art ......... and art 1488 -ei-> art ......... And art confident 3982 -peitho-> art ......... and art to come 2064 -erchomai-> art ......... and thou art tormented 3600 -odunao-> art ......... art 1488 -ei-> Art ......... Art 1488 -ei-> art ......... art 5607 -on-> art ......... art a guide 3595 -hodegos-> art ......... art exalted 5312 -hupsoo-> art ......... art holy 3741 -hosios-> art ......... art in heaven 3772 -ouranos-> art ......... art in me , and I in thee , that they also 2532 - kai-> art ......... art thou among 1722 -en-> Art ......... Art thou bound 1210 -deo-> Art ......... Art thou called 2564 -kaleo-> art ......... art thou come 2064 -erchomai-> art ......... art thou come 3918 -pareimi-> Art ......... Art thou loosed 3080 -lusis-> art ......... as thou art in the way 3598 -hodos-> art ......... but thou art 1488 -ei-> art ......... by art 5078 -techne-> Art ......... him , Art 1488 -ei-> art ......... me , art 1488 -ei-> Art ......... not . Art 1488 -ei-> art ......... not that thou art 1488 -ei-> art ......... one of them : for thou art a Galilaean 1057 - Galilaios-> art ......... place , Thou art a priest 2409 -hiereus-> art ......... say that thou art John 2491 -Ioannes-> art ......... saying , Thou art 1488 -ei-> art ......... that thou art 1488 -ei-> art ......... that thou art a teacher 1320 -didaskalos-> art ......... that thou art come 2064 -erchomai-> art ......... that thou art come 3854 -paraginomai-> art ......... that thou art in the gall 5521 -chole-> art ......... that thou art mindful 3403 -mimnesko-> art ......... thee that thou art 1488 -ei-> art ......... Thou art 1488 -ei-> art ......... thou art 1488 -ei-> art ......... Thou art a priest 2409 -hiereus-> art ......... thou art also 2532 -kai-> art ......... thou art an austere 0840 -austeros-> art ......... thou art become 1096 -ginomai-> art ......... thou art beside 3105 -mainomai-> art ......... thou art bidden 2564 -kaleo-> art ......... thou art called 2028 -eponomazo-> art ......... thou art careful 3309 -merimnao-> art ......... thou art converted 1994 -epistrepho-> art ......... thou art fallen 1601 -ekpipto-> art ......... thou art God 2316 -theos-> art ......... thou art judged 2919 -krino-> art ......... thou art loosed 0630 -apoluo-> art ......... thou art made 1096 -ginomai-> art ......... Thou art permitted 2010 -epitrepo-> art ......... thou art the Son 5207 -huios-> art ......... thou that art highly favoured 5487 -charitoo-> art ......... unto her , Thou art mad 3105 -mainomai-> Art ......... unto him , Art 1488 -ei-> Art ......... unto him , Art thou only 3441 -monos-> art ......... unto him , Thou art 1488 -ei-> art ......... unto him , Thou art 2192 -echo-> art ......... unto thee , That thou art 1488 -ei-> art ......... when thou art rebuked 1651 -elegcho->