assent , Concordance Study assent , 2CH , 18:12 assented , AC , 24:9 agree 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- {agree}, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql allow 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified with: -- {allow}, assent, be pleased, have pleasure.[ql as 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- ({as} soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto).[ql as 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon {as} he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto).[ql assent 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified with: -- allow, {assent}, be pleased, have pleasure.[ql assent 4934 # suntithemai {soon-tith'-em-ahee}; middle voice from 4862 and 5087; to place jointly, i.e. (figuratively) to consent (bargain, stipulate), concur: -- agree, {assent}, covenant.[ql assure 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, {assure}, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql be 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, {be} (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql be 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified with: -- allow, assent, {be} pleased, have pleasure.[ql believe 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, {believe}, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql come 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) {come} (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto).[ql come 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), {come} thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto).[ql confidence 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have {confidence}, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql conflent 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) {conflent}, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql consent 4852 # sumphemi {soom'-fay-mee}; from 4862 and 5346; to say jointly, i.e. assent to: -- {consent} unto.[ql consent 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, {consent}, draw near, go (near, to, unto).[ql draw 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, {draw} near, go (near, to, unto).[ql friend 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make {friend}, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql go 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, {go} (near, to, unto).[ql have 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified with: -- allow, assent, be pleased, {have} pleasure.[ql have 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, {have} confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql he 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as {he}) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto).[ql kiss 5368 # phileo {fil-eh'-o}; from 5384; to be a friend to (fond of [an individual or an object]), i.e. have affection for (denoting personal attachment, as a matter of sentiment or feeling; while 25 is wider, embracing especially the judgment and the deliberate assent of the will as a matter of principle, duty and propriety: the two thus stand related very much as 2309 and 1014, or as 2372 and 3563 respectively; the former being chiefly of the heart and the latter of the head); specifically, to kiss (as a mark of tenderness): -- {kiss}, love.[ql love 5368 # phileo {fil-eh'-o}; from 5384; to be a friend to (fond of [an individual or an object]), i.e. have affection for (denoting personal attachment, as a matter of sentiment or feeling; while 25 is wider, embracing especially the judgment and the deliberate assent of the will as a matter of principle, duty and propriety: the two thus stand related very much as 2309 and 1014, or as 2372 and 3563 respectively; the former being chiefly of the heart and the latter of the head); specifically, to kiss (as a mark of tenderness): -- kiss, {love}.[ql make 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, {make} friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql message 1860 # epaggelia {ep-ang-el-ee'-ah}; from 1861; an announcement (for information, assent or pledge; especially a divine assurance of good): -- {message}, promise.[ql near 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go ({near}, to, unto).[ql near 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw {near}, go (near, to, unto).[ql obey 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, {obey}, persuade, trust, yield.[ql persuade 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, {persuade}, trust, yield.[ql pleased 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified with: -- allow, assent, be {pleased}, have pleasure.[ql pleasure 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified with: -- allow, assent, be pleased, have {pleasure}.[ql promise 1860 # epaggelia {ep-ang-el-ee'-ah}; from 1861; an announcement (for information, assent or pledge; especially a divine assurance of good): -- message, {promise}.[ql soon 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as {soon} as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto).[ql thereunto 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), come {thereunto}, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto).[ql to 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, {to}, unto).[ql trust 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, {trust}, yield.[ql unto 4852 # sumphemi {soom'-fay-mee}; from 4862 and 5346; to say jointly, i.e. assent to: -- consent {unto}.[ql unto 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come ({unto}), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto).[ql unto 4334 # proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, {unto}).[ql wax 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be ({wax}) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield.[ql yield 3982 # peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, {yield}.[ql assent Interlinear Index Study assent 2CH 018 012 And the messenger <04397 +mal>ak > that went <01980 +halak > to call <07121 +qara> > Micaiah <04321 +Miykay@huw > spake <01696 +dabar > to him , saying <00559 +>amar > , Behold <02009 +hinneh > , the words <01697 +dabar > of the prophets <05030 +nabiy> > [ declare ] good <02896 +towb > to the king <04428 +melek > with one <00259 +>echad > {assent} <06310 +peh > ; let thy word <01697 +dabar > therefore , I pray <04994 +na> > thee , be like one <00259 +>echad > of theirs <01992 +hem > , and speak <01696 +dabar > thou good <02896 +towb > . assented ACT 024 009 And the Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -> also <2532 - kai -> {assented} <4934 -suntithemai -> , saying <5335 -phasko - > that these <5023 -tauta -> things were so <3779 -houto -> . - assent , 6310 , assented -4934 agreed, {assented}, assent -6310 accord , according , after , appointment , {assent} , collar , command , commandment , eat , edge , end , entry , go , hole , mind , mouth , mouths , parts , portion , saith , sayings , sentence , skirts , sound , speech , spoken , talk , tenor , two , when , wish , word , assent 6310 -- peh -- accord(-ing as, -ing to), after, appointment, {assent},collar, command(-ment), X eat, edge, end, entry, + file, hole, X in, mind,mouth, part, portion, X (should) say(-ing), sentence, skirt, sound, speech,X spoken, talk, tenor, X to, + two-edged, wish, word. assent 4909 ** suneudokeo ** allow, {assent}, be pleased, have pleasure. assent 4934 ** suntithemai ** agree, {assent}, covenant. assented ......... assented 4934 -suntithemai-> assent 6310 ## peh {peh}; from 6284; the mouth (as the means of blowing), whether literal or figurative (particularly speech); specifically edge, portion or side; adverbially (with preposition) according to: -- accord(-ing as, -ing to), after, appointment, {assent}, collar, command(-ment), X eat, edge, end, entry, + file, hole, X in, mind, mouth, part, portion, X (should) say(-ing), sentence, skirt, sound, speech, X spoken, talk, tenor, X to, + two-edged, wish, word.[ql assent 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified with: -- allow, {assent}, be pleased, have pleasure.[ql assent 4934 # suntithemai {soon-tith'-em-ahee}; middle voice from 4862 and 5087; to place jointly, i.e. (figuratively) to consent (bargain, stipulate), concur: -- agree, {assent}, covenant.[ql assent 018 012 IICh /^{assent /let thy word therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and speak thou good . assented 024 009 Act /${assented /saying that these things were so . assent <2CH18 -12> And the messenger that went to call Micaiah spake to him, saying, Behold, the words of the prophets [declare] good to the king with one {assent}; let thy word therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and speak thou good.