Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-amarantinos- ......... that fadeth 0262 -amarantinos- >

-amarantos- ......... and that fadeth 0263 -amarantos- >

-aparabatos- ......... an unchangeable 0531 -aparabatos- >

-aparaskeuastos- ......... you unprepared 0532 -aparaskeuastos- >

-apokaradokia- ......... expectation 0603 -apokaradokia- >

-apokaradokia- ......... For the earnest 0603 -apokaradokia- >

-apokaradokia- ......... to my earnest 0603 -apokaradokia- >

-ara- ......... doubt 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... else 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... for then 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... haply 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... is therefore 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... manner 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... no 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... of cursing 0685 -ara- >

-ara- ......... perhaps 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... so 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... So 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... Then 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... then 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... There is therefore 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... therefore 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... Truly 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... unto him , Then 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... what 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... What 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... Wherefore 0686 -ara- >

-ara- ......... ye therefore 0686 -ara- >

-Arabia- ......... Arabia 0688 -Arabia- >

-Arabia- ......... in Arabia 0688 -Arabia- >

-Aram- ......... And Aram 0689 -Aram- >

-Aram- ......... Aram 0689 -Aram- >

-Aram- ......... which was the son of Aram 0689 -Aram- >

-Barabbas- ......... Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas- >

-Barabbas- ......... he Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas- >

-Barabbas- ......... man , but Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas- >

-Barabbas- ......... unto us Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas- >

-Barabbas- ......... unto you ? Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas- >

-Barachias- ......... of Barachias 0914 -Barachias- >

-Barak- ......... and of Barak 0913 -Barak- >

-Bethabara- ......... in Bethabara 0962 -Bethabara- >

-chara- ......... and for joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... and joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... for , my joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... for gladness 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... for joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... for the joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... gladness 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... greatly 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... it with gladness 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... it with joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... joyful 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... joyfully 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... my joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... not for joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... of their joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... that my joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... the joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... to be joyous 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... unto you , that my joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... unto you , there is joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... unto you with joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... we for the joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... with joy 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... with joyfulness 5479 -chara- >

-chara- ......... ye my joy 5479 -chara- >

-charagma- ......... a mark 5480 -charagma- >

-charagma- ......... graven 5480 -charagma- >

-charagma- ......... his mark 5480 -charagma- >

-charagma- ......... the mark 5480 -charagma- >

-charakter- ......... and the express 5481 -charakter- >

-charakter- ......... image 5481 -charakter- >

-charax- ......... a trench 5482 -charax- >

-diatarasso- ......... him , she was troubled 1298 -diatarasso- >

-ektarasso- ......... do exceedingly 1613 -ektarasso- >

-ektarasso- ......... trouble 1613 -ektarasso- >

-epikataratos- ......... are cursed 1944 -epikataratos- >

-epikataratos- ......... Cursed 1944 -epikataratos- >

-katara- ......... a curse 2671 -katara- >

-katara- ......... and cursing 2671 -katara- >

-katara- ......... practices ; cursed 2671 -katara- >

-katara- ......... the curse 2671 -katara- >

-katara- ......... unto cursing 2671 -katara- >

-katara- ......... us from the curse 2671 -katara- >

-kataraomai- ......... and curse 2672 -kataraomai- >

-kataraomai- ......... curse 2672 -kataraomai- >

-kataraomai- ......... from me , ye cursed 2672 -kataraomai- >

-kataraomai- ......... them that curse 2672 -kataraomai- >

-kataraomai- ......... thou cursedst 2672 -kataraomai- >

-kithara- ......... harp 2788 -kithara- >

-kithara- ......... of you should be in vain 2788 -kithara- >

-kithara- ......... one of them harps 2788 -kithara- >

-kithara- ......... the harps 2788 -kithara- >

-kithara- ......... with their harps 2788 -kithara- >

-maraino- ......... man fade 3133 -maraino- >

-maran ......... Maranatha 3134 -maran atha->

-para- ......... above 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... against 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... among 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... And when his friends 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... at 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... before 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... contrary 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... down at 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... in the sight 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... it at 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... more 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... nigh 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... of himself more 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... side 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... stripes save 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... such things as they give 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... than 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... that she had 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... that which is against 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... them before 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... them down at 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... unto him : and he was nigh 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... unto you than 3844 -para- >

-para- ......... when she was past 3844 -para- >

-parabaino- ......... by transgression 3845 -parabaino- >

-parabaino- ......... transgress 3845 -parabaino- >

-paraballo- ......... day we arrived 3846 -paraballo- >

-paraballo- ......... shall we compare 3846 -paraballo- >

-parabasis- ......... breaking 3847 -parabasis- >

-parabasis- ......... of the transgressions 3847 -parabasis- >

-parabasis- ......... of transgressions 3847 -parabasis- >

-parabasis- ......... transgression 3847 -parabasis- >

-parabasis- ......... was in the transgression 3847 -parabasis- >

-parabates- ......... a transgressor 3848 -parabates- >

-parabates- ......... as transgressors 3848 -parabates- >

-parabates- ......... dost transgress 3848 -parabates- >

-parabates- ......... thou be a breaker 3848 -parabates- >

-parabiazomai- ......... But they constrained 3849 -parabiazomai- >

-parabiazomai- ......... there . And she constrained 3849 -parabiazomai- >

-parabole- ......... a parable 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... by a parable 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... by parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... comparison 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... him in a figure 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... his parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... I to them in parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... in parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... of him the parable 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... parable 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... proverb 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... the parable 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... things by parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... things unto them in parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... thou unto them in parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... to them a parable 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... unto them by parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... unto them in parables 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... unto us the parable 3850 -parabole- >

-parabole- ......... was a figure 3850 -parabole- >

-parabouleuomai- ......... not regarding 3851 -parabouleuomai- >

-paracheimasia- ......... to winter 3915 -paracheimasia- >

-paracheimazo- ......... and there to winter 3914 -paracheimazo- >

-paracheimazo- ......... and winter 3914 -paracheimazo- >

-paracheimazo- ......... to winter 3914 -paracheimazo- >

-parachrema- ......... And immediately 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... and immediately 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... And presently 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... forthwith 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... her : and immediately 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... him up : and immediately 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... his , straightway 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... immediately 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... she down straightway 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... soon 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... straightway 3916 -parachrema- >

-parachrema- ......... which had wintered 3916 -parachrema- >

-paradechomai- ......... and receive 3858 -paradechomai- >

-paradechomai- ......... for they will not receive 3858 -paradechomai- >

-paradechomai- ......... for us to receive 3858 -paradechomai- >

-paradechomai- ......... he receiveth 3858 -paradechomai- >

-paradechomai- ......... receive 3858 -paradechomai- >

-paradeigmatizo- ......... and put 3856 -paradeigmatizo- >

-paradeigmatizo- ......... example 3856 -paradeigmatizo- >

-paradeigmatizo- ......... her a publick 3856 -paradeigmatizo- >

-paradeigmatizo- ......... him to an open 3856 -paradeigmatizo- >

-paradeigmatizo- ......... shame 3856 -paradeigmatizo- >

-paradeigmatizo- ......... to make 3856 -paradeigmatizo- >

-paradeisos- ......... of the paradise 3857 -paradeisos- >

-paradeisos- ......... paradise 3857 -paradeisos- >

-paradeisos- ......... shalt thou be with me in paradise 3857 -paradeisos- >

-paradiatribe- ......... disputings 3859 -paradiatribe- >

-paradiatribe- ......... Perverse 3859 -paradiatribe- >

-paradidomi- ......... and delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... and delivering 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... and gave 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... And he that betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... and shall betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... and shall deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... And shall deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... And ye shall be betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... as I delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... as they delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... be delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... being recommended 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... betrayest 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... but delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... but he delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... committed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... For he shall be delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... For I delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... for they shall deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... for they will deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... forth 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... gave 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... had betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... had delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... have delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... have given 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... he delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... he is betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... he might betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... he shall have delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... he that betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... he that betrayeth 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... he that delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... he was betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... I delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... I give 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... I have delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... in prison 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... in that I have betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... into prison 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... is betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... is brought 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... is delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... is he that betrayeth 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... me , and gave 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... me , and I will deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... not ; but committed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... of him that betrayeth 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... of them : for that is delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... of you shall betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... over 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... shall be betrayed 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... shall be delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... shall betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... shall deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... shall they deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... should betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... son , to betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... that doth betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... that have hazarded 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... that I should not be delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... them over 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... they deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... they delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... they had been recommended 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... they had delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... they might deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... things are delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... thou deliveredst 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... to betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... To deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... unto them , and delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... us , and hath given 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... was cast 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... was delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... was put 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... we would not have delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... with me shall betray 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... ye delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... ye have delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... yet was I delivered 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... you , and deliver 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradidomi- ......... you , delivering 3860 -paradidomi- >

-paradosis- ......... of the traditions 3862 -paradosis- >

-paradosis- ......... own tradition 3862 -paradosis- >

-paradosis- ......... the ordinances 3862 -paradosis- >

-paradosis- ......... the tradition 3862 -paradosis- >

-paradosis- ......... the traditions 3862 -paradosis- >

-paradosis- ......... to the tradition 3862 -paradosis- >

-paradosis- ......... tradition 3862 -paradosis- >

-paradoxos- ......... strange 3861 -paradoxos- >

-paraggelia- ......... a charge 3852 -paraggelia- >

-paraggelia- ......... charge 3852 -paraggelia- >

-paraggelia- ......... commandments 3852 -paraggelia- >

-paraggelia- ......... of the commandment 3852 -paraggelia- >

-paraggello- ......... and charged 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... And commanded 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... and commanded 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... And he charged 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... And he commanded 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... as we commanded 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... but he charged 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... Charge 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... charging 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... commandeth 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... Did not we straitly command 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... For he had commanded 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... I command 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... I give thee charge 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... that I declare 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... that thou mightest charge 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... them , and commanded 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... them , and to command 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... them , they commanded 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... things command 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... things give in charge 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... to thee , and gave commandment 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... we command 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... we commanded 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraggello- ......... with them , commanded 3853 -paraggello- >

-paraginomai- ......... and they came 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... And when he was come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... And when they came 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... And when they were come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... being come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... came 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... cometh 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... coming 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... he went 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... I came 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... I come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... in the morning he came 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... is come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... that came 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... that thou art come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... there came 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... they came 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... they were come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... thither 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... was come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... were come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... were present 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... when he came 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... when he cometh 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... when he was come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... which were come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... with them . When he was come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-paraginomai- ......... ye that I am come 3854 -paraginomai- >

-parago- ......... And as he passed 3855 -parago- >

-parago- ......... And as Jesus passed 3855 -parago- >

-parago- ......... departed 3855 -parago- >

-parago- ......... is past 3855 -parago- >

-parago- ......... passed 3855 -parago- >

-parago- ......... passeth 3855 -parago- >

-parago- ......... who passed 3855 -parago- >

-paraineo- ......... admonished 3867 -paraineo- >

-paraineo- ......... I exhort 3867 -paraineo- >

-paraiteomai- ......... avoid 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... But refuse 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... excuse 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... I refuse 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... intreated 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... me excused 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... not who refused 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... refuse 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... reject 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... that ye refuse 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-paraiteomai- ......... to make 3868 -paraiteomai- >

-parakaleo- ......... and beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... And besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and comfort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and exhort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and exhorted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and exhorting 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... And he besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... And I beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and prayed 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and that he might comfort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and they beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... And they besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and they besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... and were desired 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... As I besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... be of good comfort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... beseeching 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... But exhort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... But I beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... but intreat 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... but we beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... Comfort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... comfort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... comforteth 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... desired 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... desiring 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... did beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... exhort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... exhortation 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... exhorted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... exhorting 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... for they shall be comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... have I called 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... he is comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... he that exhorteth 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... he was comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... him , and comfort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... him , they besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... I beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... I desired 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... I exhort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... I pray 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... is ; but exhorting 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... man unto him , and besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... may be comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... me ? And he desired 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... might be comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... myself beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... not be comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... out , and intreated 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... pray 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... prayed 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... she besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... that comforteth 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... that we desired 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... they besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... they comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... thing I besought 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... things in his exhortation 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... thou desiredst 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... to comfort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... to exhort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... to him , beseeching 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... to pray 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... unto him , desiring 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... unto thee , I pray 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... unto you , and exhort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... we be comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... we exhort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... we intreat 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... we ourselves are comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... we were comforted 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... with him , beseech 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... you , and to comfort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakaleo- ......... you I exhort 3870 -parakaleo- >

-parakalupto- ......... and it was hid 3871 -parakalupto- >

-parakatatheke- ......... that which is committed 3872 -parakatatheke- >

-parakatatheke- ......... thing which was committed 3872 -parakatatheke- >

-parakathizo- ......... sat 3869 -parakathizo- >

-paraklesis- ......... and comfort 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... and consolation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... and exhortation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... and in the comfort 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... but by the consolation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... by the comfort 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... comfort 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... consolation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... exhortation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... For our exhortation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... for the consolation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... intreaty 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... of consolation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... of exhortation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... of the consolation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... our consolation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... the exhortation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... to exhortation 3874 -paraklesis- >

-paraklesis- ......... with comfort 3874 -paraklesis- >

-parakletos- ......... an advocate 3875 -parakletos- >

-parakletos- ......... But the Comforter 3875 -parakletos- >

-parakletos- ......... Comforter 3875 -parakletos- >

-parakletos- ......... the Comforter 3875 -parakletos- >

-parakoe- ......... and disobedience 3876 -parakoe- >

-parakoe- ......... disobedience 3876 -parakoe- >

-parakoloutheo- ......... But thou hast fully 3877 -parakoloutheo- >

-parakoloutheo- ......... known 3877 -parakoloutheo- >

-parakoloutheo- ......... shall follow 3877 -parakoloutheo- >

-parakoloutheo- ......... thou hast attained 3877 -parakoloutheo- >

-parakoloutheo- ......... understanding 3877 -parakoloutheo- >

-parakouo- ......... he neglect 3878 -parakouo- >

-parakouo- ......... he shall neglect 3878 -parakouo- >

-parakouo- ......... to hear 3878 -parakouo- >

-parakupto- ......... And he stooping 3879 -parakupto- >

-parakupto- ......... and stooping 3879 -parakupto- >

-parakupto- ......... down 3879 -parakupto- >

-parakupto- ......... looketh 3879 -parakupto- >

-parakupto- ......... she stooped 3879 -parakupto- >

-parakupto- ......... to look 3879 -parakupto- >

-paralambano- ......... And he taketh 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... And he took 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... and receive 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... and received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... and take 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... And they took 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... and took 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... For I have received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... he , and taketh 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... he received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... he took 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... him , and took 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... not to take 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... out , he taketh 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... shall be taken 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... taketh 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... that as ye have received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... that ye have received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... thee , then take 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... Them take 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... they have received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... they took 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... thou hast received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... took 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... unto his own , and his own received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... we receiving 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... when ye received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralambano- ......... ye have received 3880 -paralambano- >

-paralegomai- ......... passing 3881 -paralegomai- >

-paralegomai- ......... thence , they sailed 3881 -paralegomai- >

-paralios- ......... and from the sea 3882 -paralios- >

-paralios- ......... coast 3882 -paralios- >

-parallage- ......... variableness 3883 -parallage- >

-paralogizomai- ......... deceiving 3884 -paralogizomai- >

-paralogizomai- ......... man should beguile 3884 -paralogizomai- >

-paraluo- ......... and the feeble 3886 -paraluo- >

-paraluo- ......... of the palsy 3886 -paraluo- >

-paraluo- ......... taken with palsies 3886 -paraluo- >

-paraluo- ......... was taken with a palsy 3886 -paraluo- >

-paralutikos- ......... and those that had the palsy 3885 -paralutikos- >

-paralutikos- ......... and was sick 3885 -paralutikos- >

-paralutikos- ......... he to the sick 3885 -paralutikos- >

-paralutikos- ......... of the palsy 3885 -paralutikos- >

-paralutikos- ......... one sick 3885 -paralutikos- >

-paralutikos- ......... sick 3885 -paralutikos- >

-paralutikos- ......... the sick 3885 -paralutikos- >

-paralutikos- ......... to him a man sick 3885 -paralutikos- >

-paralutikos- ......... to the sick 3885 -paralutikos- >

-paralutikos- ......... unto the sick 3885 -paralutikos- >

-parameno- ......... and continueth 3887 -parameno- >

-parameno- ......... And it may be that I will abide 3887 -parameno- >

-parameno- ......... to continue 3887 -parameno- >

-paramutheomai- ......... and comforted 3888 -paramutheomai- >

-paramutheomai- ......... comfort 3888 -paramutheomai- >

-paramutheomai- ......... to comfort 3888 -paramutheomai- >

-paramutheomai- ......... we exhorted and comforted 3888 -paramutheomai- >

-paramuthia- ......... and comfort 3889 -paramuthia- >

-paramuthion- ......... comfort 3890 -paramuthion- >

-paranomeo- ......... contrary 3891 -paranomeo- >

-paranomeo- ......... to the law 3891 -paranomeo- >

-paranomia- ......... for his iniquity 3892 -paranomia- >

-paraphero- ......... away 3911 -paraphero- >

-paraphero- ......... remove 3911 -paraphero- >

-paraphero- ......... unto thee ; take 3911 -paraphero- >

-paraphroneo- ......... as a fool 3912 -paraphroneo- >

-paraphronia- ......... the madness 3913 -paraphronia- >

-parapikraino- ......... did provoke 3893 -parapikraino- >

-parapikrasmos- ......... as in the provocation 3894 -parapikrasmos- >

-parapipto- ......... away 3895 -parapipto- >

-parapipto- ......... If they shall fall 3895 -parapipto- >

-parapleo- ......... to sail 3896 -parapleo- >

-paraplesion- ......... nigh 3897 -paraplesion- >

-paraplesios- ......... likewise 3898 -paraplesios- >

-parapoeruomai- ......... and passed 3899 -parapoeruomai- >

-parapoeruomai- ......... And they that passed 3899 -parapoeruomai- >

-parapoeruomai- ......... as they passed 3899 -parapoeruomai- >

-parapoeruomai- ......... to pass , that he went 3899 -parapoeruomai- >

-paraptoma- ......... as by the offence 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... But not as the offence 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... but rather through their fall 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... faults 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... for our offences 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... in a fault 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... in sins 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... in trespasses 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... man s offence 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... of sins 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... offences 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... sins 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... that the offence 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... the fall 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... their trespasses 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... through the offence 3900 -paraptoma- >

-paraptoma- ......... trespasses 3900 -paraptoma- >

-pararrhueo- ......... we should let them slip 3901 -pararrhueo- >

-parasemos- ......... whose sign 3902 -parasemos- >

-paraskeuazo- ......... but while they made 3903 -paraskeuazo- >

-paraskeuazo- ......... ready 3903 -paraskeuazo- >

-paraskeuazo- ......... shall prepare 3903 -paraskeuazo- >

-paraskeuazo- ......... was ready 3903 -paraskeuazo- >

-paraskeuazo- ......... ye may be ready 3903 -paraskeuazo- >

-paraskeue- ......... And it was the preparation 3904 -paraskeue- >

-paraskeue- ......... it was the preparation 3904 -paraskeue- >

-paraskeue- ......... preparation 3904 -paraskeue- >

-paraskeue- ......... the day of the preparation 3904 -paraskeue- >

-paraskeue- ......... was the preparation 3904 -paraskeue- >

-parateino- ......... and continued 3905 -parateino- >

-paratereo- ......... And they watched 3906 -paratereo- >

-paratereo- ......... day , that they watched 3906 -paratereo- >

-paratereo- ......... watched 3906 -paratereo- >

-paratereo- ......... Ye observe 3906 -paratereo- >

-parateresis- ......... not with observation 3907 -parateresis- >

-parathalassios- ......... coast 3864 -parathalassios- >

-parathalassios- ......... is upon the sea 3864 -parathalassios- >

-paratheke- ......... that which I have committed 3866 -paratheke- >

-paratheoreo- ......... were neglected 3865 -paratheoreo- >

-paratithemi- ......... and alleging 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... before 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... commit 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... he forth 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... he set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... I commend 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... I commit 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... is set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... men have committed 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... put 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... such things as are set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... them ; and they did set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... them before 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... they commended 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... to set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratugchano- ......... with them that met 3909 -paratugchano- >

-parautika- ......... is but for a moment 3910 -parautika- >

-parazeloo- ......... Do we provoke 3863 -parazeloo- >

-parazeloo- ......... for to provoke 3863 -parazeloo- >

-parazeloo- ......... I may provoke 3863 -parazeloo- >

-parazeloo- ......... I will provoke 3863 -parazeloo- >

-parazeloo- ......... to emulation 3863 -parazeloo- >

-Patara- ......... unto Patara 3959 -Patara- >

-patroparadotos- ......... fathers 3970 -patroparadotos- >

-pharagx- ......... valley 5327 -pharagx- >

-Pharao- ......... of Pharaoh 5328 -Pharao- >

-Pharao- ......... of Pharaoh s 5328 -Pharao- >

-Pharao- ......... out , Pharaoh s 5328 -Pharao- >

-Pharao- ......... unto Pharaoh 5328 -Pharao- >

-smaragdinos- ......... unto an emerald 4664 -smaragdinos- >

-smaragdos- ......... an emerald 4665 -smaragdos- >

-sparasso- ......... and rent 4682 -sparasso- >

-sparasso- ......... had torn 4682 -sparasso- >

-sparasso- ......... out ; and it teareth 4682 -sparasso- >

-sparasso- ......... tare 4682 -sparasso- >

-sumparaginomai- ......... stood 4836 -sumparaginomai- >

-sumparaginomai- ......... that came 4836 -sumparaginomai- >

-sumparaginomai- ......... together 4836 -sumparaginomai- >

-sumparakaleo- ......... That is , that I may be comforted 4837 -sumparakaleo- >

-sumparakaleo- ......... together 4837 -sumparakaleo- >

-sumparalambano- ......... and took 4838 -sumparalambano- >

-sumparalambano- ......... to take 4838 -sumparalambano- >

-sumparameno- ......... and continue 4839 -sumparameno- >

-susparasso- ......... him down , and tare 4952 -susparasso- >

-susparasso- ......... threw 4952 -susparasso- >

-tarache- ......... and troubles 5016 -tarache- >

-tarachos- ......... stir 5017 -tarachos- >

-tarasso- ......... And they troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... and troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... are ye troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... be troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... but he that troubleth 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... he was troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... him , and were troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... him , he was troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... is troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... out from us have troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... that trouble 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... the troubling 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... these things , he was troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... they were troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tarasso- ......... troubled 5015 -tarasso- >

-tessarakonta- ......... and bring 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... and forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... And when forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... Being forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... by the space of forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... Forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... fruit 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... I forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... of them forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... than forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakonta- ......... under foot forty 5062 -tessarakonta- >

-tessarakontaetes- ......... forty 5063 -tessarakontaetes- >

-tessarakontaetes- ......... of forty 5063 -tessarakontaetes- >

-tessarakontaetes- ......... years 5063 -tessarakontaetes- >

-Thara- ......... which was the son of Abraham 11 , which was the son of Thara 2291 -Thara- >

-Zara- ......... and Zara 2196 -Zara- >

appearance ......... appearance 1491 -eidos->

appearance ......... appearance 4383 -prosopon->

appearance ......... in appearance 4383 -prosopon->

appearance ......... to the appearance 3799 -opsis->

Arabia ......... Arabia 0688 -Arabia->

Arabia ......... in Arabia 0688 -Arabia->

Arabians ......... and Arabians 0690->

Arabians ......... and Arabians 0690->

Aram ......... And Aram 0689 -Aram->

Aram ......... Aram 0689 -Aram->

Aram ......... which was the son of Aram 0689 -Aram->

Araps- ......... Araps- >

Barabbas ......... Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas->

Barabbas ......... he Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas->

Barabbas ......... man , but Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas->

Barabbas ......... unto us Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas->

Barabbas ......... unto you ? Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas->

Barachias ......... of Barachias 0914 -Barachias->

Barak ......... and of Barak 0913 -Barak->

Bethabara ......... in Bethabara 0962 -Bethabara->

chara- ......... chara- >

declaration ......... a declaration 1335 -diegesis->

declaration ......... and declaration of your 5216 -humon->

forbearance ......... and forbearance 0463 -anoche->

forbearance ......... the forbearance 0463 -anoche->

Maranatha ......... Maranatha 3134 -maran atha->

parabaino- ......... parabaino- >

parable ......... a parable 3850 -parabole->

parable ......... by a parable 3850 -parabole->

parable ......... of him the parable 3850 -parabole->

parable ......... parable 3850 -parabole->

parable ......... the parable 3850 -parabole->

parable ......... This parable 3942 -paroimia->

parable ......... to them a parable 3850 -parabole->

parable ......... unto us the parable 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... by parables 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... his parables 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... I to them in parables 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... in parables 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... parables 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... things by parables 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... things unto them in parables 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... thou unto them in parables 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... unto them by parables 3850 -parabole->

parables ......... unto them in parables 3850 -parabole->

paradise ......... of the paradise 3857 -paradeisos->

paradise ......... paradise 3857 -paradeisos->

paradise ......... shalt thou be with me in paradise 3857 -paradeisos->

Patara ......... unto Patara 3959 -Patara->

Pharaoh ......... of Pharaoh 5328 -Pharao->

Pharaoh ......... of Pharaoh s 5328 -Pharao->

Pharaoh ......... out , Pharaoh s 5328 -Pharao->

Pharaoh ......... unto Pharaoh 5328 -Pharao->

preparation ......... And it was the preparation 3904 -paraskeue->

preparation ......... it was the preparation 3904 -paraskeue->

preparation ......... preparation 3904 -paraskeue->

preparation ......... the day of the preparation 3904 -paraskeue->

preparation ......... was the preparation 3904 -paraskeue->

preparation ......... with the preparation 2091 -hetoimasia->

Sara ......... and Sara 4564 -Sarrha->

Sara ......... as Sara 4564 -Sarrha->

Sara ......... of Sara s 4564 -Sarrha->

Sara ......... Sara 4564 -Sarrha->

separate ......... and he shall separate 0873 -aphorizo->

separate ......... be they who separate 0592 -apodiorizo->

Separate ......... Separate 0873 -aphorizo->

separate ......... separate 5562 -choreo->

separate ......... shall separate 5562 -choreo->

separate ......... them , and be ye separate 0873 -aphorizo->

separate ......... they shall separate 0873 -aphorizo->

separate ......... to separate 5562 -choreo->

separated ......... and separated 0873 -aphorizo->

separated ......... from them , and separated 0873 -aphorizo->

separated ......... separated 0873 -aphorizo->

Thara ......... which was the son of Abraham 11 , which was the son of Thara 2291 -Thara->

Zara ......... and Zara 2196 -Zara->