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Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

+)Allown 1Ch_04_37 And Ziza (02124 +Ziyza) ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Shiphi (08230 +Shiph(iy ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Allon (00438 {+)Allown} ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Jedaiah (03042 +Y@dayah ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Shimri (08113 +Shimriy ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Shemaiah (08098 +Sh@ma(yah ) ;

+)Allown Deu_11_18 . Therefore shall ye lay (07760 +suwm ) up these (00438 {+)Allown} ) my words (01697 +dabar ) in your heart (03824 +lebab ) and in your soul (05315 +nephesh ) , and bind (07194 +qashar ) them for a sign (00226 +)owth ) upon your hand (03027 +yad ) , that they may be as frontlets (02903 +towphaphah ) between (00996 +beyn ) your eyes (05869 +(ayin ) .

+)Allown Gen_35_08 But Deborah (01683 +D@bowrah ) Rebekah s (07259 +Ribqah ) nurse (03243 +yanaq ) died (04191 +muwth ) , and she was buried (06912 +qabar ) beneath (08478 +tachath ) Bethel (01008 +Beyth - )El ) under (08478 +tachath ) an oak (00437 +)allown ):and the name (08034 +shem ) of it was called (07121 +qara) ) Allonbachuth (00439 {+)Allown} Bakuwth ) .

+)Allown Jos_19_33 And their coast (01366 +g@buwl ) was from Heleph (02501 +Cheleph ) , from Allon (00438 {+)Allown} ) to Zaanannim , and Adami (00129 +)Adamiy ) , Nekeb (05346 +Neqeb ) , and Jabneel (02995 +Yabn@)el ) , unto Lakum (03946 +Laqquwm ) ; and the outgoings (08444 +towtsa)ah ) thereof were at Jordan (03383 +Yarden ) :

+)allown Amo_02_09 . Yet destroyed (08045 +shamad ) I the Amorite (00567 +)Emoriy ) before (06440 +paniym ) them , whose (00834 +)aher ) height (01363 +gobahh ) [ was ] like the height (01363 +gobahh ) of the cedars (00730 +)erez ) , and he [ was ] strong (02364 +Chuwshah ) as the oaks (00437 {+)allown} ) ; yet I destroyed (08045 +shamad ) his fruit (06529 +p@riy ) from above (04605 +ma(al ) , and his roots (08328 +sheresh ) from beneath (08478 +tachath ) .

+)allown Eze_27_06 [ Of ] the oaks (00437 {+)allown} ) of Bashan (01316 +Bashan ) have they made (06213 +(asah ) thine oars (04880 +mashowt ) ; the company (01323 +bath ) of the Ashurites (00843 +)Asheriy ) have made (06213 +(asah ) thy benches (07175 +qeresh ) [ of ] ivory (08127 +shen ) , [ brought ] out of the isles (00339 +)iy ) of Chittim (03794 +Kittiy ) .

+)allown Gen_35_08 But Deborah (01683 +D@bowrah ) Rebekah s (07259 +Ribqah ) nurse (03243 +yanaq ) died (04191 +muwth ) , and she was buried (06912 +qabar ) beneath (08478 +tachath ) Bethel (01008 +Beyth - )El ) under (08478 +tachath ) an oak (00437 {+)allown} ):and the name (08034 +shem ) of it was called (07121 +qara) ) Allonbachuth (00439 +)Allown Bakuwth ) .

+)allown Hos_04_13 They sacrifice (02076 +zabach ) upon the tops (07218 +ro)sh ) of the mountains (02022 +har ) , and burn (06999 +qatar ) incense (06999 +qatar ) upon the hills (01389 +gib(ah ) , under (08478 +tachath ) oaks (00437 {+)allown} ) and poplars (03839 +libneh ) and elms (00424 +)elah ) , because (03588 +kiy ) the shadow (06738 +tsel ) thereof [ is ] good (02896 +towb ):therefore your daughters (01121 +ben ) shall commit (02181 +zanah ) whoredom (02181 +zanah ) , and your spouses (03618 +kallah ) shall commit (05003 +na)aph ) adultery (05003 +na)aph ) .

+)allown Isa_02_13 And upon all (03605 +kol ) the cedars (00730 +)erez ) of Lebanon (03844 +L@banown ) , [ that are ] high (07311 +ruwm ) and lifted (05375 +nasa) ) up , and upon all (03605 +kol ) the oaks (00437 {+)allown} ) of Bashan (01316 +Bashan ) ,

+)allown Isa_06_13 But yet (05750 +(owd ) in it [ shall be ] a tenth (06224 +(asiyriy ) , and [ it ] shall return (07725 +shuwb ) , and shall be eaten (01197 +ba(ar ):as a teil (00424 +)elah ) tree , and as an oak (00437 {+)allown} ) , whose (00834 +)aher ) substance (04678 +matstsebeth ) [ is ] in them , when (00834 +)aher ) they cast (07995 +shalleketh ) [ their leaves:so ] the holy (06944 +qodesh ) seed (02233 +zera( ) [ shall be ] the substance (04678 +matstsebeth ) thereof .

+)allown Isa_44_14 He heweth (03772 +karath ) him down cedars (00730 +)erez ) , and taketh (03947 +laqach ) the cypress (08645 +tirzah ) and the oak (00437 {+)allown} ) , which he strengtheneth (00553 +)amats ) for himself among the trees (06086 +(ets ) of the forest (03293 +ya(ar ):he planteth (05192 +netel ) an ash (00766 +)oren ) , and the rain (01653 +geshem ) doth nourish (01431 +gadal ) [ it ] .

+)allown Zec_11_02 Howl (03213 +yalal ) , fir (01265 +b@rowsh ) tree ; for the cedar (00730 +)erez ) is fallen (05307 +naphal ) ; because (00834 +)aher ) the mighty (00117 +)addiyr ) are spoiled (07703 +shadad ):howl (03213 +yalal ) , O ye oaks (00437 {+)allown} ) of Bashan (01316 +Bashan ) ; for the forest (03293 +ya(ar ) of the vintage (01208 +batsowr) ) is come (03381 +yarad ) down (03381 +yarad ) .

+Mallowthiy 1Ch_25_04 Of Heman (01968 +Heyman ):the sons (01121 +ben ) of Heman (01968 +Heyman ) ; Bukkiah (01232 +Buqqiyah ) , Mattaniah (04983 +Mattanyah ) , Uzziel (05816 +(Uzziy)el ) , Shebuel (07619 +Sh@buw)el ) , and Jerimoth (03406 +Y@riymowth ) , Hananiah (02608 +Chananyah ) , Hanani (02607 +Chananiy ) , Eliathah (00448 +)Eliy)athah ) , Giddalti (01437 +Giddaltiy ) , and Romamtiezer (07320 +Rowmamtiy (Ezer Romamtiy ) , Joshbekashah (03436 +Yoshb@qashah ) , Mallothi (04413 {+Mallowthiy} ) , Hothir (01956 +Howthiyr ) , [ and ] Mahazioth (04238 +Machaziy)owth ) :

+Mallowthiy 1Ch_25_26 The nineteenth to Mallothi (04413 {+Mallowthiy} ) , [ he ] , his sons (01121 +ben ) , and his brethren (00251 +)ach ) , [ were ] twelve :

+challown 1Ch_15_29 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass , [ as ] the ark (00727 +)arown ) of the covenant (01285 +b@riyth ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) came (00935 +bow) ) to the city (05892 +(iyr ) of David (01732 +David ) , that Michal (04324 +Miykal ) the daughter (01323 +bath ) of Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) looking (08259 +shaqaph ) out at (01157 +b@(ad ) a window (02474 {+challown} ) saw (07200 +ra)ah ) king (04428 +melek ) David (01732 +David ) dancing (07540 +raqad ) and playing (07832 +sachaq ):and she despised (00959 +bazah ) him in her heart (03820 +leb ) .

+challown 1Ki_06_04 And for the house (01004 +bayith ) he made (06213 +(asah ) windows (02474 {+challown} ) of narrow (00331 +)atam ) lights (08261 +shaquph ) .

+challown 1Sa_19_12 So Michal (04324 +Miykal ) let (03381 +yarad ) David (01732 +David ) down (03381 +yarad ) through (01157 +b@(ad ) a window (02474 {+challown} ):and he went (03212 +yalak ) , and fled (01272 +barach ) , and escaped (04422 +malat ) .

+challown 2Ki_09_30 . And when Jehu (03058 +Yehuw) ) was come (00935 +bow) ) to Jezreel (03157 +Yizr@(e)l ) , Jezebel (00348 +)Iyzebel ) heard (08085 +shama( ) [ of it ] ; and she painted her face (05869 +(ayin ) , and tired (03190 +yatab ) her head (07218 +ro)sh ) , and looked (08259 +shaqaph ) out at (01157 +b@(ad ) a window (02474 {+challown} ) .

+challown 2Ki_09_32 And he lifted (05375 +nasa) ) up his face (06440 +paniym ) to the window (02474 {+challown} ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) , Who (04310 +miy ) [ is ] on (00854 +)eth ) my side ? who (04310 +miy ) ? And there looked (08259 +shaqaph ) out to him two (08147 +sh@nayim ) [ or ] three (07969 +shalowsh ) eunuchs (05631 +cariyc ) .

+challown 2Ki_13_17 And he said (00559 +)amar ) , Open (06605 +pathach ) the window (02474 {+challown} ) eastward (06924 +qedem ) . And he opened (06605 +pathach ) [ it ] . Then Elisha (00477 +)Eliysha( ) said (00559 +)amar ) , Shoot (03384 +yarah ) . And he shot (03384 +yarah ) . And he said (00559 +)amar ) , The arrow (02671 +chets ) of the LORD S (03068 +Y@hovah ) deliverance (08668 +t@shuw(ah ) , and the arrow (02671 +chets ) of deliverance (08668 +t@shuw(ah ) from Syria (00758 +)Aram ):for thou shalt smite (05221 +nakah ) the Syrians (00758 +)Aram ) in Aphek (00663 +)Apheq ) , till (05704 +(ad ) thou have consumed (03615 +kalah ) [ them ] .

+challown 2Sa_06_16 And as the ark (00727 +)arown ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) came (00935 +bow) ) into the city (05892 +(iyr ) of David (01732 +David ) , Michal (04324 +Miykal ) Saul s (07586 +Sha)uwl ) daughter (01323 +bath ) looked (08259 +shaqaph ) through (01157 +b@(ad ) a window (02474 {+challown} ) , and saw (07200 +ra)ah ) king (04428 +melek ) David (01732 +David ) leaping (06339 +pazaz ) and dancing (03769 +karar ) before (06440 +paniym ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ; and she despised (00959 +bazah ) him in her heart (03820 +leb ) .

+challown Eze_40_16 And [ there were ] narrow (00331 +)atam ) windows (02474 +challown ) to the little chambers (08372 +ta) ) , and to their posts (00352 +)ayil ) within (06441 +p@niymah ) the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , and likewise (03651 +ken ) to the arches (00361 +)eylam ):and windows (02474 {+challown} ) [ were ] round (05439 +cabiyb ) about inward (06441 +p@niymah ):and upon [ each ] post (00352 +)ayil ) [ were ] palm (08561 +timmor ) trees .

+challown Eze_40_16 And [ there were ] narrow (00331 +)atam ) windows (02474 {+challown} ) to the little chambers (08372 +ta) ) , and to their posts (00352 +)ayil ) within (06441 +p@niymah ) the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , and likewise (03651 +ken ) to the arches (00361 +)eylam ):and windows (02474 +challown ) [ were ] round (05439 +cabiyb ) about inward (06441 +p@niymah ):and upon [ each ] post (00352 +)ayil ) [ were ] palm (08561 +timmor ) trees .

+challown Eze_40_22 And their windows (02474 {+challown} ) , and their arches (00361 +)eylam ) , and their palm (08561 +timmor ) trees , [ were ] after the measure (04060 +middah ) of the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) that looketh (06440 +paniym ) toward (01870 +derek ) the east (06921 +qadiym ) ; and they went (05927 +(alah ) up unto it by seven (07651 +sheba( ) steps (04609 +ma(alah ) ; and the arches (00361 +)eylam ) thereof [ were ] before (06440 +paniym ) them .

+challown Eze_40_25 And [ there were ] windows (02474 +challown ) in it and in the arches (00361 +)eylam ) thereof round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , like those (00428 +)el - leh ) windows (02474 {+challown} ):the length (00753 +)orek ) [ was ] fifty (02572 +chamishshiym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) , and the breadth (07341 +rochab ) five (02568 +chamesh ) and twenty (06242 +(esriym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) .

+challown Eze_40_25 And [ there were ] windows (02474 {+challown} ) in it and in the arches (00361 +)eylam ) thereof round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , like those (00428 +)el - leh ) windows (02474 +challown ):the length (00753 +)orek ) [ was ] fifty (02572 +chamishshiym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) , and the breadth (07341 +rochab ) five (02568 +chamesh ) and twenty (06242 +(esriym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) .

+challown Eze_40_29 And the little chambers (08372 +ta) ) thereof , and the posts (00352 +)ayil ) thereof , and the arches (00361 +)eylam ) thereof , according to these (04228 +machagoreth ) measures (04060 +middah ):and [ there were ] windows (02474 {+challown} ) in it and in the arches (00361 +)eylam ) thereof round (05439 +cabiyb ) about: [ it was ] fifty (02572 +chamishshiym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) long (00753 +)orek ) , and five (02568 +chamesh ) and twenty (06242 +(esriym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) broad (07341 +rochab ) .

+challown Eze_40_33 And the little chambers (08372 +ta) ) thereof , and the posts (00352 +)ayil ) thereof , and the arches (00361 +)eylam ) thereof , [ were ] according to these (04228 +machagoreth ) measures (04060 +middah ):and [ there were ] windows (02474 {+challown} ) therein and in the arches (00361 +)eylam ) thereof round (05439 +cabiyb ) about: [ it was ] fifty (02572 +chamishshiym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) long (00753 +)orek ) , and five (02568 +chamesh ) and twenty (06242 +(esriym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) broad (07341 +rochab ) .

+challown Eze_40_36 The little chambers (08372 +ta) ) thereof , the posts (00352 +)ayil ) thereof , and the arches (00361 +)eylam ) thereof , and the windows (02474 {+challown} ) to it round (05439 +cabiyb ) about:the length (00753 +)orek ) [ was ] fifty (02572 +chamishshiym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) , and the breadth (07341 +rochab ) five (02568 +chamesh ) and twenty (06242 +(esriym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) .

+challown Eze_41_16 The door (05592 +caph ) posts (05592 +caph ) , and the narrow (00331 +)atam ) windows (02474 +challown ) , and the galleries (00862 +)attuwq ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about on their three (07969 +shalowsh ) stories , over (05048 +neged ) against (05048 +neged ) the door (05592 +caph ) , cieled (07824 +shachiyph ) with wood (06086 +(ets ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , and from the ground (00776 +)erets ) up to the windows (02474 +challown ) , and the windows (02474 {+challown} ) [ were ] covered (03680 +kacah ) ;

+challown Eze_41_16 The door (05592 +caph ) posts (05592 +caph ) , and the narrow (00331 +)atam ) windows (02474 +challown ) , and the galleries (00862 +)attuwq ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about on their three (07969 +shalowsh ) stories , over (05048 +neged ) against (05048 +neged ) the door (05592 +caph ) , cieled (07824 +shachiyph ) with wood (06086 +(ets ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , and from the ground (00776 +)erets ) up to the windows (02474 {+challown} ) , and the windows (02474 +challown ) [ were ] covered (03680 +kacah ) ;

+challown Eze_41_16 The door (05592 +caph ) posts (05592 +caph ) , and the narrow (00331 +)atam ) windows (02474 {+challown} ) , and the galleries (00862 +)attuwq ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about on their three (07969 +shalowsh ) stories , over (05048 +neged ) against (05048 +neged ) the door (05592 +caph ) , cieled (07824 +shachiyph ) with wood (06086 +(ets ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , and from the ground (00776 +)erets ) up to the windows (02474 +challown ) , and the windows (02474 +challown ) [ were ] covered (03680 +kacah ) ;

+challown Eze_41_26 And [ there were ] narrow (00331 +)atam ) windows (02474 {+challown} ) and palm (08561 +timmor ) trees on the one side and on the other (06311 +poh ) side , on (00413 +)el ) the sides (03802 +katheph ) of the porch (00197 +)uwlam ) , and [ upon ] the side (06763 +tsela( ) chambers (06763 +tsela( ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) , and thick planks (05646 +(ab ) .

+challown Gen_08_06 . And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass at the end (07093 +qets ) of forty (00705 +)arba(iym ) days (03117 +yowm ) , that Noah (05146 +Noach ) opened (06605 +pathach ) the window (02474 {+challown} ) of the ark (08392 +tebah ) which (00834 +)aher ) he had made (06213 +(asah ) :

+challown Gen_26_08 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass , when (03588 +kiy ) he had been there (08033 +sham ) a long (00748 +)arak ) time (03117 +yowm ) , that Abimelech (40) king (04428 +melek ) of the Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) looked (08259 +shaqaph ) out at (01157 +b@(ad ) a window (02474 {+challown} ) , and saw (07200 +ra)ah ) , and , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , Isaac (03327 +Yitschaq ) [ was ] sporting (06711 +tsachaq ) with Rebekah (07259 +Ribqah ) his wife (00802 +)ishshah ) .

+challown Jer_09_21 For death (04194 +maveth ) is come (05927 +(alah ) up into our windows (02474 {+challown} ) , [ and ] is entered (00935 +bow) ) into our palaces (00759 +)armown ) , to cut (03772 +karath ) off the children (05768 +(owlel ) from without (02351 +chuwts ) , [ and ] the young (00970 +bachuwr ) men from the streets (07339 +r@chob ) .

+challown Jer_22_14 That saith (00559 +)amar ) , I will build (01129 +banah ) me a wide (04060 +middah ) house (01004 +bayith ) and large (07304 +ravach ) chambers (05944 +(aliyah ) , and cutteth (07167 +qara( ) him out windows (02474 {+challown} ) ; and [ it is ] cieled (05603 +caphan ) with cedar (00730 +)erez ) , and painted (04886 +mashach ) with vermilion (08350 +shashar ) .

+challown Joe_02_09 They shall run (08264 +shaqaq ) to and fro (08264 +shaqaq ) in the city (05892 +(iyr ) ; they shall run (07323 +ruwts ) upon the wall (02346 +chowmah ) , they shall climb (05927 +(alah ) up upon the houses (01004 +bayith ) ; they shall enter (00935 +bow) ) in at (01157 +b@(ad ) the windows (02474 {+challown} ) like a thief (01590 +gannab ) .

+challown Jos_02_15 Then she let (03381 +yarad ) them down (03381 +yarad ) by a cord (02256 +chebel ) through (01157 +b@(ad ) the window (02474 {+challown} ):for her house (01004 +bayith ) [ was ] upon the town (07023 +qiyr ) wall (02346 +chowmah ) , and she dwelt (03427 +yashab ) upon the wall (02346 +chowmah ) .

+challown Jos_02_18 Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , [ when ] we come (00935 +bow) ) into the land (00776 +)erets ) , thou shalt bind (07194 +qashar ) this (02088 +zeh ) line (08615 +tiqvah ) of scarlet (08144 +shaniy ) thread (02339 +chuwt ) in the window (02474 {+challown} ) which (00834 +)aher ) thou didst let (03381 +yarad ) us down (03381 +yarad ) by:and thou shalt bring (00622 +)acaph ) thy father (1) , and thy mother (00517 +)em ) , and thy brethren (00251 +)ach ) , and all (03605 +kol ) thy father s (1) household (01004 +bayith ) , home (01004 +bayith ) unto thee .

+challown Jos_02_21 And she said (00559 +)amar ) , According unto your words (01697 +dabar ) , so (03651 +ken ) [ be ] it . And she sent (07971 +shalach ) them away , and they departed (03212 +yalak ):and she bound (07194 +qashar ) the scarlet (08144 +shaniy ) line (08515 +T@la)ssar ) in the window (02474 {+challown} ) .

+challown Jud_05_28 The mother (00517 +)em ) of Sisera (05516 +Ciyc@ra) ) looked (08259 +shaqaph ) out at (01157 +b@(ad ) a window (02474 {+challown} ) , and cried (02980 +yabab ) through (01157 +b@(ad ) the lattice (00822 +)eshnab ) , Why (04069 +madduwa( ) is his chariot (07393 +rekeb ) [ so ] long (00954 +buwsh ) in coming (00935 +bow) ) ? why (04069 +madduwa( ) tarry (00309 +)achar ) the wheels (06471 +pa(am ) of his chariots (04818 +merkabah ) ?

+challown Pro_07_06 . For at the window (02474 {+challown} ) of my house (01004 +bayith ) I looked (08259 +shaqaph ) through my casement (00822 +)eshnab ) ,

+challown Son_02_09 My beloved (01730 +dowd ) is like (01819 +damah ) a roe (06643 +ts@biy ) or (00176 +)ow ) a young (06082 +(opher ) hart (00354 +)ayal ):behold (02009 +hinneh ) , he standeth (05975 +(amad ) behind (00310 +)achar ) our wall (03796 +kothel ) , he looketh (07688 +shagach ) forth at (04480 +min ) the windows (02474 {+challown} ) , shewing (06692 +tsuwts ) himself through (04480 +min ) the lattice (02762 +cherek ) .

+challown Zep_02_14 And flocks (05739 +(eder ) shall lie (07257 +rabats ) down (07257 +rabats ) in the midst (08432 +tavek ) of her , all (03605 +kol ) the beasts (02416 +chay ) of the nations (01471 +gowy ):both (01571 +gam ) the cormorant (06893 +qa)ath ) and the bittern (07090 +qippowd ) shall lodge (03885 +luwn ) in the upper (03730 +kaphtor ) lintels (03730 +kaphtor ) of it ; [ their ] voice (06963 +qowl ) shall sing (07891 +shiyr ) in the windows (02474 {+challown} ) ; desolation (02721 +choreb ) [ shall be ] in the thresholds (05592 +caph ):for he shall uncover (06168 +(arah ) the cedar (00731 +)arzah ) work (00731 +)arzah ) .

Hallowed Luk_11_02 And he said 2036 -epo - unto them , When 3752 -hotan - ye pray 4336 -proseuchomai - , say 3004 -lego - , Our Father 3962 -pater - which 3588 -ho - art in heaven 3772 -ouranos - , {Hallowed} 0037 -hagiazo - be thy name 3686 -onoma - . Thy kingdom 0932 -basileia - come 2064 -erchomai - . Thy will 2307 -thelema - be done 1096 -ginomai - , as in heaven 3772 -ouranos - , so 2532 -kai - in earth 1093 -ge - .

Hallowed Mat_06_09 . After (3779 -houto -) this (3779 -houto -) manner (3779 -houto -) therefore (3767 -oun -) pray (4336 -proseuchomai -) ye:Our Father (3962 -pater -) which (3588 -ho -) art in heaven (3772 -ouranos -) , {Hallowed} (0037 -hagiazo -) be thy name (3686 -onoma -) .

allow Act_24_15 And have (2192 -echo -) hope (1680 -elpis -) toward (1519 -eis -) God (2316 -theos -) , which (3739 -hos -) they themselves (0846 -autos -) also (2532 -kai -) {allow} (4327 -prosdechomai -) , that there shall be a resurrection (0386 -anastasis -) of the dead (3498 -nekros -) , both (5037 -te -) of the just (1342 -dikaios -) and unjust (0094 -adikos -) .

allow Luk_11_48 Truly 0686 -ara - ye bear 3140 -martureo - witness 3140 -martureo - that ye {allow} 4909 -suneudokeo - the deeds 2041 -ergon - of your 5216 -humon - fathers 3962 -pater -:for they indeed 3303 -men - killed 0615 -apokteino - them , and ye build 3618 -oikodomeo - their sepulchres 3419 -mnemeion - .

allow Rom_07_15 For that which (3739 -hos -) I do (2716 -katergazomai -) I {allow} (1097 -ginosko -) not:for what (3739 -hos -) I would (2309 -thelo -) , that do (4238 -prasso -) I not ; but what (3739 -hos -) I hate (3404 -miseo -) , that do (4160 -poieo -) I .

allowed 1Th_02_04 But as we were {allowed} (1381 -dokimazo -) of God (2316 -theos -) to be put (4160 -poieo -) in trust (4100 -pisteuo -) with the gospel (2098 -euaggelion -) , even so (3779 -houto -) we speak (2980 -laleo -) ; not as pleasing (0700 -aresko -) men (0444 -anthropos -) , but God (2316 -theos -) , which trieth (1381 -dokimazo -) our hearts (2588 -kardia -) .

alloweth Rom_14_22 Hast (2192 -echo -) thou faith (4102 -pistis -) ? have (2192 -echo -) [ it ] to thyself (4572 -seautou -) before (1799 -enopion -) God (2316 -theos -) . Happy (3107 -makarios -) [ is ] he that condemneth (4314 -pros -) not himself (1438 -heautou -) in that thing which (3739 -hos -) he {alloweth} (1381 -dokimazo -) .

disallow Num_30_05 But if (00518 +)im ) her father (1) {disallow} (05106 +nuw) ) her in the day (03117 +yowm ) that he heareth (08085 +shama( ) ; not any (03605 +kol ) of her vows (05088 +neder ) , or of her bonds (00632 +)ecar ) wherewith (00834 +)aher ) she hath bound (00631 +)acar ) her soul (05315 +nephesh ) , shall stand (06965 +quwm ):and the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) shall forgive (05545 +calach ) her , because (03588 +kiy ) her father (1) disallowed (05106 +nuw) ) her .

disallowed 1Pe_02_04 . To whom (3739 -hos -) coming (4334 -proserchomai -) , [ as unto ] a living (2198 -zao -) stone (3037 -lithos -) , {disallowed} (0593 -apodokimazo -) indeed (3303 -men -) of men (0444 -anthropos -) , but chosen (1588 -eklektos -) of God (2316 -theos -) , [ and ] precious (1784 -entimos -) ,

disallowed 1Pe_02_07 Unto you therefore (3767 -oun -) which (3588 -ho -) believe (4100 -pisteuo -) [ he is ] precious (5092 -time -):but unto them which be disobedient (0544 -apeitheo -) , the stone (3037 -lithos -) which the builders (3618 -oikodomeo -) {disallowed} (0593 -apodokimazo -) , the same (3778 -houtos -) is made (1096 -ginomai -) the head (2776 -kephale -) of the corner (1137 -gonia -) ,

disallowed Num_30_05 But if (00518 +)im ) her father (1) disallow (05106 +nuw) ) her in the day (03117 +yowm ) that he heareth (08085 +shama( ) ; not any (03605 +kol ) of her vows (05088 +neder ) , or of her bonds (00632 +)ecar ) wherewith (00834 +)aher ) she hath bound (00631 +)acar ) her soul (05315 +nephesh ) , shall stand (06965 +quwm ):and the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) shall forgive (05545 +calach ) her , because (03588 +kiy ) her father (1) {disallowed} (05106 +nuw) ) her .

disallowed Num_30_08 But if (00518 +)im ) her husband (00376 +)iysh ) {disallowed} (05106 +nuw) ) her on (05921 +(al ) the day (03117 +yowm ) that he heard (08085 +shama( ) [ it ] ; then he shall make her vow (05088 +neder ) which (00834 +)aher ) she vowed (05088 +neder ) , and that which she uttered (04008 +mibta( ) with her lips (08193 +saphah ) , wherewith (00834 +)aher ) she bound (00631 +)acar ) her soul (05315 +nephesh ) , of none (06565 +parar ) effect (06565 +parar ):and the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) shall forgive (05545 +calach ) her .

disallowed Num_30_11 And her husband (00376 +)iysh ) heard (08085 +shama( ) [ it ] , and held (02790 +charash ) his peace (02790 +charash ) at her , [ and ] {disallowed} (05106 +nuw) ) her not:then all (03605 +kol ) her vows (05088 +neder ) shall stand (06965 +quwm ) , and every (03605 +kol ) bond (00632 +)ecar ) wherewith (00834 +)aher ) she bound (00631 +)acar ) her soul (05315 +nephesh ) shall stand (06965 +quwm ) .

fallow Deu_14_05 The hart (00354 +)ayal ) , and the roebuck (06643 +ts@biy ) , and the {fallow} (03180 +yachmuwr ) deer (03180 +yachmuwr ) , and the wild (00689 +)aqqow ) goat (00689 +)aqqow ) , and the pygarg (01787 +Diyshown , Diyshon , Dishown , or Dishon ) , and the wild (08377 +t@)ow ) ox (08377 +t@)ow ) , and the chamois (02169 +zemer ) .

fallow Hos_10_12 Sow (02232 +zara( ) to yourselves in righteousness (06666 +ts@daqah ) , reap (07114 +qatsar ) in mercy (02617 +checed ) ; break (05214 +niyr ) up your {fallow} (05215 +niyr ) ground:for [ it is ] time (06256 +(eth ) to seek (01875 +darash ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , till (05704 +(ad ) he come (00935 +bow) ) and rain (03384 +yarah ) righteousness (06664 +tsedeq ) upon you .

fallow Jer_04_03 . For thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) to the men (00376 +)iysh ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) and Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) , Break (05214 +niyr ) up your {fallow} (05215 +niyr ) ground , and sow (02232 +zara( ) not among (00413 +)el ) thorns (06975 +qowts ) .

fallowdeer 1Ki_04_23 Ten (06235 +(eser ) fat (01277 +bariy) ) oxen (01241 +baqar ) , and twenty (06242 +(esriym ) oxen (01241 +baqar ) out of the pastures (07471 +r@(iy ) , and an hundred (03967 +me)ah ) sheep (06629 +tso)n ) , beside (00905 +bad ) harts (00354 +)ayal ) , and roebucks (06643 +ts@biy ) , and {fallowdeer} (03180 +yachmuwr ) , and fatted (75) fowl (01257 +barbur ) .

gallows Est_05_14 Then said (00559 +)amar ) Zeresh (02238 +Zeresh ) his wife (00802 +)ishshah ) and all (03605 +kol ) his friends (00157 +)ahab ) unto him , Let a gallows (06086 +(ets ) be made (06213 +(asah ) of fifty (02572 +chamishshiym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) high (01364 +gaboahh ) , and to morrow (01242 +boqer ) speak (00559 +)amar ) thou unto the king (04428 +melek ) that Mordecai (04782 +Mord@kay ) may be hanged (08518 +talah ) thereon (05921 +(al ):then go (00935 +bow) ) thou in merrily (08056 +sameach ) with the king (04428 +melek ) unto the banquet (04960 +mishteh ) . And the thing (01697 +dabar ) pleased (03190 +yatab ) Haman (02001 +Haman ) ; and he caused the {gallows} (06086 +(ets ) to be made (06213 +(asah ) .

gallows Est_05_14 Then said (00559 +)amar ) Zeresh (02238 +Zeresh ) his wife (00802 +)ishshah ) and all (03605 +kol ) his friends (00157 +)ahab ) unto him , Let a {gallows} (06086 +(ets ) be made (06213 +(asah ) of fifty (02572 +chamishshiym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) high (01364 +gaboahh ) , and to morrow (01242 +boqer ) speak (00559 +)amar ) thou unto the king (04428 +melek ) that Mordecai (04782 +Mord@kay ) may be hanged (08518 +talah ) thereon (05921 +(al ):then go (00935 +bow) ) thou in merrily (08056 +sameach ) with the king (04428 +melek ) unto the banquet (04960 +mishteh ) . And the thing (01697 +dabar ) pleased (03190 +yatab ) Haman (02001 +Haman ) ; and he caused the gallows (06086 +(ets ) to be made (06213 +(asah ) .

gallows Est_06_04 . And the king (04428 +melek ) said (00559 +)amar ) , Who (04310 +miy ) [ is ] in the court (02691 +chatser ) ? Now Haman (02001 +Haman ) was come (00935 +bow) ) into the outward (02435 +chiytsown ) court (02691 +chatser ) of the king s (04428 +melek ) house (01004 +bayith ) , to speak (00559 +)amar ) unto the king (04428 +melek ) to hang (08518 +talah ) Mordecai (04782 +Mord@kay ) on (05921 +(al ) the {gallows} (06086 +(ets ) that he had prepared (03559 +kuwn ) for him .

gallows Est_07_09 And Harbonah (02726 +Charbowna) ) , one (00259 +)echad ) of the chamberlains (05631 +cariyc ) , said (00559 +)amar ) before (06440 +paniym ) the king (04428 +melek ) , Behold (02009 +hinneh ) also (01571 +gam ) , the {gallows} (06086 +(ets ) fifty (02572 +chamishshiym ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ) high (01364 +gaboahh ) , which (00834 +)aher ) Haman (02001 +Haman ) had made (06213 +(asah ) for Mordecai (04782 +Mord@kay ) , who (00834 +)aher ) had spoken (01696 +dabar ) good (02896 +towb ) for the king (04428 +melek ) , standeth (05975 +(amad ) in the house (01004 +bayith ) of Haman (02001 +Haman ) . Then the king (04428 +melek ) said (00559 +)amar ) , Hang (08518 +talah ) him thereon (05921 +(al ) .

gallows Est_07_10 So they hanged (08518 +talah ) Haman (02001 +Haman ) on (05921 +(al ) the {gallows} (06086 +(ets ) that he had prepared (03559 +kuwn ) for Mordecai (04782 +Mord@kay ) . Then was the king s (04428 +melek ) wrath (02534 +chemah ) pacified (07918 +shakak ) .

gallows Est_08_07 Then the king (04428 +melek ) Ahasuerus (00325 +)Achashverowsh ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto Esther (00635 +)Ecter ) the queen (04436 +malkah ) and to Mordecai (04782 +Mord@kay ) the Jew (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) , Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , I have given (05414 +nathan ) Esther (00635 +)Ecter ) the house (01004 +bayith ) of Haman (02001 +Haman ) , and him they have hanged (08518 +talah ) upon the {gallows} (06086 +(ets ) , because he laid (07971 +shalach ) his hand (03027 +yad ) upon the Jews (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) .

gallows Est_09_13 Then said (00559 +)amar ) Esther (00635 +)Ecter ) , If (00518 +)im ) it please (02896 +towb ) the king (04428 +melek ) , let it be granted (05414 +nathan ) to the Jews (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) which (00834 +)aher ) [ are ] in Shushan (07800 +Shuwshan ) to do (06213 +(asah ) to morrow (04279 +machar ) also (01571 +gam ) according unto this day s (03117 +yowm ) decree (01881 +dath ) , and let Haman s (02001 +Haman ) ten (06235 +(eser ) sons (01121 +ben ) be hanged (08518 +talah ) upon the {gallows} (06086 +(ets ) .

gallows Est_09_25 But when [ Esther ] came (00935 +bow) ) before (06440 +paniym ) the king (04428 +melek ) , he commanded (00559 +)amar ) by letters (05612 +cepher ) that his wicked (07451 +ra( ) device (04284 +machashabah ) , which (00834 +)aher ) he devised (02803 +chashab ) against (05921 +(al ) the Jews (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) , should return (07725 +shuwb ) upon his own head (07218 +ro)sh ) , and that he and his sons (01121 +ben ) should be hanged (08518 +talah ) on (05921 +(al ) the {gallows} (06086 +(ets ) .

hallow 1Ki_08_64 The same (01931 +huw) ) day (03117 +yowm ) did the king (04428 +melek ) {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) the middle (08432 +tavek ) of the court (02691 +chatser ) that [ was ] before (06440 +paniym ) the house (01004 +bayith ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ):for there (08033 +sham ) he offered (06213 +(asah ) burnt (05930 +(olah ) offerings , and meat offerings (04503 +minchah ) , and the fat (02459 +cheleb ) of the peace (08002 +shelem ) offerings:because (03588 +kiy ) the brasen (05178 +n@chosheth ) altar (04196 +mizbeach ) that [ was ] before (06440 +paniym ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) [ was ] too little (06996 +qatan ) to receive (03557 +kuwl ) the burnt (05930 +(olah ) offerings , and meat offerings (04503 +minchah ) , and the fat (02459 +cheleb ) of the peace (08002 +shelem ) offerings .

hallow Exo_28_38 And it shall be upon Aaron s (00175 +)Aharown ) forehead (04696 +metsach ) , that Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) may bear (05375 +nasa) ) the iniquity (05771 +(avon ) of the holy (06944 +qodesh ) things , which (00834 +)aher ) the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) shall {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) in all (03605 +kol ) their holy (06944 +qodesh ) gifts (04979 +mattanah ) ; and it shall be always (08548 +tamiyd ) upon his forehead (04696 +metsach ) , that they may be accepted (07522 +ratsown ) before (06440 +paniym ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

hallow Exo_29_01 . And this (02088 +zeh ) [ is ] the thing (01697 +dabar ) that thou shalt do (06213 +(asah ) unto them to {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) them , to minister unto me in the priest s (03547 +kahan ) office:Take (03947 +laqach ) one (00259 +)echad ) young bullock (06499 +par ) , and two (08147 +sh@nayim ) rams (00352 +)ayil ) without (08549 +tamiym ) blemish (08549 +tamiym ) ,

hallow Exo_40_09 And thou shalt take (03947 +laqach ) the anointing (04888 +mishchah ) oil (08081 +shemen ) , and anoint (04886 +mashach ) the tabernacle (04908 +mishkan ) , and all (03605 +kol ) that [ is ] therein , and shalt {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) it , and all (03605 +kol ) the vessels (03627 +k@liy ) thereof:and it shall be holy (06944 +qodesh ) .

hallow Eze_20_20 And {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) my sabbaths (07676 +shabbath ) ; and they shall be a sign (00226 +)owth ) between (00996 +beyn ) me and you , that ye may know (03045 +yada( ) that I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) your God (00430 +)elohiym ) .

hallow Eze_44_24 And in controversy (07379 +riyb ) they shall stand (05975 +(amad ) in judgment (08199 +shaphat ) ; [ and ] they shall judge (08199 +shaphat ) it according to my judgments (04941 +mishpat ):and they shall keep (08104 +shamar ) my laws (08451 +towrah ) and my statutes (02708 +chuqqah ) in all (03605 +kol ) mine assemblies (04150 +mow(ed ) ; and they shall {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) my sabbaths (07676 +shabbath ) .

hallow Jer_17_22 Neither (03808 +lo) ) carry (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) a burden (04853 +massa) ) out of your houses (01004 +bayith ) on the sabbath (07676 +shabbath ) day (03117 +yowm ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) do (06213 +(asah ) ye any (03605 +kol ) work (04399 +m@la)kah ) , but {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) ye the sabbath (07676 +shabbath ) day (03117 +yowm ) , as I commanded (06680 +tsavah ) your fathers (1) .

hallow Jer_17_24 And it shall come (01961 +hayah ) to pass , if (00518 +)im ) ye diligently hearken (08085 +shama( ) unto me , saith (05002 +n@)um ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , to bring (00935 +bow) ) in no (01115 +biltiy ) burden (04853 +massa) ) through the gates (08179 +sha(ar ) of this (02063 +zo)th ) city (05892 +(iyr ) on the sabbath (07676 +shabbath ) day (03117 +yowm ) , but {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) the sabbath (07676 +shabbath ) day (03117 +yowm ) , to do (06213 +(asah ) no (01115 +biltiy ) work (04399 +m@la)kah ) therein ;

hallow Jer_17_27 But if (00518 +)im ) ye will not hearken (08085 +shama( ) unto me to {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) the sabbath (07676 +shabbath ) day (03117 +yowm ) , and not to bear (05375 +nasa) ) a burden (04853 +massa) ) , even entering (00935 +bow) ) in at the gates (08179 +sha(ar ) of Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) on the sabbath (07676 +shabbath ) day (03117 +yowm ) ; then will I kindle (03341 +yatsath ) a fire (00784 +)esh ) in the gates (08179 +sha(ar ) thereof , and it shall devour (00398 +)akal ) the palaces (00759 +)armown ) of Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) , and it shall not be quenched (03518 +kabah ) .

hallow Lev_16_19 And he shall sprinkle (05137 +nazah ) of the blood (01818 +dam ) upon it with his finger (00676 +)etsba( ) seven (07651 +sheba( ) times (06471 +pa(am ) , and cleanse (02891 +taher ) it , and {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) it from the uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) of the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) .

hallow Lev_22_02 Speak (01696 +dabar ) unto Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) and to his sons (01121 +ben ) , that they separate (05144 +nazar ) themselves from the holy (06944 +qodesh ) things of the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , and that they profane (02490 +chalal ) not my holy (06944 +qodesh ) name (08034 +shem ) [ in those things ] which (00834 +)aher ) they {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) unto me : I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

hallow Lev_22_03 Say (00559 +)amar ) unto them , Whosoever [ he be ] of all (03605 +kol ) your seed (02233 +zera( ) among your generations (01755 +dowr ) , that goeth (07126 +qarab ) unto the holy (06944 +qodesh ) things , which (00834 +)aher ) the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , having his uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) upon him , that soul (05315 +nephesh ) shall be cut (03772 +karath ) off from my presence (06440 +paniym ) : I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

hallow Lev_22_32 Neither (03808 +lo) ) shall ye profane (02490 +chalal ) my holy (06944 +qodesh ) name (08034 +shem ) ; but I will be hallowed (06942 +qadash ) among (08432 +tavek ) the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) : I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) which (00834 +)aher ) {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) you ,

hallow Lev_25_10 And ye shall {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) the fiftieth (02572 +chamishshiym ) year (08141 +shaneh ) , and proclaim (07121 +qara) ) liberty (01865 +d@rowr ) throughout [ all (03605 +kol ) ] the land (00776 +)erets ) unto all (03605 +kol ) the inhabitants (03427 +yashab ) thereof : it shall be a jubile (03104 +yowbel ) unto you ; and ye shall return (07725 +shuwb ) every man (00376 +)iysh ) unto his possession (00272 +)achuzzah ) , and ye shall return (07725 +shuwb ) every man (00376 +)iysh ) unto his family (04940 +mishpachah ) .

hallow Num_06_11 And the priest (03548 +kohen ) shall offer (06213 +(asah ) the one (00259 +)echad ) for a sin (02403 +chatta)ah ) offering , and the other (00259 +)echad ) for a burnt (05930 +(olah ) offering , and make an atonement (03722 +kaphar ) for him , for that he sinned (02398 +chata) ) by the dead (05315 +nephesh ) , and shall {hallow} (06942 +qadash ) his head (07218 +ro)sh ) that same (01931 +huw) ) day (03117 +yowm ) .

hallowed 1Ki_09_03 And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , I have heard (08085 +shama( ) thy prayer (08605 +t@phillah ) and thy supplication (08467 +t@chinnah ) , that thou hast made before (06440 +paniym ) me:I have {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ) this (02088 +zeh ) house (01004 +bayith ) , which (00834 +)aher ) thou hast built (01129 +banah ) , to put (07760 +suwm ) my name (08034 +shem ) there (08033 +sham ) for ever (05769 +(owlam ) ; and mine eyes (05869 +(ayin ) and mine heart (03824 +lebab ) shall be there (08033 +sham ) perpetually .

hallowed 1Ki_09_07 Then will I cut (03772 +karath ) off Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) out of the land (00127 +)adamah ) which (00834 +)aher ) I have given (05414 +nathan ) them ; and this house (01004 +bayith ) , which (00834 +)aher ) I have {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ) for my name (08034 +shem ) , will I cast (07971 +shalach ) out of my sight (06440 +paniym ) ; and Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) shall be a proverb (04912 +mashal ) and a byword (08148 +sh@niynah ) among all (03605 +kol ) people (05971 +(am ) :

hallowed 1Sa_21_04 And the priest (03548 +kohen ) answered (06030 +(anah ) David (01732 +David ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) , [ There is ] no (00369 +)ayin ) common (02455 +chol ) bread (03899 +lechem ) under (08478 +tachath ) mine hand (03027 +yad ) , but there is {hallowed} (06944 +qodesh ) bread (03899 +lechem ) ; if (00518 +)im ) the young (05288 +na(ar ) men have kept (08104 +shamar ) themselves at (00389 +)ak ) least (00389 +)ak ) from women (00802 +)ishshah ) .

hallowed 1Sa_21_06 So the priest (03548 +kohen ) gave (05414 +nathan ) him {hallowed} (06944 +qodesh ) [ bread ] :for there was no (03808 +lo) ) bread (03899 +lechem ) there (08033 +sham ) but the shewbread , that was taken (05493 +cuwr ) from before (06440 +paniym ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , to put (07760 +suwm ) hot (02527 +chom ) bread (03899 +lechem ) in the day (03117 +yowm ) when it was taken (03947 +laqach ) away .

hallowed 2Ch_07_07 Moreover Solomon (08010 +Sh@lomoh ) {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ) the middle (08484 +tiykown ) of the court (02691 +chatser ) that [ was ] before (06440 +paniym ) the house (01004 +bayith ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ):for there (08033 +sham ) he offered (06213 +(asah ) burnt (05930 +(olah ) offerings , and the fat (02459 +cheleb ) of the peace (08002 +shelem ) offerings , because (03588 +kiy ) the brasen (05178 +n@chosheth ) altar (04196 +mizbeach ) which (00834 +)aher ) Solomon (08010 +Sh@lomoh ) had made (06213 +(asah ) was not able (03201 +yakol ) to receive (03557 +kuwl ) the burnt (05930 +(olah ) offerings , and the meat offerings (04503 +minchah ) , and the fat (02459 +cheleb ) .

hallowed 2Ch_36_14 Moreover (01571 +gam ) all (03605 +kol ) the chief (08269 +sar ) of the priests (03548 +kohen ) , and the people (05971 +(am ) , transgressed (04603 +ma(al ) very much (07227 +rab ) after all (03605 +kol ) the abominations (08441 +tow(ebah ) of the heathen (01471 +gowy ) ; and polluted (02930 +tame) ) the house (01004 +bayith ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) which (00834 +)aher ) he had {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ) in Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) .

hallowed 2Ki_12_18 And Jehoash (03060 +Y@how)ash ) king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) took (03947 +laqach ) all (03605 +kol ) the hallowed (06944 +qodesh ) things that Jehoshaphat (03092 +Y@howshaphat ) , and Jehoram (03088 +Y@howram ) , and Ahaziah (00274 +)Achazyah ) , his fathers (1) , kings (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , had dedicated (06942 +qadash ) , and his own {hallowed} (06944 +qodesh ) things , and all (03605 +kol ) the gold (02091 +zahab ) [ that was ] found (04672 +matsa) ) in the treasures (00214 +)owtsar ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , and in the king s (04428 +melek ) house (01004 +bayith ) , and sent (07971 +shalach ) [ it ] to Hazael (02371 +Chaza)el ) king (04428 +melek ) of Syria (00758 +)Aram ):and he went (05927 +(alah ) away from Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) .

hallowed 2Ki_12_18 And Jehoash (03060 +Y@how)ash ) king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) took (03947 +laqach ) all (03605 +kol ) the {hallowed} (06944 +qodesh ) things that Jehoshaphat (03092 +Y@howshaphat ) , and Jehoram (03088 +Y@howram ) , and Ahaziah (00274 +)Achazyah ) , his fathers (1) , kings (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , had dedicated (06942 +qadash ) , and his own hallowed (06944 +qodesh ) things , and all (03605 +kol ) the gold (02091 +zahab ) [ that was ] found (04672 +matsa) ) in the treasures (00214 +)owtsar ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , and in the king s (04428 +melek ) house (01004 +bayith ) , and sent (07971 +shalach ) [ it ] to Hazael (02371 +Chaza)el ) king (04428 +melek ) of Syria (00758 +)Aram ):and he went (05927 +(alah ) away from Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) .

hallowed Deu_26_13 Then thou shalt say (00559 +)amar ) before (06440 +paniym ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) thy God (00430 +)elohiym ) , I have brought (01197 +ba(ar ) away (01197 +ba(ar ) the {hallowed} (06944 +qodesh ) things out of [ mine ] house (01004 +bayith ) , and also (01571 +gam ) have given (05414 +nathan ) them unto the Levite (03881 +Leviyiy ) , and unto the stranger (01616 +ger ) , to the fatherless (03490 +yathowm ) , and to the widow (00490 +)almanah ) , according to all (03605 +kol ) thy commandments (04687 +mitsvah ) which (00834 +)aher ) thou hast commanded (06680 +tsavah ) me:I have not transgressed (05674 +(abar ) thy commandments (04687 +mitsvah ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) have I forgotten (07911 +shakach ) [ them ] :

hallowed Exo_20_11 For [ in ] six (08337 +shesh ) days (03117 +yowm ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) made (06213 +(asah ) heaven (08064 +shamayim ) and earth (00776 +)erets ) , the sea (03220 +yam ) , and all (03605 +kol ) that in them [ is ] , and rested (05117 +nuwach ) the seventh (07637 +sh@biy(iy ) day (03117 +yowm ):wherefore the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) blessed (01288 +barak ) the sabbath (07676 +shabbath ) day (03117 +yowm ) , and {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ) it .

hallowed Exo_29_21 And thou shalt take (03947 +laqach ) of the blood (01818 +dam ) that [ is ] upon the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) , and of the anointing (04888 +mishchah ) oil (08081 +shemen ) , and sprinkle (05137 +nazah ) [ it ] upon Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) , and upon his garments (00899 +beged ) , and upon his sons (01121 +ben ) , and upon the garments (00899 +beged ) of his sons (01121 +ben ) with him:and he shall be {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ) , and his garments (00899 +beged ) , and his sons (01121 +ben ) , and his sons (01121 +ben ) garments (00899 +beged ) with him .

hallowed Lev_12_04 And she shall then continue (03427 +yashab ) in the blood (01818 +dam ) of her purifying (02893 +tohorah ) three (07969 +shalowsh ) and thirty (07970 +sh@lowshiym ) days (03117 +yowm ) ; she shall touch (05060 +naga( ) no (03808 +lo) ) {hallowed} (06944 +qodesh ) thing , nor (03808 +lo) ) come (00935 +bow) ) into (00413 +)el ) the sanctuary (04720 +miqdash ) , until (05704 +(ad ) the days (03117 +yowm ) of her purifying (02892 +tohar ) be fulfilled (04390 +male) ) .

hallowed Lev_19_08 Therefore [ every one ] that eateth (00398 +)akal ) it shall bear (05375 +nasa) ) his iniquity (05771 +(avon ) , because (03588 +kiy ) he hath profaned (02490 +chalal ) the {hallowed} (06944 +qodesh ) thing of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) : and that soul (05315 +nephesh ) shall be cut (03772 +karath ) off from among his people (05971 +(am ) .

hallowed Lev_22_32 Neither (03808 +lo) ) shall ye profane (02490 +chalal ) my holy (06944 +qodesh ) name (08034 +shem ) ; but I will be {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ) among (08432 +tavek ) the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) : I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) which (00834 +)aher ) hallow (06942 +qadash ) you ,

hallowed Num_03_13 Because (03588 +kiy ) all (03605 +kol ) the firstborn (01060 +b@kowr ) [ are ] mine ; [ for ] on the day (03117 +yowm ) that I smote (05221 +nakah ) all (03605 +kol ) the firstborn (01060 +b@kowr ) in the land (00776 +)erets ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) I {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ) unto me all (03605 +kol ) the firstborn (01060 +b@kowr ) in Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , both man (00120 +)adam ) and beast (00929 +b@hemah ):mine shall they be:I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

hallowed Num_05_10 And every man s (00376 +)iysh ) {hallowed} (06944 +qodesh ) things shall be his:whatsoever (00834 +)aher ) any man (00376 +)iysh ) giveth (05414 +nathan ) the priest (03548 +kohen ) , it shall be his .

hallowed Num_16_37 Speak (00559 +)amar ) unto Eleazar (00499 +)El(azar ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) the priest (03548 +kohen ) , that he take (07311 +ruwm ) up the censers (04289 +machtah ) out of the burning (08316 +s@rephah ) , and scatter (02219 +zarah ) thou the fire (00784 +)esh ) yonder (01973 +hal@ah ) ; for they are {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ) .

hallowed Num_16_38 The censers (04289 +machtah ) of these (00428 +)el - leh ) sinners (02400 +chatta) ) against their own souls (05315 +nephesh ) , let them make them broad (07555 +riqqua( ) plates (06341 +pach ) [ for ] a covering (06826 +tsippuwy ) of the altar (04196 +mizbeach ):for they offered (07126 +qarab ) them before (06440 +paniym ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , therefore they are {hallowed} (06942 +qadash ):and they shall be a sign (00226 +)owth ) unto the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) .

hallowed Num_18_08 . And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) spake (01696 +dabar ) unto Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) , Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , I also have given (05414 +nathan ) thee the charge (04931 +mishmereth ) of mine heave (08641 +t@ruwmah ) offerings (08641 +t@ruwmah ) of all (03605 +kol ) the {hallowed} (06944 +qodesh ) things of the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) ; unto thee have I given (05414 +nathan ) them by reason of the anointing (04888 +mishchah ) , and to thy sons (01121 +ben ) , by an ordinance (02706 +choq ) for ever (05769 +(owlam ) .

hallowed Num_18_29 Out of all (03605 +kol ) your gifts (04979 +mattanah ) ye shall offer (07311 +ruwm ) every (03605 +kol ) heave (08641 +t@ruwmah ) offering (08641 +t@ruwmah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , of all (03605 +kol ) the best (02459 +cheleb ) thereof , [ even (00853 +)eth ) ] the {hallowed} (04720 +miqdash ) part thereof out of it .

mallows Job_30_04 Who cut (06998 +qataph ) up {mallows} (04408 +malluwach ) by the bushes (07880 +siyach ) , and juniper (07574 +rethem ) roots (08328 +sheresh ) [ for ] their meat (03899 +lechem ) .

swallow 2Sa_20_19 I [ am one of them that are ] peaceable (07999 +shalam ) [ and ] faithful (00539 +)aman ) in Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ):thou seekest (01245 +baqash ) to destroy (04191 +muwth ) a city (05892 +(iyr ) and a mother (00517 +)em ) in Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ):why (04100 +mah ) wilt thou {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) up the inheritance (05159 +nachalah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ?

swallow 2Sa_20_20 And Joab (03097 +Yow)ab ) answered (06030 +(anah ) and said (00559 +)amar ) , Far (02486 +chaliylah ) be it , far (02486 +chaliylah ) be it from me , that I should {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) up or destroy (07843 +shachath ) .

swallow Amo_08_04 . Hear (08085 +shama( ) this (02063 +zo)th ) , O ye that {swallow} (07602 +sha)aph ) up the needy (34) , even to make the poor of the land (00776 +)erets ) to fail (07673 +shabath ) ,

swallow Ecc_10_12 . The words (01697 +dabar ) of a wise (02450 +chakam ) man s mouth (06310 +peh ) [ are ] gracious (02580 +chen ) ; but the lips (08193 +saphah ) of a fool (03684 +k@ciyl ) will {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) up himself .

swallow Hos_08_07 For they have sown (02232 +zara( ) the wind (07307 +ruwach ) , and they shall reap (07114 +qatsar ) the whirlwind (05492 +cuwphah ):it hath no (00369 +)ayin ) stalk (07054 +qamah ):the bud (06779 +tsamach ) shall yield (06213 +(asah ) no (00369 +)ayin ) meal (07058 +qemach ):if (00194 +)uwlay ) so be it yield (06213 +(asah ) , the strangers (02114 +zuwr ) shall {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) it up .

swallow Isa_25_08 He will {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) up death (04194 +maveth ) in victory (05331 +netsach ) ; and the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) will wipe (04229 +machah ) away tears (01832 +dim(ah ) from off (05921 +(al ) all (03605 +kol ) faces (06440 +paniym ) ; and the rebuke (02781 +cherpah ) of his people (05971 +(am ) shall he take (05493 +cuwr ) away (05493 +cuwr ) from off (05921 +(al ) all (03605 +kol ) the earth (00776 +)erets ):for the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) hath spoken (01696 +dabar ) [ it ] .

swallow Isa_38_14 Like a crane (05483 +cuwc ) [ or ] a {swallow} (05693 +(aguwr ) , so (03651 +ken ) did I chatter (06850 +tsaphaph ):I did mourn (01897 +hagah ) as a dove (03123 +yownah ):mine eyes (05869 +(ayin ) fail (01809 +dalal ) [ with looking ] upward (04791 +marowm ):O LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , I am oppressed (06234 +(oshqah ) ; undertake (06148 +(arab ) for me .

swallow Jer_08_07 Yea (01571 +gam ) , the stork (02624 +chaciydah ) in the heaven (08064 +shamayim ) knoweth (03045 +yada( ) her appointed (04150 +mow(ed ) times (06256 +(eth ) ; and the turtle (08449 +towr ) and the crane (05483 +cuwc ) and the {swallow} (05693 +(aguwr ) observe (08104 +shamar ) the time (06256 +(eth ) of their coming (00935 +bow) ) ; but my people (05971 +(am ) know (03045 +yada( ) not the judgment (04941 +mishpat ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

swallow Job_07_19 How (05704 +(ad ) long (04101 +mah ) wilt thou not depart (08159 +sha(ah ) from me , nor (03808 +lo) ) let me alone (07503 +raphah ) till (05704 +(ad ) I {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) down my spittle (07536 +roq ) ?

swallow Job_20_18 That which he laboured (03022 +yaga( ) for shall he restore (07725 +shuwb ) , and shall not {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) [ it ] down:according to [ his ] substance (02428 +chayil ) [ shall ] the restitution (08545 +t@muwrah ) [ be ] , and he shall not rejoice (05965 +(alac ) [ therein ] .

swallow Jon_01_17 Now the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) had prepared (04487 +manah ) a great (01419 +gadowl ) fish (01709 +dag ) to {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) up Jonah (03124 +Yonah ) . And Jonah (03124 +Yonah ) was in the belly (04578 +me(ah ) of the fish (01709 +dag ) three (07969 +shalowsh ) days (03117 +yowm ) and three (07969 +shalowsh ) nights (03915 +layil ) .

swallow Mat_23_24 [ Ye ] blind (5185 -tuphlos -) guides (3595 -hodegos -) , which (3588 -ho -) strain (1368 -diulizo -) at (1368 -diulizo -) a gnat (2971 -konops -) , and {swallow} (2666 -katapino -) a camel (2574 -kamelos -) .

swallow Num_16_30 But if (00518 +)im ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) make (01254 +bara) ) a new (01278 +b@riy)ah ) thing , and the earth (00127 +)adamah ) open (06475 +patsah ) her mouth (06310 +peh ) , and {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) them up , with all (03605 +kol ) that [ appertain ] unto them , and they go (03381 +yarad ) down (03381 +yarad ) quick (02416 +chay ) into the pit (07585 +sh@)owl ) ; then ye shall understand (03045 +yada( ) that these men (00582 +)enowsh ) have provoked (05006 +na)ats ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

swallow Num_16_34 And all (03605 +kol ) Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) that [ were ] round (05439 +cabiyb ) about them fled (05127 +nuwc ) at the cry (06963 +qowl ) of them:for they said (00559 +)amar ) , Lest (06435 +pen ) the earth (00776 +)erets ) {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) us up [ also ] .

swallow Oba_01_16 For as ye have drunk (08354 +shathah ) upon my holy (06944 +qodesh ) mountain (02022 +har ) , [ so ] shall all (03605 +kol ) the heathen (01471 +gowy ) drink (08354 +shathah ) continually (08548 +tamiyd ) , yea , they shall drink (08354 +shathah ) , and they shall {swallow} (03886 +luwa( ) down , and they shall be as though they had not been (01961 +hayah ) .

swallow Pro_01_12 Let us {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) them up alive (02416 +chay ) as the grave (07585 +sh@)owl ) ; and whole (08549 +tamiym ) , as those that go (03381 +yarad ) down (03381 +yarad ) into the pit (00953 +bowr ) :

swallow Pro_26_02 . As the bird (06833 +tsippowr ) by wandering (05110 +nuwd ) , as the {swallow} (01866 +d@rowr ) by flying (05774 +(uwph ) , so (03651 +ken ) the curse (07045 +q@lalah ) causeless (02600 +chinnam ) shall not come (00935 +bow) ) .

swallow Psa_21_09 Thou shalt make (07896 +shiyth ) them as a fiery (00784 +)esh ) oven (08574 +tannuwr ) in the time (06256 +(eth ) of thine anger (06440 +paniym ):the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) shall {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) them up in his wrath (00639 +)aph ) , and the fire (00784 +)esh ) shall devour (00398 +)akal ) them .

swallow Psa_56_01 . To the chief Musician (05329 +natsach ) upon Jonathelemrechokim (03128 +yownath )elem r@choqiym ) (00482 +)elem ) (07350 +rachowq ) , Michtam (04387 +miktam ) of David (01732 +David ) , when the Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) took (00270 +)achaz ) him in Gath (01661 +Gath ) . Be merciful (02603 +chanan ) unto me , O God (00430 +)elohiym ):for man (00582 +)enowsh ) would {swallow} (07602 +sha)aph ) me up ; he fighting (03898 +lacham ) daily oppresseth (03905 +lachats ) me .

swallow Psa_56_02 Mine enemies (08324 +sharar ) would daily {swallow} (07602 +sha)aph ) [ me ] up:for [ they be ] many (07227 +rab ) that fight (03898 +lacham ) against me , O thou most (04971 +mathkoneth ) High (04791 +marowm ) .

swallow Psa_57_03 He shall send (07971 +shalach ) from heaven (08064 +shamayim ) , and save (03467 +yasha( ) me [ from ] the reproach (02778 +charaph . ) of him that would {swallow} (07602 +sha)aph ) me up . Selah (05542 +celah ) . God (00430 +)elohiym ) shall send (07971 +shalach ) forth his mercy (02617 +checed ) and his truth (00571 +)emeth ) .

swallow Psa_69_15 Let not the waterflood overflow (07857 +shataph ) me , neither (00408 +)al ) let the deep (04688 +m@tsowlah ) {swallow} (01104 +bala( ) me up , and let not the pit (00875 +@)er ) shut (00332 +)atar ) her mouth (06310 +peh ) upon me .

swallow Psa_84_03 Yea (01571 +gam ) , the sparrow (06833 +tsippowr ) hath found (04672 +matsa) ) an house (01004 +bayith ) , and the {swallow} (01866 +d@rowr ) a nest (07064 +qen ) for herself , where (00834 +)aher ) she may lay (07896 +shiyth ) her young (00667 +)ephroach ) , [ even (00853 +)eth ) ] thine altars (04196 +mizbeach ) , O LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) , my King (04428 +melek ) , and my God (00430 +)elohiym ) .

swallowed 1Co_15_54 So (1161 -de -) when (3752 -hotan -) this (5124 -touto -) corruptible (5349 -phthartos -) shall have put (1746 -enduo -) on (1746 -enduo -) incorruption (0861 -aphthrsia -) , and this (5124 -touto -) mortal (2349 -thnetos -) shall have put (1746 -enduo -) on (1746 -enduo -) immortality (0110 -athanasia -) , then (5119 -tote -) shall be brought (1096 -ginomai -) to pass the saying (3056 -logos -) that is written (1125 -grapho -) , Death (2288 -thanatos -) is {swallowed} (2666 -katapino -) up in victory (3534 -nikos -) .

swallowed 2Co_02_07 So (5620 -hoste -) that contrariwise (5121 -tounantion -) ye [ ought ] rather (3123 -mallon -) to forgive (5483 -charizomai -) [ him ] , and comfort (3870 -parakaleo -) [ him ] , lest (3381 -mepos -) perhaps (3381 -mepos -) such (5108 -toioutos -) a one should be {swallowed} (2666 -katapino -) up with overmuch (4055 -perissoteros -) sorrow (3077 -lupe -) .

swallowed 2Co_05_04 For we that are in [ this (3588 -ho -) ] tabernacle (4636 -skenos -) do groan (4727 -stenazo -) , being burdened (0916 -bareo -):not for that we would (2309 -thelo -) be unclothed (1562 -ekduo -) , but clothed (1902 -ependuomai -) upon , that mortality (2349 -thnetos -) might be {swallowed} (2666 -katapino -) up of life (2222 -zoe -) .

swallowed 2Sa_17_16 Now (06258 +(attah ) therefore send (07971 +shalach ) quickly (04120 +m@herah ) , and tell (05046 +nagad ) David (01732 +David ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Lodge (03885 +luwn ) not this night (03915 +layil ) in the plains (06160 +(arabah ) of the wilderness (04057 +midbar ) , but speedily (05674 +(abar ) pass (05674 +(abar ) over (05674 +(abar ) ; lest (06435 +pen ) the king (04428 +melek ) be {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up , and all (03605 +kol ) the people (05971 +(am ) that [ are ] with him .

swallowed Deu_11_06 And what (00834 +)aher ) he did (06213 +(asah ) unto Dathan (01885 +Dathan ) and Abiram (48) , the sons (01121 +ben ) of Eliab (00446 +)Eliy)ab ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Reuben (07205 +R@)uwben ):how (00834 +)aher ) the earth (00776 +)erets ) opened (06475 +patsah ) her mouth (06310 +peh ) , and {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) them up , and their households (01004 +bayith ) , and their tents (00168 +)ohel ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the substance (03351 +y@quwm ) that [ was ] in their possession (07272 +regel ) , in the midst (07130 +qereb ) of all (03605 +kol ) Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) :

swallowed Exo_07_12 For they cast (07993 +shalak ) down every (00376 +)iysh ) man (00376 +)iysh ) his rod (04294 +matteh ) , and they became (01961 +hayah ) serpents (08577 +tanniyn ):but Aaron s (00175 +)Aharown ) rod (04294 +matteh ) {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up their rods (04294 +matteh ) .

swallowed Exo_15_12 Thou stretchedst (05186 +natah ) out thy right (03225 +yamiyn ) hand (03225 +yamiyn ) , the earth (00776 +)erets ) {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) them .

swallowed Eze_36_03 Therefore (03651 +ken ) prophesy (05012 +naba) ) and say (00559 +)amar ) , Thus(03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; Because (03282 +ya(an ) they have made [ you ] desolate (08074 +shamem ) , and {swallowed} (07602 +sha)aph ) you up on every (05437 +cabab ) side (05439 +cabiyb ) , that ye might be a possession (04181 +mowrashah ) unto the residue (07611 +sh@)eriyth ) of the heathen (01471 +gowy ) , and ye are taken (05927 +(alah ) up in the lips (08193 +saphah ) of talkers (03956 +lashown ) , and [ are ] an infamy (01681 +dibbah ) of the people (05971 +(am ) :

swallowed Hos_08_08 . Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) is {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up:now shall they be among the Gentiles (01471 +gowy ) as a vessel (03627 +k@liy ) wherein [ is ] no (00369 +)ayin ) pleasure (02656 +chephets ) .

swallowed Isa_28_07 But they also (01571 +gam ) have erred (07686 +shagah ) through wine (03196 +yayin ) , and through strong drink (07941 +shekar ) are out of the way (08582 +ta(ah ) ; the priest (03548 +kohen ) and the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) have erred (07686 +shagah ) through strong drink (07941 +shekar ) , they are {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up of wine (03196 +yayin ) , they are out of the way (08582 +ta(ah ) through (04480 +min ) strong drink (07941 +shekar ) ; they err (07686 +shagah ) in vision (07203 +ro)eh ) , they stumble (06328 +puwq ) [ in ] judgment (06417 +p@liyliyah ) .

swallowed Isa_49_19 For thy waste (02723 +chorbah ) and thy desolate (08074 +shamem ) places , and the land (00776 +)erets ) of thy destruction (02035 +hariycuwth ) , shall even (03588 +kiy ) now (06258 +(attah ) be too narrow (03334 +yatsar ) by reason of the inhabitants (03427 +yashab ) , and they that {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) thee up shall be far (07368 +rachaq ) away .

swallowed Jer_51_34 Nebuchadrezzar (05019 +N@buwkadne)tstsar ) the king (04428 +melek ) of Babylon (00894 +Babel ) hath devoured (00398 +)akal ) me , he hath crushed (02000 +hamam ) me , he hath made (03322 +yatsag ) me an empty (07385 +riyq ) vessel (03627 +k@liy ) , he hath {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) me up like a dragon (08577 +tanniyn ) , he hath filled (04390 +male) ) his belly (03770 +k@res ) with my delicates (05730 +(eden ) , he hath cast (01740 +duwach ) me out .

swallowed Jer_51_44 And I will punish (06485 +paqad ) Bel (01078 +Bel ) in Babylon (00894 +Babel ) , and I will bring (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) out of his mouth (06310 +peh ) that which he hath {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up:and the nations (01471 +gowy ) shall not flow (05102 +nahar ) together any more (05750 +(owd ) unto him:yea (01571 +gam ) , the wall (02346 +chowmah ) of Babylon (00894 +Babel ) shall fall (05307 +naphal ) .

swallowed Job_06_03 For now (06258 +(attah ) it would be heavier (03513 +kabad ) than the sand (02344 +chowl ) of the sea (03220 +yam ):therefore my words (01697 +dabar ) are {swallowed} (03886 +luwa( ) up .

swallowed Job_20_15 He hath {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) down riches (02428 +chayil ) , and he shall vomit (06958 +qow) ) them up again:God (00410 +)el ) shall cast (03423 +yarash ) them out of his belly (00990 +beten ) .

swallowed Job_37_20 Shall it be told (05608 +caphar ) him that I speak (01696 +dabar ) ? if (00518 +)im ) a man (00376 +)iysh ) speak (00559 +)amar ) , surely (03588 +kiy ) he shall be {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up .

swallowed Lam_02_02 The Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) hath {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up all (03605 +kol ) the habitations (04999 +na)ah ) of Jacob (03290 +Ya(aqob ) , and hath not pitied (02550 +chamal ):he hath thrown (02040 +harac ) down (02040 +harac ) in his wrath (05678 +(ebrah ) the strong (04013 +mibtsar ) holds (04013 +mibtsar ) of the daughter (01323 +bath ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) ; he hath brought (05060 +naga( ) [ them ] down to the ground (00776 +)erets ):he hath polluted (02490 +chalal ) the kingdom (04467 +mamlakah ) and the princes (08269 +sar ) thereof .

swallowed Lam_02_05 The Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) was as an enemy (00341 +)oyeb ):he hath swallowed (01104 +bala( ) up Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , he hath {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up all (03605 +kol ) her palaces (00759 +)armown ):he hath destroyed (07843 +shachath ) his strong (04013 +mibtsar ) holds (04013 +mibtsar ) , and hath increased (07235 +rabah ) in the daughter (01323 +bath ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) mourning (08386 +ta)aniyah ) and lamentation (00592 +)aniyah ) .

swallowed Lam_02_05 The Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) was as an enemy (00341 +)oyeb ):he hath {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , he hath swallowed (01104 +bala( ) up all (03605 +kol ) her palaces (00759 +)armown ):he hath destroyed (07843 +shachath ) his strong (04013 +mibtsar ) holds (04013 +mibtsar ) , and hath increased (07235 +rabah ) in the daughter (01323 +bath ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) mourning (08386 +ta)aniyah ) and lamentation (00592 +)aniyah ) .

swallowed Lam_02_16 All (03605 +kol ) thine enemies (00341 +)oyeb ) have opened (06475 +patsah ) their mouth (06310 +peh ) against (05921 +(al ) thee:they hiss (08319 +sharaq ) and gnash (02786 +charaq ) the teeth (08127 +shen ):they say (00559 +)amar ) , We have {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) [ her ] up:certainly (00389 +)ak ) this (02088 +zeh ) [ is ] the day (03117 +yowm ) that we looked (06960 +qavah ) for ; we have found (04672 +matsa) ) , we have seen (07200 +ra)ah ) [ it ] .

swallowed Num_16_32 And the earth (00776 +)erets ) opened (06605 +pathach ) her mouth (06310 +peh ) , and {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) them up , and their houses (01004 +bayith ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the men (00120 +)adam ) that [ appertained ] unto Korah (07141 +Qorach ) , and all (03605 +kol ) [ their ] goods (07399 +r@kuwsh ) .

swallowed Num_26_10 And the earth (00776 +)erets ) opened (06605 +pathach ) her mouth (06310 +peh ) , and {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) them up together with Korah (07141 +Qorach ) , when that company (05712 +(edah ) died (04194 +maveth ) , what time the fire (00784 +)esh ) devoured (00398 +)akal ) two hundred (03967 +me)ah ) and fifty (02572 +chamishshiym ) men (00376 +)iysh ):and they became (01961 +hayah ) a sign (05251 +nec ) .

swallowed Psa_106_17 The earth (00776 +)erets ) opened (06605 +pathach ) and {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) up Dathan (01885 +Dathan ) , and covered (03680 +kacah ) the company (05712 +(edah ) of Abiram (48) .

swallowed Psa_124_03 Then (00233 +)azay ) they had {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) us up quick (02416 +chay ) , when their wrath (00639 +)aph ) was kindled (02734 +charah ) against us :

swallowed Psa_35_25 Let them not say (00559 +)amar ) in their hearts (03820 +leb ) , Ah (00253 +)ach ) , so would (05315 +nephesh ) we have it:let them not say (00559 +)amar ) , We have {swallowed} (01104 +bala( ) him up .

swallowed Rev_12_16 And the earth (1093 -ge -) helped (0997 -boetheo -) the woman (1135 -gune -) , and the earth (1093 -ge -) opened (0455 -anoigo -) her mouth (4750 -stoma -) , and {swallowed} (2666 -katapino -) up the flood (4215 -potamos -) which (3739 -hos -) the dragon (1404 -drakon -) cast (0906 -ballo -) out of his mouth (4750 -stoma -) .

swalloweth Job_05_05 Whose (00834 +)aher ) harvest (07105 +qatsiyr ) the hungry (07456 +ra(eb ) eateth (00398 +)akal ) up , and taketh (03947 +laqach ) it even out of the thorns (06791 +tsen ) , and the robber (06782 +tsammiym ) {swalloweth} (07602 +sha)aph ) up their substance (02428 +chayil ) .

swalloweth Job_39_24 He {swalloweth} (01572 +gama) ) the ground (00776 +)erets ) with fierceness (07494 +ra(ash ) and rage (07267 +rogez ):neither (03808 +lo) ) believeth (00539 +)aman ) he that [ it is ] the sound (06963 +qowl ) of the trumpet (07782 +showphar ) .

wallow Eze_27_30 And shall cause their voice (06963 +qowl ) to be heard (08085 +shama( ) against (05921 +(al ) thee , and shall cry (02199 +za(aq ) bitterly (04751 +mar ) , and shall cast (05927 +(alah ) up dust (06083 +(aphar ) upon their heads (07218 +ro)sh ) , they shall {wallow} (06428 +palash ) themselves in the ashes (00665 +)epher ) :

wallow Jer_06_26 O daughter (01323 +bath ) of my people (05971 +(am ) , gird (02296 +chagar ) [ thee ] with sackcloth (08242 +saq ) , and {wallow} (06428 +palash ) thyself in ashes (00665 +)epher ):make (06213 +(asah ) thee mourning (60) , [ as for ] an only (03173 +yachiyd ) son (03173 +yachiyd ) , most bitter (08563 +tamruwr ) lamentation (04553 +micepd ):for the spoiler (07703 +shadad ) shall suddenly (06597 +pith)owm ) come (00935 +bow) ) upon us .

wallow Jer_25_34 Howl (03213 +yalal ) , ye shepherds (07462 +ra(ah ) , and cry (02199 +za(aq ) ; and {wallow} (06428 +palash ) yourselves [ in the ashes ] , ye principal (00117 +)addiyr ) of the flock (06629 +tso)n ):for the days (03117 +yowm ) of your slaughter (02873 +tabach ) and of your dispersions (08600 +t@phowtsah ) are accomplished (04390 +male) ) ; and ye shall fall (05307 +naphal ) like a pleasant (02532 +chemdah ) vessel (03627 +k@liy ) .

wallow Jer_48_26 Make ye him drunken (07937 +shakar ):for he magnified (01431 +gadal ) [ himself ] against (05921 +(al ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ):Moab (04124 +Mow)ab ) also shall {wallow} (05606 +caphaq ) in his vomit (06892 +qe) ) , and he also (01571 +gam ) shall be in derision (07814 +s@chowq ) .

wallowed 2Sa_20_12 And Amasa (06021 +(Amasa) ) {wallowed} (01556 +galal ) in blood (01818 +dam ) in the midst (08432 +tavek ) of the highway (04546 +m@cillah ) . And when the man (00376 +)iysh ) saw (07200 +ra)ah ) that all (03605 +kol ) the people (05971 +(am ) stood (05975 +(amad ) still , he removed (05437 +cabab ) Amasa (06021 +(Amasa) ) out of the highway (04546 +m@cillah ) into the field (07704 +sadeh ) , and cast (07993 +shalak ) a cloth (00899 +beged ) upon him , when he saw (07200 +ra)ah ) that every (03605 +kol ) one that came (00935 +bow) ) by him stood (05975 +(amad ) still .

wallowed Mar_09_20 And they brought (5342 -phero -) him unto him:and when he saw (1492 -eido -) him , straightway (2112 -eutheos -) the spirit (4151 -pneuma -) tare (4682 -sparasso -) him ; and he fell (4098 -pipto -) on (1909 -epi -) the ground (1093 -ge -) , and {wallowed} (2947 -kulioo -) foaming (0875 -aphrizo -) .

wallowing 2Pe_02_22 But it is happened (4819 -sumbaino -) unto them according to the true (0227 -alethes -) proverb (3942 -paroimia -) , The dog (2965 -kuon -) [ is ] turned (1994 -epistrepho -) to his own (2398 -idios -) vomit (1829 -exerama -) again (1994 -epistrepho -) ; and the sow (5300 -hus -) that was washed (3068 -louo -) to her {wallowing} (2946 -kulisma -) in the mire (1004 -borboros -) .


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