o}; or helko {hel'-ko}; probably akin to 0138 + chosen + Choosing + I shall choose +/ ; to drag (literally or figuratively): --draw . Compare 1667 + shalt thou fold +/ .
1812 + and six + hundred +/ . hexakosioi {hex-ak-os'-ee-oy}; plural ordinal from 1803 + six + is Six + and six + of them six + and sixteen + There are six +/ and 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ ; six hundred: --six hundred .
1835 + sixty + sixtyfold + threescore + and threescore + about threescore +/ . hexekonta {hex-ay'-kon-tah}; the tenth multiple of 1803 + six + is Six + and six + of them six + and sixteen + There are six +/ ; sixty: --sixty[-fold], threescore .
1886 + Let his habitation +/ . epaulis {ep'-ow-lis}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and an equivalent of 0833 + fold + palace + the hall + the palace + his palace + of the hall + in the palace + But the court + unto the palace +/ ; a hut over the head, i .e . --a dwelling .
4001 + five + hundred +/ . pentakosioi {pen-tak-os'-ee-oy}; from 4002 + five + in five + the five + but five + and fifteen + of the five + Are not five + there shall be five +/ and 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ ; five hundred: --five hundred .
4164 + divers + manifold + of divers + into divers + with divers + and with divers + of the manifold + away with divers +/ . poikilos {poy-kee'-los}; of uncertain derivation; motley, i .e . various in character: --divers, manifold .
4167 + fold + a flock + their flock + of the flock +/ . poimne {poym'-nay}; contraction from 4165 + Feed + cattle + feedeth + feeding + to feed + shall feed + was to rule + unto him Feed + that shall rule + with you feeding + And he shall rule + and he shall rule +/ ; a flock (literally or figuratively): --flock, fold .
4168 + flock + the flock + to the flock +/ . poimnion {poym'-nee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4167 + fold + a flock + their flock + of the flock +/ ; a flock, i .e . (figuratively) group (of believers): --flock .
4179 + more + manifold +/ . pollaplasion {pol-lap-las-ee'-ohn}; from 4183 + many 4183- many 4183- For many 4183- For many 4183- oft + far + long + Much + much + many + Many + Great + great + a long + is far + of much + up many + in many + it much + me much + to much + in much + greatly + as many + a great + by many + of many + not many + and much + day many + not much + him much + for many + For many + for much + But many + And many + you much + is great + she many + him sore + out many + are many + and many + but many + were many + I greatly + and great + him great + And great + unto many + upon many + than many + that many + with many + for great + hath many + with much + them much + them Many + you great + them many + you often + is of many + with great + forth much + of a great + as of many + these many + words many + shall many + do greatly + and a great + out of many + and in much + him of many + of him many + though many + him a great + be not many + For in many + And a great + him greatly + up for many + us with much + we have many + With a great + that a great + And not many + But not long + is plenteous + Howbeit many + us with many + hand and many + for his great + we being many + And with many + them straitly + And when much + are they many + unto him many + unto him much + and unto many + not . And many + And the common + upon the great + there was much + are there many + shall be great + and altogether + things of many + thyself ; much + For out of much + for we are many + And he straitly + to his abundant + have ye not many + of him and great + unto him a great + with him and much + For we being many + shall he not much + shall we not much + how that not many + she was of a great + unto you That many + with them and many + And there was much + unto you with many + For there are many + From that time many + with him ; and much + How that in a great + for there were many + may be given by many + and with him a great + of him shall be much + unto him ; ) and many + of mind and with many + and there was a great + For we are not as many + upon us and with great + though I might be much + and had given them much + He that had gathered much + was with them and a great + unto me and there are many + bestowed upon us by the means of many +/ and probably a derivative of 4120 + platted + and platted + And when they had platted +/ ; manifold, i .e . (neuter as noun) very much more: --manifold more .
4182 + the manifold +/ . polupoikilos {pol-oo-poy'-kil-os}; from 4183 + many 4183- many 4183- For many 4183- For many 4183- oft + far + long + Much + much + many + Many + Great + great + a long + is far + of much + up many + in many + it much + me much + to much + in much + greatly + as many + a great + by many + of many + not many + and much + day many + not much + him much + for many + For many + for much + But many + And many + you much + is great + she many + him sore + out many + are many + and many + but many + were many + I greatly + and great + him great + And great + unto many + upon many + than many + that many + with many + for great + hath many + with much + them much + them Many + you great + them many + you often + is of many + with great + forth much + of a great + as of many + these many + words many + shall many + do greatly + and a great + out of many + and in much + him of many + of him many + though many + him a great + be not many + For in many + And a great + him greatly + up for many + us with much + we have many + With a great + that a great + And not many + But not long + is plenteous + Howbeit many + us with many + hand and many + for his great + we being many + And with many + them straitly + And when much + are they many + unto him many + unto him much + and unto many + not . And many + And the common + upon the great + there was much + are there many + shall be great + and altogether + things of many + thyself ; much + For out of much + for we are many + And he straitly + to his abundant + have ye not many + of him and great + unto him a great + with him and much + For we being many + shall he not much + shall we not much + how that not many + she was of a great + unto you That many + with them and many + And there was much + unto you with many + For there are many + From that time many + with him ; and much + How that in a great + for there were many + may be given by many + and with him a great + of him shall be much + unto him ; ) and many + of mind and with many + and there was a great + For we are not as many + upon us and with great + though I might be much + and had given them much + He that had gathered much + was with them and a great + unto me and there are many + bestowed upon us by the means of many +/ and 4164 + divers + manifold + of divers + into divers + with divers + and with divers + of the manifold + away with divers +/ ; much variegated, i .e . multifarious: --manifold .
4259 + the porch +/ . proaulion {pro-ow'-lee-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 4253 + ago + ever + above + before + us before + And above + of before + But above + me before + you before + was before + But before + For before + were before + which before + him and we or + him for before + unto him Before + with you before + And he is before + us in him before + with thee before + that were before +/ and 0833 + fold + palace + the hall + the palace + his palace + of the hall + in the palace + But the court + unto the palace +/ ; a forecourt, i .e . vestibule (alley-way): --porch .
4262 + by the sheep +/ . probatikos {prob-at-ik-os'}; from 4263 + sheep + as sheep + My sheep + my sheep + the sheep + his sheep + and sheep + as a sheep + than a sheep + of the sheep + the sheepfold + and the sheep + but the sheep + for the sheep + not for the sheep + to you in sheep s + them and the sheep + they were as sheep + For ye were as sheep + ye are not of my sheep +/ ; relating to sheep, i .e . (a gate) through which they were led into Jerusalem: --sheep (market) .
4263 + sheep + as sheep + My sheep + my sheep + the sheep + his sheep + and sheep + as a sheep + than a sheep + of the sheep + the sheepfold + and the sheep + but the sheep + for the sheep + not for the sheep + to you in sheep s + them and the sheep + they were as sheep + For ye were as sheep + ye are not of my sheep +/ . probaton {prob'-at-on}; probably neuter of a presumed . derivative of 4260 + well + further + stricken + And going + were now well + And when he had gone +/ ; something that walks forward (a quadruped), i .e . (specifically) a sheep (literally or figuratively): --sheep([-fold]) .
4512 + wrinkle +/ . rhutis {hroo-tece'}; from 4506 + deliver + delivered + but deliver + And delivered + shall deliver + Who delivered + the Deliverer + how to deliver + hath delivered + let him deliver + and doth deliver + and I was delivered + That I may be delivered + And that we may be delivered + unto us that we being delivered +/ ; a fold (as drawing together), i .e . a wrinkle (especially on the face): --wrinkle .
5071 + hundred + four hundred + which was four + the space of four +/ . tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 + four + of four + by four + and four + The four + the four + were four + at the four + to the four + of the four + him to four + And the four + and the four + from the four + and of the four + are in the four +/ and 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ ; four hundred: --four hundred .
5073 + him fourfold +/ . tetraploos {tet-rap-lo'-os}; from 5064 + four + of four + by four + and four + The four + the four + were four + at the four + to the four + of the four + him to four + And the four + and the four + from the four + and of the four + are in the four +/ and a derivative of the base of 4118 + most + great + And a very +/ ; quadruple: --fourfold .
5144 + thirty + the thirty + thirtyfold + and thirty + with him for thirty +/ . triakonta {tree-ak'-on-tah}; the decade of 5140 + three + be three + me three + by three + us three + up three + in three + of three + was three + and three + it in three + there three + these three + of the three + and in three + and The three + with me three + it up in three + And he was three + there were three + And there are three + For there are three + by the space of three + in unto them and three +/ ; thirty: --thirty .
5145 + three + hundred + for three +/ . triakosioi {tree-ak-os'-ee-oy}; plural from 5140 + three + be three + me three + by three + us three + up three + in three + of three + was three + and three + it in three + there three + these three + of the three + and in three + and The three + with me three + it up in three + And he was three + there were three + And there are three + For there are three + by the space of three + in unto them and three +/ and 1540 + An hundred + an hundred + by hundreds + him an hundred + an hundredfold + but the hundred + and with him an hundred +/ ; three hundred: --three hundred .