author , Concordance Study author , 1CO , 14:33 author , HEB , 5:9 , HEB , 12:2 Creator 2939 # ktistes {ktis-tace'}; from 2936; a founder, i.e. God (as author of all things): -- {Creator}.[ql author 0747 # archegos {ar-khay-gos'}; from 746 and 71; a chief leader: -- {author}, captain, prince.[ql author 0159 # aitios {ah'-ee-tee-os}; from the same as 154; causative, i.e. (concretely) a causer: -- {author}.[ql author Interlinear Index Study author 1CO 014 033 For God <2316 -theos -> is not [ the {author} ] of confusion <0181 -akatastasia -> , but of peace <1515 - eirene -> , as in all <3956 -pas -> churches <1577 -ekklesia -> of the saints <0040 -hagios -> . author HEB 005 009 And being made <5048 -teleioo -> perfect <5048 -teleioo -> , he became <1096 -ginomai -> the {author} <0159 -aitios -> of eternal <0166 -aionios -> salvation <4991 - soteria -> unto all <3956 -pas -> them that obey <5219 -hupakouo -> him ; author HEB 012 002 Looking <0872 -aphorao -> unto Jesus <2424 - Iesous -> the {author} <0747 -archegos -> and finisher <5047 - teleiotes -> of [ our ] faith <4102 -pistis -> ; who <3739 -hos - > for the joy <5479 -chara -> that was set <4295 -prokeimai -> before <4295 -prokeimai -> him endured <5278 -hupomeno -> the cross <4716 -stauros -> , despising <2706 -kataphroneo -> the shame <0152 -aischune -> , and is set <2523 -kathizo -> down <2523 -kathizo -> at <1722 -en -> the right <1188 -dexios -> hand of the throne <2362 -thronos -> of God <2316 -theos -> . * author , 0159 , 0747 , * author , 0159 aitios , 0747 archegos , author -0159 {author}, author -0747 {author}, captain, prince, authorities -1849 {authorities}, authority, liberty, power, powers, right, strength, authority -0831 {authority}, usurp, authority -1413 {authority}, potentate, authority -1849 authorities, {authority}, liberty, power, powers, right, strength, authority -2003 {authority}, commandment, authority -2715 {authority}, exercise, authority -5247 {authority}, excellency, authority -7235 abundance , abundantly , {authority} , brought , continued , enlarge , exceedingly , full , great , greater , grow , heap , increase , increased , increasest , increaseth , into , long , many , more , much , multiplied , multipliedst , multiplieth , multiply , multiplying , nourished , over , plenteous , plenty , process , sore , store , them , throughly , yieldeth , authority -8633 {authority} , power , strength , author 0159 ** aitios ** {author}. author 0747 ** archegos ** {author}, captain, prince. authority 7235 rabah -- -- [bring in] abundance (X -antly), + archer, be in{authority}, bring up, X continue, enlarge, excel, exceeding(-ly), be fullof, (be, make) great(-er, -ly, X -ness), grow up, heap, increase, be long,(be, give, have, make, use) many (a time), (any, be, give, give the, have)more (in number), (ask, be, be so, gather, over, take, yield) much(greater, more), (make to) multiply, nourish, plenty(-eous), X process [oftime], sore, store, thoroughly, very. authority 8633 -- toqeph -- {authority}, power, strength. authority 0831 ** authenteo ** usurp {authority} over. authority 1413 ** dunastes ** of great {authority}, mighty, potentate. authority 1849 ** exousia ** {authority}, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right,strength. authority 1850 ** exousiazo ** exercise {authority} upon, bring under the (have) powerof. authority 2003 ** epitage ** {authority}, commandment. authority 2715 ** katexousiazo ** exercise {authority}. authority 5247 ** huperoche ** {authority}, excellency. author ......... is not the author of confusion 0181 - akatastasia-> author ......... the author 0159 -aitios-> author ......... the author 0747 -archegos-> authorities ......... and authorities 1849 -exousia-> authority ......... and authority 1849 -exousia-> authority ......... authority 0831 -authenteo-> authority ......... authority 1849 -exousia-> authority ......... authority 1850 -exousiazo-> authority ......... authority 2003 -epitage-> authority ......... authority 2715 -katexousiazo-> authority ......... for with authority 1849 -exousia-> authority ......... him authority 1849 -exousia-> authority ......... of great authority 1413 -dunastes-> authority ......... of our authority 1849 -exousia-> authority ......... that are in authority 5247 -huperoche-> authority ......... thou authority 1849 -exousia-> authority ......... with authority 1849 -exousia-> author 0159 # aitios {ah'-ee-tee-os}; from the same as 154; causative, i.e. (concretely) a causer: -- {author}.[ql author 0747 # archegos {ar-khay-gos'}; from 746 and 71; a chief leader: -- {author}, captain, prince.[ql authority 7235 ## rabah {raw-baw'}; a primitive root; to increase (in whatever respect): -- [bring in] abundance (X - antly), + archer [by mistake for 7232], be in {authority}, bring up, X continue, enlarge, excel, exceeding(-ly), be full of, (be, make) great(-er, -ly, X -ness), grow up, heap, increase, be long, (be, give, have, make, use) many (a time), (any, be, give, give the, have) more (in number), (ask, be, be so, gather, over, take, yield) much (greater, more), (make to) multiply, nourish, plenty(-eous), X process [of time], sore, store, thoroughly, very.[ql authority 8633 ## toqeph {to'-kef}; from 8630; might or (figuratively) positiveness: -- {authority}, power, strength.[ql authority 0831 # authenteo {ow-then-teh'-o}; from a compound of 846 and an obsolete hentes (a worker); to act of oneself, i.e. (figuratively) dominate: -- usurp {authority} over.[ql authority 1413 # dunastes {doo-nas'-tace}; from 1410; a ruler or officer: -- of great {authority}, mighty, potentate.[ql authority 1849 # exousia {ex-oo-see'-ah}; from 1832 (in the sense of ability); privilege, i.e. (subjectively) force, capacity, competency, freedom, or (objectively) mastery (concretely, magistrate, superhuman, potentate, token of control), delegated influence: -- {authority}, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength.[ql authority 1850 # exousiazo {ex-oo-see-ad'-zo}; from 1849; to control: -- exercise {authority} upon, bring under the (have) power of.[ql authority 2003 # epitage {ep-ee-tag-ay'}; from 2004; an injunction or decree; by implication, authoritativeness: -- {authority}, commandment.[ql authority 2715 # katexousiazo {kat-ex-oo-see-ad'-zo}; from 2596 and 1850; to have (wield) full privilege over: -- exercise {authority}.[ql authority 5247 # huperoche {hoop-er-okh-ay'}; from 5242; prominence, i.e. (figuratively) superiority (in rank or character): -- {authority}, excellency.[ql author 012 002 Heb /${author /and finisher of our faith ; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross , despising the shame , and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God . author 014 033 ICo /${author /of confusion , but of peace , as in all churches of the saints . author 005 009 Heb /${author /of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him ; authorities 003 022 IPe /${authorities /and powers being made subject unto him . authority 026 012 Act /${authority /and commission from the chief priests , authority 001 022 Mar /${authority /and not as the scribes . authority 007 029 Mat /${authority /and not as the scribes . authority 015 024 ICo /${authority /and power . authority 004 036 Luk /${authority /and power he commandeth the unclean spirits , and they come out . authority 001 027 Mar /${authority /commandeth he even the unclean spirits , and they do obey him . authority 021 023 Mat /${authority /doest thou these things ? and who gave thee this authority ? authority 011 028 Mar /${authority /doest thou these things ? and who gave thee this authority to do these things ? authority 020 002 Luk /${authority /doest thou these things ? or who is he that gave thee this authority ? authority 026 010 Act /${authority /from the chief priests ; and when they were put to death , I gave my voice against them. authority 009 014 Act /${authority /from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name . authority 008 009 Mat /${authority /having soldiers under me : and I say to this man, Go , and he goeth ; and to another , Come , and he cometh ; and to my servant , Do this , and he doeth it. authority 007 008 Luk /${authority /having under me soldiers , and I say unto one , Go , and he goeth ; and to another , Come , and he cometh ; and to my servant , Do this , and he doeth it. authority 020 008 Luk /${authority /I do these things . authority 011 033 Mar /${authority /I do these things . authority 021 024 Mat /${authority /I do these things . authority 021 027 Mat /${authority /I do these things . authority 011 029 Mar /${authority /I do these things . authority 002 015 Tit /${authority /Let no man despise thee . authority 020 020 Luk /${authority /of the governor . authority 009 001 Luk /${authority /over all devils , and to cure diseases . authority 019 017 Luk /${authority /over ten cities . authority 002 012 ITi /${authority /over the man , but to be in silence . authority 002 002 ITi /${authority /that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty . authority 029 002 Pro /^{authority /the people rejoice : but when the wicked beareth rule , the people mourn . authority 009 029 Est /^{authority /to confirm this second letter of Purim . authority 011 028 Mar /${authority /to do these things ? authority 005 027 Joh /${authority /to execute judgment also , because he is the Son of man . authority 013 034 Mar /${authority /to his servants , and to every man his work , and commanded the porter to watch . authority 008 027 Act /${authority /under Candace queen of the Ethiopians , who had the charge of all her treasure , and had come to Jerusalem for to worship , authority 020 025 Mat /${authority /upon them . authority 010 042 Mar /${authority /upon them . authority 022 025 Luk /${authority /upon them are called benefactors . authority 010 008 IICo /${authority /which the Lord hath given us for edification , and not for your destruction , I should not be ashamed :