apothecaries -4842 {apothecaries} , compound , ointment , apothecaries -7543 {apothecaries} , apothecary , compoundeth , confectionaries , made , prepared , spice , apothecaries 4842 -- mirqachath -- prepared by the {apothecaries}' art, compound,ointment. apothecaries 4842 ## mirqachath {meer-kakh'-ath}; from 7543; an aromatic unguent; also an unguent-pot: -- prepared by the {apothecaries}' art, compound, ointment.[ql apothecaries 003 008 Neh /^{apothecaries /and they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall . apothecaries 016 014 IICh /^{apothecaries /art : and they made a very great burning for him. apothecaries <2CH16 -14> And they buried him in his own sepulchres, which he had made for himself in the city of David, and laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odours and divers kinds [of spices] prepared by the {apothecaries}' art: and they m ade a very great burning for him. apothecaries Next unto him repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, of the goldsmiths. Next unto him also repaired Hananiah the son of [one of] the {apothecaries}, and they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall.