Assos Interlinear Index Study Assos ACT 020 013 . And we went <4281 -proerchomai -> before <4281 -proerchomai -> to ship <4143 -ploion -> , and sailed <0321 -anago -> unto {Assos} <0789 -Assos -> , there <1564 - ekeithen -> intending <3195 -mello -> to take <0353 -analambano - > in Paul <3972 -Paulos -> : for so <3779 -houto -> had he appointed <1299 -diatasso -> , minding <3195 -mello -> himself <0846 -autos -> to go afoot <3978 -pezeuo -> . Assos ACT 020 014 And when <5613 -hos -> he met <4820 -sumballo - > with us at <1519 -eis -> {Assos} <0789 -Assos -> , we took <0353 -analambano -> him in , and came <2064 -erchomai -> to Mitylene <3412 -Mitulene -> .