Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1248 + office + relief + serving + ministry + to minister + and service + the ministry + ministration + their ministry + the ministering + of the ministry + our ministering + to the ministry + by his ministry + of thy ministry + the ministration + and the ministry + of the ministering + to us the ministry + of administrations + and to the ministry + and that my service + doth the ministration + For the administration + to me for the ministry + thing that the ministry + of them to do you service + shall not the ministration +/ . diakonia {dee-ak-on-ee'-ah}; from 1249 + servant + minister + ministers + my servant + a minister + and servant + and deacons + the minister + and minister + his ministers + but ministers + was a minister + to the servants + Let the deacons + as the ministers + must the deacons + unto the servants + which is a servant + Are they ministers + for he is the minister + For he is the minister + it was ( but the servants +/ ; attendance (as a servant, etc .); figuratively (eleemosynary) aid, (official) service (especially of the Christian teacher, or techn . of the diaconate): --(ad-)minister(-ing, -tration, -try), office, relief, service(-ing) .

2322 + of healing + his household + were for the healing +/ . therapeia {ther-ap-i'-ah}; from 2323 + heal + Heal + to heal + not cure + and heal + And heal + he cured + be healed + was cured + had healed + and healed + was healed + were healed + and healing + and to cure + and he healed + and be healed + And he healed + he would heal + is worshipped + him and healed + and were healed + folk and healed + which was healed + and to be healed + For he had healed + him and he healed + them and he healed + of them and healed + him ; and he healed + and they were healed + them out and to heal + unto him that was cured +/ ; attendance (specially, medical, i .e . cure); figuratively and collec . domestics: --healing, household .

4337 + gave + heed + Beware + Take heed + take heed + give heed + not given + and beware + attendance + But beware + giving heed + And take heed + of all Beware + Not giving heed + them not beware + give attendance + that she attended + that ye should beware + And to him they had regard +/ . prosecho {pros-ekh'-o}; from 4314 + at + nigh + among + toward + within + because + whereby + against + between + me among + as about + not among + according + himself at + concerning + conditions + not against + but against + things before + but not before + they had against + of speech toward + is he that condemneth + with us for it is toward +/ and 2192 + hath 2192- hath 2192- we had 2192- we had 2192- Having 2192- Having 2192- he hath 2192- he hath 2192- had + hold + Hold + have + hath + Have + hast + Hast + Hath + lieth + I had + count + he had + having + as had + ye had + Having + it had + I have + he hath + they do + to have + man had + him had + and had + ye have + as have + But had + me hath + it hath + me hath + Holding + He hath + me have + he have + it Have + We have + we have + And had + and hold + And have + will eat + man have + may have + but have + but hath + she hath + the next + and hast + man hath + that had + and hath + may fear + and have + he could + that had + they had + he began + Which had + she could + Which had + that have + thee have + as having + We having + thou hast + they held + as he had + in we had + which had + to retain + it lacked + possessed + Thou hast + they took + they have + but having + which hast + which have + which hath + and I must + and he had + As we have + And having + shall have + might have + as ye have + for he had + woman have + parts have + And he had + not having + But I have + and having + off having + But we had + thou count + and having + For I have + And ye have + things have + with me had + men counted + I have kept + tongue hath + but to have + him We have + let us have + tongue hath + that he had + that I have + should have + them having + we may have + for he hath + For ye have + For we have + But we have + And he hath + And to have + But ye have + he that had + that she had + he that hath + And they had + him that had + covenant had + hope we have + And they had + that ye have + they counted + that we have + as they have + him may have + that he hath + I might have + He that hath + such as have + and the next + and they had + ye might have + and not using + had conceived + thee and have + they that had + man that hath + And she being + of you having + I should have + he which hath + For thou hast + things having + we might have + and they have + one that hath + ye shall have + them that had + shall he have + for they have + uncircumcised + myself to have + For as we have + she which hath + unto them Have + that they have + seeing we have + not that I had + that thou hast + they that have + things ye have + ye should have + but shall have + them that have + them which had + but me ye have + for they cannot + to him that had + unto you having + unto him having + him But we have + is he that hath + to that he hath + one of you hath + there thou hast + that I may have + for thee to have + unto him We have + they had not had + and he that hath + For he that hath + to me and I have + and that ye have + us not then have + that he had been + it for thou hast + that ye may have + that he may have + to him that hath + unto them I have + that we may have + And when they had + ye not and having + of you shall have + me unto thee hath + in him not having + that I might have + unto them Ye have + unto him Thou art + Let him that hath + and ye shall have + is that thou hast + that were diseased + Thou couldest have + it down and I have + that ye might have + unto thee who hath + that which he hath + unto him They have + And they that have + thee not thou hast + is it that ye have + them as one having + but such as I have + and to let him have + and thou shalt have + out they might have + that ye may be able + that were possessed + it to him that hath + shall they that have + and that ye may have + that they might have + with them they could + thou not that I have + them as one that had + and the day following + be as though they had + it out . He that hath + it unto him which hath + but from him that hath + and from him that hath + But that which ye have + unto them He that hath + which are with him have + But forasmuch as he had + him that they might have + and that they might have + to me that ye might have + those things that we have + out of that which ye have + with you ; but me ye have + unto them they had not had + unto you that in me ye might have + but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath + things of you and things that accompany +/ ; (figuratively) to hold the mind ( 3563 + mind + minds + in mind + the mind + of my mind + their mind + is the mind + understanding + of their mind + with the mind + but my understanding + with my understanding + he their understanding + with the understanding + up by his fleshly mind +/ implied) towards, i .e . pay attention to, be cautious about, apply oneself to, adhere to: --(give) attend(-ance, -ance at, -ance to, unto), beware, be given to, give (take) heed (to unto); have regard .