Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
approach ^ 1Ti_06_16 Who <3588> only <3441> hath <2192> (5723) immortality <0110>, dwelling <3611> (5723) in the light <5457> which no man <3762> can {approach} unto <0676>; whom <3739> no man <0444> hath seen <1492> (5627), nor <3761> can <1410> (5736) see <1492> (5629): to whom <3739> be honour <5092> and <2532> power <2904> everlasting <0166>. Amen <0281>.

approacheth ^ Luk_12_33 Sell <4453> (5657) that ye <5216> have <5224> (5723), and <2532> give <1325> (5628) alms <1654>; provide <4160> (5657) yourselves <1438> bags <0905> which wax <3822> <0> not <3361> old <3822> (5746), a treasure <2344> in <1722> the heavens <3772> that faileth not <0413>, where <3699> no <3756> thief <2812> {approacheth} <1448> (5719), neither <3761> moth <4597> corrupteth <1311> (5719).

approaching ^ Heb_10_25 Not <3361> forsaking <1459> (5723) the assembling <1997> <0> of ourselves <1438> together <1997>, as <2531> the manner <1485> of some <5100> is; but <0235> exhorting <3870> (5723) one another: and <2532> so much <5118> the more <3123>, as <3745> ye see <0991> (5719) the day <2250> {approaching} <1448> (5723).