Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

aganakteo 0023 - {aganakteo} {ag-an-ak-teh'-o}; from agan (much) and achthos (grief; akin to the base of 0043); to be greatly afflicted, i.e. (figuratively) indignant: -- be much (sore) displeased, have (be moved with, with) indignation.

aganaktesis 0024 - {aganaktesis} {ag-an-ak'-tay-sis}; from 0023; indignation: -- indignation.

anak 00594 ## {'anak} {an-awk'} ; probably from an unused root meaning to be narrow ; according to most a plumb-line , and to others a hook : -- plumb-line .

Anak 06061 ## ` Anaq {aw-nawk'} ; the same as 06060 ; Anak , a Canaanite : -- {Anak} .

Anak 06061 ## ` Anaq {aw-nawk'} ; the same as 06060 ; {Anak} , a Canaanite : -- Anak .

Anak 06062 ## ` Anaqiy {an-aw-kee'} ; patronymically from 06061 ; an Anakite or descendant of {Anak} : -- Anakim .

anak 08590 ## Ta` {anak} {tah-an-awk'} ; or Ta` nak {tah-nawk'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Taanak or Tanak , a place in Palestine : -- Taanach , Tanach .

anakainizo 0340 - {anakainizo} {an-ak-ahee-nid'-zo}; from 0303 and a derivative of 2537; to restore: -- renew.

anakainoo 0341 - {anakainoo} {an-ak-ahee-no'-o}; from 0303 and a derivative of 2537; to renovate: -- renew.

anakainosis 0342 - {anakainosis} {an-ak-ah'-ee-no-sis}; from 0341; renovation: -- renewing.

anakalupto 0343 - {anakalupto} {an-ak-al-oop'-to}; from 0303 (in the sense of reversal) and 2572; to unveil: -- open, ( [un-])taken away.

anakampto 0344 - {anakampto} {an-ak-amp'-to}; from 0303 and 2578; to turn back: -- (re-)turn.

anakathizo 0339 - {anakathizo} {an-ak-ath-id'-zo}; from 0303 and 2523; properly, to set up, i.e. (reflexively) to sit up: -- sit up.

anakeimai 0345 - {anakeimai} {an-ak-i'-mahee}; from 0303 and 2749; to recline (as a corpse or at a meal): -- guest, lean, lie, sit (down, at meat), at the table.

anakephalaiomai 0346 - {anakephalaiomai} {an-ak-ef-al-ah'-ee-om-ahee}; from 0303 and 2775 (in its original sense); to sum up: -- briefly comprehend, gather together in one.

Anakim 00704 ## 'Arba` {ar-bah'} ; the same as 00702 ; Arba , one of the {Anakim} : -- Arba .

Anakim 06062 ## ` Anaqiy {an-aw-kee'} ; patronymically from 06061 ; an Anakite or descendant of Anak : -- {Anakim} .

Anakite 00289 ## 'Achiyman {akh-ee-man'} ; or'Achiyman {akh-ee-mawn'} ; from 00251 and 04480 ; brother of a portion (i . e . gift) ; Achiman , the name of an {Anakite} and of an Israelite : -- Ahiman .

Anakite 06062 ## ` Anaqiy {an-aw-kee'} ; patronymically from 06061 ; an {Anakite} or descendant of Anak : -- Anakim .

anaklino 0347 - {anaklino} {an-ak-lee'-no}; from 0303 and 2827; to lean back: -- lay, (make) sit down.

anakopto 0348 - {anakopto} {an-ak-op'-to}; from 0303 and 2875; to beat back, i.e. check: -- hinder.

anakrazo 0349 - {anakrazo} {an-ak-rad'-zo}; from 0303 and 2896; to scream up (aloud): -- cry out.

anakrino 0350 - {anakrino} {an-ak-ree'-no}; from 0303 and 2919; properly, to scrutinize, i.e. (by implication) investigate, interrogate, determine: -- ask, question, discern, examine, judge, search.

anakrisis 0351 - {anakrisis} {an-ak'-ree-sis}; from 0350; a (judicial) investigation: -- examination.

anakupto 0352 - {anakupto} {an-ak-oop'-to}; from 0303 (in the sense of reversal) and 2955; to unbend, i.e. rise; figuratively, be elated: -- lift up, look up.

chanak 02596 ## {chanak} {khaw-nak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to narrow (compare 026l4) ; figuratively , to initiate or discipline : -- dedicate , train up .

sunanakeimai 4873 - {sunanakeimai} {soon-an-ak'-i-mahee}; from 4862 and 0345; to recline in company with (at a meal): -- sit (down, at the table, together) with (at meat).

Taanak 08590 ## Ta` anak {tah-an-awk'} ; or Ta` nak {tah-nawk'} ; of uncertain derivation ; {Taanak} or Tanak , a place in Palestine : -- Taanach , Tanach .

Tanak 08590 ## Ta` anak {tah-an-awk'} ; or Ta` nak {tah-nawk'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Taanak or {Tanak} , a place in Palestine : -- Taanach , Tanach .