English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

abstain 0567 ** apechomai ** {abstain}.

acquaint 5090 -- nahag -- {acquaint}, bring (away), carry away, drive (away), lead(away, forth), (be) guide, lead (away, forth).

acquaint 5532 -- cakan -- {acquaint} (self), be advantage, X ever, (be,[un-])profit(-able), treasurer, be wont.

acquaintance 1110 ** gnostos ** {acquaintance}, (which may be) known, notable.

acquaintance 2398 ** idios ** X his {acquaintance}, when they were alone, apart,aside, due, his (own, proper, several), home, (her, our, thine, your) own(business), private(-ly), proper, severally, their (own).

acquaintance 3045 -- yada\ -- acknowledge, {acquaintance}(-ted with), advise,answer, appoint, assuredly, be aware, [un-]awares, can[-not], certainly,comprehend, consider, X could they, cunning, declare, be diligent, (can,cause to) discern, discover, endued with, familiar friend, famous, feel,can have, be [ig-]norant, instruct, kinsfolk, kinsman, (cause to let, make)know, (come to give, have, take) knowledge, have [knowledge], (be, make,make to be, make self) known, + be learned, + lie by man, mark, perceive,privy to, X prognosticator, regard, have respect, skilful, shew, can (manof) skill, be sure, of a surety, teach, (can) tell, understand, have[understanding], X will be, wist, wit, wot

acquaintance 4378 -- makka -- {acquaintance}.

again 0310 -- /achar -- after (that, -ward), {again}, at, away from, back (from,-side), behind, beside, by, follow (after, -ing), forasmuch, from,hereafter, hinder end, + out (over) live, + persecute, posterity, pursuing,remnant, seeing, since, thence[-forth], when, with.

again 0313 ** anagennao ** beget, (bear) X ({again}).

again 0321 ** anago ** bring (again, forth, up {again}), depart, launch (forth),lead (up), loose, offer, sail, set forth, take up.

again 0321 ** anago ** bring ({again}, forth, up again), depart, launch (forth),lead (up), loose, offer, sail, set forth, take up.

again 0322 -- /achoranniyth -- back (-ward, {again}).

again 0326 ** anazao ** (be a-)live {again}, revive.

again 0330 ** anathallo ** flourish {again}.

again 0364 ** anamnesis ** remembrance ({again}).

again 0375 ** anapempo ** send ({again}).

again 0386 ** anastasis ** raised to life again, resurrection, rise from the dead, thatshould rise, rising {again}.

again 0386 ** anastasis ** raised to life {again}, resurrection, rise from the dead,that should rise, rising again.

again 0450 ** anistemi ** arise, lift up, raise up (again), rise ({again}), standup(-right).

again 0450 ** anistemi ** arise, lift up, raise up ({again}), rise (again), standup(-right).

again 0456 ** anoikodomeo ** build {again}.

again 0470 ** antapokrinomai ** answer {again}, reply against.

again 0479 ** antikaleo ** bid {again}.

again 0483 ** antilego ** answer {again}, contradict, deny, gainsay(-er), speakagainst.

again 0486 ** antiloidoreo ** revile {again}.

again 0488 ** antimetreo ** measure {again}.

again 0509 ** anothen ** from above, {again}, from the beginning (very first), thetop.

again 0518 ** apaggello ** bring word (again), declare, report, shew ({again}), tell.

again 0518 ** apaggello ** bring word ({again}), declare, report, shew (again), tell.

again 0523 ** apaiteo ** ask {again}, require.

again 0560 ** apelpizo ** hope for {again}.

again 0591 ** apodidomi ** deliver (again), give ({again}), (re-)pay(-ment be made),perform, recompense, render, requite, restore, reward, sell, yield.

again 0591 ** apodidomi ** deliver ({again}), give (again), (re-)pay(-ment be made),perform, recompense, render, requite, restore, reward, sell, yield.

again 0600 ** apokathistemi ** restore ({again}).

again 0622 -- /acaph -- assemble, bring, consume, destroy, felch, gather (in,together, up {again}), X generally, get (him), lose, put all together,receive, recover [another from leprosy], (be) rereward, X surely, take(away, into, up), X utterly, withdraw.

again 0654 ** apostrepho ** bring {again}, pervert, turn away (from).

again 0935 -- bow/ -- abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, + besiege, bring (forth,in, into, to pass), call, carry, X certainly, (cause, let, thing for) tocome (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtless {again}, + eat,+ employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), be fallen,fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, + have, X indeed,[in-]vade, lead, lift [up], mention, pull in, put, resort, run (down),send, set, X (well) stricken [in age], X surely, take (in), way.

again 1208 ** deuteros ** afterward, {again}, second(-arily, time).

again 1364 ** dis ** {again}, twice.

again 1453 ** egeiro ** awake, lift (up), raise (again, up), rear up, (a-)rise({again}, up), stand, take up.

again 1453 ** egeiro ** awake, lift (up), raise ({again}, up), rear up, (a-)rise(again, up), stand, take up.

again 1515 ** eirene ** one, peace, quietness, rest, + set at one {again}.

again 1519 ** eis ** [abundant-]ly, against, among, as, at, [back-]ward, before,by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for [intent, purpose],fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intentthat, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one {again},(so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward),(here-)until(-to), ...ward, [where-]fore, with.

again 1571 -- gam -- {again}, alike, also, (so much) as (soon), both (so)...and ,but, either...or, even, for all, (in) likewise (manner), moreover,nay...neither, one, then(-refore), though, what, with, yea.

again 1880 ** epanerchomai ** come {again}, return.

again 1906 -- hed -- sounding {again}.

again 1946 -- huwk -- bring {again}, come, go (up).

again 1949 -- huwm -- destroy, move, make a noise, put, ring {again}.

again 1994 ** epistrepho ** come (go) again, convert, (re-)turn (about, {again}).

again 1994 ** epistrepho ** come (go) {again}, convert, (re-)turn (about, again).

again 2015 -- haphak -- X become, change, come, be converted, give, make [a bed],overthrow (-turn), perverse, retire, tumble, turn ({again}, aside, back, tothe contrary, every way).

again 3212 -- yalak -- X {again}, away, bear, bring, carry (away), come (away),depart, flow, + follow(-ing), get (away, hence, him), (cause to, made) go (away, -- ing, -- ne, one's way, out), grow, lead (forth), let down, march,prosper, + pursue, cause to run, spread, take away ([-journey]), vanish,(cause to) walk(-ing), wax, X be weak.

again 3254 -- yacaph -- add, X again, X any more, X cease, X come more, + conceive{again}, continue, exceed, X further, X gather together, get more, givemore-over, X henceforth, increase (more and more), join, X longer (bring,do, make, much, put), X (the, much, yet) more (and more), proceed(further), prolong, put, be [strong-] er, X yet, yield.

again 3254 -- yacaph -- add, X {again}, X any more, X cease, X come more, + conceiveagain, continue, exceed, X further, X gather together, get more, givemore-over, X henceforth, increase (more and more), join, X longer (bring,do, make, much, put), X (the, much, yet) more (and more), proceed(further), prolong, put, be [strong-] er, X yet, yield.

again 3326 ** meta ** after(-ward), X that he {again}, against, among, X and, +follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and setting, since,(un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out).

again 3427 -- yashab -- (make to) abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to)dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (maketo) inhabit(-ant), make to keep [house], lurking, X marry(-ing), (bring{again} to) place, remain, return, seat, set(- tle), (down-)sit(-down, still, -- ting down, -- ting [place] -- uate), take, tarry.

again 3825 ** palin ** {again}.

again 4369 ** prostithemi ** add, {again}, give more, increase, lay unto, proceed further,speak to any more.

again 4762 ** strepho ** convert, turn (again, back {again}, self, self about).

again 4762 ** strepho ** convert, turn ({again}, back again, self, self about).

again 4900 ** sunelauno ** + set at one {again}.

again 5290 ** hupostrepho ** come again, return (again, back again), turn back ({again}).

again 5290 ** hupostrepho ** come again, return (again, back {again}), turn back (again).

again 5290 ** hupostrepho ** come again, return ({again}, back again), turn back (again).

again 5290 ** hupostrepho ** come {again}, return (again, back again), turn back (again).

again 5437 -- cabab -- bring, cast, fetch, lead, make, walk, X whirl, X round about,be about on every side, apply, avoid, beset (about), besiege, bring{again}, carry (about), change, cause to come about, X circuit, (fetch a)compass (about, round), drive, environ, X on every side, beset (close,come, compass, go, stand) round about, inclose, remove, return, set, sitdown, turn (self) (about, aside, away, back).

again 5750 -- \owd -- {again}, X all life long, at all, besides, but, else,further(-more), henceforth, (any) longer, (any) more(-over), X once, since,(be) still, when, (good, the) while (having being), (as, because, whether,while) yet (within).

again 6779 -- tsamach -- bear, bring forth, (cause to, make to) bud (forth), (causeto, make to) grow ({again}, up), (cause to) spring (forth, up).

again 6958 -- qow/ -- spue (out), vomit (out, up, up {again}).

again 6965 -- quwm -- abide, accomplish, X be clearer, confirm, continue, decree, Xbe dim, endure, X enemy, enjoin, get up, make good, help, hold, (help to)lift up (again), make, X but newly, ordain, perform, pitch, raise (up),rear (up), remain, (a-)rise (up) ({again}, against), rouse up, set (up),(e-)stablish, (make to) stand (up), stir up, strengthen, succeed, (as-,make) sure(-ly), (be) up(-hold, -rising).

again 6965 -- quwm -- abide, accomplish, X be clearer, confirm, continue, decree, Xbe dim, endure, X enemy, enjoin, get up, make good, help, hold, (help to)lift up ({again}), make, X but newly, ordain, perform, pitch, raise (up),rear (up), remain, (a-)rise (up) (again, against), rouse up, set (up),(e-)stablish, (make to) stand (up), stir up, strengthen, succeed, (as-,make) sure(-ly), (be) up(-hold, -rising).

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put ({again}, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render ({again}),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go {again} (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let,[see] more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set {again}, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come {again} (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in {again}, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver({again}), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home {again}), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, up{again}), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring({again}, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry {again} (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back){again}, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let,[see] more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home {again}, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give ({again}), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let,[see] more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ {again}), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse,bring (again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease,X certainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X {again},(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

again 7999 shalam -- -- make amends, (make an) end, finish, full, give again, makegood, (re-)pay ({again}), (make) (to) (be at) peace(-able), that isperfect, perform, (make) prosper(-ous), recompense, render, requite, makerestitution, restore, reward, X surely.

again 7999 shalam -- -- make amends, (make an) end, finish, full, give {again}, makegood, (re-)pay (again), (make) (to) (be at) peace(-able), that is perfect,perform, (make) prosper(-ous), recompense, render, requite, makerestitution, restore, reward, X surely.

again 8138 -- shanah -- do (speak, strike) {again}, alter, double, (be given to)change, disguise, (be) diverse, pervert, prefer, repeat, return, do thesecond time.

again 8145 -- sheniy -- {again}, either [of them], (an-)other, second (time).

again 8579 -- tinyanuwth -- {again}.

against 0210 ** akon ** {against} the will.

against 0368 ** anantirrhetos ** cannot be spoken {against}.

against 0413 -- /el -- about, according to ,after, {against}, among, as for, at,because(-fore, -side), both...and, by, concerning, for, from, X hath,in(-to), near, (out) of, over, through, to(-ward), under, unto, upon,whether, with(-in).

against 0464 ** antagonizomai ** strive {against}.

against 0470 ** antapokrinomai ** answer again, reply {against}.

against 0471 ** antepo ** gainsay, say {against}.

against 0481 ** antikru ** over {against}.

against 0483 ** antilego ** answer again, contradict, deny, gainsay(-er), speak{against}.

against 0495 ** antiperan ** over {against}.

against 0497 ** antistrateuomai ** war {against}.

against 0559 -- /amar -- answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify,challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider,declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend,name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak ({against},of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use[speech], utter, X verily, X yet.

against 0561 ** apenanti ** before, contrary, over {against}, in the presence of.

against 0854 -- /eth -- {against}, among, before, by, for, from, in(-to), (out) of,with.

against 0935 -- bow/ -- abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, + besiege, bring(forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, X certainly, (cause, let, thingfor) to come ({against}, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtlessagain, + eat, + employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance,-try), be fallen, fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant,+ have, X indeed, [in-]vade, lead, lift [up], mention, pull in, put,resort, run (down), send, set, X (well) stricken [in age], X surely, take(in), way.

against 1462 ** egklema ** crime laid {against}, laid to charge.

against 1519 ** eis ** [abundant-]ly, {against}, among, as, at, [back-]ward,before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for [intent,purpose], fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to theintent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at oneagain, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end,-ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, [where-]fore, with.

against 1690 ** embrimaomai ** straitly charge, groan, murmur {against}.

against 1693 ** emmainomai ** be mad {against}.

against 1715 ** emprosthen ** {against}, at, before, (in presence, sight) of.

against 1722 ** en ** about, after, {against}, + almost, X altogether, among, Xas, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (...sake of), + giveself wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on,[open-]ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, [speedi-]ly, X that, Xthere(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with),while, with(-in).

against 1727 ** enantios ** (over) {against}, contrary.

against 1758 ** enecho ** entangle with, have a quarrel {against}, urge.

against 1881 ** epanistamai ** rise up {against}.

against 1909 ** epi ** about (the times), above, after, {against}, among, as longas (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, [where-])fore, in (aplace, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of),over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with.

against 1984 -- halal -- (make) boast (self), celebrate, commend, (deal, make), fool(-ish, -- ly), glory, give [light], be (make, feign self) mad({against}), give in marriage, [sing, be worthy of] praise, rage, renowned,shine.

against 2018 ** epiphero ** add, bring ({against}), take.

against 2019 ** epiphoneo ** cry ({against}), give a shout.

against 2313 ** theomacheo ** fight {against} God.

against 2314 ** theomachos ** to fight {against} God.

against 2555 -- chamac -- cruel(-ty), damage, false, injustice, X oppressor,unrighteous, violence ({against}, done), violent (dealing), wrong.

against 2596 ** kata ** about, according as (to), after, against, (when they were)X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning, pertaining totouching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of,[charita-]bly, concerning, + covered, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ far more)exceeding, X more excellent, for, from...to, godly, in(-asmuch, divers,every, -to, respect of), ...by, after the manner of, + by any means, beyond(out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (ofevery), over {against}, (+ your) X own, + particularly, so,through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), Xuttermost, where(-by), with.

against 2596 ** kata ** about, according as (to), after, {against}, (when theywere) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning, pertainingto touching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of,[charita-]bly, concerning, + covered, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ far more)exceeding, X more excellent, for, from...to, godly, in(-asmuch, divers,every, -to, respect of), ...by, after the manner of, + by any means, beyond(out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (ofevery), over against, (+ your) X own, + particularly, so, through(-oughout,-oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by),with.

against 2620 ** katakauchaomai ** boast (against), glory, rejoice {against}.

against 2620 ** katakauchaomai ** boast ({against}), glory, rejoice against.

against 2635 ** katalaleo ** speak {against} (evil of).

against 2649 ** katamartureo ** witness {against}.

against 2691 ** katastreniao ** begin to wax wanton {against}.

against 2713 ** katenanti ** before, over {against}.

against 2721 ** katephistemi ** make insurrection {against}.

against 2729 ** katischuo ** prevail ({against}).

against 3326 ** meta ** after(-ward), X that he again, {against}, among, X and, +follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and setting, since,(un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out).

against 3844 ** para ** above, {against}, among, at, before, by, contrary to, Xfriend, from, + give [such things as they], + that [she] had, X his, in,more than, nigh unto, (out) of, past, save, side...by, in the sight of,than, [there-]fore, with.

against 4012 ** peri ** (there-)about, above, {against}, at, on behalf of, X andhis company, which concern, (as) concerning, for, X how it will go with,([there-, where-]) of, on, over, pertaining (to), for sake, X (e-)state,(as) touching, [where-]by (in), with.

against 4136 -- muwl -- (over) {against}, before, [fore-]front, from, [God-]ward,toward, with.

against 4314 ** pros ** about, according to , {against}, among, at, because of,before, between, ([where-])by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nighunto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to ([you])-ward, unto, with(-in).

against 4366 ** prosregnumi ** beat vehemently {against} (upon).

against 4784 -- marah -- bitter, change, be disobedient, disobey, grievously,provocation, provoke(-ing), (be) rebel ({against}, -lious).

against 5048 -- neged -- about, (over) {against}, X aloof, X far (off), X from,over, presence, X other side, sight, X to view.

against 5226 -- nekach -- before, over {against}.

against 5227 ** hupenantios ** adversary, {against}.

against 5227 -- nokach -- (over) {against}, before, direct[-ly], for, right (on).

against 5396 ** phluareo ** prate {against}.

against 5676 -- \eber -- X {against}, beyond, by, X from, over, passage, quarter,(other, this) side, straight.

against 5704 -- \ad -- {against}, and, as, at, before, by (that), even (to),for(-asmuch as), [hither-]to, + how long, into, as long (much) as, (so)that, till, toward, until, when, while, (+ as) yet.

against 5921 -- \al -- above, according to(-ly), after, (as) {against}, among,and, X as, at, because of, beside (the rest of), between, beyond the time,X both and, by (reason of), X had the charge of, concerning for, in (that),(forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-)on, over, than, through(-out), to,touching, X with.

against 5922 -- \al -- about, {against}, concerning, for, [there-]fore, from, in,X more, of, (there-, up-)on, (in-)to, + why with.

against 5973 -- \im -- accompanying, {against}, and, as (X long as), before,beside, by (reason of), for all, from (among, between), in, like, morethan, of, (un-)to, with(-al).

against 5978 -- \immad -- {against}, by, from, + me, + mine, of, + that I take, unto,upon, with(-in.)

against 5980 -- \ummah -- (over) {against}, at, beside, hard by, in points.

against 6440 -- paniym -- + accept, a-(be-)fore(-time), against, anger, X as (longas), at, + battle, + because (of), + beseech, countenance, edge, + employ,endure, + enquire, face, favour, fear of, for, forefront(-part), form(-ertime, -ward), from, front, heaviness, X him(-self), + honourable, +impudent, + in, it, look[-eth] (-s), X me, + meet, X more than, mouth, of,off, (of) old (time), X on, open, + out of, over {against}, the partial,person, + please, presence, propect, was purposed, by reason of, + regard,right forth, + serve, X shewbread, sight, state, straight, + street, Xthee, X them(-selves), through (+ -out), till, time(-s) past,(un-)to(-ward), + upon, upside (+ down), with(-in, + -stand), X ye, X you.

against 6440 -- paniym -- + accept, a-(be-)fore(-time), {against}, anger, X as (longas), at, + battle, + because (of), + beseech, countenance, edge, + employ,endure, + enquire, face, favour, fear of, for, forefront(-part), form(-ertime, -ward), from, front, heaviness, X him(-self), + honourable, +impudent, + in, it, look[-eth] (-s), X me, + meet, X more than, mouth, of,off, (of) old (time), X on, open, + out of, over against, the partial,person, + please, presence, propect, was purposed, by reason of, + regard,right forth, + serve, X shewbread, sight, state, straight, + street, Xthee, X them(-selves), through (+ -out), till, time(-s) past,(un-)to(-ward), + upon, upside (+ down), with(-in, + -stand), X ye, X you.

against 6655 -- tsad -- {against}, concerning.

against 6903 -- q@bel -- + according to, + as, + because, before, + for this cause,+ forasmuch as, + by this means, over {against}, by reason of, + that, +therefore, + though, + wherefore.

against 6965 -- quwm -- abide, accomplish, X be clearer, confirm, continue, decree,X be dim, endure, X enemy, enjoin, get up, make good, help, hold, (help to)lift up (again), make, X but newly, ordain, perform, pitch, raise (up),rear (up), remain, (a-)rise (up) (again, {against}), rouse up, set (up),(e-)stablish, (make to) stand (up), stir up, strengthen, succeed, (as-,make) sure(-ly), (be) up(-hold, -rising).

against 7125 qir/ah -- -- X {against} (he come), help, meet, seek, X to, X in theway.

against 7287 radah -- -- (come to, make to) have dominion, prevail {against}, reign,(bear, make to) rule,(-r, over), take.

against 7852 satam -- -- hate, oppose self {against}.

against 8264 -- shaqaq -- have appetite, justle one {against} another, long, range,run (to and fro).

against 8618 -- t@qowmem -- rise up {against}.

against 8630 -- taqaph -- prevail ({against}).

ain 2022 -- har -- hill (country), mount({-ain}), X promotion.

ain 2042 -- harar -- hill, mount({-ain}).

ain 3735 ** oros ** hill, mount({-ain}).

Ain 5871 -- \Ayin -- {Ain}.

appertain 2969 -- ya/ah -- {appertain}.

attain 0935 -- bow/ -- abide, apply, {attain}, X be, befall, + besiege, bring(forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, X certainly, (cause, let, thingfor) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtless again,+ eat, + employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), befallen, fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, + have, Xindeed, [in-]vade, lead, lift [up], mention, pull in, put, resort, run(down), send, set, X (well) stricken [in age], X surely, take (in), way.

attain 2638 ** katalambano ** apprehend, {attain}, come upon, comprehend, find, obtain,perceive, (over-)take.

attain 2658 ** katantao ** {attain}, come.

attain 2983 ** lambano ** accept, + be amazed, assay, {attain}, bring, X when I call,catch, come on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after),take (away, up).

attain 3201 -- yakol -- be able, any at all (ways), {attain}, can (away with,[-not]), could, endure, might, overcome, have power, prevail, still,suffer.

attain 3877 ** parakoloutheo ** {attain}, follow, fully know, have understanding.

attain 5348 ** phthano ** (already) {attain}, come, prevent.

attain 5381 -- nasag -- ability, be able, {attain} (unto), (be able to, can) get,lay at, put, reach, remove, wax rich, X surely, (over-)take (hold of, on,upon).

attain 7069 qanah -- -- {attain}, buy(-er), teach to keep cattle, get, provoke tojealousy, possess(-or), purchase, recover, redeem, X surely, X verily.

blains 0076 -- /aba\bu\ah -- {blains}.

Cain 2535 ** Kain ** {Cain}.

Cain 7014 Qayin -- -- {Cain}, Kenite(-s).

Cainan 2536 ** Kainan ** {Cainan}.

Cainan 7018 Qeynan -- -- {Cainan}, Kenan.

captain 0441 -- /alluwph -- {captain}, duke, (chief) friend, governor, guide, ox.

captain 0747 ** archegos ** author, {captain}, prince.

captain 1167 -- ba\al -- + archer, + babbler, + bird, {captain}, chief man, +confederate, + have to do, + dreamer, those to whom it is due, + furious,those that are given to it, great, + hairy, he that hath it, have, +horseman, husband, lord, man, + married, master, person, + sworn, the of.

captain 2951 -- tiphcar -- {captain}.

captain 3733 -- kar -- {captain}, furniture, lamb, (large) pasture, ram.

captain 4755 ** strategos ** {captain}, magistrate.

captain 4759 ** stratopedarches ** {captain} of the guard.

captain 5057 -- nagiyd -- {captain}, chief, excellent thing, (chief) governor,leader, noble, prince, (chief) ruler.

captain 5387 -- nasiy/ -- {captain}, chief, cloud, governor, prince, ruler, vapour.

captain 5506 ** chiliarchos ** (chief, high) {captain}.

captain 6346 -- pechah -- {captain}, deputy, governor.

captain 6347 -- pechah -- {captain}, governor.

captain 7101 qatsiyn -- -- {captain}, guide, prince, ruler.

captain 7218 ro/sh -- -- band, beginning, {captain}, chapiter, chief(-est place,man, things), company, end, X every [man], excellent, first, forefront,([be-])head, height, (on) high(-est part, [priest]), X lead, X poor,principal, ruler, sum, top.

captain 7227 rab -- -- (in) abound(-undance, -ant, -antly), {captain}, elder,enough, exceedingly, full, great(-ly, man, one), increase, long (enough,[time]), (do, have) many(-ifold, things, a time), ([ship-])master, mighty,more, (too, very) much, multiply(-tude), officer, often[-times], plenteous,populous, prince, process [of time], suffice(-lent).

captain 7229 rab -- -- {captain}, chief, great, lord, master, stout.

captain 7990 shalliyt -- -- {captain}, be lawful, rule(-r).

captain 7991 shaliysh -- -- {captain}, instrument of musick, (great) lord, (great)measure, prince, three.

captain 8269 -- sar -- captain (that had rule), chief ({captain}), general,governor, keeper, lord, ([-task-])master, prince(-ipal), ruler, steward.

captain 8269 -- sar -- {captain} (that had rule), chief (captain), general,governor, keeper, lord, ([-task-])master, prince(-ipal), ruler, steward.

captains 3746 -- kariy -- {captains}, Cherethites.

certain 0259 -- /echad -- a, alike, alone, altogether, and, any(-thing), apiece, a{certain}, [dai-]ly, each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, aman, once, one, only, other, some, together,

certain 0376 -- /iysh -- also, another, any (man), a {certain}, + champion, consent,each, every (one), fellow, [foot-, husband-]man, [good-, great, mighty)man, he, high (degree), him (that is), husband, man[-kind], + none, one,people, person, + steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy.

certain 0444 ** anthropos ** {certain}, man.

certain 0548 -- /amanah -- {certain} portion, sure.

certain 0582 -- /enowsh -- another, X [blood-]thirsty, certain, chap[-man]; divers,fellow, X in the flower of their age, husband, ({certain}, mortal) man,people, person, servant, some ( X of them), + stranger, those, + theirtrade.

certain 0582 -- /enowsh -- another, X [blood-]thirsty, {certain}, chap[-man]; divers,fellow, X in the flower of their age, husband, (certain, mortal) man,people, person, servant, some ( X of them), + stranger, those, + theirtrade.

certain 0790 ** astateo ** have no {certain} dwelling-place.

certain 0804 ** asphales ** {certain}(-ty), safe, sure.

certain 1212 ** delos ** + bewray, {certain}, evident, manifest.

certain 1400 -- g@bar -- {certain}, man.

certain 1520 ** heis ** a(-n, -ny, {certain}), + abundantly, man, one (another),only, other, some.

certain 1697 -- dabar -- act, advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), becauseof, book, business, care, case, cause, {certain} rate, + chronicles,commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern[-ing], + confer, counsel, +dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, + eloquent, errand,[evil favoured-]ness, + glory, + harm, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment,language, + lying, manner, matter, message, [no] thing, oracle, X ought, Xparts, + pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision,purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake,saying, sentence, + sign, + so, some [uncleanness], somewhat to say, +song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing(concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what[-soever], + wherewith, which,word, work.

certain 3330 -- yatstsiyb -- {certain}(-ty), true, truth.

certain 3391 ** mia ** a ({certain}), + agree, first, one, X other.

certain 3559 -- kuwn -- {certain}(-ty), confirm, direct, faithfulness, fashion,fasten, firm, be fitted, be fixed, frame, be meet, ordain, order, perfect,(make) preparation, prepare (self), provide, make provision, (be, make)ready, right, set (aright, fast, forth), be stable, (e-)stablish, stand,tarry, X verydeed

certain 4225 ** pou ** about, a {certain} place.

certain 4557 -- micpar -- + abundance, account, X all, X few, [in-]finite,({certain}) number(-ed), tale, telling, + time.

certain 5100 ** tis ** a (kind of), any (man, thing, thing at all), {certain}(thing), divers, he (every) man, one (X thing), ought, + partly, some (man,-body, -thing, -what), (+ that no-)thing, what(-soever), X wherewith,whom[-soever], whose([-soever]).

certain 6256 -- \eth -- + after, [al-]ways, X {certain}, + continually, + evening,long, (due) season, so [long] as, [even-, evening-, noon-]tide, ([meal-]),what) time, when.

certain 6422 -- palmowniy -- {certain}.

certainly 0389 -- /ak -- also, in any wise, at least, but, {certainly}, even,howbeit, nevertheless, notwithstanding, only, save, surely, of a surety,truly, verily, + wherefore, yet (but).

certainly 0403 -- /aken -- but, {certainly}, nevertheless, surely, truly, verily.

certainly 0816 -- /asham -- X {certainly}, be(-come, made) desolate, destroy, Xgreatly, be(-come, found, hold) guilty, offend (acknowledge offence),trespass.

certainly 0935 -- bow/ -- abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, + besiege, bring(forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, X {certainly}, (cause, let, thingfor) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtless again,+ eat, + employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), befallen, fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, + have, Xindeed, [in-]vade, lead, lift [up], mention, pull in, put, resort, run(down), send, set, X (well) stricken [in age], X surely, take (in), way.

certainly 2421 -- chayah -- keep (leave, make) alive, X {certainly}, give (promise)life, (let, suffer to) live, nourish up, preserve (alive), quicken,recover, repair, restore (to life), revive, (X God) save (alive, life,lives), X surely, be whole.

certainly 3045 -- yada\ -- acknowledge, acquaintance(-ted with), advise, answer,appoint, assuredly, be aware, [un-]awares, can[-not], {certainly},comprehend, consider, X could they, cunning, declare, be diligent, (can,cause to) discern, discover, endued with, familiar friend, famous, feel,can have, be [ig-]norant, instruct, kinsfolk, kinsman, (cause to let, make)know, (come to give, have, take) knowledge, have [knowledge], (be, make,make to be, make self) known, + be learned, + lie by man, mark, perceive,privy to, X prognosticator, regard, have respect, skilful, shew, can (manof) skill, be sure, of a surety, teach, (can) tell, understand, have[understanding], X will be, wist, wit, wot

certainly 3588 -- kiy -- and, + (forasmuch, inasmuch, where-)as, assured[-ly], +but, {certainly}, doubtless, + else, even, + except, for, how, (because,in, so, than) that, + nevertheless, now, rightly, seeing, since, surely,then, therefore, + (al- )though, + till, truly, + until, when, whether,while, whom, yea, yet.

certainly 3689 ** ontos ** {certainly}, clean, indeed, of a truth, verily.

certainly 4672 -- matsa/ -- + be able, befall, being, catch, X {certainly}, (causeto) come (on, to, to hand), deliver, be enough (cause to) find(-ing,occasion, out), get (hold upon), X have (here), be here, hit, be left,light (up-)on, meet (with), X occasion serve, (be) present, ready, speed,suffice, take hold on.

certainly 5046 -- nagad -- bewray, X {certainly}, certify, declare(-ing), denounce,expound, X fully, messenger, plainly, profess, rehearse, report, shew(forth), speak, X surely, tell, utter.

certainly 5172 -- nachash -- X {certainly}, divine, enchanter, (use) X enchantment,learn by experience, X indeed, diligently observe.

certainly 6213 -- \asah -- accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear,bestow, bring forth, bruise, be busy, X {certainly}, have the charge of,commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress(-ed), (put in)execute(-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, [fight-]ing man, + finish, fit,fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get, go about, govern, grant, great,+ hinder, hold ([a feast]), X indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep,labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer,pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure, provide,put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin, spend, X surely, take,X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be [warr-]ior, work(-man), yield, use.

certainly 7200 ra/ah -- -- advise self, appear, approve, behold, X {certainly},consider, discern, (make to) enjoy, have experience, gaze, take heed, Xindeed, X joyfully, lo, look (on, one another, one on another, one uponanother, out, up, upon), mark, meet, X be near, perceive, present, provide,regard, (have) respect, (fore-, cause to, let) see(-r, -m, one another),shew (self), X sight of others, (e-)spy, stare, X surely, X think, view,visions.

certainly 7275 ragam -- -- X {certainly}, stone.

certainly 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil,feed, lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, X{certainly}, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

certainly 8085 -- shama\ -- X attentively, call (gather) together, X carefully, X{certainly}, consent, consider, be content, declare, X diligently, discern,give ear, (cause to, let, make to) hear(-ken, tell), X indeed, listen, make(a) noise, (be) obedient, obey, perceive, (make a) proclaim(-ation),publish, regard, report, shew (forth), (make a) sound, X surely, tell,understand, whosoever [heareth], witness.

certainly 8354 -- shathah -- X assuredly, banquet, X {certainly}, drink(-er, -ing),drunk (X -ard), surely.

certainty 0803 ** asphaleia ** {certainty}, safety.

chain 0254 ** halusis ** bonds, {chain}.

chain 0685 -- /ets\adah -- bracelet, {chain}.

chain 1199 ** desmon ** band, bond, {chain}, string.

chain 2002 -- hamniyk -- {chain}.

chain 2131 -- ziyqah -- {chain}, fetter, firebrand, spark.

chain 2397 -- chach -- bracelet, {chain}, hook.

chain 2737 -- charuwz -- {chain}.

chain 3574 -- kowsharah -- X {chain}.

chain 4577 ** seira ** {chain}.

chain 5178 -- n@chosheth -- brasen, brass, {chain}, copper, fetter (of brass),filthiness, steel.

chain 5188 -- n@tiyphah -- {chain}, collar.

chain 5688 -- \aboth -- band, cord, rope, thick bough (branch), wreathen ({chain}).

chain 6059 -- \anaq -- compass about as a {chain}, furnish, liberally.

chain 6060 -- \anaq -- {chain}.

chain 7242 rabiyd -- -- {chain}.

chain 7569 rattowq -- -- {chain}.

chain 7572 rattiyqah -- -- {chain}.

chain 7577 r@thuqah -- -- {chain}.

chain 8331 -- sharshah -- {chain}.

chain 8333 -- sharah@rah -- {chain}.

chains 0246 -- /aziqqiym -- {chains}.

chamberlain 2846 ** koiton ** + {chamberlain}.

chamberlain 3623 ** oikonomos ** {chamberlain}, governor, steward.

chamberlain 5631 -- cariyc -- {chamberlain}, eunuch, officer.

complain 0596 -- /anan -- {complain}.

complain 1058 -- bakah -- X at all, bewail, {complain}, make lamentation, X more,mourn, X sore, X with tears, weep.

complain 7378 riyb -- -- adversary, chide, {complain}, contend, debate, X ever, Xlay wait, plead, rebuke, strive, X thoroughly.

complain 7878 siyach -- -- commune, {complain}, declare, meditate, muse, pray, speak,talk (with).

complainer 3202 ** mempsimoiros ** {complainer}.

complaint 0157 ** aitiama ** {complaint}.

complaint 7879 siyach -- -- babbling, communication, {complaint}, meditation, prayer,talk.

constrain 0315 ** anagkazo ** compel, {constrain}.

constrain 2388 -- chazaq -- aid, amend, X calker, catch, cleave, confirm, be constant, {constrain}, continue, be of good (take) courage(-ous, -- ly),encourage (self), be established, fasten, force, fortify, make hard,harden, help, (lay) hold (fast), lean, maintain, play the man, mend, become(wax) mighty, prevail, be recovered, repair, retain, seize, be (wax) sore,strengthen (self), be stout, be (make, shew, wax) strong(-er), be sure,take (hold), be urgent, behave self valiantly, withstand.

constrain 3849 ** parabiazomai ** {constrain}.

constrain 4912 ** sunecho ** {constrain}, hold, keep in, press, lie sick of, stop, bein a strait, straiten, be taken with, throng.

constrain 6693 -- tsuwq -- {constrain}, distress, lie sore, (op-)press(-or),straiten.

constraint 0317 ** anagkastos ** by {constraint}.

contain 1004 -- bayith -- court, daughter, door, + dungeon, family, + forth of, Xgreat as would {contain}, hangings, home[born], [winter]house(-hold),inside(-ward), palace, place, + prison, + steward, + tablet, temple, web, +within(-out).

contain 1467 ** egkrateuomai ** can([-not]) {contain}, be temperate.

contain 3557 -- kuwl -- (be able to, can) abide, bear, comprehend, {contain}, feed,forbearing, guide, hold(-ing in), nourish(-er), be present, make provision,receive, sustain, provide sustenance (victuals).

contain 4023 ** periecho ** + astonished, {contain}, after [this manner].

contain 5375 -- nasa/ -- accept, advance, arise, (able to, [armor], suffer to)bear(-er, up), bring (forth), burn, carry (away), cast, {contain}, desire,ease, exact, exalt (self), extol, fetch, forgive, furnish, further, give,go on, help, high, hold up, honorable (+ man), lade, lay, lift (self) up,lofty, marry, magnify, X needs, obtain, pardon, raise (up), receive,regard, respect, set (up), spare, stir up, + swear, take (away, up), Xutterly, wear, yield.

contain 5562 ** choreo ** come, {contain}, go, have place, (can, be room to) receive.

curtain 1852 -- doq -- {curtain}.

curtain 3407 -- y@riy\ah -- {curtain}.

curtain 4539 -- macak -- covering, {curtain}, hanging.

dainty 3045 ** liparos ** {dainty}.

dainty 4303 -- mat\am -- {dainty} (meat), savoury meat.

dainty 4516 -- man\am -- {dainty}.

dainty 4574 -- ma\adan -- {dainty}, delicately, delight.

dainty 8378 -- ta/avah -- {dainty}, desire, X exceedingly, X greedily, lust(ing),pleasant.

detain 6113 -- \atsar -- X be able, close up, {detain}, fast, keep (self close,still), prevail, recover, refrain, X reign, restrain, retain, shut (up),slack, stay, stop, withhold (self).

disdain 0959 -- bazah -- despise, {disdain}, contemn(-ptible), + think to scorn,vile person.

disdain 3988 -- ma/ac -- abhor, cast away (off), contemn, despise, {disdain},(become) loathe(some), melt away, refuse, reject, reprobate, X utterly,vile person

entertain 3579 ** xenizo ** {entertain}, lodge, (think it) strange.

entertain 5381 ** philonexia ** {entertain} stranger, hospitality.

Ephrain 6085 -- \Ephrown -- Ephron, {Ephrain}.

fain 1272 -- barach -- chase (away); drive away, {fain}, flee (away), put to flight,make haste, reach, run away, shoot.

fain 1937 ** epithumeo ** covet, desire, would {fain}, lust (after).

faint 1573 ** ekkakeo ** {faint}, be weary.

faint 1590 ** ekluo ** {faint}.

faint 1739 -- daveh -- {faint}, menstruous cloth, she that is sick, having sickness.

faint 1742 -- davvay -- {faint}.

faint 1961 -- hayah -- beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed,like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, {faint}, fall, + follow, happen, Xhave, last, pertain, quit (one-)self, require, X use.

faint 2577 ** kamno ** {faint}, sick, be wearied.

faint 3021 -- yaga\ -- {faint}, (make to) labour, (be) weary.

faint 3286 -- ya\aph -- {faint}, cause to fly, (be) weary (self).

faint 3287 -- ya\@ph -- {faint}, weary.

faint 3543 -- kahah -- darken, be dim, fail, {faint}, restrain, X utterly.

faint 3615 -- kalah -- accomplish, cease, consume (away), determine, destroy(utterly), be (when, were) done, (be an) end (of), expire, (cause to) fail,{faint}, finish, fulfil, X fully, X have, leave (off), long, bring to pass,wholly reap, make clean riddance, spend, quite take away, waste.

faint 3811 -- la/ah -- {faint}, grieve, lothe, (be, make) weary (selves).

faint 3824 -- lebab -- + bethink themselves, breast, comfortably, courage,([{faint}], [tender-]heart([-ed]), midst, mind, X unawares, understanding.

faint 3856 -- lahahh -- {faint}, mad.

faint 4127 -- muwg -- consume, dissolve, (be) {faint}(-hearted), melt (away), makesoft.

faint 4549 -- macac -- discourage, {faint}, be loosed, melt (away), refuse, Xutterly.

faint 5263 -- nacac -- {faint}.

faint 5774 -- \uwph -- brandish, be (wax) {faint}, flee away, fly (away), X set,shine forth, weary.

faint 5848 -- \ataph -- cover (over), fail, {faint}, feebler, hide self, beoverwhelmed, swoon.

faint 5889 -- \ayeph -- {faint}, thirsty, weary.

faint 5968 -- \alaph -- {faint}, overlaid, wrap self.

faint 6296 -- pagar -- be {faint}.

faint 6313 -- puwg -- cease, be feeble, {faint}, be slacked.

faint 7390 rak -- -- {faint}([-hearted], soft, tender ([-hearted], one), weak.

faint 7401 rakak -- -- (be) {faint}([-hearted]), mollify, (be, make) soft(-er), betender.

faint 7503 raphah -- -- abate, cease, consume, draw [toward evening], fail, (be){faint}, be (wax) feeble, forsake, idle, leave, let alone (go, down), (be)slack, stay, be still, be slothful, (be) weak(-en).

fainted 5969 -- \ulpeh -- {fainted}.

faintness 4816 -- morek -- {faintness}.

fountain 0953 -- bowr -- cistern, dungeon, {fountain}, pit, well.

fountain 4002 -- mabbuwa\ -- {fountain}, spring.

fountain 4077 ** pege ** {fountain}, well.

fountain 4599 -- ma\yan -- {fountain}, spring, well.

fountain 4726 -- maqowr -- {fountain}, issue, spring, well(-spring).

fountain 5869 -- \ayin -- affliction, outward appearance, + before, + think best,colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, + displease, eye([-brow], [-d],-sight), face, + favour, {fountain}, furrow, X him, + humble, knowledge,look, (+ well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard,resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well, X you(-rselves).

gain 1214 -- batsa\ -- (be) covet(-ous), cut (off), finish, fulfill, {gain}(greedily), get, be given to [covetousness], greedy, perform, be wounded.

gain 1215 -- betsa\ -- covetousness, (dishonest) {gain}, lucre, profit.

gain 1281 ** diapragmateuomai ** {gain} by trading.

gain 2039 ** ergasia ** craft, diligence, {gain}, work.

gain 2084 -- z@ban -- {gain}.

gain 2770 ** kerdaino ** (get) {gain}, win.

gain 2771 ** kerdos ** {gain}, lucre.

gain 4122 ** pleonekteo ** get an advantage, defraud, make a {gain}.

gain 4160 ** poieo ** abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear,+ bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue,deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil,{gain}, give, have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten theship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain,perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure,shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield.

gain 4200 ** porismos ** {gain}.

gain 4242 -- m@chiyr -- {gain}, hire, price, sold, worth.

gain 4333 ** prosergazomai ** {gain}.

gain 8393 -- t@buw/ah -- fruit, {gain}, increase, revenue.

gain 8636 -- tarbiyth -- increase, unjust {gain}.

gainsay 0471 ** antepo ** {gainsay}, say against.

gainsay 0483 ** antilego ** answer again, contradict, deny, {gainsay}(-er), speakagainst.

gainsaying 0369 ** anantirrhetos ** without {gainsaying}.

gainsaying 0485 ** antilogia ** contradiction, {gainsaying}, strife.

grain 2848 ** kokkos ** corn, {grain}.

grain 6872 -- ts@rowr -- bag, X bendeth, bundle, least {grain}, small stone.

Mainan 3104 ** Mainan ** {Mainan}.

mainsail 0736 ** artemon ** {mainsail}.

maintain 2388 -- chazaq -- aid, amend, X calker, catch, cleave, confirm, be constant, constrain, continue, be of good (take) courage(-ous, -- ly), encourage(self), be established, fasten, force, fortify, make hard, harden, help,(lay) hold (fast), lean, {maintain}, play the man, mend, become (wax)mighty, prevail, be recovered, repair, retain, seize, be (wax) sore,strengthen (self), be stout, be (make, shew, wax) strong(-er), be sure,take (hold), be urgent, behave self valiantly, withstand.

maintain 3198 -- yakach -- appoint, argue, chasten, convince, correct(-ion), daysman,dispute, judge, {maintain}, plead, reason (together), rebuke, reprove(-r),surely, in any wise.

maintain 4291 ** proistemi ** {maintain}, be over, rule.

maintain 6213 -- \asah -- accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear,bestow, bring forth, bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of,commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress(-ed), (put in)execute(-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, [fight-]ing man, + finish, fit,fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get, go about, govern, grant, great,+ hinder, hold ([a feast]), X indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep,labour, {maintain}, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer,pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure, provide,put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin, spend, X surely, take,X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be [warr-]ior, work(-man), yield, use.

maintain 8551 -- tamak -- (take, up-)hold (up), {maintain}, retain, stay (up).

maintenance 2416 -- chay -- + age, alive, appetite, (wild) beast, company,congregation, life(-time), live(-ly), living (creature, thing),{maintenance}, + merry, multitude, + (be) old, quick, raw, running,springing, troop.

maintenance 4415 -- m@lach -- + have {maintenance}.

maintenance 4416 -- m@lach -- + {maintenance}, salt.

mountain 2906 -- tuwr -- {mountain}.

murrain 1698 -- deber -- {murrain}, pestilence, plague.

Nain 3484 ** Nain ** {Nain}.

obtain 1129 -- banah -- (begin to) build(-er), {obtain} children, make, repair, set(up), X surely.

obtain 1653 ** eleeo ** have compassion (pity on), have ({obtain}, receive, shew)mercy (on).

obtain 2013 ** epitugchano ** {obtain}.

obtain 2147 ** heurisko ** find, get, {obtain}, perceive, see.

obtain 2638 ** katalambano ** apprehend, attain, come upon, comprehend, find, {obtain},perceive, (over-)take.

obtain 2816 ** kleronomeo ** be heir, ({obtain} by) inherit(-ance).

obtain 2819 ** kleros ** {obtain} an inheritance.

obtain 2820 ** {obtain} an inheritance.

obtain 2902 ** krateo ** hold (by, fast), keep, lay hand (hold) on, {obtain}, retain,take (by).

obtain 2932 ** ktaomai ** {obtain}, possess, provide, purchase.

obtain 2975 ** lagchano ** his lot be, cast lots, {obtain}.

obtain 2983 ** lambano ** accept, + be amazed, assay, attain, bring, X when I call,catch, come on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, {obtain}, receive (X after),take (away, up).

obtain 3140 ** martureo ** charge, give [evidence], bear record, have (obtain, of) good(honest) report, be well reported of, testify, give (have) testimony, (be,bear, give, {obtain}) witness.

obtain 3140 ** martureo ** charge, give [evidence], bear record, have ({obtain}, of)good (honest) report, be well reported of, testify, give (have) testimony,(be, bear, give, obtain) witness.

obtain 4047 ** peripoiesis ** {obtain}(-ing), peculiar, purchased, possession, saving.

obtain 5177 ** tugchano ** be, chance, enjoy, little, {obtain}, X refresh...self, +special.

obtain 5375 -- nasa/ -- accept, advance, arise, (able to, [armor], suffer to)bear(-er, up), bring (forth), burn, carry (away), cast, contain, desire,ease, exact, exalt (self), extol, fetch, forgive, furnish, further, give,go on, help, high, hold up, honorable (+ man), lade, lay, lift (self) up,lofty, marry, magnify, X needs, {obtain}, pardon, raise (up), receive,regard, respect, set (up), spare, stir up, + swear, take (away, up), Xutterly, wear, yield.

obtain 6329 -- puwq -- afford, draw out, further, get, {obtain}.

obtain 7355 racham -- -- have compassion (on, upon), love, (find, have, {obtain},shew) mercy(-iful, on, upon), (have) pity, Ruhamah, X surely.

obtain 7592 sha/al -- -- ask (counsel, on), beg, borrow, lay to charge, consult,demand, desire, X earnestly, enquire, + greet, {obtain} leave, lend, pray,request, require, + salute, X straitly, X surely, wish.

ordain 1299 ** diatasso ** appoint, command, give, (set in) order, {ordain}.

ordain 2525 ** kathistemi ** appoint, be, conduct, make, {ordain}, set.

ordain 2680 ** kataskeuazo ** build, make, {ordain}, prepare.

ordain 2919 ** krino ** avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree, determine, esteem,judge, go to (sue at the) law, {ordain}, call in question, sentence to,think.

ordain 3245 -- yacad -- appoint, take counsel, establish, (lay the, lay for a)found(-ation), instruct, lay, {ordain}, set, X sure.

ordain 3559 -- kuwn -- certain(-ty), confirm, direct, faithfulness, fashion,fasten, firm, be fitted, be fixed, frame, be meet, {ordain}, order,perfect, (make) preparation, prepare (self), provide, make provision, (be,make) ready, right, set (aright, fast, forth), be stable, (e-)stablish,stand, tarry, X verydeed

ordain 3724 ** horizo ** declare, determine, limit, {ordain}.

ordain 4160 ** poieo ** abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be,bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content,continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise,fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lightenthe ship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, {ordain},perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure,shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield.

ordain 4267 ** proginosko ** foreknow ({ordain}), know (before).

ordain 4270 ** prographo ** before {ordain}, evidently set forth, write (afore,aforetime).

ordain 4282 ** proetoimazo ** {ordain} before, prepare afore.

ordain 4309 ** proorizo ** determine before, {ordain}, predestinate.

ordain 4483 -- m@na/ -- number, {ordain}, set.

ordain 5021 ** tasso ** addict, appoint, determine, {ordain}, set.

ordain 5087 ** tithemi ** + advise, appoint, bow, commit, conceive, give, X kneeldown, lay (aside, down, up), make, {ordain}, purpose, put, set (forth),settle, sink down.

ordain 5414 -- nathan -- add, apply, appoint, ascribe, assign, X avenge, X be([healed]), bestow, bring (forth, hither), cast, cause, charge, come,commit, consider, count, + cry, deliver (up), direct, distribute, do, Xdoubtless, X without fail, fasten, frame, X get, give (forth, over, up),grant, hang (up), X have, X indeed, lay (unto charge, up), (give) leave,lend, let (out), + lie, lift up, make, + O that, occupy, offer, {ordain},pay, perform, place, pour, print, X pull , put (forth), recompense, render,requite, restore, send (out), set (forth), shew, shoot forth (up), + sing,+ slander, strike, [sub-]mit, suffer, X surely, X take, thrust, trade,turn, utter, + weep, + willingly, + withdraw, + would (to) God, yield.

ordain 5500 ** cheirotoneo ** choose, {ordain}.

ordain 5975 -- \amad -- abide (behind), appoint, arise, cease, confirm, continue,dwell, be employed, endure, establish, leave, make, {ordain}, be [over],place, (be) present (self), raise up, remain, repair, + serve, set (forth,over, -tle, up), (make to, make to be at a, with-)stand (by, fast, firm,still, up), (be at a) stay (up), tarry.

ordain 6186 -- \arak -- put (set) (the battle, self) in array, compare, direct,equal, esteem, estimate, expert [in war], furnish, handle, join [battle],{ordain}, (lay, put, reckon up, set) (in) order, prepare, tax, value.

ordain 6466 -- pa\al -- commit, [evil-] do(-er), make(-r), {ordain}, work(-er).

ordain 6965 -- quwm -- abide, accomplish, X be clearer, confirm, continue, decree,X be dim, endure, X enemy, enjoin, get up, make good, help, hold, (help to)lift up (again), make, X but newly, {ordain}, perform, pitch, raise (up),rear (up), remain, (a-)rise (up) (again, against), rouse up, set (up),(e-)stablish, (make to) stand (up), stir up, strengthen, succeed, (as-,make) sure(-ly), (be) up(-hold, -rising).

ordain 7760 suwm -- -- X any wise, appoint, bring, call [a name], care, cast in,change, charge, commit, consider, convey, determine, + disguise, dispose,do, get, give, heap up, hold, impute, lay (down, up), leave, look, make(out), mark, + name, X on, {ordain}, order, + paint, place, preserve,purpose, put (on), + regard, rehearse, reward, (cause to) set (on, up),shew, + stedfastly, take, X tell, + tread down, ([over-])turn, X wholly,work.

ordain 8239 -- shaphath -- bring, {ordain}, set on.

ordained 1096 ** ginomai ** arise, be assembled, be(-come, -fall, -have self), bebrought (to pass), (be) come (to pass), continue, be divided, draw, beended, fall, be finished, follow, be found, be fulfilled, + God forbid,grow, happen, have, be kept, be made, be married, be {ordained} to be,partake, pass, be performed, be published, require, seem, be showed, X soonas it was, sound, be taken, be turned, use, wax, will, would, be wrought.

pain 0928 ** basanizo ** {pain}, toil, torment, toss, vex.

pain 2256 -- chebel -- band, coast, company, cord, country, destruction, line, lot,{pain}, pang, portion, region, rope, snare, sorrow, tackling.

pain 2342 -- chuwl -- bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve, dance, driveaway, fall grievously (with pain), fear, form, great, grieve, (be)grievous, hope, look, make, be in {pain}, be much (sore) pained, rest,shake, shapen, (be) sorrow(-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with pain),tremble, trust, wait carefully (patiently), be wounded.

pain 2342 -- chuwl -- bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve, dance, driveaway, fall grievously (with pain), fear, form, great, grieve, (be)grievous, hope, look, make, be in pain, be much (sore) pained, rest, shake,shapen, (be) sorrow(-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with {pain}), tremble,trust, wait carefully (patiently), be wounded.

pain 2342 -- chuwl -- bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve, dance, driveaway, fall grievously (with {pain}), fear, form, great, grieve, (be)grievous, hope, look, make, be in pain, be much (sore) pained, rest, shake,shapen, (be) sorrow(-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with pain), tremble,trust, wait carefully (patiently), be wounded.

pain 2427 -- chiyl -- {pain}, pang, sorrow.

pain 2470 -- chalah -- beseech, (be) diseased, (put to) grief, be grieved, (be)grievous, infirmity, intreat, lay to, put to {pain}, X pray, make prayer,be (fall, make) sick, sore, be sorry, make suit (X supplication), woman intravail, be (become) weak, be wounded.

pain 2479 -- chalchalah -- (great, much) {pain}.

pain 3027 -- yad -- (+ be) able, X about, + armholes, at, axletree, because of,beside, border, X bounty, + broad, [broken-]handed, X by, charge, coast, +consecrate, + creditor, custody, debt, dominion, X enough, + fellowship, force, X from, hand[-staves, -- y work], X he, himself, X in, labour, +large, ledge, [left-]handed, means, X mine, ministry, near, X of, X order,ordinance, X our, parts, {pain}, power, X presumptuously, service, side,sore, state, stay, draw with strength, stroke, + swear, terror, X thee, Xby them, X themselves, X thine own, X thou, through, X throwing, + thumb,times, X to, X under, X us, X wait on, [way-]side, where, + wide, X with(him, me, you), work, + yield, X yourselves

pain 3510 -- ka/ab -- grieving, mar, have {pain}, make sad (sore), (be) sorrowful.

pain 3511 -- k@/eb -- grief, {pain}, sorrow.

pain 4192 ** ponos ** {pain}.

pain 4341 -- mak/ob -- grief, {pain}, sorrow.

pain 4712 -- metsar -- distress, {pain}, strait.

pain 4944 ** sunodino ** travail in {pain} together.

pain 5604 ** odin ** Ozias ** {pain}, sorrow, travail.

pain 5999 -- \amal -- grievance(-vousness), iniquity, labour, mischief,miserable(-sery), {pain}(-ful), perverseness, sorrow, toil, travail,trouble, wearisome, wickedness.

pain 6735 -- tsiyr -- ambassador, hinge, messenger, {pain}, pang, sorrow.

pained 2342 -- chuwl -- bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve, dance, driveaway, fall grievously (with pain), fear, form, great, grieve, (be)grievous, hope, look, make, be in pain, be much (sore) {pained}, rest,shake, shapen, (be) sorrow(-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with pain),tremble, trust, wait carefully (patiently), be wounded.

pained 3176 -- yachal -- (cause to, have, make to) hope, be {pained}, stay, tarry,trust, wait.

painfulness 3449 ** mochthos ** {painfulness}, travail.

paint 3583 -- kachal -- {paint}.

paint 4886 -- mashach -- anoint, {paint}.

paint 6320 -- puwk -- fair colours, glistering, {paint}[-ed] (-ing).

paint 7760 suwm -- -- X any wise, appoint, bring, call [a name], care, cast in,change, charge, commit, consider, convey, determine, + disguise, dispose,do, get, give, heap up, hold, impute, lay (down, up), leave, look, make(out), mark, + name, X on, ordain, order, + {paint}, place, preserve,purpose, put (on), + regard, rehearse, reward, (cause to) set (on, up),shew, + stedfastly, take, X tell, + tread down, ([over-])turn, X wholly,work.

pertain 0982 ** biotikos ** of (pertaining to, things that {pertain} to) this life.

pertain 1961 -- hayah -- beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed,like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, Xhave, last, {pertain}, quit (one-)self, require, X use.

pertain 3348 ** metecho ** be partaker, {pertain}, take part, use.

pertain 4314 ** pros ** about, according to , against, among, at, because of,before, between, ([where-])by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nighunto, of, which {pertain} to, that, to (the end that), X together, to([you]) -ward, unto, with(-in).

pertaineth 3627 -- k@liy -- armour ([-bearer]), artillery, bag, carriage, + furnish,furniture, instrument, jewel, that is made of, X one from another, thatwhich {pertaineth}, pot, + psaltery, sack, stuff, thing, tool, vessel,ware, weapon, + whatsoever

pertaining 0982 ** biotikos ** of ({pertaining} to, things that pertain to) this life.

pertaining 1697 -- dabar -- act, advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), becauseof, book, business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles,commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern[-ing], + confer, counsel, +dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, + eloquent, errand,[evil favoured-]ness, + glory, + harm, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment,language, + lying, manner, matter, message, [no] thing, oracle, X ought, Xparts, + {pertaining}, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision,purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake,saying, sentence, + sign, + so, some [uncleanness], somewhat to say, +song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing(concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what[-soever], + wherewith, which,word, work.

pertaining 2596 ** kata ** about, according as (to), after, against, (when theywere) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning,{pertaining} to touching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the chargeof, [charita-]bly, concerning, + covered, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ farmore) exceeding, X more excellent, for, from...to, godly, in(-asmuch,divers, every, -to, respect of), ...by, after the manner of, + by anymeans, beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (Xpart), out (of every), over against, (+ your) X own, + particularly, so,through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), Xuttermost, where(-by), with.

pertaining 4012 ** peri ** (there-)about, above, against, at, on behalf of, X andhis company, which concern, (as) concerning, for, X how it will go with,([there-, where-]) of, on, over, {pertaining} (to), for sake, X (e-)state,(as) touching, [where-]by (in), with.

plain 0058 -- /abel -- {plain}.

plain 0064 -- /Abel K@ramiym -- {plain} of the vineyards.

plain 0436 -- /elown -- {plain}.

plain 0874 -- ba/ar -- declare, (make) {plain}(-ly).

plain 1236 -- biq\a/ -- {plain}.

plain 1237 -- biq\ah -- {plain}, valley.

plain 3603 -- kikkar -- loaf, morsel, piece, {plain}, talent

plain 3723 ** orthos ** {plain}, right(-ly).

plain 3977 ** pedinos ** {plain}.

plain 4334 -- miyshowr -- equity, even place, {plain}, right(-eously), (made) straight,uprightness.

plain 5117 ** topos ** coast, licence, place, X {plain}, quarter, + rock, room,where.

plain 5228 -- nakoach -- {plain}, right, uprightness.

plain 5549 -- calal -- cast up, exalt (self), extol, make {plain}, raise up.

plain 5679 -- \abarah -- ferry, {plain}.

plain 6160 -- \arabah -- Arabah, champaign, desert, evening, heaven, {plain},wilderness.

plain 7737 shavah -- -- avail, behave, bring forth, compare, countervail, (be, make)equal, lay, be (make, a-)like, make {plain}, profit, reckon.

plain 8219 -- sh@phelah -- low country, (low) {plain}, vale(-ley).

plain 8535 -- tam -- coupled together, perfect, {plain}, undefiled, upright.

plainly 0559 -- /amar -- answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify,challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider,declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend,name, X {plainly}, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against,of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use[speech], utter, X verily, X yet.

plainly 1540 -- galah -- + advertise, appear, bewray, bring, (carry, lead, go)captive (into captivity), depart, disclose, discover, exile, be gone, open,X {plainly}, publish, remove, reveal, X shamelessly, shew, X surely, tell,uncover.ql

plainly 1718 ** emphanizo ** appear, declare ({plainly}), inform, (will) manifest, shew,signify.

plainly 3954 ** parrhesia ** bold (X -ly, -ness, -ness of speech), confidence, X freely,X openly, X {plainly}(-ness).

plainly 5046 -- nagad -- bewray, X certainly, certify, declare(-ing), denounce,expound, X fully, messenger, {plainly}, profess, rehearse, report, shew(forth), speak, X surely, tell, utter.

plainly 6703 -- tsach -- clear, dry, {plainly}, white.

rain 1026 ** brecho ** (send) {rain}, wash.

rain 1028 ** broche ** {rain}.

rain 1652 -- gasham -- (cause to) {rain}.

rain 1653 -- geshem -- {rain}, shower.

rain 2664 ** katapauo ** cease, (give) rest({-rain}).

rain 3138 -- yowreh -- first rain, former [{rain}].

rain 3138 -- yowreh -- first {rain}, former [rain].

rain 4175 -- mowreh -- (early) {rain}.

rain 4305 -- matar -- (cause to) {rain} (upon).

rain 4306 -- matar -- {rain}.

rain 4456 -- malqowsh -- latter {rain}.

rain 5205 ** huetos ** {rain}.

rain 8164 -- sa\iyr -- small {rain}.

rainbow 2463 ** iris ** {rainbow}.

rained 1656 -- goshem -- {rained} upon.

rainy 5464 -- cagriyd -- very {rainy}.

refrain 0868 ** aphistemi ** depart, draw (fall) away, {refrain}, withdraw self.

refrain 2413 -- chatam -- {refrain}.

refrain 2820 -- chasak -- assuage, X darken, forbear, hinder, hold back, keep (back),punish, {refrain}, reserve, spare, withhold.

refrain 3607 -- kala/ -- finish, forbid, keep (back), {refrain}, restrain, retain,shut up, be stayed, withhold

refrain 3973 ** pauo ** cease, leave, {refrain}.

refrain 4513 -- mana\ -- deny, keep (back), {refrain}, restrain, withhold.

refrain 6113 -- \atsar -- X be able, close up, detain, fast, keep (self close,still), prevail, recover, {refrain}, X reign, restrain, retain, shut (up),slack, stay, stop, withhold (self).

refrain 7368 rachaq -- -- (a-, be, cast, drive, get, go, keep [self], put, remove, betoo, [wander], withdraw) far (away, off), loose, X {refrain}, very, (be) agood way (off).

remain 0620 ** apoleipo ** leave, {remain}.

remain 1265 ** diameno ** continue, {remain}.

remain 1481 -- guwr -- abide, assemble, be afraid, dwell, fear, gather (together),inhabitant, {remain}, sojourn, stand in awe, (be) stranger, X surely.

remain 3062 ** loipoy ** other, which {remain}, remnant, residue, rest.

remain 3240 -- yanach -- bestow, cast down, lay (down, up), leave (off), let alone({remain}), pacify, place, put, set (down), suffer, withdraw, withhold.

remain 3306 ** meno ** abide, continue, dwell, endure, be present, {remain}, stand,tarry (for), X thine own.

remain 3427 -- yashab -- (make to) abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to)dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (maketo) inhabit(-ant), make to keep [house], lurking, X marry(-ing), (bringagain to) place, {remain}, return, seat, set(- tle), (down-)sit(-down, still, -- ting down, -- ting [place] -- uate), take, tarry.

remain 3462 -- yashen -- old (store), {remain} long, (make to) sleep

remain 3498 -- yathar -- excel, leave (a remnant), left behind, too much, make plenteous, preserve, (be, let) {remain}(-der, -- ing, -- nant), reserve,residue, rest.

remain 3885 -- luwn -- abide (all night), continue, dwell, endure, grudge, be left, lie all night, (cause to) lodge (all night, in, -- ing, this night), (maketo) murmur, {remain}, tarry (all night, that night).

remain 4035 ** perileipo ** {remain}.

remain 4052 ** perisseuo ** (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more)abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, beleft, redound, {remain} (over and above).

remain 5117 -- nuwach -- cease, be confederate, lay, let down, (be) quiet, {remain},(cause to, be at, give, have, make to) rest, set down.

remain 5736 -- \adaph -- be more, odd number, be (have) over (and above), overplus,{remain}.

remain 5975 -- \amad -- abide (behind), appoint, arise, cease, confirm, continue,dwell, be employed, endure, establish, leave, make, ordain, be [over],place, (be) present (self), raise up, {remain}, repair, + serve, set(forth, over, -tle, up), (make to, make to be at a, with-)stand (by, fast,firm, still, up), (be at a) stay (up), tarry.

remain 6965 -- quwm -- abide, accomplish, X be clearer, confirm, continue, decree,X be dim, endure, X enemy, enjoin, get up, make good, help, hold, (help to)lift up (again), make, X but newly, ordain, perform, pitch, raise (up),rear (up), {remain}, (a-)rise (up) (again, against), rouse up, set (up),(e-)stablish, (make to) stand (up), stir up, strengthen, succeed, (as-,make) sure(-ly), (be) up(-hold, -rising).

remain 7604 sha/ar -- -- leave, (be) left, let, {remain}, remnant, reserve, the rest.

remain 7611 sh@/eriyth -- -- that had escaped, be left, posterity, {remain}(-der),remnant, residue, rest.

remain 7931 shakan -- -- abide, continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-er), havehabitation, inhabit, lay, place, (cause to) {remain}, rest, set (up).

remain 8245 -- shaqad -- hasten, {remain}, wake, watch (for).

remain 8277 -- sarad -- {remain}.

remain 8300 -- sariyd -- X alive, left, {remain}(-ing), remnant, rest.

remaineth 2076 ** esti ** are, be(-long), call, X can[-not], come, consisteth, Xdure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, Xmust needs, + profit, + {remaineth}, + wrestle.

remaineth 3063 ** loipon ** besides, finally, furthermore, (from) henceforth,moreover, now, + it {remaineth}, then.

remaineth 3117 -- yowm -- age, + always, + chronicals, continually(-ance), daily,([birth-], each, to) day, (now a, two) days (agone), + elder, X end, + evening, + (for) ever(-lasting, -- more), X full, life, as (so) long as(live), (even) now, + old, + outlived, + perpetually, presently, +{remaineth}, X required, season, X since, space, then, (process of) time, +as at other times, + in trouble, weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a)while (that), X whole (+ age), (full) year(-ly), + younger.

remaining 3320 -- yatsab -- present selves, {remaining}, resort, set (selves), (be able to, can, with-) stand (fast, forth, -- ing, still, up).

restrain 0662 -- /aphaq -- force (oneself), {restrain}.

restrain 1219 -- batsar -- cut off, (de-)fenced, fortify, (grape) gather(-er), mightythings, {restrain}, strong, wall (up), withhold.

restrain 1639 -- gara\ -- abate, clip, (di-)minish, do (take) away, keep back,{restrain}, make small, withdraw.

restrain 2296 -- chagar -- be able to put on, be afraid, appointed, gird, {restrain},X on every side.

restrain 3543 -- kahah -- darken, be dim, fail, faint, {restrain}, X utterly.

restrain 3607 -- kala/ -- finish, forbid, keep (back), refrain, {restrain}, retain,shut up, be stayed, withhold

restrain 4513 -- mana\ -- deny, keep (back), refrain, {restrain}, withhold.

restrain 6113 -- \atsar -- X be able, close up, detain, fast, keep (self close,still), prevail, recover, refrain, X reign, {restrain}, retain, shut (up),slack, stay, stop, withhold (self).

restraint 4622 -- ma\tsowr -- {restraint}.

retain 2388 -- chazaq -- aid, amend, X calker, catch, cleave, confirm, be constant, constrain, continue, be of good (take) courage(-ous, -- ly), encourage(self), be established, fasten, force, fortify, make hard, harden, help,(lay) hold (fast), lean, maintain, play the man, mend, become (wax) mighty,prevail, be recovered, repair, {retain}, seize, be (wax) sore, strengthen(self), be stout, be (make, shew, wax) strong(-er), be sure, take (hold),be urgent, behave self valiantly, withstand.

retain 2722 ** katecho ** have, hold (fast), keep (in memory), let, X make toward,possess, {retain}, seize on, stay, take, withhold.

retain 2902 ** krateo ** hold (by, fast), keep, lay hand (hold) on, obtain, {retain},take (by).

retain 3607 -- kala/ -- finish, forbid, keep (back), refrain, restrain, {retain},shut up, be stayed, withhold

retain 6113 -- \atsar -- X be able, close up, detain, fast, keep (self close, still),prevail, recover, refrain, X reign, restrain, {retain}, shut (up), slack,stay, stop, withhold (self).

retain 8551 -- tamak -- (take, up-)hold (up), maintain, {retain}, stay (up).

saint 0040 ** hagios ** (most) holy (one, thing), {saint}.

saint 2623 -- chaciyd -- godly (man), good, holy (one), merciful, {saint}, [un-]godly.

saint 6918 -- qadowsh -- holy (One), {saint}.

saint 6922 -- qaddiysh -- holy (One), {saint}.

saint 6944 -- qodesh -- consecrated (thing), dedicated (thing), hallowed (thing),holiness, (X most) holy (X day, portion, thing), {saint}, sanctuary.

slain 0599 ** apothnesko ** be dead, death, die, lie a-dying, be {slain} (X with).

slain 2027 -- hereg -- be {slain}, slaughter.

slain 2490 -- chalal -- begin (X men began), defile, X break, defile, X eat (ascommon things), X first, X gather the grape thereof, X take inheritance,pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute,slay ({slain}), sorrow, stain, wound.

slain 2491 -- chalal -- kill, profane, {slain} (man), X slew, (deadly) wounded.

slain 4968 ** sphagion ** {slain} beast.

slain 5408 ** phonos ** murder, + be {slain} with, slaughter.

Spain 4681 ** Spania ** {Spain}.

stain 1351 -- ga/al -- defile, pollute, {stain}.

stain 2490 -- chalal -- begin (X men began), defile, X break, defile, X eat (ascommon things), X first, X gather the grape thereof, X take inheritance,pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute,slay (slain), sorrow, {stain}, wound.

strain 1368 ** diulizo ** {strain} at [probably by misprint].

sustain 3557 -- kuwl -- (be able to, can) abide, bear, comprehend, contain, feed,forbearing, guide, hold(-ing in), nourish(-er), be present, make provision,receive, {sustain}, provide sustenance (victuals).

sustain 5564 -- camak -- bear up, establish, (up-)hold, lay, lean, lie hard, put,rest self, set self, stand fast, stay (self), {sustain}.

train 2428 -- chayil -- able, activity, (+) army, band of men (soldiers), company,(great) forces, goods, host, might, power, riches, strength, strong,substance, {train}, (+)valiant(-ly), valour, virtuous(-ly), war,worthy(-ily).

train 2596 -- chanak -- dedicate, {train} up.

train 7757 shuwl -- -- hem, skirt, {train}.

trained 2593 -- chaniyk -- {trained}.

Tubal-cain 8423 -- Tuwbal Qayin -- {Tubal-cain}.

twain 1417 ** duo ** both, {twain}, two.

twain 8147 -- sh@nayim -- both, couple, double, second, {twain}, + twelfth, + twelve, +twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two.

uncertain 0082 ** adelos ** appear not, {uncertain}.

uncertain 0083 ** adelotes ** X {uncertain}.

uncertainly 0084 ** adelos ** {uncertainly}.

vain 0205 -- /aven -- affliction, evil, false, idol, iniquity, mischief,mourners(-ing), naught, sorrow, unjust, unrighteous, {vain} ,vanity,wicked(-ness).

vain 0945 ** battologeo ** use {vain} repetitions.

vain 1432 ** dorean ** without a cause, freely, for naught, in {vain}.

vain 1500 ** eike ** without a cause, (in) {vain}(-ly).

vain 1891 -- habal -- be (become, make) {vain}.

vain 1892 -- hebel -- X altogether, {vain}, vanity.

vain 2600 -- chinnam -- without a cause (cost, wages), causeless, to cost nothing,free(-ly), innocent, for nothing (nought, in {vain}.

vain 2756 ** kenos ** empty, (in) {vain}.

vain 2757 ** kenophonia ** {vain}.

vain 2758 ** kenoo ** make (of none effect, of no reputation, void), be in {vain}.

vain 2761 ** kenos ** in {vain}.

vain 3150 ** mataiologia ** {vain} jangling.

vain 3151 ** mataiologos ** {vain} talker.

vain 3152 ** mataios ** {vain}, vanity.

vain 3154 ** mataioo ** become {vain}.

vain 3155 ** maten ** in {vain}.

vain 3576 -- kazab -- fail, (be found a, make a) liar, lie, lying, be in {vain}.

vain 5014 -- nabab -- hollow, {vain}.

vain 6754 -- tselem -- image, {vain} shew.

vain 7307 ruwach -- -- air, anger, blast, breath, X cool, courage, mind, X quarter, Xside, spirit([-ual]), tempest, X {vain}, ([whirl-])wind(-y).

vain 7385 riyq -- -- empty, to no purpose, (in) {vain} (thing), vanity.

vain 7386 reyq -- -- emptied(-ty), {vain} (fellow, man).

vain 7387 reyqam -- -- without cause, empty, in {vain}, void.

vain 7723 shav/ -- -- false(-ly), lie, lying, {vain}, vanity.

vain 8193 -- saphah -- band, bank, binding, border, brim, brink, edge, language, lip,prating, ([sea-])shore, side, speech, talk, [{vain}] words.

vain 8267 -- sheqer -- without a cause, deceit(-ful), false(-hood, -ly), feignedly,liar, + lie, lying, {vain} (thing), wrongfully.

vain 8414 -- tohuw -- confusion, empty place, without form, nothing, (thing of)nought, {vain}, vanity, waste, wilderness.

vainglory 2754 ** kenodoxia ** {vain-glory}.

vainglory 2755 ** kenodoxos ** desirous of {vain-glory}.