endure -1961 abode , accomplished , am , became , becamest , become , been , being , brake , brought , came , cause , caused , come , cometh , committed , continue , continued , count , did , done , {endure} , endured , enjoy , fainted , fell , follow , go , gone , had , happened , hast , hath , have , keep , lasted , made , pertained , pertaineth , quit , reach , received , remain , remained , required , take , wast , wear , went , when , which , endure -3201 able , attain , can , cannot , canst , could , couldest , {endure} , higher , may , mayest , might , overcome , power , prevail , prevailed , suffer , endure -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , {endure} , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , endure -3885 abide , abideth , all , continue , dwell , {endure} , grudge , lay , left , lie , lodge , lodged , lodgest , lodging , murmur , murmured , remain , remaineth , taken , tarried , tarry , endure -5675 beyond , {endure} , side , endure -5875 {endure} , enhakkore , endure -5975 abide , abideth , able , abode , appoint , appointed , arise , arose , behind , ceased , confirmed , continue , continued , continueth , dwell , employed , {endure} , endureth , enduring , establish , established , establisheth , forth , left , made , ordained , over , placed , present , presented , raised , raiseth , remain , remained , remaineth , repair , serve , served , set , setteth , settle , settled , stablished , stand , standest , standeth , standing , stay , stayed , still , stood , stoodest , tarried , tarry , the , waited , withstand , withstood , endure -6440 afore , aforetime , against , anger , appease , at , attend , because , before , beforetime , broken , countenance , edge , {endure} , face , faces , favour , fear , first , forefront , forepart , form , former , forth , forward , front , heaviness , him , himself , long , look , looked , looketh , meet , more , nay , old , open , over , overseers , person , persons , presence , prospect , purge , purposed , reason , right , seemeth , shewbread , sight , state , than , themselves , through , till , time , toward , with , within , endure -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth , arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed , confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , {endure} , enemies , enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown , help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed , performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared , remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse , set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood , strengthen , succeed , sure , upholden , uprising , endure -7272 able , according , after , coming , {endure} , feet , follow , followed , foot , haunt , legs , possession , the , endured -1961 abode , accomplished , am , became , becamest , become , been , being , brake , brought , came , cause , caused , come , cometh , committed , continue , continued , count , did , done , endure , {endured} , enjoy , fainted , fell , follow , go , gone , had , happened , hast , hath , have , keep , lasted , made , pertained , pertaineth , quit , reach , received , remain , remained , required , take , wast , wear , went , when , which , endureth -1097 cannot , corruption , {endureth} , lack , no , none , want , without , endureth -5975 abide , abideth , able , abode , appoint , appointed , arise , arose , behind , ceased , confirmed , continue , continued , continueth , dwell , employed , endure , {endureth} , enduring , establish , established , establisheth , forth , left , made , ordained , over , placed , present , presented , raised , raiseth , remain , remained , remaineth , repair , serve , served , set , setteth , settle , settled , stablished , stand , standest , standeth , standing , stay , stayed , still , stood , stoodest , tarried , tarry , the , waited , withstand , withstood ,