Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word.
Greek Cross References translated from English
faith 1680 elpis * {faith} , {1680 elpis } , 3640 oligopistos , 4102 pistis ,
faith 3640 oligopistos * {faith} , 1680 elpis , {3640 oligopistos } , 4102 pistis ,
faith 4102 pistis * {faith} , 1680 elpis , 3640 oligopistos , {4102 pistis } ,
faithful 4103 pistos * {faithful} , {4103 pistos } ,
faithfully 4103 pistos * {faithfully} , {4103 pistos } ,
faithless 0571 apistos * {faithless} , {0571 apistos } ,