Bible Word Index with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with the full text of each verse
Asshur 1Ch_01_17 The sons of Shem; Elam, and {Asshur}, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Meshech.

Asshur Eze_27_23 Haran, and Canneh, and Eden, the merchants of Sheba, {Asshur}, [and] Chilmad, [were] thy merchants.

Asshur Eze_32_22 {Asshur} [is] there and all her company: his graves [are] about him: all of them slain, fallen by the sword:

Asshur Gen_10_11 Out of that land went forth {Asshur}, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,

Asshur Gen_10_22 The children of Shem; Elam, and {Asshur}, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram.

Asshur Hos_14_03 {Asshur} shall not save us; we will not ride upon horses: neither will we say any more to the work of our hands, [Ye are] our gods: for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy.

Asshur Num_24_22 Nevertheless the Kenite shall be wasted, until {Asshur} shall carry thee away captive.

Asshur Num_24_24 And ships [shall come] from the coast of Chittim, and shall afflict {Asshur}, and shall afflict Eber, and he also shall perish for ever.

Asshurim Gen_25_03 And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were {Asshurim}, and Letushim, and Leummim.