Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
abstain from all appearance 1Th_05_22

abstain from fleshly lusts 1Pe_02_11

abstain from meats 1Ti_04_03

acquaint now thyself with him Job_22_21

again also he sent unto him another captain 2Ki_01_11

again andrew Joh_12_22

again another scripture saith Joh_19_37

again esther spake unto hatach Est_04_10

again from Psa_68_22

again he denied with an oath Mat_26_72

again he entered into capernaum after Mar_02_01

again he measured Eze_47_04

again he measured Eze_47_04

again he said 2Ch_18_18

again he said Luk_13_20

again he said unto her Jud_04_20

again he said unto me Eze_37_04

again he saith Rom_15_10

again he sent Luk_20_12

again he sent another Mar_12_05

again he sent another servant Luk_20_11

again he sent forth Gen_08_10

again he sent unto them another servant Mar_12_04

again he stooped down Joh_08_08

again he went away Mar_14_39

again he went out about Mat_20_05

again peaceably Jud_11_13

again smite any more every thing living Gen_08_21

again there shall be heard Jer_33_10

again there was Job_02_01

again they said Rev_19_03

again thou showest thyself marvellous upon me Job_10_16

again unto my necessity PHP_01_97

against aaron Num_14_02

against aaron Num_16_03

against aaron Num_16_41

against aaron Num_16_42

against aaron Num_20_02

against aaron Num_26_09

against all Exo_12_12

against all Jer_01_15

against all Jer_34_01

against all Jer_34_07

against all Jer_36_02

against all egypt Eze_29_02

against all his household 1Sa_25_17

against all idumea Eze_36_05

against all these nations round about Jer_25_09

against an elder receive not an accusation 1Ti_05_19

against azekah Jer_34_07

against babylon Jer_51_11

against benjamin Jud_10_09

against david 1Sa_19_04

against david 2Sa_20_21

against edom 1Sa_14_47

against egypt Jer_46_02

against eight hundred 2Sa_23_08

against every man Gen_16_12

against false swearers Mal_03_05

against great kingdoms Jer_28_08

against her Deu_22_17

against her Jer_12_09

against him Act_23_30

against him Act_25_27

against him Job_09_04

against him came up nebuchadnezzar king 2Ch_36_06

against him came up shalmaneser king 2Ki_17_03

against him concerning Dan_06_05

against his anointed Psa_02_02

against his army Rev_19_19

against his christ Act_04_26

against his family Lev_20_05

against his house 1Ki_16_07

against his servant hezekiah 2Ch_32_16

against it Jer_50_21

against jerusalem 2Ki_25_01

against jerusalem Jer_52_04

against jerusalem Zec_12_02

against judah 2Ki_17_13

against judah Isa_09_21

against judah Jer_36_02

against judah Zec_12_07

against king ahaz came from damascus 2Ki_16_11

against lachish 2Ch_32_09

against lachish Jer_34_07

against light 1Ki_07_04

against light 1Ki_07_05

against man or beast Exo_11_07

against me Job_10_17

against me Job_16_08

against me Job_19_05

against me Joh_19_11

against me Lam_03_03

against me Psa_35_26

against me Psa_38_16

against me Psa_55_12

against me Psa_55_18

against me do they devise my hurt Psa_41_07

against me for evil Psa_56_05

against me round about Psa_03_06

against moab 1Sa_14_47

against moab thus saith Jer_48_01

against moses Num_21_05

against my father's house 2Sa_24_17

against my sanctuary Eze_25_03

against my shepherd Zec_13_07

against naboth 1Ki_21_13

against our judges Dan_09_12

against pharaoh king Eze_30_22

against powers Eph_06_12

against spiritual wickedness Eph_06_12

against such there is no law Gal_05_23

against thee Eze_21_03

against thee Eze_26_03

against thee Eze_28_22

against thee Eze_29_10

against thee Eze_29_03

against thee Eze_35_03

against thee Eze_38_03

against thee Eze_39_01

against thee Eze_05_08

against thee Jer_21_13

against thee Jer_50_31

against thee Jer_50_42

against thee Jer_51_25

against thee Mal_03_13

against thee Nah_02_13

against thee Nah_03_05

against thee Num_21_07

against thee Psa_51_04

against thee Rev_02_04

against their border Zep_02_08

against them Isa_10_15

against them Jer_23_32

against them Jer_51_01

against them Psa_17_07

against them Psa_34_16

against them Psa_35_03

against them by Jos_11_07

against this city all Jer_26_12

against this family do Mic_02_03

against this land according Jer_26_20

against those Mal_03_05

against thy rivers Eze_29_10

against thy sons Zec_09_13

against thy two friends Job_42_07

against us Rom_08_31

against which Luk_06_49

against which thou hast had indignation these threescore Zec_01_12

against whom Jer_18_08

against whom Pro_30_31

against whom do ye sport yourselves Isa_57_04

against whom hast thou exalted 2Ki_19_22

against whom hast thou exalted Isa_37_23

against whom he hath trespassed Num_05_07

against whom make ye Isa_57_04

against whom thou hast dealt treacherously Mal_02_14

against whom when Act_25_18

against you Exo_10_16

against you Eze_13_08

against you Zep_02_05

against your fathers 1Sa_12_15

against your pillows Eze_13_20

ain with her suburbs Jos_21_16

blains upon man Exo_09_10

blains upon man Exo_09_09

cain brought Gen_04_03

cain knew his wife Gen_04_17

cain rose up against abel his brother Gen_04_08

cain said unto Gen_04_13

cain talked with abel his brother Gen_04_08

cain was very wroth Gen_04_05

cain went out from Gen_04_16

cainan lived after he begat mahalaleel eight hundred Gen_05_13

cainan lived seventy years Gen_05_12

cainan were nine hundred Gen_05_14

captain against her Jer_51_27

captain over his inheritance 1Sa_10_01

captain over his people 1Sa_13_14

captain over israel 2Sa_05_02

captain over my people israel 1Sa_09_16

captain over them 1Sa_22_02

captain over them Jud_11_11

captain with Act_05_26

captains charge concerning absalom 2Sa_18_05

captains over 1Ch_28_01

captains over 1Ch_28_01

captains over 2Ki_11_09

captains over every one Exo_14_07

captains over fifties 1Sa_08_12

captains over fifties Deu_01_15

captains over hundreds 2Ch_25_05

captains over hundreds Deu_01_15

captains over hundreds Num_31_14

captains over hundreds did 2Ki_11_10

captains over tens Deu_01_15

captains over thousands 1Ch_15_25

captains over thousands 1Ch_26_26

captains over thousands Deu_01_15

captains over thousands Num_31_14

captains thereof Jer_51_28

certain additions made 1Ki_07_29

certain adullamite Gen_38_01

certain beggar named lazarus Luk_16_20

certain blind man sat by Luk_18_35

certain brethren from joppa accompanied him Act_10_23

certain brethren unto Act_17_06

certain came from james Gal_02_12

certain canaanite Gen_38_02

certain centurion's servant Luk_07_02

certain chief Ezr_10_16

certain city Luk_05_12

certain contribution for Rom_15_26

certain creditor which had two debtors Luk_07_41

certain creek with Act_27_39

certain damsel possessed with Act_16_16

certain day Heb_04_07

certain day Luk_05_17

certain day Luk_08_22

certain disciple at damascus Act_09_10

certain disciple named tabitha Act_09_36

certain disciple was there Act_16_01

certain edomites 1Ki_11_17

certain fearful looking for Heb_10_27

certain householder Mat_21_33

certain island Act_27_26

certain island which is called clauda Act_27_16

certain jew Est_02_05

certain jew named apollos Act_18_24

certain jew named aquila Act_18_02

certain king Mat_18_23

certain king Mat_22_02

certain lawyer stood up Luk_10_25

certain levite sojourning on Jud_19_01

certain maid beheld him as he sat by Luk_22_56

certain man 1Ki_20_35

certain man 1Sa_01_01

certain man 1Sa_21_07

certain man Act_10_01

certain man Jud_13_02

certain man Luk_08_27

certain man Rut_01_01

certain man at lystra Act_14_08

certain man before him which had Luk_14_02

certain man clothed Dan_10_05

certain man found him Gen_37_15

certain man had two sons Luk_15_11

certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried Act_03_02

certain man left Act_25_14

certain man made Luk_14_16

certain man named aeneas Act_09_33

certain man named ananias Act_05_01

certain man planted Luk_20_09

certain man saw 2Sa_18_10

certain man was there Joh_05_05

certain men which came down from judaea taught Act_15_01

certain nobleman Joh_04_46

certain nobleman went into Luk_19_12

certain number Deu_25_02

certain officer 2Ki_08_06

certain orator Act_24_01

certain other Act_15_02

certain other prisoners unto Act_27_01

certain part Act_05_02

certain people scattered abroad Est_03_08

certain pharisee besought him Luk_11_37

certain place Gen_28_11

certain place Heb_04_04

certain place Luk_11_01

certain place testified Heb_02_06

certain poor widow Mar_12_42

certain poor widow casting Luk_21_02

certain portion should be for Neh_11_23

certain priest Luk_10_31

certain priest named zacharias Luk_01_05

certain prophet Act_21_10

certain rate every day 2Ch_08_13

certain rate every day Exo_16_04

certain rich man Luk_16_01

certain rich man Luk_16_19

certain rich man brought forth plentifully Luk_12_16

certain ruler Mat_09_18

certain ruler asked him Luk_18_18

certain samaritan Luk_10_33

certain scribe came Mat_08_19

certain season into Joh_05_04

certain sedition made Luk_23_19

certain sons Jud_19_22

certain sorcerer Act_13_06

certain thing Act_23_17

certain thing Mat_20_20

certain vessel descend Act_11_05

certain vessel descending unto him Act_10_11

certain village Luk_10_38

certain village Luk_17_12

certain water Act_08_36

certain we can carry nothing out 1Ti_06_07

certain which went out from us have troubled you with words Act_15_24

certain woman 2Ki_04_01

certain woman Act_16_01

certain woman Luk_11_27

certain woman Mar_05_25

certain woman cast Jud_09_53

certain woman named lydia Act_16_14

certain woman named martha received him into her house Luk_10_38

certain women Luk_08_02

certain women also Luk_24_22

certain young man Mar_14_51

certain young man named eutychus Act_20_09

certainly do this day 1Ki_01_30

certainly make themselves wings Pro_23_05

certainly this Lam_02_16

certainly this was Luk_23_47

certainty for Act_21_34

certainty wherefore he was accused Act_22_30

chain on thy neck Eze_16_11

chain work 1Ki_07_17

chains about thy neck Pro_01_09

chains among all Jer_40_01

chains had been plucked asunder by him Mar_05_04

chains they shall come over Isa_45_14

chains which Jer_40_04

curtain for Num_03_26

curtain which Exo_36_12

curtain which coupleth Exo_26_10

curtain which coupleth Exo_36_17

curtains one unto another with Exo_36_13

curtains shall have one measure Exo_26_02

curtains together with Exo_26_06

entertain strangers Heb_13_02

ephrain with 2Ch_13_19

faint all Lam_01_13

faint for hunger Lam_02_19

fainteth not Isa_40_28

faintness into their hearts Lev_26_36

fountain casteth out her waters Jer_06_07

fountain gate Neh_12_37

fountain opened Zec_13_01

fountain or pit Lev_11_36

fountain repaired shallun Neh_03_15

fountain sealed Son_04_12

fountain send forth at Jam_03_11

fountain shall come forth Joe_03_18

fountain which 1Sa_29_01

fountains also Gen_08_02

fountains which 2Ch_32_03

gain is godliness 1Ti_06_05

gain thereof than fine gold Pro_03_14

gain troubleth his own house Pro_15_27

gainsay nor resist Luk_21_15

maintain good works Tit_03_08

maintain good works for necessary uses Tit_03_14

maintain their cause 1Ki_08_45

maintain their cause 1Ki_08_49

maintain their cause 2Ch_06_35

maintain their cause 2Ch_06_39

mountain apart Mat_14_23

mountain burned with fire unto Deu_04_11

mountain did burn with fire Deu_05_23

mountain falling cometh Job_14_18

mountain himself alone Joh_06_15

mountain on 1Sa_17_03

mountain on 1Sa_17_03

mountain on Gen_12_08

mountain shall be thine Jos_17_18

mountain smoking Exo_20_18

mountain where jesus had appointed them Mat_28_16

mountain which Eze_11_23

mountain without hands Dan_02_45

mountains are Isa_52_07

mountains are gathered Pro_27_25

mountains are gathered together agai Jos_10_06

mountains as Jud_09_36

mountains be carried into Psa_46_02

mountains before Isa_17_13

mountains bring him forth food Job_40_20

mountains by Job_28_09

mountains flowed down at thy presence Isa_64_03

mountains like doves Eze_07_16

mountains melted from before Jud_05_05

mountains might flow down at thy presence Isa_64_01

mountains on fire Psa_83_14

mountains quake at him Nah_01_05

mountains saw thee Hab_03_10

mountains seen Gen_08_05

mountains sha Eze_38_20

mountains shake with Psa_46_03

mountains shall be melted with their blood Isa_34_03

mountains shall be molten under him Mic_01_04

mountains shall bring peace Psa_72_03

mountains shall depart Isa_54_10

mountains shall drop down new wine Joe_03_18

mountains shall drop sweet wine Amo_09_13

mountains shall reach unto azal Zec_14_05

mountains shall they leap Joe_02_05

mountains skipped like rams Psa_114_04

mountains were brought forth Psa_90_02

mountains were covered Gen_07_20

mountains were not found Rev_16_20

mountains were settled Pro_08_25

mountains westward Jos_18_12

mountains which Gen_22_02

mountains will Jer_09_10

obtain salvation by our lord jesus christ 1Th_05_09

obtained mercy 1Ti_01_12

obtained mercy 1Ti_01_15

obtained promises Heb_11_33

obtaineth favour Pro_12_02

obtaineth favour Pro_18_22

ordain elders Tit_01_05

ordained by angels Gal_03_19

ordained thee Jer_01_05

ordained you Joh_15_16

pain as Isa_13_08

pain as Jer_22_23

pain together until now Rom_08_22

pained at my very heart Jer_04_19

painted with vermilion Jer_22_14

paintedst thy eyes Eze_23_40

pertained unto Num_31_43

plain all night 2Sa_04_07

plain also Deu_03_17

plain by medeba Jos_13_16

plain country Deu_04_43

plain country Jer_48_21

plain country round about jerusalem Neh_12_28

plain from elath Deu_02_08

plain from geba Zec_14_10

plain man Gen_25_27

plain on Jos_12_01

plain on this side jordan eastward Deu_04_49

plain out Jos_20_08

plain over against Deu_01_01

plain path Psa_27_11

plain shall be destroyed Jer_48_08

plain upon tables Hab_02_02

plainly appear unto 1Sa_02_27

plains south Jos_11_02

rain also filleth Psa_84_06

rain cometh down Isa_55_10

rain descended Mat_07_25

rain descended Mat_07_27

rain doth nourish Isa_44_14

rain from heaven was restrained Gen_08_02

rain from you Amo_04_07

rain is over Son_02_11

rain on Job_38_26

rain righteousness upon you Hos_10_12

rain stop thee not 1Ki_18_44

rain unto thy land Deu_28_12

rain upon Gen_02_05

rain upon Gen_07_04

rain upon another city Amo_04_07

rain upon one city Amo_04_07

rain was not poured upon Exo_09_33

rain was upon Gen_07_12

rainbow round about Rev_04_03

refrain for thee Isa_48_09

refrain from embracing Ecc_04_05

refrain from these men Act_05_38

refrain thy foot from their path Pro_01_15

refrain thy voice from weeping Jer_31_16

refrained himself Gen_43_31

refrained myself Isa_42_14

remain all night until Deu_16_04

remain among you Jos_23_12

remain among you Jos_23_07

remain shall be caught up together with them 1Th_04_17

remain shall be scattered toward all winds Eze_17_21

remain unto 1Th_04_15

remain unto Exo_29_34

remain upon Eze_39_14

remain upon thee Eze_32_04

remainder thereof shall aaron Lev_06_16

remainder with fire Exo_29_34

remained fled Gen_14_10

remained speechless Luk_01_22

remained there astonished among them seven days Eze_03_15

remained there with Dan_10_13

remained twelve baskets full Mat_14_20

remained unmoveable Act_27_41

remained unto ahab 2Ki_10_17

remainest for ever Lam_05_19

remaineth among th lev Lev_16_16

remaineth have dominion over Jud_05_13

remaining on him Joh_01_33

remaining thereon Num_09_22

retain god Rom_01_28

retain riches Pro_11_16

retained him Jud_19_04

retained no strength Dan_10_08

retained those three hundred men Jud_07_08

retaineth her Pro_03_18

saints about Rev_20_09

saints according Rom_08_27

saints are refreshed by thee Phm_01_07

saints be joyful Psa_149_05

saints did Act_26_10

saints possessed Dan_07_22

saints salute you 2Co_13_13

saints salute you PHP1 -:103

saints shall judge 1Co_06_02

saints which are 2Co_01_01

saints which are at ephesus Eph_01_01

saints which are with them Rom_16_15

saints which dwelt at lydda Act_09_32

saints which slept arose Mat_27_52

saints wilt thou turn Job_05_01

saints' feet 1Ti_05_10

slain b Eze_31_18

slain before thine eyes Deu_28_31

slain bird Lev_14_51

slain by Eze_32_20

slain by Eze_32_21

slain by Eze_32_25

slain by Eze_32_26

slain by Eze_32_29

slain by Eze_32_30

slain by Jer_18_21

slain by my sword Zep_02_12

slain him 1Ki_13_26

slain man Deu_21_03

slain shall fall Eze_30_04

slain shall fall Eze_06_07

slain shall fall Jer_51_04

slain thy people Isa_14_20

slain thy prophets with 1Ki_19_10

slain thy prophets with 1Ki_19_14

slain with Amo_04_10

slain with Eze_31_17

slain with Eze_32_28

slain with Eze_32_32

slain with Jer_14_18

slain with Lam_04_09

slain with all her multitude Eze_32_25

slain with hunger Lam_04_09

sustain thee 1Ki_17_09

sustained him Gen_27_37

train up Pro_22_06

twain from Mar_15_38

twain from Mat_27_51

twain one new man Eph_02_15

twain will ye Mat_27_21

uncertain riches 1Ti_06_17

vain babblings 1Ti_06_20

vain babblings 2Ti_02_16

vain deceit Col_02_08

vain do they worship me Mar_07_07

vain for you Psa_127_02

vain glory Gal_05_26

vain have 1Sa_25_21

vain have Jer_02_30

vain made he Jer_08_08

vain shalt thou make thyself fair Jer_04_30

vain shalt thou use many medicines Jer_46_11

vain show Psa_39_06

vain talkers Tit_01_10

vain they do worship me Mat_15_09

vain thing Psa_02_01

vain thing for safety Psa_33_17

vain thing for you Deu_32_47

vain vision Eze_13_07

vain without fear Job_39_16

vain words 2Ki_18_20

vain words Isa_36_05

vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind Col_02_18