adami -0129 {adami} , adullamite -5726 {adullamite} , ahiramites -0298 {ahiramites} , ami -0532 {ami} , amiable -3039 {amiable} , beloved , wellbeloved , amiss -5753 {amiss} , commit , committed , crooked , iniquity , perverse , perversely , perverted , troubled , turneth , wickedly , wrong , amiss -7955 {amiss} , amittai -0573 {amittai} , amramites -6020 {amramites} , anamim -6047 {anamim} , aramitess -0761 {aramitess} , syrian , syrians , benjamin -1144 {benjamin} , benjamite -1145 {benjamite} , benjamites , benjamites -1145 benjamite , {benjamites} , calamities -0343 {calamities} , calamity , destruction , calamities -1942 {calamities} , calamity , iniquity , mischiefs , mischievous , naughtiness , naughty , noisome , perverse , substance , very , wickedness , calamities -7451 adversities , adversity , affliction , afflictions , and , bad , {calamities} , cities , displeasure , distress , evil , evils , friend , great , grief , grievous , harm , heavy , hurt , hurtful , ill , mischief , mischiefs , mischievous , misery , naught , naughty , noisome , out , sad , sadly , sore , sorrow , temples , them , trouble , troubles , wicked , wickedly , wickedness , worse , worst , wretchedness , wrong , calamity -0343 calamities , {calamity} , destruction , calamity -1942 calamities , {calamity} , iniquity , mischiefs , mischievous , naughtiness , naughty , noisome , perverse , substance , very , wickedness , defaming -1681 {defaming} , evil , infamy , report , slander , elamites -5962 {elamites} , enflaming -2552 {enflaming} , heat , hot , warm , warmed , warmeth , examine -0974 {examine} , prove , proved , tempt , trial , tried , triest , trieth , try , examine -1875 ask , cared , careth , enquire , enquired , {examine} , inquisition , questioned , regard , require , required , search , searchest , searcheth , seek , seeketh , seeking , sought , the , familiar -0178 bottles , {familiar} , lord , spirit , spirits , familiar -3045 acknowledge , acknowledged , acquaintance , acquainted , advise , answer , appointed , assuredly , aware , can , certain , come , comprehend , consider , considereth , could , cunning , declare , declared , discern , discerneth , discovered , endued , {familiar} , famous , feel , felt , have , images , instructed , kinsfolks , kinsman , knew , knewest , know , knowest , knoweth , knowing , knowledge , known , madest , mark , perceive , perceived , perceivest , privy , prognosticators , regardeth , respect , shew , shewed , skilful , skill , sure , surety , taught , teach , tell , unawares , understand , understood , will , wist , wit , wot , wotteth , familiar -7965 did , doest , {familiar} , familiars , fare , favour , good , health , peace , peaceable , peaceably , prospered , prosperity , prosperous , rest , safe , safely , salute , welfare , well , wholly , familiars -7965 did , doest , familiar , {familiars} , fare , favour , good , health , peace , peaceable , peaceably , prospered , prosperity , prosperous , rest , safe , safely , salute , welfare , well , wholly , families -1004 contain , court , daughter , door , {families} , family , great , hangings , home , homeborn , house , household , households , houses , images , inside , inward , of , palace , place , places , temple , thank , the , was , web , within , families -2945 children , {families} , little , families -4940 {families} , family , kindred , kindreds , kinds , part , family -0504 {family} , kine , oxen , family -1004 contain , court , daughter , door , families , {family} , great , hangings , home , homeborn , house , household , households , houses , images , inside , inward , of , palace , place , places , temple , thank , the , was , web , within , family -4940 families , {family} , kindred , kindreds , kinds , part , famine -3720 {famine} , famine -7458 dearth , {famine} , famished , famine -7459 {famine} , famish -7329 {famish} , lean , famish -7456 {famish} , famished , hunger , hungry , famished -7456 famish , {famished} , hunger , hungry , famished -7458 dearth , famine , {famished} , flaming -0784 burning , fiery , fire , {flaming} , hot , idol , flaming -3852 flame , flames , {flaming} , head , flaming -3857 burn , burned , burneth , fire , {flaming} , kindleth , setteth , flaming -3858 enchantments , {flaming} , huphamites -2350 {huphamites} , jamin -3226 {jamin} , jaminites -3228 {jaminites} , jecamiah -3359 {jecamiah} , jekamiah , jekamiah -3359 jecamiah , {jekamiah} , mesopotamia -0763 {mesopotamia} , miamin -4326 {miamin} , mijamin , mijamin -4326 miamin , {mijamin} , miniamin -4509 {miniamin} , naamites -5280 {naamites} , nehelamite -5161 {nehelamite} , raamiah -7485 {raamiah} , ramiah -7422 {ramiah} , shamir -8069 {shamir} , shuhamites -7749 {shuhamites} , shulamite -7759 {shulamite} , shuphamites -7781 {shuphamites} ,