Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-akathartes- ......... and filthiness 0168 -akathartes- >

-akathartos- ......... against unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... an unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... And the unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... And unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... And when the unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... For unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... foul 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... not the unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... of an unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... over unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... the foul 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... the unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... thou unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... with an unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... with unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-amarturos- ......... without 0267 -amarturos- >

-amarturos- ......... witness 0267 -amarturos- >

-anamartetos- ......... sin 0361 -anamartetos- >

-anamartetos- ......... unto them , He that is without 0361 -anamartetos- >

-aparti- ......... from henceforth 0534 -aparti- >

-apartismos- ......... sufficient to finish 0535 -apartismos- >

-aphthartos- ......... but of incorruptible 0862 -aphthartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... but we an incorruptible 0862 -aphthartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... immortal 0862 -aphthartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... in that which is not corruptible 0862 -aphthartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... incorruptible 0862 -aphthartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... of the uncorruptible 0862 -aphthartos- >

-Artemas- ......... Artemas 0734 -Artemas- >

-Artemas- ......... hour 0734 -Artemas- >

-Artemis- ......... Diana 0735 -Artemis- >

-Artemis- ......... for Diana 0735 -Artemis- >

-Artemis- ......... is Diana 0735 -Artemis- >

-artemon- ......... up the mainsail 0736 -artemon- >

-arti- ......... and from henceforth 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... But now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... day 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... doth he now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... For do I now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... For now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... he who now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... henceforth 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... hitherto 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... Hitherto 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... I now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... in whom , though now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... is even 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... it to be so now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... me henceforth 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... not now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... Now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... present 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... thee now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... them , Do ye now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... them now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... things unto this 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... though now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... unto this 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... unto this present 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... unto you , Hereafter 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... with you now 0737 -arti- >

-arti- ......... you now 0737 -arti- >

-artigennetos- ......... As newborn 0738 -artigennetos- >

-artios- ......... may be perfect 0739 -artios- >

-artos- ......... and bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... and the bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... and the shewbread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... by bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... For the bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... have bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... is that bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... is the bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... loaf 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... loaves 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... man s bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... men with bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... not the miracle of the loaves 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... of bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... of that bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... of the loaves 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... that bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... The bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... the bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... the loaves 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... them bread 0740 -artos- >

-artos- ......... you not that bread 0740 -artos- >

-artuo- ......... seasoned 0741 -artuo- >

-artuo- ......... shall it be seasoned 0741 -artuo- >

-artuo- ......... will ye season 0741 -artuo- >

-Bartholomaios- ......... and Bartholomew 0918 -Bartholomaios- >

-Bartholomaios- ......... Bartholomew 0918 -Bartholomaios- >

-Bartimaios- ......... Bartimaeus 0924 -Bartimaios- >

-diamarturomai- ......... and testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... And they , when they had testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... and to testify 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... charging 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... did he testify 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... for as thou hast testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... I charge 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... place testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... Testifying 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... that he may testify 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... to testify 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... witnesseth 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... you and testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-epimartureo- ......... and testifying 1957 -epimartureo- >

-exartizo- ......... furnished 1822 -exartizo- >

-exartizo- ......... throughly 1822 -exartizo- >

-exartizo- ......... we had accomplished 1822 -exartizo- >

-hamartano- ......... and sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... and sinneth 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... as have sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... But when ye sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... did sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... For if we sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... for them that sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... for your faults 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... have I offended 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... have sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... he sinneth 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... he trespass 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... I have sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... I unto you , that ye sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... in him sinneth 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... man sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... man sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... shall trespass 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... shall we sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... she hath not sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... sinneth 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... that sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... that we have not sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... them that had not sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... Them that sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... thou hast not sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... trespass 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... was it not with them that had sinned 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartano- ......... ye sin 0264 -hamartano- >

-hamartema- ......... and their sins 0265 -hamartema- >

-hamartema- ......... of sins 0265 -hamartema- >

-hamartema- ......... sin 0265 -hamartema- >

-hamartema- ......... sins 0265 -hamartema- >

-hamartia- ......... a sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... an offence 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... and for sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... and offering for sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... and sacrifices for sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... and sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... and sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... and the sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... and their sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... And their sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... and there is a sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... away our sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... away the sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... But sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... but sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... by sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... For her sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... for our sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... For sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... for sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... for sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... for the sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... for their sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... from sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... from their sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... him to be sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... in sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... in sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... is sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... it , but sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... it not , to him it is sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... Let not sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... made of sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... manner of sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... me of sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... men s sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... of her sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... Of sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... of sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... of sinful 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... of sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... of the sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... of their sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... our sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... That as sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... that sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... the pleasures of sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... the sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... their sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... There is a sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... thy sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... Thy sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... to sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... to sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... unto her , Thy sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... unto sin 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... unto thee , Her sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... up their sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... us from our sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... us our sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartia- ......... with sins 0266 -hamartia- >

-hamartolos- ......... a sinful 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... and for sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... and not sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... and sinful 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... and sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... and the sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... as a sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... but sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... from sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... he be a sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... him : for she is a sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... is a sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... not sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... of sinful 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... of sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... sinful 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... that is a sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... the sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... to me a sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... to sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... was a sinner 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... were sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... ye ? for sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-hamartolos- ......... ye sinners 0268 -hamartolos- >

-kartereo- ......... for he endured 2594 -kartereo- >

-katamartureo- ......... against 2649 -katamartureo- >

-katamartureo- ......... things they witness 2649 -katamartureo- >

-katamartureo- ......... witness 2649 -katamartureo- >

-katartisis- ......... perfection 2676 -katartisis- >

-katartismos- ......... For the perfecting 2677 -katartismos- >

-katartizo- ......... and might perfect 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... Be perfect 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... fitted 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... hast thou prepared 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... joined 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... make 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... Make 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... mending 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... one that is perfect 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... restore 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... thou hast perfected 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... together 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... were framed 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... you ; but that ye be perfectly 2675 -katartizo- >

-katartizo- ......... you perfect 2675 -katartizo- >

-Kouartos- ......... you , and Quartus 2890 -Kouartos- >

-Martha- ......... and Martha 3136 -Martha- >

-Martha- ......... But Martha 3136 -Martha- >

-Martha- ......... Martha 3136 -Martha- >

-Martha- ......... to Martha 3136 -Martha- >

-Martha- ......... unto her , Martha 3136 -Martha- >

-martureo- ......... a good report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and bare 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and do testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and he bare 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and they are they which testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... bare 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... bear record 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... being witnessed 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... but was sent to bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... doth bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... For he testifieth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... For I bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... gave 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... hath good report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... have borne witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... having a good report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... having obtained 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he gave 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he had this testimony 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he hath testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he obtained 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he receiveth them , of whom it is witnessed 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he shall testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... He which testifieth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he witnesseth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... him record 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... him witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... I bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... I testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... is a witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... it , and bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... it bare 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... me , hath borne witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... me beareth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... me witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... obtained 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... of honest report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... one that bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... record 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... reported 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... shall bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... should testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testifieth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testifying 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testimony 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... that bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... that beareth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... that he testifieth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... that I should bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... them record 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... them witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... they bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... thou barest 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... thou bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... to bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... to testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... unto him , Thou bearest 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... was well 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... we have testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... Well 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... which testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... witnessed 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... witnessing 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... ye be witnesses 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... ye bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... ye spake of ? for I bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... you record 3140 -martureo- >

-marturia- ......... and for the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... and his record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... and of the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... did their witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... for a witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... for the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... for the witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... for witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... him , but their witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... his testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... is the record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... is the witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... my witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... not our witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... not testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... not the record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... of their testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... report 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... that his testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... that our record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... that the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... that the witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... the witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... their testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... thy record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... thy testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... yet my record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturion- ......... as the testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... because our testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... for a testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... for a witness 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... of the testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... of them shall be a witness 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... of witness 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... the testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... to be testified 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... to you for a testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... unto you the testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... witness 3142 -marturion- >

-marturomai- ......... and testify 3143 -marturomai- >

-marturomai- ......... For I testify 3143 -marturomai- >

-marturomai- ......... I take you to record 3143 -marturomai- >

-martus- ......... and a witness 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... And we are his witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... And we are witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... And ye are witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... are his witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... are witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... but unto witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... for a record 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... For thou shalt be his witness 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... him : and the witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... is my record 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... is my witness 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... is witness 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... martyr 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... of the martyrs 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... of thy martyr 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... of witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... to be a witness 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... upon you : and ye shall be witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... we are witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... we of witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... witness 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-martus- ......... Ye are witnesses 3144 -martus- >

-parthenia- ......... from her virginity 3932 -parthenia- >

-parthenos- ......... a virgin 3933 -parthenos- >

-parthenos- ......... and a virgin 3933 -parthenos- >

-parthenos- ......... and the virgin s 3933 -parthenos- >

-parthenos- ......... for they are virgins 3933 -parthenos- >

-parthenos- ......... his virgin 3933 -parthenos- >

-parthenos- ......... To a virgin 3933 -parthenos- >

-parthenos- ......... virgin 3933 -parthenos- >

-parthenos- ......... virgins 3933 -parthenos- >

-Parthos- ......... Parthians 3934 -Parthos- >

-phthartos- ......... a corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

-phthartos- ......... corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

-phthartos- ......... not of corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

-phthartos- ......... to corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

-phthartos- ......... with corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

-proamartano- ......... already 4258 -proamartano- >

-proamartano- ......... have sinned 4258 -proamartano- >

-proamartano- ......... to them which heretofore 4258 -proamartano- >

-prokatartizo- ......... unto you , and make 4294 -prokatartizo- >

-prokatartizo- ......... up beforehand 4294 -prokatartizo- >

-promarturomai- ......... beforehand 4303 -promarturomai- >

-promarturomai- ......... when it testified 4303 -promarturomai- >

-proskartereo- ......... And they , continuing 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... And they continued 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... attending 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... But we will give 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... continually 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... Continue 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... continued 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... continuing 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... he continued 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... him continually 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... instant 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... of them that waited 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... on 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... ourselves continually 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... should wait 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskartereo- ......... stedfastly 4342 -proskartereo- >

-proskarteresis- ......... perseverance 4343 -proskarteresis- >

-pseudomartur- ......... false 5575 -pseudomartur- >

-pseudomartur- ......... witnesses 5575 -pseudomartur- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... and bare 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... bare 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... Do not bear 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... false 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... Thou shalt not bear 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... witness 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomarturia- ......... false 5577 -pseudomarturia- >

-pseudomarturia- ......... witness 5577 -pseudomarturia- >

-summartureo- ......... also 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... beareth 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... bearing 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... For I testify 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... me witness 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... witness 4828 -summartureo- >

-sunepimartureo- ......... also 4901 -sunepimartureo- >

-sunepimartureo- ......... bearing 4901 -sunepimartureo- >

-sunepimartureo- ......... them witness 4901 -sunepimartureo- >

-tartaroo- ......... but cast 5020 -tartaroo- >

-tartaroo- ......... them down to hell 5020 -tartaroo- >

-tetartaios- ......... days 5066 -tetartaios- >

-tetartaios- ......... dead four 5066 -tetartaios- >

-tetartos- ......... And in the fourth 5067 -tetartos- >

-tetartos- ......... and the fourth 5067 -tetartos- >

-tetartos- ......... And the fourth 5067 -tetartos- >

-tetartos- ......... Four 5067 -tetartos- >

-tetartos- ......... of the fourth 5067 -tetartos- >

-tetartos- ......... the fourth 5067 -tetartos- >

apart ......... apart 0659 -apotithemi->

apart ......... apart 2398 -idios->

art ......... and art 1488 -ei->

art ......... And art confident 3982 -peitho->

art ......... and art to come 2064 -erchomai->

art ......... and thou art tormented 3600 -odunao->

art ......... art 1488 -ei->

Art ......... Art 1488 -ei->

art ......... art 5607 -on->

art ......... art a guide 3595 -hodegos->

art ......... art exalted 5312 -hupsoo->

art ......... art holy 3741 -hosios->

art ......... art in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

art ......... art in me , and I in thee , that they also 2532 -kai->

art ......... art thou among 1722 -en->

Art ......... Art thou bound 1210 -deo->

Art ......... Art thou called 2564 -kaleo->

art ......... art thou come 2064 -erchomai->

art ......... art thou come 3918 -pareimi->

Art ......... Art thou loosed 3080 -lusis->

art ......... as thou art in the way 3598 -hodos->

art ......... but thou art 1488 -ei->

art ......... by art 5078 -techne->

Art ......... him , Art 1488 -ei->

art ......... me , art 1488 -ei->

Art ......... not . Art 1488 -ei->

art ......... not that thou art 1488 -ei->

art ......... one of them : for thou art a Galilaean 1057 -Galilaios->

art ......... place , Thou art a priest 2409 -hiereus->

art ......... say that thou art John 2491 -Ioannes->

art ......... saying , Thou art 1488 -ei->

art ......... that thou art 1488 -ei->

art ......... that thou art a teacher 1320 -didaskalos->

art ......... that thou art come 2064 -erchomai->

art ......... that thou art come 3854 -paraginomai->

art ......... that thou art in the gall 5521 -chole->

art ......... that thou art mindful 3403 -mimnesko->

art ......... thee that thou art 1488 -ei->

art ......... Thou art 1488 -ei->

art ......... thou art 1488 -ei->

art ......... Thou art a priest 2409 -hiereus->

art ......... thou art also 2532 -kai->

art ......... thou art an austere 0840 -austeros->

art ......... thou art become 1096 -ginomai->

art ......... thou art beside 3105 -mainomai->

art ......... thou art bidden 2564 -kaleo->

art ......... thou art called 2028 -eponomazo->

art ......... thou art careful 3309 -merimnao->

art ......... thou art converted 1994 -epistrepho->

art ......... thou art fallen 1601 -ekpipto->

art ......... thou art God 2316 -theos->

art ......... thou art judged 2919 -krino->

art ......... thou art loosed 0630 -apoluo->

art ......... thou art made 1096 -ginomai->

art ......... Thou art permitted 2010 -epitrepo->

art ......... thou art the Son 5207 -huios->

art ......... thou that art highly favoured 5487 -charitoo->

art ......... unto her , Thou art mad 3105 -mainomai->

Art ......... unto him , Art 1488 -ei->

Art ......... unto him , Art thou only 3441 -monos->

art ......... unto him , Thou art 1488 -ei->

art ......... unto him , Thou art 2192 -echo->

art ......... unto thee , That thou art 1488 -ei->

art ......... when thou art rebuked 1651 -elegcho->

Artemas ......... Artemas 0734 -Artemas->

arts ......... arts 4021 -periergos->

Bartholomew ......... and Bartholomew 0918 -Bartholomaios->

Bartholomew ......... Bartholomew 0918 -Bartholomaios->

Bartimaeus ......... Bartimaeus 0924 -Bartimaios->

brokenhearted ......... the brokenhearted 2588 -kardia->

chartes- ......... chartes- >

dart ......... with a dart 1002 -bolis->

darts ......... darts 0956 -belos->

dearth ......... a dearth 3042 -limos->

dearth ......... dearth 3042 -limos->

depart ......... depart 0630 -apoluo->

depart ......... depart 0868 -aphistemi->

depart ......... depart 1607 -ekporeuomai->

Depart ......... Depart 1831 -exerchomai->

depart ......... depart 1831 -exerchomai->

depart ......... depart 5562 -choreo->

Depart ......... hand , Depart 4198 -poreuomai->

depart ......... him , that he should not depart 4198 -poreuomai->

depart ......... him that he would depart 3327 -metabaino->

depart ......... him to depart 0565 -aperchomai->

depart ......... I depart 4198 -poreuomai->

depart ......... let him depart 5562 -choreo->

depart ......... not depart 0565 -aperchomai->

depart ......... of it depart 1633 -ekchoreo->

depart ......... shall depart 0868 -aphistemi->

depart ......... she depart 5562 -choreo->

depart ......... that he should depart 3327 -metabaino->

depart ......... that it might depart 0868 -aphistemi->

depart ......... thee , thou shalt not depart 1831 -exerchomai->

depart ......... thee out , and depart 4198 -poreuomai->

depart ......... them that they should not depart 5562 -choreo->

depart ......... them to depart 1831 -exerchomai->

depart ......... to depart 0321 -anago->

depart ......... to depart 0360 -analuo->

depart ......... to depart 0565 -aperchomai->

depart ......... to depart 1826 -exeimi->

depart ......... to depart 5562 -choreo->

Depart ......... unto him , Depart 3327 -metabaino->

Depart ......... unto me , Depart 4198 -poreuomai->

Depart ......... unto them , Depart 5217 -hupago->

depart ......... when ye depart 1831 -exerchomai->

depart ......... ye are ; depart 0868 -aphistemi->

depart ......... ye depart 1831 -exerchomai->

depart ......... you , when ye depart 1607 -ekporeuomai->

depart ......... you : depart 0672 -apochoreo->

departed ......... after are departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... And as they departed 1607 -ekporeuomai->

departed ......... And as they departed 4198 -poreuomai->

departed ......... and departed 0402 -anachoreo->

departed ......... and departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... and departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... And he departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... And he departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... and he departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... and is departed 4198 -poreuomai->

departed ......... And they departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... And they departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... And they departed 4198 -poreuomai->

departed ......... And when he was departed 3327 -metabaino->

departed ......... And when they were departed 0402 -anachoreo->

departed ......... and when we departed 0321 -anago->

departed ......... are departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... But they , when they were departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... But when they departed 1330 -dierchomai->

departed ......... departed 0525 -apallasso->

departed ......... departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... departed 0673 -apochorizo->

departed ......... departed 0868 -aphistemi->

departed ......... departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... departed 2718 -katerchomai->

departed ......... departed 3327 -metabaino->

departed ......... departed 3855 -parago->

departed ......... departed 5562 -choreo->

departed ......... departed 5563 -chorizo->

departed ......... he departed 0402 -anachoreo->

departed ......... he departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... he departed 0868 -aphistemi->

departed ......... he departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... he departed 3327 -metabaino->

departed ......... he departed 3332 -metairo->

departed ......... him , and departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... I departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... of it , he departed 0402 -anachoreo->

departed ......... out , and departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... out , and departed 4198 -poreuomai->

departed ......... sharp between them , that they departed 0673 -apochorizo->

departed ......... them , and departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... them , and departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... them , and departed 4198 -poreuomai->

departed ......... there , he departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... they departed 0402 -anachoreo->

departed ......... they departed 0630 -apoluo->

departed ......... they departed 0868 -aphistemi->

departed ......... they departed 1826 -exeimi->

departed ......... they departed 4198 -poreuomai->

departed ......... to pass , as they departed 1316 -diachorizomai->

departed ......... was departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... we departed 0321 -anago->

departed ......... we departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... were departed 0565 -aperchomai->

departed ......... were departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departed ......... when he departed 1831 -exerchomai->

departeth ......... departeth 0672 -apochoreo->

departing ......... departing 0672 -apochoreo->

departing ......... departing 1831 -exerchomai->

departing ......... in departing 0868 -aphistemi->

departing ......... my departing 0867 -aphixis->

departing ......... of the departing 1841 -exodos->

departing ......... them departing 5217 -hupago->

departure ......... of my departure 0359 -analusis->

earth ......... a fellow from the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... and digged 3736 > in the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... and digged 3736> in the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... and earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... and in earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... and of earth 3749 -ostrakinos->

earth ......... and of the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... and that are in earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... And the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... and the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... and things in earth 1919 -epigeios->

earth ......... and upon the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... are , and the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... are upon the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... by the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... For the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... from the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... he that is of the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... in earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... in the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... is of the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... men of the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... not the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... of earth 1093 -ge->

EARTH ......... OF THE EARTH 1093 -ge->

earth ......... of the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... part of the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... parts of the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... sake : for the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... that be in the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... the earth 2709 -katachthonios->

earth ......... the earth 3625 -oikoumene->

earth ......... them to the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... they be things in earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... to the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... unto the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... up from the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... up out of the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... upon earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... upon the earth 1093 -ge->

earth ......... were upon the earth 1093 -ge->

earthen ......... in earthen 3749 -ostrakinos->

earthly ......... but is earthly 1919 -epigeios->

earthly ......... earthly 1919 -epigeios->

earthly ......... is earthly 1093 -ge->

earthly ......... our earthly 1919 -epigeios->

earthly ......... you earthly 1919 -epigeios->

earthquake ......... an earthquake 4578 -seismos->

earthquake ......... and an earthquake 4578 -seismos->

earthquake ......... and in the earthquake 4578 -seismos->

earthquake ......... earthquake 4578 -seismos->

earthquake ......... the earthquake 4578 -seismos->

earthquakes ......... and earthquakes 4578 -seismos->

earthquakes ......... and there shall be earthquakes 4578 -seismos->

earthquakes ......... earthquakes 4578 -seismos->

earthy ......... As is the earthy 5517 -choikos->

earthy ......... earthy 5517 -choikos->

earthy ......... of the earthy 5517 -choikos->

earthy ......... that are earthy 5517 -choikos->

farther ......... by the farther 4008 -peran->

farthing ......... a farthing 2835 -kodrantes->

farthing ......... farthing 2835 -kodrantes->

farthing ......... for a farthing 0787 -assarion->

farthings ......... farthings 0787 -assarion->

forepart ......... and the forepart 4408 -prora->

heart ......... an heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... and in thy heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... and not in heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... but their heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... did my heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... Did not our heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... For out of the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... For the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... for their heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... for thy heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... For with the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... from the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... from the heart 5590 -psuche->

heart ......... heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... heart 4641 -sklerokardia->

heart ......... his heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... in heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... in her heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... in his heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... in my heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... in the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... in their heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... is that of the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... is upon their heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... my heart s 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... not in heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... of heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... of heart 4641 -sklerokardia->

heart ......... of his heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... of the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... of their heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... our heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... out of the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... own heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... than our heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... their heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... them in her heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... thing that the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... thy heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... to the heart , and took 1011 -bouleuo->

heart ......... to the heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... unto you , our heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... were of one heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... with their heart 2588 -kardia->

heart ......... you in my heart 2588 -kardia->

heartily ......... it heartily 5590 -psuche->

hearts ......... and hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... having our hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... hearts 0674 -apopsucho->

hearts ......... hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... hearts 4641 -sklerokardia->

hearts ......... him from them , and in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... in our hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... of the hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... of their hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... of their own hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... our hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... out of their hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... That their hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... that ye are in our hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... the hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... the hearts 2589 -kardiognostes->

hearts ......... their hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... them in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... them up in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

hearts ......... your hearts 2588 -kardia->

impart ......... let him impart 3330 -metadidomi->

impart ......... you , that I may impart 3330 -metadidomi->

imparted ......... to have imparted 3330 -metadidomi->

Martha ......... and Martha 3136 -Martha->

Martha ......... But Martha 3136 -Martha->

Martha ......... Martha 3136 -Martha->

Martha ......... to Martha 3136 -Martha->

Martha ......... unto her , Martha 3136 -Martha->

martyr ......... martyr 3144 -martus->

martyr ......... of thy martyr 3144 -martus->

martyrs ......... of the martyrs 3144 -martus->

part ......... a part 3313 -meros->

part ......... and part held 2258 -en->

part ......... and part with the apostles 0652 -apostolos->

part ......... his part 3313 -meros->

part ......... in part 3313 -meros->

part ......... me , but in part 3313 -meros->

part ......... of that part 3310 -meris->

part ......... our part .

part ......... out of the one part under 5259 -hupo->

part ......... part 2819 -kleros->

part ......... part 3307 -merizo->

part ......... part 3310 -meris->

part ......... part 3313 -meros->

part ......... part 3348 -metecho->

part ......... part 4119 -pleion->

part ......... part 4403 -prumna->

part ......... part advised 5087 -tithemi->

part ......... part he is glorified 1392 -doxazo->

part ......... part is full 1073 -gemo->

part ......... part knew 1492 -eido->

part ......... part may be ashamed 1788 -entrepo->

part ......... part of heaven 3772 -ouranos->

part ......... part of it , and the night 3571 -nux->

part ......... part of men 0444 -anthropos->

part ......... part of the city 4172 -polis->

part ......... part of the creatures 2938 -ktisma->

part ......... part of the earth 1093 -ge->

part ......... part of the moon 4582 -selene->

part ......... part of the price 5092 -time->

part ......... part of the rivers 4215 -potamos->

part ......... part of the sea 2281 -thalassa->

part ......... part of the ship , asleep 2518 -katheudo->

part ......... part of the ships 4143 -ploion->

part ......... part of the stars 0792 -aster->

part ......... part of the sun 2246 -helios->

part ......... part of the waters 5204 -hudor->

part ......... part of them was darkened 4654 -skotizo->

part ......... part of trees 1186 -dendron->

part ......... part they have supplied 0378 -anapleroo->

part ......... shall have their part 3313 -meros->

part ......... that which is in part 3313 -meros->

part ......... their part he is evil 0987 -blasphemeo->

part ......... to that part which lacked 5302 -hustereo->

part ......... unto the other part under 5259 -hupo->

part ......... us in part 3313 -meros->

partaker ......... a partaker 2844 -koinonos->

partaker ......... be a partaker 3348 -metecho->

partaker ......... be partaker 2841 -koinoneo->

partaker ......... but be thou partaker 4777 -sugkakopatheo->

partaker ......... is partaker 2841->

partaker ......... is partaker 2841->

partaker ......... partaker 3335 -metalambano->

partaker ......... sake , that I might be partaker 4791 -sugkoinonos->

partaker ......... should be partaker 3348 -metecho->

partakers ......... and partakers 4830 -summetochos->

partakers ......... are partakers 2841 -koinoneo->

partakers ......... are partakers 3353 -metochos->

partakers ......... are partakers 4791 -sugkoinonos->

partakers ......... are partakers 4829 -summerizomai->

partakers ......... as ye are partakers 2841 -koinoneo->

partakers ......... be partakers 3348 -metecho->

partakers ......... partakers 0482 -antilambanomai->

partakers ......... partakers 2841 -koinoneo->

partakers ......... partakers 2844 -koinonos->

partakers ......... partakers 3348 -metecho->

partakers ......... partakers 3353 -metochos->

partakers ......... partakers 4830 -summetochos->

partakers ......... that as ye are partakers 2844 -koinonos->

partakers ......... that we might be partakers 3335 -metalambano->

partakers ......... that ye be not partakers 4790 -sugkoinoneo->

partakers ......... to be partakers 3310 -meris->

partakers ......... ye might be partakers 2844 -koinonos->

partakest ......... them , and with them partakest 4791 -sugkoinonos->

parted ......... and parted 1266 -diamerizo->

parted ......... And they parted 1266 -diamerizo->

parted ......... him , and parted 1266 -diamerizo->

parted ......... him , they parted 1266 -diamerizo->

parted ......... them , he was parted 1339 -diistemi->

parted ......... They parted 1266 -diamerizo->

Parthians ......... Parthians 3934 -Parthos->

partial ......... partial 1252 -diakrino->

partiality ......... by partiality 4346 -prosklisis->

partiality ......... partiality 0087 -adiakritos->

particular ......... in particular 3313 -meros->

particular ......... one of you in particular 1520 -heis->

particularly ......... particularly 2596 -kata->

particularly ......... particularly 3313 -meros->

partition ......... wall of partition 5418 -phragmos->

partly ......... and partly 1161 -de->

Partly ......... Partly 3303 -men->

partly ......... you ; and I partly 5100 -tis->

partner ......... a partner 2844 -koinonos->

partner ......... he is my partner 2844 -koinonos->

partners ......... unto their partners 3353 -metochos->

partners ......... were partners 2844 -koinonos->

parts ......... and in the parts 3313 -meros->

parts ......... parts 2825 -kline->

parts ......... parts 3313 -meros->

parts ......... parts have 2192 -echo->

parts ......... parts of the earth 1093 -ge->

parts ......... the parts 3313 -meros->

parts ......... the parts of Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

quarter ......... quarter 3836 -pantachothen->

quarters ......... quarters , he came 2718 -katerchomai->

quarters ......... quarters 1137 -gonia->

quarters ......... quarters 5117 -topos->

Quartus ......... you , and Quartus 2890 -Kouartos->

tenderhearted ......... tenderhearted 2155 -eusplagchnos->