Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
ask alms Act_03_02

ask counsel Jud_18_05

ask diligently Deu_13_14

ask for Jer_06_16

ask for him 1Ki_02_22

ask him Jer_48_19

ask him Joh_01_19

ask him Joh_16_19

ask him Joh_09_21

ask him Joh_09_23

ask him Luk_11_13

ask him Luk_09_45

ask him Mar_09_32

ask him Mat_07_11

ask how thou doest Jer_15_05

ask it either Isa_07_11

ask me Isa_45_11

ask me never so much dowry Gen_34_12

ask now Hag_02_11

ask on 1Ki_02_20

ask one petition 1Ki_02_16

ask thee Isa_07_11

ask them which heard me Joh_18_21

ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me Act_10_29

ask thy father Deu_32_07

ask thy young men 1Sa_25_08

ask us 1Sa_12_19

ask what 1Ki_03_05

ask what 2Ch_01_07

ask ye Zec_10_01

ask ye now Jer_30_06

ask ye now among Jer_18_13

asked counsel Jud_20_18

asked counsel Jud_20_23

asked her Gen_24_47

asked him Dan_07_16

asked him Jer_38_27

asked him Luk_22_64

asked him Mar_10_17

asked him Mar_10_02

asked him Mar_12_28

asked him Mat_22_23

asked him not whence he Jud_13_06

asked not Isa_65_01

asked not Jos_09_14

asked not after me Rom_10_20

asked such things at any magician Dan_02_10

asked them concerning Neh_01_02

asked what these things meant Luk_15_26

asked whether simon Act_10_18

askelon with Jud_01_18

askest drink Joh_04_09

asketh receiveth Luk_11_10

asketh receiveth Mat_07_08

asketh thee Gen_32_17

asketh thee Mat_05_42

asketh you 1Pe_03_15

asking no question for conscience sake 1Co_10_25

asking no question for conscience sake 1Co_10_27

asking them questions Luk_02_46

asking you 1Sa_12_17

basket out Deu_26_04

basket upon my head Gen_40_17

basket was 2Co_11_33