Alpha Rev_22_13 /${Alpha /and Omega , the beginning and the end , the first and the last . Alpha Rev_21_06 /${Alpha /and Omega , the beginning and the end . I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely . Alpha Rev_01_08 /${Alpha /and Omega , the beginning and the ending , saith the Lord , which is , and which was , and which is to come , the Almighty . Alpha Rev_01_11 /${Alpha /and Omega , the first and the last : and , What thou seest , write in a book , and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia ; unto Ephesus , and unto Smyrna , and unto Pergamos , and unto Thyatira , and unto Sardis , and unto Philadelphia , and unto Laodicea . Alphaeus Mat_10_03 /${Alphaeus /and Lebbaeus , whose surname was Thaddaeus ; Alphaeus Luk_06_15 /${Alphaeus /and Simon called Zelotes , Alphaeus Act_01_13 /${Alphaeus /and Simon Zelotes , and Judas the brother of James . Alphaeus Mar_03_18 /${Alphaeus /and Thaddaeus , and Simon the Canaanite , Alphaeus Mar_02_14 /${Alphaeus /sitting at the receipt of custom , and said unto him , Follow me . And he arose and followed him .