all my state shall tychicus declare unto you angels which kept not their first estate another man dedicate it any private interpretation <2PE1 -:20 > art situate at as long as it lieth desolate it shall rest as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath <2CH36 -:21 > associate yourselves ate it up ate no pleasant bread battles did they dedicate <1CH26 -:27 > be ye separate <2CO6 -:17 > be ye very desolate beautiful gate because it was desolate besought pilate besought pilate boldly unto pilate brazen grate brazen grate for it but if any man hate his neighbour but it shall be wholly desolate but pilate answered them but thou shalt be desolate for ever but thou shalt meditate therein day celebrate thee certain rate every day <2CH8 -:13 > certain rate every day create darkness create evil create jerusalem create new heavens daily rate for every day <2KI25 -:30 > debate thy cause with thy neighbour delicate woman among you desolate because desolate cities desolate cities desolate city desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband desolate heap desolate heritages desolate it mourneth unto me desolate land shall be tilled desolate places desolate places desolate places as dead desolate shall sit upon desolate than desolate valleys desolate wastes desolate wilderness desolate wilderness desolate wilderness desolate without an inhabitant desolate without man desolate without man or beast desperate sorrow did not ye hate me dung gate repaired malchiah every several gate was exalteth his gate seeketh destruction fish gate did fools hate knowledge for seven days shall he consecrate you for their land is desolate because for thou didst separate them from among all <1KI8 -:53 > from benjamin's gate unto from thenceforth pilate sought from thy state shall he pull thee down frustrate their purpose gate according gate an hundred cubits gate behind <2KI11 -:6 > gate between gate between two walls <2KI25 -:4 > gate betwixt gate by gate five gate for gladness gate from gate is smitten with destruction gate miphkad gate northward gate round about gate shall be gate shallecheth <1CH26 -:16 > gate side <2SA18 -:4 > gate speak against me gate through gate throughout gate toward gate toward gate toward gate until <2KI10 -:8 > gate unto <2SA18 -:24 > gate unto gate were gate which looketh toward gate whose prospect gate whose prospect gate with gate within gate within gate without hate every false way hate every false way hate evil hate evil hate her hate him <1KI22 -:8 > hate him <2CH18 -:7 > hate him hate him hate him hate him flee before him hate his palaces hate his people hate me <2SA22 -:41 > hate me hate me hate me hate me hate me hate me hate me hate me love death hate me whisper together against me hate me without hate me without hate me wrongfully are multiplied hate not his father hate robbery for burnt offering hate thee hate thee hate thee hate thee hate thee hate thee hate thee flee before thee hate thee have lifted up hate thee shall be clothed with shame hate them hate them with perfect hatred hate thine enemy hate us hate you hate you shall reign over you hate zion he knew their desolate palaces he shall consecrate unto he shall separate them one from another her inordinate love than she her land may be desolate from high gate into <2CH23 -:20 > his estate shall he honour his estate shall stand up his law doth he meditate day his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate horse gate by <2CH23 -:15 > horse gate repaired horse gate toward it shall be desolate for ever joseph will peradventure hate us king give her royal estate u king's gate clothed with sackcloth king's gate eastward <1CH9 -:18 > laid waste shall be desolate forty years land most desolate because land shall be desolate because land was desolate after them late my people is risen up as an enemy late sought latter husband hate her lest he hate thee let them be desolate for lord shall separate him unto evil out lord will create upon every dwelling place lower gate unto maketh desolate set up meditate before what ye shall answer meditate on all thy works meditate on thee meditate upon these things <1TI4 -:15 > more desolate than neither shall thy land any more be termed desolate north gate before old gate repaired jehoiada pilate answered pilate answered pilate answered pilate asked him pilate asked him pilate asked him again pilate gave pilate gave sentence pilate marvelled pilate marvelled if he were already dead pilate said unto them pilate said unto them pilate saith unto him pilate saith unto them pilate saith unto them pilate saith unto them pilate then went out unto them pilate therefore pilate therefore said unto him pilate therefore went forth again pilate wrote poll thee for thy delicate children pontius pilate being governor poor do hate him priest shall estimate it priest shall estimate it rate year by year <1KI10 -:25 > rate year by year <2CH9 -:24 > reprobate concerning <2TI3 -:8 > reprobate mind reprobate silver shall seeing ye hate me separate cities for separate from sinners separate himself thence separate me barnabas separate place separate place separate place separate place separate place at separate place toward separate place which separate thyself separate us from separate yourselves from separate yourselves from among this congregation seven days shalt thou consecrate them shall hate one another shall ye celebrate your sabbath sheep are made desolate sheep gate sheep gate sheep gate repaired sit up late situate northward over against michmash <1SA14 -:5 > so tamar remained desolate <2SA13 -:20 > south gate south gate south gate according south gate shall go fo strait gate strait gate syria is confederate with ephraim their desolate houses their desolate places their former estate their former estate their towers are desolate them which hate you then pilate commanded then pilate entered into then pilate said unto them then pilate therefore took jesus then said pilate then said pilate unto him then said pilate unto them then saith pilate unto him these be they who separate themselves these shall hate they are confederate against thee they are laid desolate they hate him they hate me with cruel hatred they have made it desolate they separate themselves from they shall be desolate they shall consecrate themselves they which hate me may see they which hate us spoil for themselves thine heart shall meditate terror this city shall be desolate without an inhabitant this gate this gate before this gate shall be shut those which hate them thou dost but hate me thou hast made desolate all my company thou shalt be desolate thou shalt be desolate thou shalt consecrate aaron thou shalt not hate thy brother thou shalt separate three cities for thee thou shalt separate three cities for thee thou wilt debate with it thus shall ye separate thus shalt thou separate thy desolate places thy servant did meditate truth many houses shall be desolate utter gate by valley gate repaired hanun was desolate was desolate is become like was separate from his brethren was situate among wate lev water gate water gate water gate eastward water gate from water gate toward ways shall be desolate we have an advocate with <1JO2 -:1 > went unto pilate when either man or woman shall separate when it was desolate when men shall hate you when pilate heard when pilate saw when pilate therefore heard when pilate therefore heard when they shall separate you whereas it lay desolate which also king david did dedicate unto <2SA8 -:11 > which built desolate places for themselves which is desolate which is desolate without man which shall make her land desolate which was laid at his gate while she lieth desolate without them who before pontius pilate witnessed <1TI6 -:13 > who hate who shall separate us from who will naturally care for your state whole land is made desolate whole land shall be desolate whom he shall consecrate whose blood pilate had mingled with their sacrifices will consecrate their gain unto will make it desolate from teman will make pathros desolate will make thee desolate will make thee most desolate will make this city desolate will meditate will meditate will meditate will meditate also will satiate with his brazen grate word communicate unto him world cannot hate you world hate you <1JO3 -:13 > world hate you wrath they hate me ye did communicate with my affliction ye shall celebrate it