Annas Interlinear Index Study Annas LUK 003 002 {Annas} LUK 0452 -Annas - and Caiaphas 2533 - Kaiaphas - being 1909 -epi - the high LUK 0749 -archiereus - priests LUK 0749 -archiereus - , the word 4487 -rhema - of God 2316 -theos - came 1096 -ginomai - unto John 2491 -Ioannes - the son 5027 -taphe - of Zacharias 2197 -Zacharias - in the wilderness 2048 -eremos - . Annas JOH 018 013 . And led <0520 -apago -> him away <0520 - apago -> to {Annas} <0452 -Annas -> first <4412 -proton -> ; for he was father <3995 -pentheros -> in law <3995 -pentheros -> to Caiaphas <2533 -Kaiaphas -> , which <3739 -hos -> was the high <0749 -archiereus -> priest <0749 -archiereus -> that same <1565 -ekeinos -> year <1763 -eniautos -> . Annas JOH 018 024 Now <3767 -oun -> {Annas} <0452 -Annas -> had sent <0649 -apostello -> him bound <1210 -deo -> unto Caiaphas <2533 -Kaiaphas -> the high <0749 -archiereus -> priest <0749 - archiereus -> . Annas ACT 004 006 And {Annas} <0452 -Annas -> the high <0749 - archiereus -> priest <0749 -archiereus -> , and Caiaphas <2533 - Kaiaphas -> , and John <2491 -Ioannes -> , and Alexander <0223 - Alexandros -> , and as many <3745 -hosos -> as were of the kindred <1085 -genos -> of the high <0749 -archiereus -> priest <0748 -archieratikos -> , were gathered <4863 -sunago -> together <4863 -sunago -> at <1519 -eis -> Jerusalem <2419 - Hierousalem -> .