Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

appearance 01935 ## howd {hode} ; from an unused root ; grandeur (i . e . an imposing form and {appearance}) : -- beauty , comeliness , excellency , glorious , glory , goodly , honour , majesty .

appearance 02380 ## chazuwth {khaw-zooth'} ; from 02372 ; a look ; hence (figuratively) striking {appearance} , revelation , or (by implication) compact : -- agreement , notable (one) , vision .

appearance 04758 ## mar'eh {mar-eh'} ; from 07200 ; a view (the act of seeing) ; also an appearance (the thing seen) , whether (real) a shape (especially if handsome , comeliness ; often plural the looks) , or (mental) a vision : -- X apparently , {appearance} (- reth) , X as soon as beautiful (- ly) , countenance , fair , favoured , form , goodly , to look (up) on (to) , look [-eth ] , pattern , to see , seem , sight , visage , vision .

appearance 04758 ## mar'eh {mar-eh'} ; from 07200 ; a view (the act of seeing) ; also an {appearance} (the thing seen) , whether (real) a shape (especially if handsome , comeliness ; often plural the looks) , or (mental) a vision : -- X apparently , appearance (- reth) , X as soon as beautiful (- ly) , countenance , fair , favoured , form , goodly , to look (up) on (to) , look [-eth ] , pattern , to see , seem , sight , visage , vision .

appearance 05869 ## ` ayin {ah'- yin} ; probably a primitive word ; an eye (literally or figuratively) ; by analogy , a fountain (as the eye of the landscape) : -- affliction , outward {appearance} , + before , + think best , colour , conceit , + be content , countenance , + displease , eye ([-brow ] , [-d ] ,-sight) , face , + favour , fountain , furrow [from the margin ] , X him , + humble , knowledge , look , (+ well) , X me , open (- ly) , + (not) please , presence , + regard , resemblance , sight , X thee , X them , + think , X us , well , X you (- rselves) .

appearance 08389 ## to'ar {to'- ar} ; from 08388 ; outline , i . e . figure or {appearance} : -- + beautiful , X comely , countenance , + fair , X favoured , form , X goodly , X resemble , visage .

appearance 1491 - eidos {i'-dos}; from 1492; a view, i.e. form (literally or figuratively): -- {appearance}, fashion, shape, sight.

appearance 2570 - kalos {kal-os'}; of uncertain affinity; properly, beautiful, but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally), i.e. valuable or virtuous (for {appearance} or use, and thus distinguished from 0018, which is properly intrinsic): -- X better, fair, good(-ly), honest, meet, well, worthy.

appearance 2986 - lampros {lam-pros'}; from the same as 2985; radiant; by analogy, limpid; figuratively, magnificent or sumptuous (in {appearance}): -- bright, clear, gay, goodly, gorgeous, white.

appearance 3446 - morphosis {mor'-fo-sis}; from 3445; formation, i.e. (by implication) {appearance} (semblance or [concretely] formula): -- form.

appearance 3664 - homoios {hom'-oy-os}; from the base of 3674; similar (in {appearance} or character): -- like, + manner.

appearance 3706 - horasis {hor'-as-is}; from 3708; the act of gazing, i.e. (external) an aspect or (intern.) an inspired {appearance}: -- sight, vision.

appearance 3799 - opsis {op'-sis}; from 3700; properly, sight (the act), i.e. (by impl) the visage, an external show: -- {appearance}, countenance, face.

appearance 4383 - prosopon {pros'-o-pon}; from 4314 and ops (the visage, from 3700); the front (as being towards view), i.e. the countenance, aspect, appearance, surface; by implication, presence, person: -- (outward) {appearance}, X before, contenance, face, fashion, (men's) person, presence.

appearance 4659 - skuthropos {skoo-thro-pos'}; from skuthros (sullen) and a derivative of 3700; angry-visaged, i.e. gloomy or affecting a mournful {appearance}: -- of a sad countenance.

disappearance 08557 ## temec {teh'- mes} ; from 04529 ; liquefaction , i . e . {disappearance} : -- melt .

disappearance 0854 - aphanismos {af-an-is-mos'}; from 0853; {disappearance}, i.e. (figuratively) abrogation: -- vanish away.