anon Interlinear Index Study anon MAT 013 020 But he that received <4687 -speiro -> the seed <4687 -speiro -> into <1909 -epi -> stony <4075 -petrodes -> places , the same <3778 -houtos -> is he that heareth <0191 - akouo -> the word <3056 -logos -> , and {anon} <2117 -euthus -> with joy <5479 -chara -> receiveth <2983 -lambano -> it ; anon MAR 001 030 But Simon s <4613 -Simon -> wife s <3994 - penthera -> mother <3994 -penthera -> lay <2621 -katakeimai -> sick <4445 -puresso -> of a fever <4445 -puresso -> , and {anon} <2112 -eutheos -> they tell <3004 -lego -> him of her .