Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

akroaterion 0201 - {akroaterion} {ak-ro-at-ay'-ree-on}; from 0202; an audience-room: -- place of hearing.

Ater 00333 ## 'Ater {aw-tare'} ; from 00332 ; maimed ; Ater , the name of three Israelites : -- {Ater} .

Ater 00333 ## 'Ater {aw-tare'} ; from 00332 ; maimed ; {Ater} , the name of three Israelites : -- Ater .

Ater 00333 ## {'Ater} {aw-tare'} ; from 00332 ; maimed ; Ater , the name of three Israelites : -- Ater .

ater 0817 - {ater} {at'-er}; a particle probably akin to 0427; aloof, i.e. apart from (literally or figuratively): -- in the absence of, without.

beater 0695 - argurokopos {ar-goo-rok-op'-os}; from 0696 and 2875; a {beater} (i.e. worker) of silver: -- silversmith.

caterpillar 02625 ## chaciyl {khaw-seel'} ; from 02628 ; the ravager , i . e . a locust : -- {caterpillar} .

caterpillar 03218 ## yekeq {yeh'- lek} ; from an unused root meaning to lick up ; a devourer ; specifically , the young locust : -- cankerworm , {caterpillar} .

collateral 00857 ## 'athah {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'{aw-thaw'} ; a primitive root [{collateral} to 00225 contraction ] ; to arrive : -- (be-, things to) come (upon) , bring .

collateral 02426 ## cheyl {khale} ; or (shortened) chel {khale} ; a {collateral} form of 02428 ; an army ; also (by analogy ,) an intrenchment : -- army , bulwark , host , + poor , rampart , trench , wall .

collateral 02454 ## chokmowth {khok-moth'} ; or chakmowth {khak-moth'} ; {collateral} forms of 02451 ; wisdom : -- wisdom , every wise [woman ] .

collateral 02681 ## chatsiyr {khaw-tseer'} ; a {collateral} form of 02691 ; a court or abode : -- court .

collateral 02684 ## chotsen {kho'tsen} ; a {collateral} form of 02683 , and meaning the same : -- arm , lap .

collateral 02735 ## Chor hag-Gidgad {khore hag-ghid-gawd'} ; from 02356 and a {collateral} (masculine) form of 01412 , with the article interposed ; hole of the cleft : Chor-hag-Gidgad , a place in the Desert : -- Hor-hagidgad .

collateral 02741 ## Charuwphiy {khar-oo-fee'} ; a patrial from (probably) a {collateral} form of 02756 ; a Charuphite or inhabitant of Charuph (or Chariph) : -- Haruphite .

collateral 02789 ## cheres {kheh'- res} ; a {collateral} form mediating between 02775 and 02791 ; a piece of pottery : -- earth (- en) , (pot-) sherd , + stone .

collateral 02818 ## chashach (Aramaic) {khash-akh'} ; a {collateral} root to one corresponding to 02363 in the sense of readiness ; to be necessary (from the idea of convenience) or (transitively) to need : -- careful , have need of .

collateral 02933 ## tamah {taw-maw'} ; a {collateral} form of 02930 ; to be impure in a religious sense : -- be defiled , be reputed vile .

collateral 02975 ## y@` or {yeh-ore'} ; of Egyptian origin ; a channel , e . g . a fosse , canal , shaft ; specifically the Nile , as the one river of Egypt , including its {collateral} trenches ; also the Tigris , as the main river of Assyria : -- brook , flood , river , stream .

collateral 06959 ## qowba` {ko'- bah or ko-bah'} ; a form {collateral} to 03553 ; a helmet : -- helmet .

collateral 0259 - halosis {hal'-o-sis}; from a {collateral} form of 0138; capture, -- be taken.

collateral 3349 - meteorizo {met-eh-o-rid'-zo}; from a compound of 3326 and a {collateral} form of 0142 or perhaps rather 0109 (compare " meteor " ); to raise in mid-air, i.e. (figuratively) suspend (passively, fluctuate or be anxious): -- be of doubtful mind.

collateral 5176 - trogo {tro'-go}; probably strengthened from a {collateral} form of the base of 5134 and 5147 through the idea of corrosion or wear; or perhaps rather of a base of 5167 and 5149 through the idea of a crunching sound; to gnaw or chew, i.e. (generally) to eat: -- eat.

collaterally 02721 ## choreb {kho'- reb} ; a {collaterally} form of 02719 ; drought or desolation : -- desolation , drought , dry , heat , X utterly , waste .

consummater 5051 - teleiotes {tel-i-o-tace'}; from 5048; a completer, i.e. {consummater}: -- finisher.

diatereo 1301 - {diatereo} {dee-at-ay-reh'-o}; from 1223 and 5083; to watch thoroughly, i.e. (positively and transitively) to observe strictly, or (negatively and reflexively) to avoid wholly: -- keep.

eater 02151 ## zalal {zaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02107 ] ; to shake (as in the wind) , i . e . to quake ; figuratively , to be loose morally , worthless or prodigal : -- blow down , glutton , riotous ({eater}) , vile .

fraternal 5360 - philadelphia {fil-ad-el-fee'-ah}; from 5361; {fraternal} affection: -- brotherly love (kindness), love of the brethren.

fraternal 5361 - philadelphos {fil-ad'-el-fos}; from 5384 and 0080; fond of brethren, i.e. {fraternal}: -- love as brethren.

fraternal 5387 - philostorgos {fil-os'-tor-gos}; from 5384 and storge (cherishing one's kindred, especially parents or children); fond of natural relatives, i.e. {fraternal} towards fellow Christian: -- kindly affectioned.

fraternity 00264 ## 'achavah {akh-av-aw'} ; from 00251 ; {fraternity} : -- brotherhood .

fraternity 0081 - adelphotes {ad-el-fot'-ace}; from 0080; brotherhood (properly, the feeling of brotherliness), i.e. the (Christian) {fraternity}: -- brethren, brotherhood.

fraternity 2406 - hierateuma {hee-er-at'-yoo-mah}; from 2407; the priestly {fraternity}, i.e. sacerdotal order (figuratively): -- priesthood.

greater 01980 ## halak {haw-lak'} ; akin to 03212 ; a primitive root ; to walk (in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively) : -- (all) along , apace , behave (self) , come , (on) continually , be conversant , depart , + be eased , enter , exercise (self) , + follow , forth , forward , get , go (about , abroad , along , away , forward , on , out , up and down) , + {greater} , grow , be wont to haunt , lead , march , X more and more , move (self) , needs , on , pass (away) , be at the point , quite , run (along) , + send , speedily , spread , still , surely , + tale-bearer , + travel (- ler) , walk (abroad , on , to and fro , up and down , to places) , wander , wax , [way-] faring man , X be weak , whirl .

greater 07235 ## rabah {raw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to increase (in whatever respect) : -- [bring in ] abundance (X-antly) , + archer [by mistake for 07232 ] , be in authority , bring up , X continue , enlarge , excel , exceeding (- ly) , be full of , (be , make) great (- er ,-ly , X-ness) , grow up , heap , increase , be long , (be , give , have , make , use) many (a time) , (any , be , give , give the , have) more (in number) , (ask , be , be so , gather , over , take , yield) much ({greater} , more) , (make to) multiply , nourish , plenty (- eous) , X process [of time ] , sore , store , thoroughly , very .

greater 2908 - kreisson {krice'-son}; neuter of an alternate form of 2909; (as noun) better, i.e. {greater} advantage: -- better.

greater 3123 - mallon {mal'-lon}; neuter of the comparative of the same as 3122; (adverbially) more (in a {greater} degree)) or rather: -- + better, X far, (the) more (and more), (so) much (the more), rather.

greater 3185 - meizon {mide'-zon}; neuter of 3187; (adverbially) in {greater} degree: -- the more.

greater 3186 - meizoteros {mide-zot'-er-os}; continued comparative of 3187; still larger (figuratively): -- {greater}.

greater 3187 - meizon {mide'-zone}; irregular comparative of 3173; larger (literally or figuratively, specifically in age): -- elder, {greater}(-est), more.

greater 4055 - perissoteros {per-is-sot'-er-os}; comparative of 4053; more superabundant (in number, degree or character): -- more abundant, {greater} (much) more, overmuch.

greater 4119 - pleion {pli-own}; neuter pleion {pli'-on}; or pleon {pleh'-on}; comparative of 4183; more in quantity, number, or quality; also (in plural) the major portion: -- X above, + exceed, more excellent, further, (very) great(-er), long(-er), (very) many, {greater} (more) part, + yet but.

greater 4172 - polis {pol'-is}; probably from the same as 4171, or perhaps from 4183; a town (properly, with walls, of {greater} or less size): -- city.

greater 4208 - porrhotero {por-rho-ter'-o}; adverb comparative of 4206; further, i.e. a {greater} distance: -- farther.

greater 5112 - tolmeroteron {tol-may-rot'-er-on}; neuter of the compound of a derivative of the base of 5111 (as adverb); more daringly, i.e. with {greater} confidence than otherwise: -- the more boldly.

hater 2319 - theostuges {theh-os-too-gace'}; from 2316 and the base of 4767; hateful to God, i.e. impious: -- {hater} of God.

idolater 1496 - eidololatres {i-do-lol-at'-race}; from 1497 and the base of 3000; an image-(servant or) worshipper (literally or figuratively): -- {idolater}.

idolater 4204 - porne {por'-nay}; feminine of 4205; a strumpet; figuratively, an {idolater}: -- harlot, whore.

Jeaterai 02979 ## y@'ath@ray {yeh-aw-ther-ah'ee} ; from the same as 00871 ; stepping ; Jeatherai , an Israelite : -- {Jeaterai} .

katerchomai 2718 - {katerchomai} {kat-er'-khom-ahee}; from 2596 and 2064 (including its alternate); to come (or go) down (literally or figuratively): -- come (down), depart, descend, go down, land.

katergazomai 2716 - {katergazomai} {kat-er-gad'-zom-ahee}; from 2596 and 2038; do work fully, i.e. accomplish; by implication, to finish, fashion: -- cause, to (deed), perform, work (out).

later 00053 ## 'Abiyshalowm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} ; or (shortened)'Abshalowm {ab-shaw-lome'} ; from 00001 and 07965 ; father of peace (i . e . friendly) ; Abshalom , a son of David ; also (the fuller form) a {later} Israelite : -- Abishalom , Absalom .

later 00085 ## 'Abraham {ab-raw-hawm'} ; contracted from 00001 and an unused root (probably meaning to be populous) ; father of a multitude ; Abraham , the {later} name of Abram : -- Abraham .

later 00320 ## 'achariyth (Aramaic) {akh-ar-eeth'} ; from 00311 ; the same as 00319 ; {later} : -- latter .

later 3797 - opsimos {op'-sim-os}; from 3796; {later}, i.e. vernal (showering): -- latter.

later 3798 - opsios {op'-see-os}; from 3796; late; feminine (as noun) afternoon (early eve) or nightfall ({later} eve): -- even(-ing, [-tide]).

later 5302 - hustereo {hoos-ter-eh'-o}; from 5306; to be {later}, i.e. (by implication) to be inferior; generally, to fall short (be deficient): -- come behind (short), be destitute, fail, lack, suffer need, (be in) want, be the worse.

later 5306 - husteros {hoos'-ter-os}; comparative from 5259 (in the sense of behind); {later}: -- latter.

lateral 03802 ## katheph {kaw-thafe'} ; from an unused root meaning to clothe ; the shoulder (proper , i . e . upper end of the arm ; as being the spot where the garments hang) ; figuratively , side-piece or {lateral} projection of anything : -- arm , corner , shoulder (- piece) , side , undersetter .

laterally 03670 ## kanaph {kaw-naf'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to project {laterally} , i . e . probably (reflexive) to withdraw : -- be removed .

maltreater 5197 - hubristes {hoo-bris-tace'}; from 5195; an insulter, i.e. {maltreater}: -- despiteful, injurious.

material 02672 ## chatsab {khaw-tsab'} ; or chatseb {khaw-tsabe'} ; a primitive root ; to cut or carve (wood) , stone or other {material}) ; by implication , to hew , split , square , quarry , engrave : -- cut , dig , divide , grave , hew (out ,-- er) , made , mason .

material 02790 ## charash {khaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to scratch , i . e . (by implication) to engrave , plough ; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any {material}) ; figuratively , to devise (in a bad sense) ; hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent , to let alone ; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness) : -- X altogether , cease , conceal , be deaf , devise , ear , graven , imagine , leave off speaking , hold peace , plow (- er , man) , be quiet , rest , practise secretly , keep silence , be silent , speak not a word , be still , hold tongue , worker .

material 02793 ## choresh {kho'- resh} ; from 02790 ; a forest (perhaps as furnishing the {material} for fabric) : -- bough , forest , shroud , wood .

material 02796 ## charash {khaw-rawsh'} ; from 02790 ; a fabricator or any {material} : -- artificer , (+) carpenter , craftsman , engraver , maker , + mason , skilful , (+) smith , worker , workman , such as wrought .

material 08401 ## teben {teh'- ben} ; probably from 01129 ; properly , {material} , i . e . (specifically) refuse haum or stalks of grain (as chopped in threshing and used for fodder) : -- chaff , straw , stubble .

material 0211 - alabastron {al-ab'-as-tron}; neuter of alabastros (of uncertain derivation), the name of a stone; properly, an " alabaster " box, i.e. (by extension) a perfume vase (of any {material}): -- (alabaster) box.

material 3586 - xulon {xoo'-lon}; from another form of the base of 3582; timber (as fuel or {material}); by implication a stick, club or tree or other wooden article or substance: -- staff, stocks, tree, wood.

material 4229 - pragma {prag'-mah}; from 4238; a deed; by implication, an affair; by extension, an object ({material}): -- business, matter, thing, work.

material 4526 - sakkos {sak'-kos}; of Hebrew origin [8242]; " sack " -cloth, i.e. mohair (the {material} or garments made of it, worn as a sign of grief): -- sackcloth.

materials 03523 ## k@biyr {keb-eer} ; from 03527 in the original sense of plaiting ; a matrass (of intertwined {materials}) : -- pillow .

materials 05073 ## nidbak (Aramaic) {nid-bawk'} ; from a root meaning to stick ; a layer (of building {materials}) : -- row .

materials 4746 - stoibas {stoy-bas'}; from a primary steibo (to " step " or " stamp " ); a spread (as if tramped flat) of loose {materials} for a couch, i.e. (by implication) a bough of a tree so employed: -- branch.

maternal 02624 ## chaciydah {khas-ee-daw'} ; feminine of 02623 ; the kind ({maternal}) bird , i . e . a stork : -- X feather , stork .

maternal 5042 - teknogonia {tek-nog-on-ee'-ah}; from the same as 5041; childbirth (parentage), i.e. (by implication) maternity (the performance of {maternal} duties): -- childbearing.

maternal 5388 - philoteknos {fil-ot'-ek-nos}; from 5384 and 5043; fond of one's children, i.e. {maternal}: -- love their children.

maternity 0282 - ametor {am-ay'-tore}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3384; motherless, i.e. of unknown {maternity}: -- without mother.

maternity 5042 - teknogonia {tek-nog-on-ee'-ah}; from the same as 5041; childbirth (parentage), i.e. (by implication) {maternity} (the performance of maternal duties): -- childbearing.

paratereo 3906 - {paratereo} {par-at-ay-reh'-o}; from 3844 and 5083; to inspect alongside, i.e. note insidiously or scrupulously: -- observe, watch.

parateresis 3907 - {parateresis} {par-at-ay'-ray-sis}; from 3906; inspection, i.e. ocular evidence: -- obervation.

pater 3962 - {pater} {pat-ayr'}; apparently a primary word; a " father " (literally or figuratively, near or more remote): -- father, parent.

paternal 3965 - patria {pat-ree-ah'}; as if feminine of a derivative of 3962; {paternal} descent., i.e. (concretely) a group of families or a whole race (nation): -- family, kindred, lineage.

paternal 3967 - patrikos {pat-ree-kos'}; from 3962; {paternal}, i.e. ancestral: -- of fathers.

paternal 3971 - patroios {pat-ro'-os}; from 3962; {paternal}, i.e. hereditary: -- of fathers.

paternity 0540 - apator {ap-at'-ore}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3962; fatherless, i.e. of unrecorded {paternity}: -- without father.

paterre 06170 ## ` aruwgah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; or` arugah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06165 ; something piled up (as if [figuratively ] raised by mental aspiration) , i . e . a {paterre} : -- bed , furrow .

prater 5397 - phluaros {floo'-ar-os}; from phluo (to bubble); a garrulous person, i.e. {prater}: -- tattler.

quaternion 5069 - tetradion {tet-rad'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tetras (a tetrad; from 5064); a {quaternion} or squad (picket) of four Roman soldiers: -- quaternion.

quaternion 5069 - tetradion {tet-rad'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tetras (a tetrad; from 5064); a quaternion or squad (picket) of four Roman soldiers: -- {quaternion}.

Sopater 4986 - Sopatros {so'-pat-ros}; from the base of 4982 and 3962; of a safe father; Sopatrus, a Christian: -- {Sopater}. Compare 4989.

Sosipater 4989 - Sosipatros {so-sip'-at-ros}; prolongation for 4986; Sosipatrus, a Christian: -- {Sosipater}.

stater 4715 - stater {stat-air'}; from the base of 2746; a stander (standard of value), i.e. (specifically) a {stater} or certain coin: -- piece of money.

stater 4715 - {stater} {stat-air'}; from the base of 2746; a stander (standard of value), i.e. (specifically) a stater or certain coin: -- piece of money.

thugater 2364 - {thugater} {thoo-gat'-air}; apparently a primary word [compare " daughter " ]; a female child, or (by Hebraism) descendant (or inhabitant): -- daughter.

water 00066 ## 'Abel Mayim {aw-bale'mah'- yim} ; from 00058 and 04325 ; meadow of {water} ; Abel-Majim , a place in Palestine : -- Abel-maim .

water 00098 ## 'agam {ag-am'} ; from an unused root (meaning to collect as water) ; a marsh ; hence a rush (as growing in swamps) ; hence a stockade of reeds : -- pond , pool , standing [{water} ] .

water 00098 ## 'agam {ag-am'} ; from an unused root (meaning to collect as {water}) ; a marsh ; hence a rush (as growing in swamps) ; hence a stockade of reeds : -- pond , pool , standing [water ] .

water 00099 ## 'agem {aw-game'} ; probably from the same as 00098 (in the sense of stagnant {water}) ; figuratively , sad : -- pond .

water 00178 ## 'owb {obe} ; from the same as 00001 (apparently through the idea of prattling a father's name) ; properly , a mumble , i . e . a {water} skin (from its hollow sound) ; hence a necromancer (ventriloquist , as from a jar) : -- bottle , familiar spirit .

water 00267 ## 'Achuwmay {akh-oo-mah'- ee} ; perhaps from 00251 and 04325 ; brother (i . e . neighbour) of {water} ; Achumai , an Israelite : -- Ahumai .

water 00699 ## 'arubbah {ar-oob-baw'} ; feminine participle passive of 00693 (as if for lurking) ; a lattice ; (by implication) a window , dove-cot (because of the pigeon-holes) , chimney (with its apertures for smoke) , sluice (with openings for {water}) : -- chimney , window .

water 01518 ## giyach {ghee'- akh} ; or (shortened) goach {go'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to gush forth (as {water}) , generally to issue : -- break forth , labor to bring forth , come forth , draw up , take out .

water 01530 ## gal {gal} ; from 01556 ; something rolled , i . e . a heap of stone or dung (plural ruins) , by analogy , a spring of {water} (plural waves) : -- billow , heap , spring , wave .

water 01802 ## dalah {daw-law'} ; a primitive root (compare 01809) ; properly , to dangle , i . e . to let down a bucket (for drawing out {water}) ; figuratively , to deliver : -- draw (out) , X enough , lift up .

water 01804 ## dalach {daw-lakh'} ; a primitive root ; to roil {water} : -- trouble .

water 01805 ## d@liy {del-ee'} ; or doliy {dol-ee'} ; from 01802 ; a pail or jar (for drawing {water}) : -- bucket .

water 02100 ## zuwb {zoob} ; a primitive root ; to flow freely (as {water}) , i . e . (specifically) to have a (sexual) flux ; figuratively , to waste away ; also to overflow : -- flow , gush out , have a (running) issue , pine away , run .

water 02121 ## zeydown {zay-dohn'} ; from 02102 ; boiling of {water} , i . e . wave : -- proud .

water 02222 ## zarziyph {zar-zeef'} ; by reduplication from an unused root meaning to flow ; a pouring rain : -- {water} .

water 02229 ## zaram {zaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to gush (as {water}) : -- carry away as with a flood , pour out .

water 02230 ## zerem {zeh'- rem} ; from 02229 ; a gush of {water} : -- flood , overflowing , shower , storm , tempest .

water 02416 ## chay {khah'- ee} ; from 02421 ; alive ; hence , raw (flesh) ; fresh (plant , {water} , year) , strong ; also (as noun , especially in the feminine singular and masculine plural) life (or living thing) , whether literally or figuratively : -- + age , alive , appetite , (wild) beast , company , congregation , life (- time) , live (- ly) , living (creature , thing) , maintenance , + merry , multitude , + (be) old , quick , raw , running , springing , troop .

water 02563 ## chomer {kho'mer} ; from 02560 ; properly , a bubbling up , i . e . of {water} , a wave ; of earth , mire or clay (cement) ; also a heap ; hence , a chomer or dry measure : -- clay , heap , homer , mire , motion .

water 03001 ## yabesh {yaw-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; to be ashamed , confused or disappointed ; also (as failing) to dry up (as {water}) or wither (as herbage) : -- be ashamed , clean , be confounded , (make) dry (up) , (do) shame (- fully) , X utterly , wither (away) .

water 03220 ## yam {yawm} ; from an unused root meaning to roar ; a sea (as breaking in noisy surf) or large body of {water} ; specifically (with the article) , the Mediterranean Sea ; sometimes a large river , or an artifical basin ; locally , the west , or (rarely) the south : -- sea (X-- faring man , [-shore ]) , south , west (- ern , side ,-- ward) .

water 03384 ## yarah {yaw-raw'} ; or (2 Chr . 26 : 15) yara'{yaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to flow as {water} (i . e . to rain) ; transitively , to lay or throw (especially an arrow , i . e . to shoot) ; figuratively , to point out (as if by aiming the finger) , to teach : -- (+) archer , cast , direct , inform , instruct , lay , shew , shoot , teach (- er ,-ing) , through .

water 03956 ## lashown {law-shone'} ; or lashon {law-shone'} ; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'} ; from 03960 ; the tongue (of man or animals) , used literally (as the instrument of licking , eating , or speech) , and figuratively (speech , an ingot , a fork of flame , a cove of {water}) : -- + babbler , bay , + evil speaker , language , talker , tongue , wedge .

water 04197 ## mezeg {meh'- zeg} ; from an unused root meaning to mingle ({water} with wine) ; tempered wine : -- liquor .

water 04311 ## Meyd@ba'{may-deb-aw'} ; from 04325 and 01679 ; {water} of quiet ; Medeba , a place in Palestine : -- Medeba .

water 04313 ## Mey hay-Yarqown {may hah'- ee-yar-kone'} ; from 04325 and 03420 with the art . interposed ; {water} of the yellowness ; Me-haj-Jarkon , a place in Palestine : -- Me-jarkon .

water 04314 ## Mey Zahab {may zaw-hawb'} ; from 04325 and 02091 , {water} of gold ; Me-Zahab , an Edomite : -- Mezahab .

water 04325 ## mayim {mah'- yim} ; dual of a primitive noun (but used in a singular sense) ; water ; figuratively , juice ; by euphemism , urine , semen : -- + piss , wasting , {water} (- ing , [-course ,-flood ,-spring ]) .

water 04325 ## mayim {mah'- yim} ; dual of a primitive noun (but used in a singular sense) ; {water} ; figuratively , juice ; by euphemism , urine , semen : -- + piss , wasting , water (- ing , [-course ,-flood ,-spring ]) .

water 04469 ## mamcak {mam-sawk'} ; from 04537 ; mixture , i . e . (specifically) wine mixed (with {water} or spices) : -- drink-offering , mixed wine .

water 04529 ## macah {maw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to dissolve : -- make to consume away , (make to) melt , {water} .

water 04688 ## m@tsowlah {mets-o-law'} ; or m@tsolah {mets-o-law'} ; also m@tsuwlah {mets-oo-law'} ; or m@tsulah {mets-oo-law'} ; from the same as 06683 ; a deep place (of {water} or mud) : -- bottom , deep , depth .

water 04723 ## miqveh {mik-veh'} ; or miqveh (1 Kings 10 : 28) {mik-vay'} ; or miqve'(2 Chron . 1 : 16) {mik-vay'} ; from 06960 ; something waited for , i . e . confidence (objective or subjective) ; also a collection , i . e . (of water) a pond , or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove : -- abiding , gathering together , hope , linen yarn , plenty [of {water} ] , pool .

water 04724 ## miqvah {mik-vaw'} ; feminine of 04723 ; a collection , i . e . (of {water}) a reservoir : -- ditch .

water 04726 ## maqowr {maw-kore'} ; or maqor {maw-kore'} ; from 06979 ; properly , something dug , i . e . a (general) source (of {water} , even when naturally flowing ; also of tears , blood [by euphemism , of the female pudenda ] ; figuratively , of happiness , wisdom , progeny) : -- fountain , issue , spring , well (- spring) .

water 04833 ## mirpas {meer-paws'} ; from 07515 ; muddled {water} : -- that which . . . have fouled .

water 04857 ## mash'ab {mash-awb'} ; from 07579 ; a trough for cattle to drink from : -- place of drawing {water} .

water 04872 ## Mosheh {mo-sheh'} ; from 04871 ; drawing out (of the {water}) , i . e . rescued ; Mosheh , the Israelite lawgiver : -- Moses .

water 04950 ## mishqa` {mish-kaw'} ; from 08257 ; a settling place (of {water}) , i . e . a pond : -- deep .

water 04956 ## Misr@phowth mayim {mis-ref-ohth'mah'- yim} ; from the plural of 04955 and 04325 ; burnings of {water} ; Misrephoth-Majim , a place in Palestine : -- Misrephoth-mayim .

water 05140 ## nazal {naw-zal'} ; a primitive root ; to drip , or shed by trickling : -- distil , drop , flood , (cause to) flow (- ing) , gush out , melt , pour (down) , running {water} , stream .

water 05247 ## Nimrah {nim-raw'} ; from the same as 05246 ; clear {water} ; Nimrah , a place East of the Jordan : -- Nimrah . See also 01039 , 05249 .

water 05916 ## ` akar {aw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to roil {water} ; figuratively , to disturb or affict : -- trouble , stir .

water 06348 ## pachaz {paw-khaz'} ; a primitive root ; to bubble up or froth (as boiling {water}) , i . e . (figuratively) to be unimportant : -- light .

water 06388 ## peleg {peh'- leg} ; from 06385 ; a rill (i . e . small channel of {water} , as in irrigation) : -- river , stream .

water 07087 ## qapha'{kaw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; to shrink , i . e . thicken (as unracked wine , curdled milk , clouded sky , frozen {water}) : -- congeal , curdle , dark , settle .

water 07301 ## ravah {raw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to slake the thirst (occasionally of other appetites) : -- bathe , make drunk , (take the) fill , satiate , (abundantly) satisfy , soak , {water} (abundantly) .

water 07513 ## raphcodah {raf-so-daw'} ; from 07511 ; a raft (as flat on the {water}) : -- flote .

water 07515 ## raphas {raw-fas'} ; a primitive root ; to trample , i . e . roil {water} : -- foul , trouble .

water 07579 ## sha'ab {sahw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to bale up water : -- (woman to) draw (- er , {water}) .

water 07579 ## sha'ab {sahw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to bale up {water} : -- (woman to) draw (- er , water) .

water 07783 ## shuwq {shook} ; a primitive root ; to run after or over , i . e . overflow : -- overflow , {water} .

water 08193 ## saphah {saw-faw'} ; or (in dual and plural) sepheth {sef-eth'} ; probably from 05595 or 08192 through the idea of termination (compare 05490) ; the lip (as a natural boundary) ; by implication , language ; by analogy , a margin (of a vessel , {water} , cloth , etc .) : -- band , bank , binding , border , brim , brink , edge , language , lip , prating , ([sea-]) shore , side , speech , talk , [vain ] words .

water 08248 ## shaqah {shaw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to quaff , i . e . (causatively) to irrigate or furnish a potion to : -- cause to (give , give to , let , make to) drink , drown , moisten , {water} . See 07937 , 08354 .

water 08366 ## shathan {shaw-than'} ; a primitive root ; (causatively) to make {water} , i . e . urinate : -- piss .

water 08415 ## t@howm {teh-home'} ; or t@hom {teh-home'} ; (usually feminine) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of {water}) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) : -- deep (place) , depth .

water 08585 ## t@` alah {teh-aw-law'} ; from 05927 ; a channel (into which {water} is raised for irrigation) ; also a bandage or plaster (as placed upon a wound) : -- conduit , cured , healing , little river , trench , watercourse .

water 0231 - halieus {hal-ee-yoos'}; from 0251; a sailor (as engaged on the salt {water}), i.e. (by implication) a fisher: -- fisher(-man).

water 0501 - antleo {ant-leh-o}; from antlos (the hold of a ship); to bale up (properly, bilge {water}), i.e. dip water (with a bucket, pitcher, etc.): -- draw (out).

water 0504 - anudros {an'-oo-dros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5204; waterless, i.e. dry: -- dry, without {water}.

water 2766 - keramos {ker'-am-os}; probably from the base of 2767 (through the idea of mixing clay and {water}); earthenware, i.e. a tile (by analogy, a thin roof or awning): -- tiling.

water 2860 - kolumbao {kol-oom-bah'-o}; from kolumbos (a diver); to plunge into {water}: -- swim.

water 3584 - xeros {xay-ros'}; from the base of 3582 (through the idea of scorching); arid; by implication shrunken, earth (as opposed to {water}): -- dry land, withered.

water 3692 - ope {op-ay'}; probably from 3700; a hole (as if for light), i.e. cavern; by analogy, a spring (of {water}): -- cave, place.

water 4077 - pege {pay-gay'}; probably from 4078 (through the idea of gushing plumply); a fount (literally or figuratively), i.e. source or supply (of {water}, blood, enjoyment) (not necessarily the original spring): -- fountain, well.

water 4126 - pleo {pleh'-o}; another form for pleuo {plyoo'-o}; which is used as an alternate in certain tenses; probably a form of 4150 (through the idea of plunging through the {water}); to pass in a vessel: -- sail. See also 4130.

water 4215 - potamos {pot-am-os'}; probably from a derivative of the alternate of 4095 (compare 4224); a current, brook or freshet (as drinkable), i.e. running {water}: -- flood, river, stream, water.

water 4222 - potizo {pot-id'-zo}; from a derivative of the alternate of 4095; to furnish drink, irrigate: -- give (make) to drink, feed, {water}.

water 4350 - proskopto {pros-kop'-to}; from 4314 and 2875; to strike at, i.e. surge against (as {water}); specifically, to stub on, i.e. trip up (literally or figuratively): -- beat upon, dash, stumble (at).

water 4482 - rheo {hreh'-o}; a primary verb; for some tenses of which a prolonged form rheuo {hryoo'-o} is used; to flow ( " run " ; as {water}): -- flow.

water 4623 - siopao {see-o-pah'-o}; from siope (silence, i.e. a hush; properly, muteness, i.e. involuntary stillness, or inability to speak; and thus differing from 4602, which is rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak, although the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf also, like 2974 properly); figuratively, to be calm (as quiet {water}): -- dumb, (hold) peace.

water 5015 - tarasso {tar-as'-so}; of uncertain affinity; to stir or agitate (roll {water}): -- trouble.

water 5016 - tarache {tar-akh-ay'}; feminine from 5015; disturbance, i.e. (of {water}) roiling, or (of a mob) sedition: -- trouble(-ing).

water 5202 - hudropoteo {hoo-drop-ot-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 4095; to be a water-drinker, i.e. to abstain from vinous beverages: -- drink {water}.

water 5204 - hudor {hoo'-dore}; genitive case, hudatos {hoo'-dat-os}, etc.; from the base of 5205; {water} (as if rainy) literally or figuratively: -- water.

water 5421 - phrear {freh'-ar}; of uncertain derivation; a hole in the ground (dug for obtaining or holding {water} or other purposes), i.e. a cistern or well; figuratively, an abyss (as a prison): -- well, pit.

water 5491 - cheilos {khi'-los}; from a form of the same as 5490; a lip (as a pouring place); figuratively, a margin (of {water}): -- lip, shore.

water- 02988 ## yabal {yaw-bawl'} ; from 02986 ; a stream : -- [{water-}] course , stream .

water- 04161 ## mowtsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; or motsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; from 03318 ; a going forth , i . e . (the act) an egress , or (the place) an exit ; hence , a source or product ; specifically , dawn , the rising of the sun (the East) , exportation , utterance , a gate , a fountain , a mine , a meadow (as producing grass) : -- brought out , bud , that which came out , east , going forth , goings out , that which (thing that) is gone out , outgoing , proceeded out , spring , vein , [{water-}] course [springs ] .

water- 07641 ## shibbol {shib-bole} ; or (feminine) shibboleth {shib-bo'- leth} ; from the same as 07640 ; a stream (as flowing) ; also an ear of grain (as growing out) ; by analogy , a branch : -- branch , channel , ear (of corn) , ([{water-}]) flood , Shibboleth . Compare 05451 .

water-drinker 5202 - hudropoteo {hoo-drop-ot-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 4095; to be a {water-drinker}, i.e. to abstain from vinous beverages: -- drink water.

water-hen 08580 ## tanshemeth {tan-sheh'- meth} ; from 05395 ; properly , a hard breather , i . e . the name of two unclean creatures , a lizard and a bird (both perhaps from changing color through their irascibility) , probably the tree-toad and the {water-hen} : -- mole , swan .

water-jar 5201 - hudria {hoo-dree-ah'}; from 5204; a {water-jar}, i.e. receptacle for family supply: -- water-pot.

water-ox 00930 ## b@hemowth {be-hay-mohth'} ; in form a plural or 00929 , but really a singular of Egyptian derivation ; a {water-ox} , i . e . the hippopotamus or Nile-horse : -- Behemoth .

water-pot 5201 - hudria {hoo-dree-ah'}; from 5204; a water-jar, i.e. receptacle for family supply: -- {water-pot}.

water-skins 00088 ## 'oboth {o-both'} ; plural of 00178 ; {water-skins} ; Oboth , a place in the Desert : -- both .

water-spout 06794 ## tsinnuwr {tsin-noor'} ; from an unused root perhaps meaning to be hollow ; a culvert : -- gutter , {water-spout} .

water-supply 08415 ## t@howm {teh-home'} ; or t@hom {teh-home'} ; (usually feminine) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of water) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean {water-supply}) : -- deep (place) , depth .

watercourse 08585 ## t@` alah {teh-aw-law'} ; from 05927 ; a channel (into which water is raised for irrigation) ; also a bandage or plaster (as placed upon a wound) : -- conduit , cured , healing , little river , trench , {watercourse} .

watered 04945 ## mashqeh {mash-keh'} ; from 08248 ; properly , causing to drink , i . e . a butler ; by implication (intransitively) , drink (itself) ; figuratively , a well-watered region : -- butler (- ship) , cupbearer , drink (- ing) , fat pasture , {watered} .

watered 07302 ## raveh {raw-veh'} ; from 07301 ; sated (with drink) : -- drunkenness , {watered} .

watering 07377 ## riy {ree} ; from 07301 ; irrigation , i . e . a shower : -- {watering} .

watering 08268 ## shoqeth {sho'- keth} ; from 08248 ; a trough (for {watering}) : -- trough .

watering-box 07298 ## rahat {rah'- hat} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to hollow out ; a channel or {watering-box} ; by resemblance a ringlet of hair (as forming parallel lines) : -- gallery , gutter , trough .

waterless 0504 - anudros {an'-oo-dros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5204; {waterless}, i.e. dry: -- dry, without water.

waters 05249 ## Nimriym {nim-reem'} ; plural of a masculine corresponding to 05247 ; clear {waters} ; Nimrim , a place East of the Jordan : -- Nimrim . Compare 01039 .

watery 02841 ## chashrah {khash-raw'} ; from the same as 02840 ; properly , a combination or gathering , i . e . of {watery} clouds : -- dark .

watery 5203 - hudropikos {hoo-dro-pik-os'}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 3700 (as if looking {watery}); to be " dropsical " : -- have the dropsy.

well-watered 04945 ## mashqeh {mash-keh'} ; from 08248 ; properly , causing to drink , i . e . a butler ; by implication (intransitively) , drink (itself) ; figuratively , a {well-watered} region : -- butler (- ship) , cupbearer , drink (- ing) , fat pasture , watered .

writing-material 5489 - chartes {khar'-tace}; from the same as 5482; a sheet ( " chart " ) of {writing-material} (as to be scribbled over): -- paper.