blameless Php_02_15 /${blameless /and harmless , the sons of God , without rebuke , in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation , among whom ye shine as lights in the world ; blameless Tit_01_07 /${blameless /as the steward of God ; not selfwilled , not soon angry , not given to wine , no striker , not given to filthy lucre ; blameless 1Co_01_08 /${blameless /in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ . blameless Jos_02_17 /^{blameless /of this thine oath which thou hast made us swear . blameless Jud_15_03 /^{blameless /than the Philistines , though I do them a displeasure . blameless Tit_01_06 /${blameless /the husband of one wife , having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly . blameless 1Ti_03_02 /${blameless /the husband of one wife , vigilant , sober , of good behaviour , given to hospitality , apt to teach ; blameless 1Th_05_23 /${blameless /unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ .