ambush Jos_08_14 /^{ambush /against him behind the city . ambush Jos_08_09 /^{ambush /and abode between Bethel and Ai , on the west side of Ai : but Joshua lodged that night among the people . ambush Jos_08_07 /^{ambush /and seize upon the city : for the LORD your God will deliver it into your hand . ambush Jos_08_19 /^{ambush /arose quickly out of their place , and they ran as soon as he had stretched out his hand : and they entered into the city , and took it, and hasted and set the city on fire . ambush Jos_08_12 /^{ambush /between Bethel and Ai , on the west side of the city . ambush Jos_08_02 /^{ambush /for the city behind it. ambush Jos_08_21 /^{ambush /had taken the city , and that the smoke of the city ascended , then they turned again , and slew the men of Ai . ambushes Jer_51_12 /^{ambushes /for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon . ambushment 2Ch_13_13 /^{ambushment /to come about behind them: so they were before Judah , and the ambushment was behind them. ambushment 2Ch_13_13 /^{ambushment /was behind them. ambushments 2Ch_20_22 /^{ambushments /against the children of Ammon , Moab , and mount Seir , which were come against Judah ; and they were smitten .