aiah , Concordance Study aiah , 1CH , 1:40 aiah , 2SA , 3:7 , 2SA , 21:8 , 2SA , 21:10 , 2SA , 21:11 Aiah Interlinear Index Study Aiah 2SA 003 007 . And Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > had a concubine <06370 +piylegesh > , whose name <08034 +shem > [ was ] Rizpah <07532 +Ritspah > , the daughter <01323 +bath > of {Aiah} <00345 +>Ayah > : and [ Ishbosheth ] said <00559 +>amar > to Abner <74> , Wherefore <04069 +madduwa< > hast thou gone <00935 +bow> > in unto my father s <1> concubine <06370 +piylegesh > ? Aiah 2SA 021 008 But the king <04428 +melek > took <03947 +laqach > the two <08147 +sh@nayim > sons <01121 +ben > of Rizpah <07532 +Ritspah > the daughter <01323 +bath > of {Aiah} <00345 +>Ayah > , whom <00834 +>aher > she bare <03205 +yalad > unto Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > , Armoni <00764 +>Armoniy > and Mephibosheth <04648 +M@phiybosheth > ; and the five <02568 +chamesh > sons <01121 +ben > of Michal <04324 +Miykal > the daughter <01323 +bath > of Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > , whom she brought <03205 +yalad > up for Adriel <05741 +el > the son <01121 +ben > of Barzillai <01271 +Barzillay > the Meholathite <04259 +M@cholathiy > : Aiah 2SA 021 010 . And Rizpah <07532 +Ritspah > the daughter <01323 +bath > of {Aiah} <00345 +>Ayah > took <03947 +laqach > sackcloth <08242 +saq > , and spread <05186 +natah > it for her upon the rock <06697 +tsuwr > , from the beginning <08462 +t@chillah > of harvest <07105 +qatsiyr > until <05704 + water <04325 +mayim > dropped <05413 +nathak > upon them out of heaven <08064 +shamayim > , and suffered <05414 +nathan > neither <03808 +lo> > the birds <05775 + of the air <08064 +shamayim > to rest <05117 +nuwach > on <05921 + them by day <03119 +yowmam > , nor the beasts <02416 +chay > of the field <07704 +sadeh > by night <03915 +layil > . Aiah 2SA 021 011 And it was told <05046 +nagad > David <01732 +David > what Rizpah <07532 +Ritspah > the daughter <01323 +bath > of {Aiah} <00345 +>Ayah > , the concubine <06370 +piylegesh > of Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > , had done <06213 + . Aiah 1CH 001 040 The sons <01121 +ben > of Shobal <07732 +Showbal > ; Alian <05935 + , and Manahath <04506 +Manachath > , and Ebal <05858 + , Shephi <08195 +Sh@phow > , and Onam <00208 +>Ownam > . And the sons <01121 +ben > of Zibeon <06649 +Tsib ; {Aiah} <00345 +>Ayah > , and Anah <06034 + . afore isaiah was gone out into <2KI20 -:4 > aiah took sackcloth <2SA21 -:10 > also unto shemaiah his son were sons born <1CH26 -:6 > asaiah his son <1CH6 -:30 > benaiah also <1CH16 -:6 > benaiah brought <1KI2 -:30 > benaiah came <1KI2 -:30 > benaiah died call micaiah spake <2CH18 -:12 > call micaiah spake unto him <1KI22 -:13 > for isaiah had said isaiah said <2KI20 -:7 > isaiah said <2KI20 -:9 > isaiah said unto hezekiah <2KI20 -:16 > isaiah said unto them <2KI19 -:6 > isaiah said unto them jeshaiah his son <1CH26 -:25 > like as my servant isaiah hath walked naked micaiah said <1KI22 -:14 > micaiah said <1KI22 -:25 > micaiah said <1KI22 -:28 > micaiah said <2CH18 -:13 > micaiah said <2CH18 -:24 > micaiah said <2CH18 -:27 > rephaiah his son <1CH9 -:43 > seraiah begat jehozadak <1CH6 -:14 > seraiah begat joab <1CH4 -:14 > shemaiah hath prophesied unto you shemaiah his son <1CH5 -:4 > smote micaiah on <1KI22 -:24 > smote micaiah upon <2CH18 -:23 > so benaiah <1KI2 -:34 > take micaiah <1KI22 -:26 > take ye micaiah <2CH18 -:25 > then came isaiah <2KI20 -:14 > then came isaiah then came shemaiah <2CH12 -:5 > then isaiah <2KI19 -:20 > then isaiah then michaiah declared unto them all then said hezekiah unto isaiah <2KI20 -:19 > then said isaiah then solomon sent benaiah <1KI2 -:29 > when michaiah which isaiah will punish shemaiah with him jeshaiah - adaiah , 5718 , - aiah , 0345 , - anaiah , 6043 , - asaiah , 6222 , - athaiah , 6265 , - benaiah , 1141 , - beraiah , 1256 , - dalaiah , 1806 , - delaiah , 1806 , - habaiah , 2252 , - harhaiah , 2736 , - hazaiah , 2382 , - hodaiah , 1939 , - hoshaiah , 1955 , - isaiah , 3470 , - ishmaiah , 3460 , - ismaiah , 3460 , - jedaiah , 3042 , 3048 , - jesaiah , 3470 , - jeshaiah , 3740 , - jeshohaiah , 3439 , - kelaiah , 7041 , - kolaiah , 6964 , - kushaiah , 6984 , - meraiah , 4811 , - micaiah , 4318 , 4319 , 4321 , - michaiah , 4320 , 4321 , 4322 , - pedaiah , 6305 , - pelaiah , 6411 , - reaiah , 7211 , - reelaiah , 7480 , - rephaiah , 7509 , - seraiah , 8304 , - shemaiah , 8098 , adaiah -5718 {adaiah} , aiah -0345 {aiah} , ajah , anaiah -6043 {anaiah} , asaiah -6222 asahiah , {asaiah} , athaiah -6265 {athaiah} , benaiah -1141 {benaiah} , beraiah -1256 {beraiah} , dalaiah -1806 {dalaiah} , delaiah , delaiah -1806 dalaiah , {delaiah} , habaiah -2252 {habaiah} , harhaiah -2736 {harhaiah} , hazaiah -2382 {hazaiah} , hodaiah -1939 {hodaiah} , hoshaiah -1955 {hoshaiah} , isaiah -3470 {isaiah} , jesaiah , ishmaiah -3460 {ishmaiah} , ismaiah , ismaiah -3460 ishmaiah , {ismaiah} , jedaiah -3042 {jedaiah} , jedaiah -3048 {jedaiah} , jesaiah -3470 isaiah , {jesaiah} , jeshaiah -3740 {jeshaiah} , provision , jeshohaiah -3439 {jeshohaiah} , kelaiah -7041 {kelaiah} , kolaiah -6964 {kolaiah} , kushaiah -6984 {kushaiah} , meraiah -4811 {meraiah} , micaiah -4318 micah , {micaiah} , michah , micaiah -4319 micah , {micaiah} , micaiah -4321 {micaiah} , michaiah , michaiah -4320 micah , {michaiah} , terror , michaiah -4321 micaiah , {michaiah} , michaiah -4322 {michaiah} , pedaiah -6305 {pedaiah} , pelaiah -6411 {pelaiah} , reaiah -7211 reaia , {reaiah} , reelaiah -7480 {reelaiah} , rephaiah -7509 {rephaiah} , seraiah -8304 {seraiah} , sirion , shemaiah -8098 {shemaiah} , Adaiah 5718 -- \Adayah -- {Adaiah}. Aiah 0345 -- /Ayah -- {Aiah}, Ajah. Anaiah 6043 -- \Anayah -- {Anaiah}. Asaiah 6222 -- \Asayah -- {Asaiah}. Athaiah 6265 -- \Athayah -- {Athaiah}. Benaiah 1141 -- B@nayah -- {Benaiah}. Beraiah 1256 -- B@ra/yah -- {Beraiah}. Dalaiah 1806 -- D@layah -- {Dalaiah}, Delaiah. Delaiah 1806 -- D@layah -- Dalaiah, {Delaiah}. Habaiah 2252 -- Chabayah -- {Habaiah}. Harhaiah 2736 -- Charhayah -- {Harhaiah}. Hazaiah 2382 -- Chazayah -- {Hazaiah}. Hodaiah 1939 -- Howday@vahuw -- {Hodaiah}. Hoshaiah 1955 -- Howsha\yah -- {Hoshaiah}. Isaiah 3470 -- Y@sha\yah -- {Isaiah}, Jesaiah, Jeshaiah. Ishmaiah 3460 -- Yishma\yah -- {Ishmaiah}. Jedaiah 3042 -- Y@dayah -- {Jedaiah}. Jedaiah 3048 -- Y@kda\yah -- {Jedaiah}. Jesaiah 3470 -- Y@sha\yah -- Isaiah, {Jesaiah}, Jeshaiah. Jeshaiah 3470 -- Y@sha\yah -- Isaiah, Jesaiah, {Jeshaiah}. Jeshoaiah 3439 -- Y@showchayah -- {Jeshoaiah}. Kelaiah 7041 Qelayah -- -- {Kelaiah}. Kolaiah 6964 -- Qowlayah -- {Kolaiah}. Kushaiah 6984 -- quwshayahuw -- {Kushaiah}. Meraiah 4811 -- M@rayah -- {Meraiah}. Micaiah 4318 -- Miykah -- Micah, {Micaiah}, Michah. Micaiah 4319 -- Miykahuw -- {Micaiah}. Micaiah 4321 -- Miykay@huw -- Micah, {Micaiah}, Michaiah. Michaiah 4320 -- Miykayah -- Micah, {Michaiah}. Michaiah 4321 -- Miykay@huw -- Micah, Micaiah, {Michaiah}. Michaiah 4322 -- Miykayahuw -- {Michaiah}. Pedaiah 6305 -- P@dayah -- {Pedaiah}. Pelaiah 6411 -- P@layah -- {Pelaiah}. Reaiah 7211 R@/ayah -- -- Reaia, {Reaiah}. Rephaiah 7509 R@phayah -- -- {Rephaiah}. Seraiah 8304 -- S@rayah -- {Seraiah}. Shemaiah 8098 -- Sh@ma\yah -- {Shemaiah}. Aiah 0345 ## >Ayah {ah-yaw'}; the same as 344; Ajah, the name of two Israelites: -- {Aiah}, Ajah. [ql Anaiah 6043 ## yah {ber-aw-yaw'}; from 1254 and 8050; Jah has created; Berajah, an Israelite: -- {Beraiah}. [ql Dalaiah 1806 ## D@layah {del-aw-yaw'}; or (prolonged) D@layahhuw {del-aw-yaw'-hoo}; from 1802 and 3050; Jah has delivered; Delajah, the name of five Israelites: -- {Dalaiah}, Delaiah. [ql Delaiah 1806 ## D@layah {del-aw-yaw'}; or (prolonged) D@layahhuw {del-aw-yaw'-hoo}; from 1802 and 3050; Jah has delivered; Delajah, the name of five Israelites: -- Dalaiah, {Delaiah}. [ql Habaiah 2252 ## Chabayah {khab-ah-yaw'}; or Chabayah {khab-aw- yaw'}; from 2247 and 3050; Jah has hidden; Chabajah, an Israelite: -- {Habaiah}. [ql Harhaiah 2736 ## Charhayah {khar-hah-yaw'}; ; from 2734 and 3050; fearing Jah; Charhajah, an Israelite: -- {Harhaiah}. [ql Hazaiah 2382 ## Chazayah {khaz-aw-yaw'}; from 2372 and 3050; Jah has seen; Chazajah, an Israelite: -- {Hazaiah}. [ql Hodaiah 1939 ## Howday@vahuw {ho-dah-yeh-vaw'-hoo}; a form of 1938; Hodajvah, an Israelite: -- {Hodaiah}. [ql Hoshaiah 1955 ## Howshayah {pel-aw-yaw'}; from 6381 and 3050; Jah has distinguished; Pelajah, the name of three Israelites: -- {Pelaiah}.[ql Reaiah 7211 ## R@>ayah {reh-aw-yaw'}; from 7200 and 3050; Jah has seen; Reajah, the name of three Israelites: -- Reaia, {Reaiah}.[ql Rephaiah 7509 ## R@phayah {ref-aw-yaw'}; from 7495 and 3050; Jah has cured; Rephajah, the name of five Israelites: -- {Rephaiah}. [ql Seraiah 8304 ## S@rayah {ser-aw-yaw'}; or S@rayahuw {ser-aw-yaw'- hoo}; from 8280 and 3050; Jah has prevailed; Serajah, the name of nine Israelites: -- {Seraiah}.[ql Shemaiah 8098 ## Sh@ma And Saul had a concubine, whose name [was] Rizpah, the daughter of {Aiah}: and [Ishbosheth] said to Abner, Wherefore hast thou gone in unto my father's concubine? aiah <2SA21 -8> But the king took the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of {Aiah}, whom she bare unto Saul, Armoni and Mephibosheth; and the five sons of Michal the daughter of Saul, whom she brought up for Adriel the son of Barzillai the Meholathite: aiah <2SA21 -10> And Rizpah the daughter of {Aiah} took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon the rock, from the beginning of harvest until water dropped upon them out of heaven, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the be asts of the field by night. aiah <2SA21 -11> And it was told David what Rizpah the daughter of {Aiah}, the concubine of Saul, had done. aiah <1CH1 -40> The sons of Shobal; Alian, and Manahath, and Ebal, Shephi, and Onam. And the sons of Zibeon; {Aiah}, and Anah.