asps Interlinear Index Study asps DEU 032 033 Their wine <03196 +yayin > [ is ] the poison <02534 +chemah > of dragons <08577 +tanniyn > , and the cruel <00393 +>akzar > venom <07219 +ro>sh > of {asps} <06620 +pethen > . asps JOB 020 014 [ Yet ] his meat <03899 +lechem > in his bowels <04578 +me is turned <2015haphak > , [ it is ] the gall <04846 +m@rorah > of {asps} <06620 +pethen > within <07030 +qiytharoc > him . asps JOB 020 016 He shall suck <03243 +yanaq > the poison <07219 +ro>sh > of {asps} <06620 +pethen > : the viper s <00660 +>eph tongue <03956 +lashown > shall slay <02026 +harag > him . asps ROM 003 013 Their throat <2995 -larugx -> [ is ] an open <0455 -anoigo -> sepulchre <5028 -taphos -> ; with their tongues <1100 -glossa -> they have used <1387 -dolioo -> deceit <1387 - dolioo -> ; the poison <2447 -ios -> of {asps} <0785 -aspis -> [ is ] under <5259 -hupo -> their lips <5491 -cheilos -> :