Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies
Genesis Chapter 1
away 1589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'}; a primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication, to deceive: -- carry {away}, X indeed, secretly bring, steal (away), get by stealth.
away 1589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'}; a primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication, to deceive: -- carry away, X indeed, secretly bring, steal ({away}), get by stealth.
be 0524 # apalgeo {ap-alg-eh'-o}; from 575 and algeo (to smart); to grieve out, i.e. become apathetic: -- {be} past feeling.
be-)wail 3996 # pentheo {pen-theh'-o}; from 3997; to grieve (the feeling or the act): -- mourn, ({be-)wail}.
believe 0539 ## &aman {aw-man'}; a primitive root; properly, to build up or support; to foster as a parent or nurse; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful, to trust or believe, to be permanent or quiet; morally to be true or certain; once (Isa. 30:21; interchangeable with 541) to go to the right hand: -- hence, assurance, {believe}, bring up, establish, + fail, be faithful (of long continuance, stedfast, sure, surely, trusty, verified), nurse, (-ing father), (put), trust, turn to the right.
believe 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): -- not {believe}, disobedient, obey not, unbelieving.
believe 0569 # apisteo {ap-is-teh'-o}; from 571; to be unbelieving, i.e. (transitively) disbelieve, or (by implication) disobey: -- {believe} not.
believe 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, {believe}, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.
believe 4100 # pisteuo {pist-yoo'-o}; from 4102; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ): -- {believe}(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with.
believe 4102 # pistis {pis'-tis}; from 3982; persuasion, i.e. credence; moral conviction (of religious truth, or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly, constancy in such profession; by extension, the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: -- assurance, belief, {believe}, faith, fidelity.
believe 4135 # plerophoreo {play-rof-or-eh'-o}; from 4134 and 5409; to carry out fully (in evidence), i.e. completely assure (or convince), entirely accomplish: -- most surely {believe}, fully know (persuade), make full proof of.
bring 1589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'}; a primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication, to deceive: -- carry away, X indeed, secretly {bring}, steal (away), get by stealth.
by 1589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'}; a primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication, to deceive: -- carry away, X indeed, secretly bring, steal (away), get {by} stealth.
carry 1589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'}; a primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication, to deceive: -- {carry} away, X indeed, secretly bring, steal (away), get by stealth.
disobedient 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): -- not believe, {disobedient}, obey not, unbelieving.
Eve 2096 # Eua {yoo'-ah}; of Hebrew origin [2332]; Eua (or Eva, i.e. Chavvah), the first woman: -- {Eve}.
Eve 2332 ## Chavvah {khav-vaw'}; causatively from 2331; life-giver; Chavvah (or Eve), the first woman: -- {Eve}.
evening 2073 # hespera {hes-per'-ah}; feminine of an adjective hesperos (evening); the eve (5610 being implied): -- {evening}(-tide).
feeling 0524 # apalgeo {ap-alg-eh'-o}; from 575 and algeo (to smart); to grieve out, i.e. become apathetic: -- be past {feeling}.
get 1589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'}; a primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication, to deceive: -- carry away, X indeed, secretly bring, steal (away), {get} by stealth.
grieve 0109 ## &adab {aw-dab'}; a primitive root; to languish: -- {grieve}.
grieve 2342 ## chuwl {khool}; or chiyl {kheel}; a primitive root; properly, to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner), i.e. (specifically) to dance, to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear; figuratively, to wait, to pervert: -- bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve, dance, drive away, fall grievously (with pain), fear, form, great, {grieve}, (be) grievous, hope, look, make, be in pain, be much (sore) pained, rest, shake, shapen, (be) sorrow(-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with pain), tremble, trust, wait carefully (patiently), be wounded.
grieve 2734 ## charah {khaw-raw'}; a primitive root [compare 2787]; to glow or grow warm; figuratively (usually) to blaze up, of anger, zeal, jealousy: -- be angry, burn, be displeased, X earnestly, fret self, {grieve}, be (wax) hot, be incensed, kindle, X very, be wroth. See 8474.
grieve 3013 ## yagah {yaw-gaw'}; a primitive root; to grieve: -- afflict, cause grief, {grieve}, sorrowful, vex.
grieve 3076 # lupeo {loo-peh'-o}; from 3077; to distress; reflexively or passively, to be sad: -- cause grief, {grieve}, be in heaviness, (be) sorrow(-ful), be (make) sorry.
grieve 3811 ## la&ah {law-aw'}; a primitive root; to tire; (figuratively) to be (or make) disgusted: -- faint, {grieve}, lothe, (be, make) weary (selves).
grieve 5701 ## `agam {aw-gam'}; a primitive root; to be sad: -- {grieve}.
grieve 6087 ## `atsab {aw-tsab'}; a primitive root; properly, to carve, i.e. fabricate or fashion; hence (in a bad sense) to worry, pain or anger: -- displease, {grieve}, hurt, make, be sorry, vex, worship, wrest.
grieve 7114 ## qatsar {kaw-tsar'}; a primitive root; to dock off, i.e. curtail (transitive or intransitive, literal or figurative); especially to harvest (grass or grain): -- X at all, cut down, much discouraged, {grieve}, harvestman, lothe, mourn, reap(-er), (be, wax) short(-en, -er), straiten, trouble, vex.
indeed 1589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'}; a primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication, to deceive: -- carry away, X {indeed}, secretly bring, steal (away), get by stealth.
mourn 3996 # pentheo {pen-theh'-o}; from 3997; to grieve (the feeling or the act): -- {mourn}, (be-)wail.
Nineve 3535 # Nineui {nin-yoo-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [5210]; Ninevi (i.e. Nineveh), the capital of Assyria: -- {Nineve}.
Nineve 3536 # Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of {Nineve}, Ninevite.
not 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): -- not believe, disobedient, obey {not}, unbelieving.
not 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): -- {not} believe, disobedient, obey not, unbelieving.
obey 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): -- not believe, disobedient, {obey} not, unbelieving.
past 0524 # apalgeo {ap-alg-eh'-o}; from 575 and algeo (to smart); to grieve out, i.e. become apathetic: -- be {past} feeling.
relieve 0833 ## &ashar {aw-shar'}; or &asher {aw-share'}; a primitive root; to be straight (used in the widest sense, especially to be level, right, happy); figuratively, to go forward, be honest, proper: -- (call, be) bless(-ed, happy), go, guide, lead, {relieve}.
relieve 1884 # eparkeo {ep-ar-keh'-o}; from 1909 and 714; to avail for, i.e. help: -- {relieve}.
relieve 5749 ## `uwd {ood}; a primitive root; to duplicate or repeat; by implication, to protest, testify (as by reiteration); intensively, to encompass, restore (as a sort of reduplication): -- admonish, charge, earnestly, lift up, protest, call (take) to record, {relieve}, rob, solemnly, stand upright, testify, give warning, (bear, call to, give, take to) witness.
relieve 7725 ## shuwb {shoob}; a primitive root; to turn back (hence, away) transitively or intransitively, literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point); generally to retreat; often adverbial, again: -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed, lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again, (cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring (again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, X certainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver (again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back) again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see] more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, up again), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, {relieve}, render (again), requite, rescue, r estore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse, reward, + say nay,
retrieve 7725 ## shuwb {shoob}; a primitive root; to turn back (hence, away) transitively or intransitively, literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point); generally to retreat; often adverbial, again: -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed, lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again, (cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring (again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, X certainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver (again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back) again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see] more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, up again), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again), requite, rescue, re store, {retrieve}, (cause to, make to) return, reverse, reward, + say nay,
sieve 3531 ## k@barah {keb-aw-raw'}; from 3527 in its original sense; a sieve (as netted): -- {sieve}.
sieve 5299 ## naphah {naw-faw'}; from 5130 in the sense of lifting; a height; also a sieve: -- border, coast, region, {sieve}.
steal 1589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'}; a primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication, to deceive: -- carry away, X indeed, secretly bring, {steal} (away), get by stealth.
steal 2813 # klepto {klep'-to}; a primary verb; to filch: -- {steal}. stealth 1589 ## ganab {gaw-nab'}; a primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication, to deceive: -- carry away, X indeed, secretly bring, steal (away), get by {stealth}.
tide 2073 # hespera {hes-per'-ah}; feminine of an adjective hesperos (evening); the eve (5610 being implied): -- evening({-tide}).
unbelieving 0544 # apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 545; to disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): -- not believe, disobedient, obey not, {unbelieving}.