English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

Ahamnaharaim 0763 -- /Aram Naharayim -- {Aham-naharaim}, Mesopotamia.

Aharah 0315 -- /Achrach -- {Aharah}.

Anaharath 0588 -- /Anacharath -- {Anaharath}.

Apharasthchites 0671 -- /Apharc@kay -- Apharsachites, {Apharasthchites}.

appearance 1491 ** eidos ** {appearance}, fashion, shape, sight.

appearance 3799 ** opsis ** {appearance}, countenance, face.

appearance 4383 ** prosopon ** (outward) {appearance}, X before, contenance, face,fashion, (men's) person, presence.

appearance 4758 -- mar/eh -- X apparently, {appearance}(-reth), X as soon asbeautiful(-ly), countenance, fair, favoured, form, goodly, to look (up) on(to), look[-eth], pattern, to see, seem, sight, visage, vision.

appearance 5869 -- \ayin -- affliction, outward {appearance}, + before, + thinkbest, colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, + displease, eye([-brow],[-d], -sight), face, + favour, fountain, furrow, X him, + humble,knowledge, look, (+ well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, +regard, resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well, Xyou(-rselves).

Ara 0690 -- /ara/ -- {Ara}.

Arab 0694 -- /Arab -- {Arab}.

Arabah 6160 -- \arabah -- {Arabah}, champaign, desert, evening, heaven, plain,wilderness.

Arabia 0688 ** Arabia ** {Arabia}.

Arabia 6152 -- \ Arab -- {Arabia}.

Arabia 6154 -- \ereb -- {Arabia}, mingled people, mixed (multitude), woof.

Arabian 0690 ** Araps ** {Arabian}.

Arabian 6163 -- \Arabiy -- {Arabian}.

Arad 6166 -- \Arad -- {Arad}.

Arah 0733 -- /Arach -- {Arah}.

Aram 0689 ** Aram ** {Aram}.

Aram 0758 -- /Aram -- {Aram}, Mesopotamia, Syria, Syrians.

Aramitess 0761 -- /Arammiy -- Syrian, {Aramitess}.

Aramzobah 0760 -- /Aram Tsobah -- {Aram-zobah}.

Aran 0765 -- /Aran -- {Aran}.

Ararat 0780 -- /Ararat -- {Ararat}, Armenia.

Araunah 0728 -- /Aravnah -- {Araunah}.

Atarah 5851 -- \Atarah -- {Atarah}.

Azarael 5832 -- \Azar/el -- {Azarael}, Azareel.

Baara 1199 -- Ba\ara/ -- {Baara}.

Barabbas 0912 ** Barabbas ** {Barabbas}.

Barachel 1292 -- Barak/el -- {Barachel}.

Barachias 0914 ** Barachias ** {Barachias}.

Barak 0913 ** Barak ** {Barak}.

Barak 1301 -- Baraq -- {Barak}.

Benebarak 1139 -- B@ney-B@raq -- {Bene-barak}.

Bethabara 0962 ** Bethabara ** {Bethabara}.

Betharabah 1026 -- Beyth ha-\Arabah -- {Beth-arabah}.

Betharam 1027 -- Beyth ha-Ram -- {Beth-aram}.

Bethbarah 1012 -- Beyth Barah -- {Beth-barah}.

Bethharan 1028 -- Beyth ha-Ran -- {Beth-haran}.

Charashim 2798 -- Charashiym -- {Charashim}, craftsmen.

Dara 1873 -- Dara\ -- {Dara}.

declaration 0262 -- /achvah -- {declaration}.

declaration 1335 ** diegesis ** {declaration}.

declaration 6575 -- parashah -- {declaration}, sum.

Elparan 0364 -- /Eyl Pa/ran -- {El-paran}.

forbearance 0463 ** anoche ** {forbearance}.

Hara 2024 -- Hara/ -- {Hara}.

Haradah 2732 -- Charadah -- {Haradah}.

Haran 2039 -- Haran -- {Haran}.[wl

Haran 2771 -- Charan -- {Haran}.

Hararite 2043 -- Harariy -- {Hararite}.

Hazaraddar 2692 -- Chatsar Addar -- {Hazar-addar}.

Jarah 3294 -- Ya\rah -- {Jarah}.

Kirharaseth 7025 Qiyr Cheres -- -- {Kir-haraseth}, Kir-hareseth, Kir-haresh, Kir-heres.

Maarath 4638 -- Ma\arath -- {Maarath}.

Maharai 4121 -- Maharay -- {Maharai}.

Mara 4755 -- Mara/ -- {Mara}.

Marah 4785 -- Marah -- {Marah}.

Maralah 4831 -- Mar\alah -- {Maralah}.

Maranatha 3134 ** maran atha ** {Maran-atha}.

Mearah 4632 -- M@\arah -- {Mearah}.

Naarah 5292 -- Na\arah -- {Naarah}, Naarath.

Naarai 5293 -- Na\aray -- {Naarai}.

Naaran 5295 -- Na\aran -- {Naaran}.

Naarath 5292 -- Na\arah -- Naarah, {Naarath}.

Naharai 5171 -- Nacharay -- {Naharai}, Nahari.

natuarally 1104 ** gnesios ** {natuarally}.

Nebuzaradan 5018 -- N@buwzaradan -- {Nebuzaradan}.

Paarai 6474 -- Pa\aray -- {Paarai}.

Padanaram 6307 -- Paddan -- Padan, {Padan-aram}.

parable 3850 ** parabole ** comparison, figure, {parable}, proverb.

parable 3942 ** paroimia ** {parable}, proverb.

parable 4912 -- mashal -- byword, like, {parable}, proverb.

paradise 3857 ** paradeisos ** {paradise}.

Parah 6511 -- Parah -- {Parah}.

paramour 6370 -- piylegesh -- concubine, {paramour}.

Paran 6290 -- Pa/ran -- {Paran}.

Patara 3959 ** Patara ** {Patara}.

Pharaoh 5328 ** Pharao ** {Pharaoh}.

Pharaoh 6547 -- Par\oh -- {Pharaoh}.

Pharaohhophra 6548 -- Par\oh Chophra\ -- {Pharaoh-hophra}.

Pharaohnecho 6549 -- Par\oh N@koh -- {Pharaoh-necho}, Pharaoh-nechoh.

Pharaohnechoh 6549 -- Par\oh N@koh -- Pharaoh-necho, {Pharaoh-nechoh}.

preparation 2091 ** hetoimasia ** {preparation}.

preparation 3559 -- kuwn -- certain(-ty), confirm, direct, faithfulness, fashion,fasten, firm, be fitted, be fixed, frame, be meet, ordain, order, perfect,(make) {preparation}, prepare (self), provide, make provision, (be, make)ready, right, set (aright, fast, forth), be stable, (e-)stablish, stand,tarry, X verydeed

preparation 3904 ** paraskeue ** {preparation}.

preparation 4633 -- ma\arak -- {preparation}.

Sara 4564 ** Sarrha ** {Sara}, Sarah.

Sarah 4564 ** Sarrha ** Sara, {Sarah}.

Sarah 8283 -- Sarah -- {Sarah}.

Sarah 8294 -- Serach -- {Sarah}, Serah.

Sarai 8297 -- Saray -- {Sarai}.

Saraph 8315 -- Saraph -- {Saraph}.

separate 0592 ** apodiorizo ** {separate}.

separate 0873 ** aphorizo ** divide, {separate}, sever.

separate 0914 -- badal -- (make, put) difference, divide (asunder), (make){separate} (self, -ation), sever (out), X utterly.

separate 1508 -- gizrah -- polishing, {separate} place.

separate 2505 -- chalaq -- deal, distribute, divide, flatter, give, (have,im-)part(-ner), take away a portion, receive, {separate} self, (be)smooth(-er).

separate 3995 -- mibdalah -- {separate}.

separate 5139 -- naziyr -- Nazarite, {separate}(-d), vine undressed.

separate 5144 -- nazar -- consecrate, {separate}(-ing, self).

separate 5563 ** chorizo ** depart, put asunder, {separate}.

separate 6381 -- pala/ -- accomplish, (arise...too, be too) hard, hidden, things toohigh, (be, do, do a, shew) marvelous(-ly, -els, things, work), miracles,perform, {separate}, make singular, (be, great, make) wonderful(-ers, -ly,things, works), wondrous (things, works, -ly).

separate 6395 -- palah -- put a difference, show marvellous, {separate}, set apart,sever, make wonderfully.

separate 6504 -- parad -- disperse, divide, be out of joint, part, scatter (abroad),{separate} (self), sever self, stretch, sunder.

separation 5079 -- niddah -- X far, filthiness, X flowers, menstruous (woman), putapart, X removed (woman), {separation}, set apart, unclean(-ness, thing,with filthiness).

separation 5145 -- nezer -- consecration, crown, hair, {separation}.

Sepharad 5614 -- C@pharad -- {Sepharad}.

Shaaraim 8189 -- Sha\arayim -- {Shaaraim}.

Shaharaim 7842 Shacharayim -- -- {Shaharaim}.

Sharai 8298 -- Sharay -- {Sharai}.

Sharar 8325 -- Sharar -- {Sharar}.

Tarah 8646 -- Terach -- {Tarah}, Terah.

Taralah 8634 -- Tar/alah -- {Taralah}.

Thara 2291 ** Thara ** {Thara}.

Zara 2196 ** Zara ** {Zara}.

Zarah 2226 -- Zerach -- {Zarah}, Zerah.

Zemaraim 6787 -- Ts@marayim -- {Zemaraim}.