Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

Anamim 06047 ## ` Anamim {an-aw-meem'} ; as if plural of some Egyptian word ; Anamim , a son of Mizraim and his descendants , with their country : -- {Anamim} .

Anamim 06047 ## ` Anamim {an-aw-meem'} ; as if plural of some Egyptian word ; {Anamim} , a son of Mizraim and his descendants , with their country : -- Anamim .

Anamim 06047 ## ` {Anamim} {an-aw-meem'} ; as if plural of some Egyptian word ; Anamim , a son of Mizraim and his descendants , with their country : -- Anamim .

anamimnesko 0363 - {anamimnesko} {an-am-im-nace'-ko}; from 0303 and 3403; to remind; (reflexively) to recollect: -- call to mind, (bring to , call to, put in), remember(-brance).

epanamimnesko 1878 - {epanamimnesko} {ep-an-ah-mim-nace'-ko}; from 1909 and 0363; to remind of: -- put in mind.