Asher Jos_19_31 /^{Asher /according to their families , these cities with their villages . Asher Jos_19_24 /^{Asher /according to their families . Asher Num_26_47 /^{Asher /according to those that were numbered of them; who were fifty and three thousand and four hundred . Asher Num_26_44 /^{Asher /after their families : of Jimna , the family of the Jimnites : of Jesui , the family of the Jesuites : of Beriah , the family of the Beriites . Asher Num_34_27 /^{Asher /Ahihud the son of Shelomi . Asher 1Ki_04_16 /^{Asher /and in Aloth : Asher 2Ch_30_11 /^{Asher /and Manasseh and of Zebulun humbled themselves, and came to Jerusalem . Asher Jud_07_23 /^{Asher /and out of all Manasseh , and pursued after the Midianites . Asher Jos_21_06 /^{Asher /and out of the tribe of Naphtali , and out of the half tribe of Manasseh in Bashan , thirteen cities . Asher 1Ch_06_62 /^{Asher /and out of the tribe of Naphtali , and out of the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan , thirteen cities . Asher Num_02_27 /^{Asher /and the captain of the children of Asher shall be Pagiel the son of Ocran . Asher Jud_06_35 /^{Asher /and unto Zebulun , and unto Naphtali ; and they came up to meet them. Asher Deu_27_13 /^{Asher /and Zebulun , Dan , and Naphtali . Asher Deu_33_24 /^{Asher /be blessed with children ; let him be acceptable to his brethren , and let him dip his foot in oil . Asher Jos_17_11 /^{Asher /Bethshean and her towns , and Ibleam and her towns , and the inhabitants of Dor and her towns , and the inhabitants of Endor and her towns , and the inhabitants of Taanach and her towns , and the inhabitants of Megiddo and her towns , even three countries . Asher Num_01_40 /^{Asher /by their generations , after their families , by the house of their fathers , according to the number of the names , from twenty years old and upward , all that were able to go forth to war ; Asher Jud_05_17 /^{Asher /continued on the sea shore , and abode in his breaches . Asher Jud_01_31 /^{Asher /drive out the inhabitants of Accho , nor the inhabitants of Zidon , nor of Ahlab , nor of Achzib , nor of Helbah , nor of Aphik , nor of Rehob : Asher Eze_48_03 /^{Asher /from the east side even unto the west side , a portion for Naphtali . Asher Deu_33_24 /^{Asher /he said , Let Asher be blessed with children ; let him be acceptable to his brethren , and let him dip his foot in oil . Asher 1Ch_07_40 /^{Asher /heads of their father's house , choice and mighty men of valour , chief of the princes . And the number throughout the genealogy of them that were apt to the war and to battle was twenty and six thousand men . Asher Gen_49_20 /^{Asher /his bread shall be fat , and he shall yield royal dainties . Asher 1Ch_07_30 /^{Asher /Imnah , and Isuah , and Ishuai , and Beriah , and Serah their sister . Asher Gen_46_17 /^{Asher /Jimnah , and Ishuah , and Isui , and Beriah , and Serah their sister : and the sons of Beriah ; Heber , and Malchiel . Asher 1Ch_06_74 /^{Asher /Mashal with her suburbs , and Abdon with her suburbs , Asher Jos_21_30 /^{Asher /Mishal with her suburbs , Abdon with her suburbs , Asher Num_07_72 /^{Asher /offered: Asher Jos_17_10 /^{Asher /on the north , and in Issachar on the east . Asher Jos_19_34 /^{Asher /on the west side , and to Judah upon Jordan toward the sunrising . Asher Eze_48_34 /^{Asher /one gate of Naphtali . Asher Num_01_13 /^{Asher /Pagiel the son of Ocran . Asher Num_13_13 /^{Asher /Sethur the son of Michael . Asher Num_02_27 /^{Asher /shall be Pagiel the son of Ocran . Asher 1Ch_12_36 /^{Asher /such as went forth to battle , expert in war , forty thousand . Asher Gen_35_26 /^{Asher /these are the sons of Jacob , which were born to him in Padanaram . Asher Jos_17_07 /^{Asher /to Michmethah , that lieth before Shechem ; and the border went along on the right hand unto the inhabitants of Entappuah . Asher Num_10_26 /^{Asher /was Pagiel the son of Ocran . Asher Num_26_46 /^{Asher /was Sarah . Asher Num_01_41 /^{Asher /were forty and one thousand and five hundred . Asherites Jud_01_32 /^{Asherites /dwelt among the Canaanites , the inhabitants of the land : for they did not drive them out . Jasher Jos_10_13 /^{Jasher /So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven , and hasted not to go down about a whole day .