Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
1335 + a declaration +/ . diegesis {dee-ayg'-es-is}; from 1334 + told + it told + declared + and shew + me to tell + and declared + shall declare + them that they should tell +/ ; a recital: --declaration .
5216 + Your + to your + in your + by your + In your + us your + up your + on your + do your + as your + of your + is your + am your + ye your + For your + and your + not your + out your + let your + yet your + for your + of yours + you your + are your + man your + Let your + but your + from your + unto your + not yours + upon your + with your + even your + That your + down your + one among + and yours + over your + were your + when your + are yours + that your + will your + shall your + ye in your + us of your + not as your + and in your + out of your + having your + ye from your + be with your + ye that your + yet for your + it upon your + But let your + through your + Let not your + unto us your + even of your + and for your + but let your + and that your + have not your + Doth not your + which is your + for it is your + it is for your + things in your + than yourselves + that he is your + ye not that your + things are yours + that we are your + and not for your + they shall be your + unto them for your + shall they be your + up unto you of your + and ye are not your + in you and that your + we unto you that your + among you shall be your + and declaration of your + is unto you and to your + may be a supply for your + I unto you . Let not your + and that not of yourselves + received by tradition from your +/ . humon {hoo-mone'}; genitive case of 5210; of (from or concerning) you: --ye, you, your (own, -selves) .