absalom answered joab <2SA14 -:32 > achan answered joshua ammon answered unto ammonite answered them <1SA11 -:2 > answered again answered for himself answered him <1SA14 -:39 > answered him <2SA1 -:8 > answered him not <2KI18 -:36 > answered him not answered his words answered jeremiah answered no more answered nothing answered paul answered thee answered them answered them answered them after <2CH10 -:14 > answered them after balaam answered beor answered him from shittim unto gilgal bethuel answered boaz answered but balaam answered but festus answered but he answered but he answered but he answered but he answered but he answered but he answered but he answered but he answered but he answered her not but he answered him not <1SA14 -:37 > but he answered him nothing but he answered nothing but he answered one but he answered them not <2SA22 -:42 > but he answered them not but jesus answered but jesus answered them but jesus yet answered nothing but none answered but pilate answered them but she answered not <1SA4 -:20 > but ye answered not buzite answered chaldeans answered before david answered rechab <2SA4 -:9 > ephron answered abraham eunuch answered philip garrison answered jonathan <1SA14 -:12 > god answered him by he answered discreetly he answered him <1KI18 -:8 > he answered him <1KI22 -:15 > he answered him <1SA30 -:8 > he answered him <2CH18 -:3 > he answered him he answered him he answered him he answered him from heaven by fire upon <1CH21 -:26 > he answered me he answered me he answered nothing he answered them he answered them he answered them he answered them he answered them he answered unto he had answered me he had answered them well her wise ladies answered her heth answered abraham his disciples answered him his parents answered them hittite answered abraham impotent man answered him jacob answered shechem jesus answered him jesus answered him jesus answered him jesus answered him jesus answered him jesus answered him jesus answered him jesus answered him jesus answered them jesus answered them jesus answered them jesus answered them jesus answered them jesus answered them jesus answered them jesus answered them jesus answered them jews answered him jews answered him john answered him john answered them jonathan answered saul <1SA20 -:28 > jonathan answered saul his father <1SA20 -:32 > joseph answered pharaoh joshua answered them king answered them roughly <2CH10 -:13 > king answered unto daniel lord answered him <1SA23 -:4 > lord answered him not <1SA28 -:6 > lord answered me lord answered me lord answered thee lord had answered him <1CH21 -:28 > lord then answered him memucan answered before men answered her michal answered saul <1SA19 -:17 > miriam answered them nabal answered david's servants <1SA25 -:10 > penuel answered him as people answered him people answered him after this manner <1SA17 -:27 > people answered him again after <1SA17 -:30 > people answered him not <1KI18 -:21 > people answered together people answered with one voice peter answered him peter answered unto her philip answered him priest answered david <1SA21 -:4 > reuben answered them samuel answered saul <1SA9 -:19 > servant answered saul again <1SA9 -:8 > she answered him <2SA13 -:12 > she answered them <2CH34 -:23 > simon answered simon peter answered succoth had answered synagogue answered with indignation talked with me answered temanite answered temanite answered then abner answered <1SA26 -:14 > then ahimelech answered <1SA22 -:14 > then ananias answered then answered then answered then answered then answered then answered then answered then answered then answered all <1SA30 -:22 > then answered all then answered amos then answered bildad then answered bildad then answered bildad then answered david <1SA26 -:6 > then answered doeg <1SA22 -:9 > then answered eliphaz then answered esther then answered haggai then answered jesus then answered one <1SA14 -:28 > then answered one <1SA16 -:18 > then answered one then answered peter then answered peter then answered peter then answered peter then answered simon then answered them then answered they then answered zophar then answered zophar then baruch answered them then daniel answered then daniel answered with counsel then eli answered <1SA1 -:17 > then he answered then hezekiah answered <2CH29 -:31 > then jesus answered then jesus answered then king david answered <1KI1 -:28 > then paul answered then samuel answered <1SA3 -:10 > then satan answered then satan answered then simon peter answered him then ye answered they answered <1SA12 -:5 > they answered <1SA5 -:8 > they answered <1SA6 -:4 > they answered <2KI10 -:13 > they answered <2SA21 -:5 > they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered they answered again they answered him <2KI1 -:8 > they answered him they answered him they answered him they answered him they answered jesus they answered joshua they answered joshua they answered no more they answered them <1SA9 -:12 > thomas answered thou hast answered right thus he answered me <1KI2 -:30 > time jesus answered tyre answered <2CH2 -:11 > voice answered me again from heaven while he answered for himself who answered who answered me wise answered woman answered <2SA14 -:19 > woman answered women answered <1SA18 -:7 > words be answered ye answered me zadok answered him <2CH31 -:10 >