Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
appoint ......... and appoint 5087 -tithemi->

appoint ......... And I appoint 1303 -diatithemai->

appoint ......... him in sunder , and will appoint 5087 -tithemi->

appoint ......... we may appoint 2525 -kathistemi->

appointed ......... And as it is appointed 0606 -apokeimai->

appointed ......... And they appointed 2476 -histemi->

appointed ......... And when they had appointed 5021 -tasso->

appointed ......... appointed 0322 -anadeiknumi->

appointed ......... appointed 4287 -prothesmios->

appointed ......... appointed 4384 -protasso->

appointed ......... appointed 4929 -suntasso->

appointed ......... are appointed 5021 -tasso->

appointed ......... as he had appointed 1299 -diatasso->

appointed ......... as I had appointed 1299 -diatasso->

appointed ......... as it were appointed 1935 -epithanatios->

appointed ......... had appointed 4929 -suntasso->

appointed ......... had appointed 5021 -tasso->

appointed ......... had he appointed 1299 -diatasso->

appointed ......... hath appointed 1303 -diatithemai->

appointed ......... hath not appointed 5087 -tithemi->

appointed ......... he hath appointed 2476 -histemi->

appointed ......... he hath appointed 5087 -tithemi->

appointed ......... I am appointed 5087 -tithemi->

appointed ......... that we are appointed 2749 -keimai->

appointed ......... that which is appointed 1299 -diatasso->

appointed ......... they were appointed 5087 -tithemi->

appointed ......... to him that appointed 4160 -poieo->