Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

ambush 00693 ## 'arab {aw-rab'} ; a primitive root ; to lurk : -- (lie in) {ambush} (- ment) , lay (lie in) wait .

ambush 00694 ## 'Arab {ar-awb'} ; from 00693 ; {ambush} ; Arab , a place in Palestine : -- Arab .

ambush 01009 ## Beyth'Arbe'l {bayth ar-bale'} ; from 01004 and 00695 and 00410 ; house of God's {ambush} ; Beth-Arbel , a place in Palestine : -- Beth-Arbel .

ambush 03427 ## yashab {yaw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to sit down (specifically as judge . in {ambush} , in quiet) ; by implication , to dwell , to remain ; causatively , to settle , to marry : -- (make to) abide (- ing) , continue , (cause to , make to) dwell (- ing) , ease self , endure , establish , X fail , habitation , haunt , (make to) inhabit (- ant) , make to keep [house ] , lurking , X marry (- ing) , (bring again to) place , remain , return , seat , set (- tle) , (down-) sit (- down , still ,-- ting down ,-- ting [place ]-- uate) , take , tarry .

ambush 03993 ## ma'arab {mah-ar-awb'} ; from 00693 ; an ambuscade : -- lie in {ambush} , ambushment , lurking place , lying in wait .

ambush 04679 ## m@tsad {mets-ad'} ; or m@tsad {mets-awd'} ; or (feminine) m@tsadah {mets-aw-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a fastness (as a covert of {ambush}) : -- castle , fort , (strong) hold , munition .

ambush 1749 - enedron {en'-ed-ron}; neuter of the same as 1747; an {ambush}, i.e. (figuratively) murderous design: -- lying in wait.

ambushment 03993 ## ma'arab {mah-ar-awb'} ; from 00693 ; an ambuscade : -- lie in ambush , {ambushment} , lurking place , lying in wait .