andrew asked him privately asked counsel asked counsel asked her asked him asked him asked him asked him asked him asked him asked him asked him not whence he asked not asked not asked not after me asked such things at any magician asked them concerning asked what these things meant asked whether simon because thou hast asked this thing <1KI3 -:11 > but hast asked for thyself understanding <1KI3 -:11 > but hast asked wisdom <2CH1 -:11 > certain ruler asked him governor asked him hast not asked for thyself long life <1KI3 -:11 > have asked him <1SA1 -:20 > have not asked at my mouth have ye not asked them he asked for he asked him he asked him he asked him if he saw ought he asked him whether he had been any while dead he asked his disciples he asked his father he asked life he asked pharaoh's officers he asked them he asked them he asked them he asked water he asked what it meant he asked whether high priest asked him high priest asked them high priest then asked jesus his disciples asked him his disciples asked him his disciples asked him his disciples asked him concerning his disciples asked him privately hitherto have ye asked nothing house he asked them house his disciples asked him again jesus asked him jesus asked them king asked him secretly man asked him man asked us straitly my lord asked his servants neither hast asked riches for thyself <1KI3 -:11 > neither yet hast asked long life <2CH1 -:11 > people asked him pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight pilate asked him pilate asked him pilate asked him again saul asked counsel <1SA14 -:37 > scribes asked him solomon had asked this thing <1KI3 -:10 > temple asked an alms then asked he them again then asked they him then asked we those elders then he asked they asked they asked they asked baruch they asked each other they asked him they asked him they asked him they asked him they asked him they asked him they asked him they asked him they asked them thou hast asked <1SA1 -:17 > thou hast asked <2KI2 -:10 > thou hast not asked riches <2CH1 -:11 > thou wouldest have asked twelve asked way he asked his disciples we asked their names also which thou hast not asked <1KI3 -:13 >