Azariah 2Ki_15_06 /^{Azariah /and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ? Azariah 1Ch_06_09 /^{Azariah /and Azariah begat Johanan , Azariah 2Ch_21_02 /^{Azariah /and Jehiel , and Zechariah , and Azariah , and Michael , and Shephatiah : all these were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel . Azariah 2Ch_21_02 /^{Azariah /and Michael , and Shephatiah : all these were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel . Azariah 1Ch_06_11 /^{Azariah /begat Amariah , and Amariah begat Ahitub , Azariah 1Ch_02_39 /^{Azariah /begat Helez , and Helez begat Eleasah , Azariah 1Ch_06_09 /^{Azariah /begat Johanan , Azariah 1Ch_06_14 /^{Azariah /begat Seraiah , and Seraiah begat Jehozadak , Azariah Neh_12_33 /^{Azariah /Ezra , and Meshullam , Azariah Dan_02_17 /^{Azariah /his companions : Azariah 1Ch_03_12 /^{Azariah /his son , Jotham his son , Azariah 1Ch_06_10 /^{Azariah /in the temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem : Azariah Neh_10_02 /^{Azariah /Jeremiah , Azariah Neh_08_07 /^{Azariah /Jozabad , Hanan , Pelaiah , and the Levites , caused the people to understand the law : and the people stood in their place . Azariah 2Ki_15_17 /^{Azariah /king of Judah began Menahem the son of Gadi to reign over Israel , and reigned ten years in Samaria . Azariah 2Ki_15_08 /^{Azariah /king of Judah did Zachariah the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in Samaria six months . Azariah 2Ki_15_27 /^{Azariah /king of Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria , and reigned twenty years . Azariah 2Ki_15_23 /^{Azariah /king of Judah Pekahiah the son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria , and reigned two years . Azariah Dan_01_07 /^{Azariah /of Abednego . Azariah 2Ch_29_12 /^{Azariah /of the sons of the Kohathites : and of the sons of Merari , Kish the son of Abdi , and Azariah the son of Jehalelel : and of the Gershonites ; Joah the son of Zimmah , and Eden the son of Joah : Azariah Neh_07_07 /^{Azariah /Raamiah , Nahamani , Mordecai , Bilshan , Mispereth , Bigvai , Nehum , Baanah . The number , I say, of the men of the people of Israel was this; Azariah 2Ki_15_07 /^{Azariah /slept with his fathers ; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David : and Jotham his son reigned in his stead. Azariah 2Ki_15_01 /^{Azariah /son of Amaziah king of Judah to reign . Azariah 2Ch_26_20 /^{Azariah /the chief priest , and all the priests , looked upon him, and, behold, he was leprous in his forehead , and they thrust him out from thence; yea, himself hasted also to go out , because the LORD had smitten him. Azariah 2Ch_31_10 /^{Azariah /the chief priest of the house of Zadok answered him, and said , Since the people began to bring the offerings into the house of the LORD , we have had enough to eat , and have left plenty : for the LORD hath blessed his people ; and that which is left is this great store . Azariah 2Ch_26_17 /^{Azariah /the priest went in after him, and with him fourscore priests of the LORD , that were valiant men : Azariah 2Ch_31_13 /^{Azariah /the ruler of the house of God . Azariah Ezr_07_01 /^{Azariah /the son of Hilkiah , Azariah 1Ch_09_11 /^{Azariah /the son of Hilkiah , the son of Meshullam , the son of Zadok , the son of Meraioth , the son of Ahitub , the ruler of the house of God ; Azariah Jer_43_02 /^{Azariah /the son of Hoshaiah , and Johanan the son of Kareah , and all the proud men , saying unto Jeremiah , Thou speakest falsely : the LORD our God hath not sent thee to say , Go not into Egypt to sojourn there: Azariah 2Ch_29_12 /^{Azariah /the son of Jehalelel : and of the Gershonites ; Joah the son of Zimmah , and Eden the son of Joah : Azariah 2Ch_22_06 /^{Azariah /the son of Jehoram king of Judah went down to see Jehoram the son of Ahab at Jezreel , because he was sick . Azariah 2Ch_23_01 /^{Azariah /the son of Jeroham , and Ishmael the son of Jehohanan , and Azariah the son of Obed , and Maaseiah the son of Adaiah , and Elishaphat the son of Zichri , into covenant with him. Azariah 2Ch_28_12 /^{Azariah /the son of Johanan , Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth , and Jehizkiah the son of Shallum , and Amasa the son of Hadlai , stood up against them that came from the war , Azariah Neh_03_23 /^{Azariah /the son of Maaseiah the son of Ananiah by his house . Azariah Ezr_07_03 /^{Azariah /the son of Meraioth , Azariah 1Ki_04_05 /^{Azariah /the son of Nathan was over the officers : and Zabud the son of Nathan was principal officer , and the king's friend : Azariah 2Ch_23_01 /^{Azariah /the son of Obed , and Maaseiah the son of Adaiah , and Elishaphat the son of Zichri , into covenant with him. Azariah 2Ch_15_01 /^{Azariah /the son of Oded : Azariah 1Ki_04_02 /^{Azariah /the son of Zadok the priest , Azariah 1Ch_06_36 /^{Azariah /the son of Zephaniah , Azariah Dan_01_19 /^{Azariah /therefore stood they before the king . Azariah Neh_03_24 /^{Azariah /unto the turning of the wall, even unto the corner . Azariah 2Ki_14_21 /^{Azariah /which was sixteen years old , and made him king instead of his father Amaziah .