Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0105 + eagle + will the eagles +/ . aetos {ah-et-os'}; from the same as 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ ; an eagle (from its wind-like flight): --eagle .

0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ . aer {ah-ayr'}; from aemi (to breathe unconsciously, i .e . respire; by analogy, to blow); "air" (as naturally circumambient): --air . Compare 5594 + cold + shall wax +/ . *** . atha . See 3134 + Maranatha +/ .

0417 + wind + winds + of wind + the wind + of winds + the winds + for the wind + and the wind + And the wind + and the winds + with the wind + that the wind + up into the wind +/ . anemos {an'-em-os}; from the base of 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ ; wind; (plural) by implication (the four) quarters (of the earth): --wind .

0791 + fair + he was a proper +/ . asteios {as-ti'-os}; from astu (a city); urbane, i .e . (by implication) handsome: --fair .

0822 + a vapour + and vapour +/ . atmis {at-mece'}; from the same as 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ ; mist: --vapour .

0833 + fold + palace + the hall + the palace + his palace + of the hall + in the palace + But the court + unto the palace +/ . aule {ow-lay'}; from the same as 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ ; a yard (as open to the wind); by implication, a mansion: --court, ([sheep-])fold, hall, palace .

0836 + pipe +/ . aulos {ow-los'}; from the same as 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ ; a flute (as blown): --pipe .

0839 + day + to morrow + the morrow + unto the next + for to morrow + and to morrow + for the morrow + is and to morrow + myself . To morrow + unto you to morrow + shall be on the morrow +/ . aurion {ow'-ree-on}; from a derivative of the same as 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ (meaning a breeze, i .e . the morning air); properly, fresh, i .e . (adverb with ellipsis of 2250 + day + age + days + time + daily + while + a day + my day + by day + to day + us day + not day + a day s + and day + the day + of days + one day + thy day + God day + him day + judgment + The days + the time + in years + from day + in a day + that day + the days + it is day + And daily + and a day + not daily + some days + that time + him a day + in the day + In the day + it was day + is the day + of the day + I was daily + In that day + and the day + as in a day + not the day + in the days + be the days + of the days + But the day + for the day + in that day + that the day + And that day + But the days + For the days + unto the day + be in his day + that that day + as in the day + from that day + as it was day + unto the days + upon me daily + are of the day + and in the day + ye in that day + with you alway + And in the day + not in the days + But in the days + But as the days + But of that day + And in that day + and so that day + to pass the day + And when the day + When I was daily + But the same day + to me in that day + And from the days + man from that day + with him that day + unto that same day + For as in the days + Then were the days + And when it was day + with me in the days + as it was in the days + There was in the days + how that a good while + shall it be in the day + And as it was in the days + is with them but the days + And as soon as it was day + as from us as that the day + to pass that as soon as the days +/ ) to-morrow: --(to-)morrow, next day .

0840 + thou art an austere + that I was an austere +/ . austeros {ow-stay-ros'}; from a (presumed) derivative of the same as 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ (meaning blown); rough (properly as a gale), i .e . (figuratively) severe: --austere .

0846 + one + who + own + whom + this + mine + self + very + same + those + whose + which + cause + Having + itself + it this + thyself + thereof + Himself + thereon + thereby + herself + himself + is very + therein + The same + of those + selfsame + of these + together + the same + me there + to Jesus + thereinto + was there + Therewith + be of one + pit whose + that same + pit whose + in thereat + And beside + the things + for theirs + with those + own selves + themselves + he himself + who himself + do the same + that myself + up the same + him thereon + by the same + of the said + up together + of the same + For therein + in the same + and himself + that therein + For the same + And the same + for the same + out the same + you the same + And the very + not the same + But in those + but the same + to pass there + and of myself + both together + in yourselves + thing thereon + ye yourselves + into the same + that the same + and therewith + with the same + were together + Ye yourselves + of themselves + for yourselves + and he himself + but he himself + things therein + things to whom + Be of the same + things thereon + For yourselves + in you the same + And in the same + and in the same + doth he himself + while the other + they themselves + is not the same + Out of the same + that are therein + and the selfsame + And in that same + and not the very + when thou thyself + and ye yourselves + that we ourselves + not in yourselves + things themselves + For with the same + him for he himself + but it is the same + we not in the same + for that he himself + and they themselves + For they themselves + things that himself + should have the same + from among yourselves + unto you for the same + but that thou thyself + For in that he himself + things that are therein + of you as ye yourselves + that they be of the same + not with them to the same + And there were in the same + unto you for ye yourselves + and the things that therein + and the things which are therein +/ . autos {ow-tos'}; from the particle au [perhaps akin to the base of 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ through the idea of a baffling wind] (backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438 + own + one + home + to yourselves 1438- to yourselves 1438- itself + himself + his own + another + of your + our own + in your + herself + out your + their own + of itself + ourselves + not thine + own selves + of his own + as himself + themselves + of himself + as thyself + to another + by himself + to himself + in himself + for himself + not her own + ye not your + not himself + and his own + not his own + than himself + as their own + with another + of ourselves + in ourselves + with himself + unto himself + unto himself + out their own + it to himself + and ourselves + in themselves + but their own + us to himself + not ourselves + to yourselves + of yourselves + by themselves + up yourselves + to themselves + in yourselves + for yourselves + man on his own + unto their own + him in himself + not yourselves + for themselves + upon themselves + that he himself + unto themselves + unto yourselves + him for her own + than themselves + with themselves + among themselves + their own selves + thing of thyself + and was troubled + ye not that your + one with another + he not of himself + not make ourselves + let him of himself + things unto himself + and that he himself + it among yourselves + thing as of ourselves + when he had by himself + that not unto themselves + for the things of itself + therefore unto yourselves + when he offered up himself +/ ) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons: --her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, ([self-], the) same, ([him-, my-, thy-])self, [your-]selves, she, that, their(-s), them([-selves]), there[-at, -by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with], they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which . Compare 0848 + in one + himself + nothing + his own + ye here + their own + in his own + in himself + themselves + of himself + of his own + to himself + for himself + in their own + from his own + in themselves + up us by his own + to them of his own + things unto himself + and that he himself + themselves with their own +/ .

0850 + in a dark +/ . auchmeros {owkh-may-ros'}; from auchmos [probably from a base akin to that of 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ ] (dust, as dried by wind); properly, dirty, i .e . (by implication) obscure: --dark .

1820 + that we despaired + but not in despair +/ . exaporeomai {ex-ap-or-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and 0639 + in doubt + doubting + for I stand + we are perplexed + And because I doubted +/ ; to be utterly at a loss, i .e . despond: --(in) despair .

2032 + in high + celestial + of heavenly + in heavenly + the heavenly + of the heavenly + but the heavenly + of the celestial + that are heavenly + shall my heavenly + of things in heaven + me unto his heavenly + hand in the heavenly + and as is the heavenly + the image of the heavenly + country that is an heavenly +/ . epouranios {ep-oo-ran'-ee-os}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 3772 + heaven + Heaven + heavens + heavenly + by heaven + of heaven + to heaven + in heaven + for heaven + the heaven + of the sky + of the air + ye heavens + unto heaven + From heaven + of heaven s + the heavens + from heaven + for the sky + as in heaven + up to heaven + is in heaven + are in heaven + art in heaven + out of heaven + And the heaven + of the heavens + and the heaven + part of heaven + is from heaven + were in heaven + in the heavens + But the heavens + him from heaven + and the heavens + her thou heaven + down from heaven + things in heaven + into the heavens + than the heavens + unto me in heaven + was it from heaven + was it from heaven + shall be in heaven + as it is in heaven + that are in heaven + up for you in heaven + unto him from heaven + unto you That in heaven + of things in the heavens + shall there be from heaven + from him that speaketh from heaven +/ ; above the sky: --celestial, (in) heaven(-ly), high .

2086 + yoked + together + Be ye not unequally +/ . heterozugeo {het-er-od-zoog-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2087 + else + other + is one + others + Others + strange + another + in other + to other + And some + But other + and other + of others + And other + the other + in another + And others + and others + is another + To another + with other + to another + let another + And another + was altered + for another + and another + and the next + And the next + unto another + man another s + he to another + But the other + and the other + while another + but the other + against another + them out another + but of the other + were in the other + and not in another + that there is another + was there that another + was there that another + on the things of others +/ and 2218 + a yoke + a pair + my yoke + the yoke + For my yoke + with the yoke +/ ; to yoke up differently, i .e . (figuratively) to associate discordantly: --unequally yoke together with .

2105 + weather + It will be fair +/ . eudia {yoo-dee'-ah}; feminine from 2095 + well + ye well + them good + unto him Well + That it may be well +/ and the alternate of 2203 + Jupiter + of Jupiter +/ (as the god of the weather); a clear sky, i .e . fine weather: --fair weather .

2129 + bounty + blessing + Blessing + and fair + speeches + blessings + a blessing + bountifully + of blessing + and blessing + the blessing + of the blessing + That the blessing + as a matter of bounty +/ . eulogia {yoo-log-ee'-ah}; from the same as 2127 + Bless + bless + blessed + Blessed + we bless + is blessed + he blessed + ye blessed + and blessed + and praised + are blessed + and blessed + him to bless + hath blessed + and blessing + I will bless + and he blessed + thou shalt bless + is with thee blessed + upon them and blessed + of Abraham 11 and blessed +/ ; fine speaking, i .e . elegance of language; commendation ("eulogy"), i .e . (reverentially) adoration; religiously, benediction; by implication, consecration; by extension benefit or largess: --blessing (a matter of) bounty (X -tifully), fair speech .

2146 + shew + a fair + to make +/ . euprosopeo {yoo-pros-o-peh'-o}; from a compound of 2095 + well + ye well + them good + unto him Well + That it may be well +/ and 4383 + face + person + before + a face + by face + to face + my face + persons + thy face + his face + the face + their face + appearance + their faces + in the face + in his face + in presence + the outward + and his face + but the face + in appearance + from the face + of the fashion + not the person + him to the face + in the presence + thou the person + him on the face + and their faces + upon their faces + us from the face + down their faces + were as the faces + them and his face + from the presence + of his countenance + him in the presence + with thy countenance + ye to them and before + as it had been the face + sakes forgave I it in the person +/ ; to be of good countenance, i .e . (figuratively) to make a display: --make a fair show .

2201 + yoke + A pair +/ . zeugos {dzyoo'-gos}; from the same as 2218 + a yoke + a pair + my yoke + the yoke + For my yoke + with the yoke +/ ; a couple, i .e . a team (of oxen yoked together) or brace (of birds tied together): --yoke, pair .

2202 + bands +/ . zeukteria {dzook-tay-ree'-ah}; feminine of a derivative (at the second stage) from the same as 2218 + a yoke + a pair + my yoke + the yoke + For my yoke + with the yoke +/ ; a fastening (tiller-rope): --band .

2218 + a yoke + a pair + my yoke + the yoke + For my yoke + with the yoke +/ . zugos {dzoo-gos'}; from the root of zeugnumi (to join, especially by a "yoke"); a coupling, i .e . (figuratively) servitude (a law or obligation); also (literally) the beam of the balance (as connecting the scales): --pair of balances, yoke .

2223 + purses + girdle + girdles + in their purse + and with a girdle +/ . zone {dzo'-nay}; probably akin to the base of 2218 + a yoke + a pair + my yoke + the yoke + For my yoke + with the yoke +/ ; a belt; by implication, a pocket: --girdle, purse .

2359 + hair + hairs + the hair + as the hair + with her hair + and his hairs + them with the hairs + But there shall not an hair + for there shall not an hair +/ . thrix {threeks}; genitive case trichos, etc .; of uncertain derivation; hair: --hair . Compare 2864 + to her for her hair +/ .

2568 + havens + The fair +/ . Kaloi Limenes {kal-oy' lee-men'-es}; plural of 2570 + good + a good + honest + in well + as good + in good + is good + of good + the good + in a good + as a good + That good + It is good + for honest + it is good + For a good + and of good + and to good + is not good + that worthy + of for good + in an honest + it is better + things honest + out of a good + But it is good + It is not meet + that it is good + things are good + unto you ; good + For it is a good + for that is good + unto me It is good + that which is good + for it is not meet + it out it is better + that which is honest + I say that it is good + it from thee it is better + them from thee it is better + things thou shalt be a good +/ and 3040 + which is an haven + And because the haven +/ ; Good Harbors, i .e . Fairhaven, a bay of Crete: --fair havens .

2768 + horns + up an horn + and upon his horns +/ . keras {ker'-as}; from a primary kar (the hair of the head); a horn (literally or figuratively): --horn .

2863 + hair + have long +/ . komao {kom-ah'-o}; from 2864 + to her for her hair +/ ; to wear tresses of hair: --have long hair .

2864 + to her for her hair +/ . kome {kom'-ay}; apparently from the same as 2865 + brought + received + Receiving + he received + shall receive + one may receive + ye might receive + ye shall receive + shall he receive + And shall receive + I should have received +/ ; the hair of the head (locks, as ornamental, and thus differing from 2359 + hair + hairs + the hair + as the hair + with her hair + and his hairs + them with the hairs + But there shall not an hair + for there shall not an hair +/ ; which properly denotes merely the scalp): --hair .

3040 + which is an haven + And because the haven +/ . limen {lee-mane'}; apparently a primary word; a harbor: --haven . Compare 2568 + havens + The fair +/ .

3321 + the midst + of heaven + in the midst +/ . mesouranema {mes-oo-ran'-ay-mah}; from a presumed compound of 3319 + among + forth + before + between + At midday + the midst + from among + in the midst + In the midst + out of the way + I in the midst + out from among + up in the midst + away from among + is in the midst + was in the midst + And in the midst + her in the midst + him in the midst + and in the midst + them in the midst + it out of the way + forth in the midst + by him in the midst + and let them which are in the midst +/ and 3772 + heaven + Heaven + heavens + heavenly + by heaven + of heaven + to heaven + in heaven + for heaven + the heaven + of the sky + of the air + ye heavens + unto heaven + From heaven + of heaven s + the heavens + from heaven + for the sky + as in heaven + up to heaven + is in heaven + are in heaven + art in heaven + out of heaven + And the heaven + of the heavens + and the heaven + part of heaven + is from heaven + were in heaven + in the heavens + But the heavens + him from heaven + and the heavens + her thou heaven + down from heaven + things in heaven + into the heavens + than the heavens + unto me in heaven + was it from heaven + was it from heaven + shall be in heaven + as it is in heaven + that are in heaven + up for you in heaven + unto him from heaven + unto you That in heaven + of things in the heavens + shall there be from heaven + from him that speaketh from heaven +/ ; mid-sky: --midst of heaven .

3349 + be ye of doubtful +/ . meteorizo {met-eh-o-rid'-zo}; from a compound of 3326 + on + when + among + after + After + again + between + against + But after + and after + one after + And after + not among + but after + was since + that after + and against + and setting + he and after + them without + that followed + with him after + with them after + him which after + to us for after + to pass that after +/ and a collateral form of 0142 + Take + take + Away + away + took + taken + taking + lifted + be put + taketh + loosing + by Take + to bear + to take + is taken + and took + and take + him away + out Away + was taken + they took + he taketh + and taketh + thou takest + for to take + it up taketh + let him take + unto me Take + them and took + him he taketh + with him away + and was taken + And they took + and they took + to us and took + unto thee Take + unto them Take + shall be taken + dost thou make + they have taken + Be thou removed + they shall bear + unto us he took + which was borne + therein to take + man should take + They shall take + And they lifted + that they lifted + for ye have taken + for thee to carry + that he might take + not shall be taken + when they had taken + and there was taken + and him that taketh + him and I will take + unto them They have taken + them that they should take + not from him shall be taken + and that they might be taken + not that thou shouldest take + of thee ; and of him that taketh +/ or perhaps rather 0109 + the air + in the air + of the air + and the air +/ (compare "meteor"); to raise in mid-air, i .e . (figuratively) suspend (passively, fluctuate or be anxious): --be of doubtful mind .

3770 + heavenly + my heavenly + of the heavenly + unto the heavenly +/ . ouranios {oo-ran'-ee-os}; from 3772 + heaven + Heaven + heavens + heavenly + by heaven + of heaven + to heaven + in heaven + for heaven + the heaven + of the sky + of the air + ye heavens + unto heaven + From heaven + of heaven s + the heavens + from heaven + for the sky + as in heaven + up to heaven + is in heaven + are in heaven + art in heaven + out of heaven + And the heaven + of the heavens + and the heaven + part of heaven + is from heaven + were in heaven + in the heavens + But the heavens + him from heaven + and the heavens + her thou heaven + down from heaven + things in heaven + into the heavens + than the heavens + unto me in heaven + was it from heaven + was it from heaven + shall be in heaven + as it is in heaven + that are in heaven + up for you in heaven + unto him from heaven + unto you That in heaven + of things in the heavens + shall there be from heaven + from him that speaketh from heaven +/ ; celestial, i .e . belonging to or coming from the sky: --heavenly .

3771 + from heaven +/ . ouranothen {oo-ran-oth'-en}; from 3772 + heaven + Heaven + heavens + heavenly + by heaven + of heaven + to heaven + in heaven + for heaven + the heaven + of the sky + of the air + ye heavens + unto heaven + From heaven + of heaven s + the heavens + from heaven + for the sky + as in heaven + up to heaven + is in heaven + are in heaven + art in heaven + out of heaven + And the heaven + of the heavens + and the heaven + part of heaven + is from heaven + were in heaven + in the heavens + But the heavens + him from heaven + and the heavens + her thou heaven + down from heaven + things in heaven + into the heavens + than the heavens + unto me in heaven + was it from heaven + was it from heaven + shall be in heaven + as it is in heaven + that are in heaven + up for you in heaven + unto him from heaven + unto you That in heaven + of things in the heavens + shall there be from heaven + from him that speaketh from heaven +/ and the enclitic of source; from the sky: --from heaven .

3772 + heaven + Heaven + heavens + heavenly + by heaven + of heaven + to heaven + in heaven + for heaven + the heaven + of the sky + of the air + ye heavens + unto heaven + From heaven + of heaven s + the heavens + from heaven + for the sky + as in heaven + up to heaven + is in heaven + are in heaven + art in heaven + out of heaven + And the heaven + of the heavens + and the heaven + part of heaven + is from heaven + were in heaven + in the heavens + But the heavens + him from heaven + and the heavens + her thou heaven + down from heaven + things in heaven + into the heavens + than the heavens + unto me in heaven + was it from heaven + was it from heaven + shall be in heaven + as it is in heaven + that are in heaven + up for you in heaven + unto him from heaven + unto you That in heaven + of things in the heavens + shall there be from heaven + from him that speaketh from heaven +/ . ouranos {oo-ran-os'}; perhaps from the same as 3735 + mount + which + an hill + is mount + mountain + of mount + the mount + mountains + unto mount + a mountain + of the hill + to the mount + in the mount + of the mount + the mountain + the mountains + from the hill + upon the mount + unto the mount + from the mount + and in mountains + to the mountains + of the mountains + from the mountain + unto the mountains + to him in the mount + to thee in the mount + away and the mountains + he was in the mountains +/ (through the idea of elevation); the sky; by extension, heaven (as the abode of God); by implication, happiness, power, eternity; specifically, the Gospel (Christianity): --air, heaven([-ly]), sky .

4117 + hair + was above + not with broided +/ . plegma {pleg'-mah}; from 4120 + platted + and platted + And when they had platted +/ ; a plait (of hair): --broidered hair . *** . pleion . See 4119 + very + more + part + most + many + longer + of many + in many + in more + is more + me more + of more + greater + the more + And many + was long + him most + unto more + a greater + them more + were many + to be more + there many + forth more + at the most + the greater + in the more + thou me more + and the more + And with many + But with many + a more excellent + And they were more + for him of them more + was inflicted of many +/ .

4801 + together + hath joined +/ . suzeugnumi {sood-zyoog'-noo-mee}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and the base of 2201 + yoke + A pair +/ ; to yoke together, i .e . (figuratively) conjoin (in marriage): --join together .

5155 + of hair +/ . trichinos {trikh'-ee-nos}; from 2359 + hair + hairs + the hair + as the hair + with her hair + and his hairs + them with the hairs + But there shall not an hair + for there shall not an hair +/ ; hairy, i .e . made of hair (mohair): --of hair .

5268 + ass + of an ass +/ . hupozugion {hoop-od-zoog'-ee-on}; neuter of a compound of 5259 + into + under + among + as under + is under + it under + but under + are under + were under + to be under + But is under + as are under + things under + which is under + ye are not under + we are not under + them that are under + them that were under + to them that are under + out of the one part under + unto the other part under + over you for ye are not under +/ and 2218 + a yoke + a pair + my yoke + the yoke + For my yoke + with the yoke +/ ; an animal under the yoke (draught-beast), i .e . (specifically) a donkey: --ass .

5542 + words + and by good +/ . chrestologia {khrase-tol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 5543 + good + is easy + is better + is gracious + for he is kind + And be ye kind + that the goodness +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; fair speech, i .e . plausibility: --good words .