Aroer Jud_11_26 /^{Aroer /and her towns , and in all the cities that be along by the coasts of Arnon , three hundred years ? why therefore did ye not recover them within that time ? Aroer 1Sa_30_28 /^{Aroer /and to them which were in Siphmoth , and to them which were in Eshtemoa , Aroer Isa_17_02 /^{Aroer /are forsaken : they shall be for flocks , which shall lie down , and none shall make them afraid . Aroer Jud_11_33 /^{Aroer /even till thou come to Minnith , even twenty cities , and unto the plain of the vineyards , with a very great slaughter . Thus the children of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel . Aroer 1Ch_05_08 /^{Aroer /even unto Nebo and Baalmeon : Aroer 2Sa_24_05 /^{Aroer /on the right side of the city that lieth in the midst of the river of Gad , and toward Jazer : Aroer Jer_48_19 /^{Aroer /stand by the way , and espy ; ask him that fleeth , and her that escapeth , and say , What is done ? Aroer Jos_13_25 /^{Aroer /that is before Rabbah ; Aroer Jos_13_16 /^{Aroer /that is on the bank of the river Arnon , and the city that is in the midst of the river , and all the plain by Medeba ; Aroer Jos_13_09 /^{Aroer /that is upon the bank of the river Arnon , and the city that is in the midst of the river , and all the plain of Medeba unto Dibon ; Aroer Deu_04_48 /^{Aroer /which is by the bank of the river Arnon , even unto mount Sion , which is Hermon , Aroer Deu_02_36 /^{Aroer /which is by the brink of the river of Arnon , and from the city that is by the river , even unto Gilead , there was not one city too strong for us: the LORD our God delivered all unto us : Aroer Deu_03_12 /^{Aroer /which is by the river Arnon , and half mount Gilead , and the cities thereof, gave I unto the Reubenites and to the Gadites . Aroer 2Ki_10_33 /^{Aroer /which is by the river Arnon , even Gilead and Bashan . Aroer Jos_12_02 /^{Aroer /which is upon the bank of the river Arnon , and from the middle of the river , and from half Gilead , even unto the river Jabbok , which is the border of the children of Ammon ;