angle 2443 ## chakkah {khak-kaw'}; probably from 2442; a hook (as adhering): -- {angle}, hook. [ql entangle 1707 # empleko {em-plek'-o}; from 1722 and 4120; to entwine, i.e. (figuratively) involve with: -- {entangle} (in, self with).[ql ***. entangle 3802 # pagideuo {pag-id-yoo'-o}; from 3803; to ensnare (figuratively): -- {entangle}.[ql entangled 0943 ## buwk {book}; a primitive root; to involve (literally or figuratively): -- be {entangled}, (perplexed). [ql strangle 2614 ## chanaq {khaw-nak'}; a primitive root [compare 2596]; to be narrow; by implication, to throttle, or (reflex.) to choke oneself to death (by a rope): -- hang self, {strangle}. [ql strangled 4156 # pniktos {pnik-tos'}; from 4155; throttled, i.e. (neuter concretely) an animal choked to death (not bled): -- {strangled}.[ql