Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word.

Greek Cross References translated from English

aside 0402 anachoreo * {aside} , {0402 anachoreo } , 0565 aperchomai , 0659 apotithemi , 0863 aphiemi , 1824 exautes , 2398 idios , 5087 tithemi ,

aside 0565 aperchomai * {aside} , 0402 anachoreo , {0565 aperchomai } , 0659 apotithemi , 0863 aphiemi , 1824 exautes , 2398 idios , 5087 tithemi ,

aside 0659 apotithemi * {aside} , 0402 anachoreo , 0565 aperchomai , {0659 apotithemi } , 0863 aphiemi , 1824 exautes , 2398 idios , 5087 tithemi ,

aside 0863 aphiemi * {aside} , 0402 anachoreo , 0565 aperchomai , 0659 apotithemi , {0863 aphiemi } , 1824 exautes , 2398 idios , 5087 tithemi ,

aside 1824 exautes * {aside} , 0402 anachoreo , 0565 aperchomai , 0659 apotithemi , 0863 aphiemi , {1824 exautes } , 2398 idios , 5087 tithemi ,

aside 2398 idios * {aside} , 0402 anachoreo , 0565 aperchomai , 0659 apotithemi , 0863 aphiemi , 1824 exautes , {2398 idios } , 5087 tithemi ,

aside 5087 tithemi * {aside} , 0402 anachoreo , 0565 aperchomai , 0659 apotithemi , 0863 aphiemi , 1824 exautes , 2398 idios , {5087 tithemi } ,