assure 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, {assure}, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql assure 4104 # pistoo {pis-to'-o}; from 4103; to assure: -- {assure} of.[ql assured 0571 ## >emeth {eh'-meth}; contracted from 539; stability; (figuratively) certainty, truth, trustworthiness: -- {assured}(-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure, true (-ly, -th), verity. [ql assured 3588 ## kiy {kee}; a primitive particle [the full form of the prepositional prefix] indicating causal relations of all kinds, antecedent or consequent; (by implication) very widely used as a relative conjunction or adverb [as below]; often largely modified by other particles annexed: -- and, + (forasmuch, inasmuch, where-)as, {assured}[-ly], + but, certainly, doubtless, + else, even, + except, for, how, (because, in, so, than) that, + nevertheless, now, rightly, seeing, since, surely, then, therefore, + (al- )though, + till, truly, + until, when, whether, while, whom, yea, yet. [ql assuredly 3045 ## yada< {yaw-dah'}; a primitive root; to know (properly, to ascertain by seeing); used in a great variety of senses, figuratively, literally, euphemistically and inferentially (including observation, care, recognition; and causatively, instruction, designation, punishment, etc.) [as follow]: -- acknowledge, acquaintance(-ted with), advise, answer, appoint, {assuredly}, be aware, [un-]awares, can[-not], certainly, comprehend, consider, X could they, cunning, declare, be diligent, (can, cause to) discern, discover, endued with, familiar friend, famous, feel, can have, be [ig-]norant, instruct, kinsfolk, kinsman, (cause to let, make) know, (come to give, have, take) knowledge, have [knowledge], (be, make, make to be, make self) known, + be learned, + lie by man, mark, perceive, privy to, X prognosticator, regard, have respect, skilful, shew, can (man of) skill, be sure, of a surety, t each, (can) tell, understand, have [understanding], X will be, wist, wit, wot [ql assuredly 8354 ## shathah {shaw-thaw'}; a primitive root; to imbibe (literally or figuratively): -- X {assuredly}, banquet, X certainly, drink(-er, -ing), drunk (X -ard), surely. [Prop. intensive of 8248.][ql assuredly 0806 # asphalos {as-fal-oce'}; adverb from 804; securely (literally or figuratively): -- {assuredly}, safely.[ql assuredly 4822 # sumbibazo {soom-bib-ad'-zo}; from 4862 and bibazo (to force; causative [by reduplication] of the base of 939); to drive together, i.e. unite (in association or affection), (mentally) to infer, show, teach: -- compact, {assuredly} gather, intrust, knit together, prove.[ql