almighty would answer me answer esther answer every man answer for himself concerning answer him answer him answer him answer him answer him answer him not <2KI18 -:36 > answer him not answer him not again <2KI4 -:29 > answer him with your speeches answer me answer me answer me answer me answer me answer me answer not answer thee answer thee answer them <1KI12 -:7 > answer thou me answer thou me at my first answer no man stood with me <2TI4 -:16 > because they had found no answer but he gave me no answer but jesus gave him no answer but none giveth answer but they will not answer thee call answer me speedily for thou wilt answer me for though he understand he will not answer he cannot answer him one he could not answer abner <2SA3 -:11 > he will answer thee he would answer me his brethren could not answer him if thou canst answer me king an answer unto rehum let him answer it lord shall answer you may answer him may answer this people <1KI12 -:6 > more cheerfully answer for myself righteous answer him shall answer for myself this day before thee touching all shall answer when she returned answer should answer him so shall my righteousness answer for me soft answer turneth away wrath take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer then answer then he shall answer then he would answer him <1SA2 -:16 > then shall he answer them then shall they also answer him then shalt thou answer them then they returned answer by letter concerning this then they shall answer then ye shall answer them they could not answer him again they marvelled at his answer they shall answer <1KI9 -:9 > they shall answer this answer thou mightest answer thou shalt answer thus shalt thou answer <2CH10 -:10 > thus they returned us answer thy faithfulness answer me thy father answer thee roughly <1SA20 -:10 > timber shall answer it we may answer this people <1KI12 -:9 > we may give an answer we may return answer <2CH10 -:9 > will answer will answer will answer also my part will answer him will answer thee will answer thee will answer thee will answer thee will answer thee will not answer will not answer ye will not answer me