aaron spake against moses because abjects gathered themselves together against me against aaron against aaron against aaron against aaron against aaron against aaron against all against all against all against all against all against all egypt against all his household <1SA25 -:17 > against all idumea against all these nations round about against an elder receive not an accusation <1TI5 -:19 > against azekah against babylon against benjamin against david <1SA19 -:4 > against david <2SA20 -:21 > against edom <1SA14 -:47 > against egypt against eight hundred <2SA23 -:8 > against every man against false swearers against great kingdoms against her against her against him against him against him against him came up nebuchadnezzar king <2CH36 -:6 > against him came up shalmaneser king <2KI17 -:3 > against him concerning against his anointed against his army against his christ against his family against his house <1KI16 -:7 > against his servant hezekiah <2CH32 -:16 > against it against jerusalem <2KI25 -:1 > against jerusalem against jerusalem against judah <2KI17 -:13 > against judah against judah against judah against king ahaz came from damascus <2KI16 -:11 > against lachish <2CH32 -:9 > against lachish against light <1KI7 -:4 > against light <1KI7 -:5 > against man or beast against me against me against me against me against me against me against me against me against me against me do they devise my hurt against me for evil against me round about against moab <1SA14 -:47 > against moab thus saith against moses against my father's house <2SA24 -:17 > against my sanctuary against my shepherd against naboth <1KI21 -:13 > against our judges against pharaoh king against powers against spiritual wickedness against such there is no law against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against thee against their border against them against them against them against them against them against them against them by against this city all against this family do against this land according against those against thy rivers against thy sons against thy two friends against us against which against which thou hast had indignation these threescore against whom against whom against whom do ye sport yourselves against whom hast thou exalted <2KI19 -:22 > against whom hast thou exalted against whom he hath trespassed against whom make ye against whom thou hast dealt treacherously against whom when against you against you against you against your fathers <1SA12 -:15 > against your pillows all his army against jerusalem all our enemies have opened their mouths against us all their imaginations against me all their imaginations against me all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against thee <1KI8 -:50 > all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me all these things are against me all thine enemies have opened their mouth against thee all your enemies against whom ye fight also against his three friends was his wrath kindled also withheld thee from sinning against me ammon came against you <1SA12 -:12 > ammon made war against israel ammon made war against israel amon conspired against him <2KI21 -:23 > amos hath conspired against thee anger also came up against israel any divination against israel archers against babylon are gathered together against me are incensed against him shall be ashamed are mad against me are sworn against me are they against her round about are written against babylon army against army <1SA17 -:21 > array against babylon round about array against david <2SA10 -:17 > array against gibeah array against her array against him with eight hundred thousand chosen men <2CH13 -:3 > array against israel <1SA4 -:2 > array against me array against them <1CH19 -:17 > array as men for war against thee as yet exaltest thou thyself against my people assyria came up against all assyria came up against samaria <2KI18 -:9 > assyria come up against all <2KI18 -:13 > assyria warring against libnah <2KI19 -:8 > assyria warring against libnah assyria went up against damascus <2KI16 -:9 > ax boast itself against him babylon came against <2KI24 -:11 > babylon came up against jerusalem <2KI24 -:10 > babylon hath taken counsel against you babylon maketh war against us babylon set himself against jerusalem this same day babylon shall not come against you babylon's army fought against jerusalem balak's anger was kindled against balaam bank against <2SA20 -:15 > bank against it <2KI19 -:32 > bank against it bare false witness against him base against bashan came out against us bashan went out against them battle against <2SA10 -:13 > battle against battle against battle against battle against battle against benjamin battle against israel <1SA7 -:10 > battle against their enemy <1KI8 -:44 > battle against thine enemies battle was against him before <2SA10 -:9 > battle was set against him before <1CH19 -:10 > battle went sore against saul <1SA31 -:3 > battle went sore against saul <1CH10 -:3 > be against me <2SA24 -:17 > be bold against some <2CO10 -:2 > be heard against thee be not bitter against them be not thou envious against evil men be ready against be ready against bear witness against him <1KI21 -:10 > beareth false witness against his neighbour because he had fought against hadadezer <2SA8 -:10 > because he had fought against hadarezer <1CH18 -:10 > because he hath not sinned against thee <1SA19 -:4 > because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily because she hath been rebellious against me because there fell wrath for it against israel <1CH27 -:24 > because they had transgressed against <2CH12 -:2 > because they have sinned against because they have sinned against because they have sinned against thee <1KI8 -:35 > because they have sinned against thee <1KI8 -:33 > because they have sinned against thee <2CH6 -:24 > because they have sinned against thee <2CH6 -:26 > because they have transgressed against me because they hired against thee balaam because they rebelled against because they trespassed against me because thou hast striven against because thou hast taught rebellion against because thy rage against me <2KI19 -:28 > because thy rage against me because we have sinned against because we have sinned against him because we have sinned against thee because ye have not committed this trespass against because ye have sinned against because ye have sinned against because ye rebelled against my word at because ye trespassed against me among behold how many things they witness against thee being exceedingly mad against them belial witnessed against him <1KI21 -:13 > benjamin went forth against them out benjamin went out against berechiah over against his chamber blasphemy against god boast not against brazen walls against breadth over against bring not railing accusation against them before <2PE2 -:11 > buckler against thee building over against built forts against it round built great bulwarks against it but against <2CH35 -:21 > but against any but against principalities but could not prevail against but had certain questions against him but hast lifted up thyself against but he rebelled against him but hired balaam against them but if against my will <1CO9 -:17 > but let us fight against them <1KI20 -:23 > but not long after there arose against it but one witness shall not testify against any person but rebel against <1SA12 -:15 > but rebel not against but rebelled against but rebelled against but sinned against thy judgments but they devise deceitful matters against but they rebelled against me but they shall not prevail against thee but they shall not prevail against thee but when ye sin so against <1CO8 -:12 > but whosoever speaketh against but will arise against but will make war against thee by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against by lot against it cain rose up against abel his brother call together against her came against jehoshaphat <2CH20 -:1 > came against us into our hand <1SA30 -:23 > came out against us unto battle came out against you came over against jebus camp against it round about camp also against it captain against her champaign over against gilgal charge against ashkelon child shall behave himself proudly against children rebelled against me chittim shall come against him city against city city against thee city against them city went out against israel come against her come against her from come against her with axes come against jerusalem come out against thee with come up against babylon an assembly come up against thee cometh against him shall do according cometh against him with twenty thousand cometh against us <2CH20 -:12 > company against thee conspired against him <1KI15 -:27 > conspired against him <1KI16 -:9 > conspired against him <2CH24 -:26 > conspired against him <2KI15 -:25 > conspired against my master <2KI10 -:9 > consulted against thy hidden ones could heap up words against you council against him council sought for witness against jesus crime laid against him cruel messenger shall be sent against him cry against it cry alarm against you <2CH13 -:12 > daughter against her mother daughter riseth up against her mother david's anger was greatly kindled against <2SA12 -:5 > day they shall roar against them like deceitful are opened against me desired favour against him device against you devise not evil against thy neighbour devised against us <2SA21 -:5 > did he ever strive against israel door against door doth rebel against thy commandment durst not bring against him earth be gathered together against it earth shall rise up against him eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me edom came out against him with much people egypt came up against jerusalem <1KI14 -:25 > egypt came up against jerusalem <2CH12 -:2 > egypt came up against jerusalem <2CH12 -:9 > egyptians fled against it eliab's anger was kindled against david <1SA17 -:28 > encamped against gibbethon <1KI16 -:15 > encamped against gibeah encamped against it encamped against jabeshgilead <1SA11 -:1 > encamped against thebez enemy hath said against you enmity against god even over against his house even they came up against them every city or house divided against itself shall not stand every kingdom divided against itself is brought every kingdom divided against itself is brought every man's hand against him every man's sword shall be against his brother every man's sword was against his fellow <1SA14 -:20 > every one against his neighbour every one over against his house evil against you falsely evil which he had pronounced against them false witness rise up against any man few things against thee few things against thee field against israel <2SA18 -:6 > field multiply against thee fierce wrath against isra <2CH28 -:13 > fight against ariel fight against charchemish by euphrates <2CH35 -:20 > fight against god fight against her fight against him <1KI22 -:32 > fight against israel <1KI20 -:26 > fight against israel <2CH11 -:1 > fight against israel fight against it fight against it fight against jerusalem <2CH32 -:2 > fight against jerusalem fight against leshem fight against me fight against me fight against me fight against thee <2KI19 -:9 > fight against them <2KI3 -:21 > fight against them fight against them fight against them fight against them at gibeah fight against them until they be consumed <1SA15 -:18 > fight against this city fight against this city fight against those nations fight against us fight against you fight also against judah fight for you against your enemies find occasion against daniel concerning fire was kindled against jacob for evil is determined against our master <1SA25 -:17 > for false witnesses are risen up against me for he hath prophesied against this city for he stretcheth out his hand against god for lifting up his spear against three hundred <1CH11 -:20 > for many bare false witness against him for mine enemies speak against me for nation shall rise against nation for nation shall rise against nation for she hath been proud against t for she hath rebelled against her god for strangers are risen up against me for they have rebelled against thee for they intended evil against thee for they speak against thee wickedly for thou writest bitter things against me for thus hath ahithophel counselled against you <2SA17 -:21 > for thy mouth hath testified against thee <2SA1 -:16 > for we have no might against this great company <2CH20 -:12 > for we have sinned against thee for we wrestle not against flesh for who can stretch forth his hand against <1SA26 -:9 > for ye rebelled against my commandment forgive thy people which have sinned against thee <2CH6 -:39 > fort against it fort against thee fought against all his enemies on every side <1SA14 -:47 > fought against ashdod fought against gath <2KI12 -:17 > fought against israel fought against israel fought against it <2SA12 -:29 > fought against it fought against it fought against it fought against it fought against jerusalem fought against libnah fought against me without frame evil against you frogs which he had brought against pharaoh gad dwelt over against them <1CH5 -:11 > gallery against gallery gate speak against me gibeah rose against me give sentence against them go against ramothgilead <1KI22 -:6 > go against this philistine <1SA17 -:33 > go up against ai go up against him go up against them go up against this land <2KI18 -:25 > go up against this land god against israel god against themselves god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness governor against paul great assembly against them great evil against your souls great host against jerusalem <2KI18 -:17 > great king against it great multitude against thee from beyond <2CH20 -:2 > great sea over against lebanon great service against tyrus grievous complaints against paul grudge not one against another had conspired against king amon <2KI21 -:24 > had conspired against king amon <2CH33 -:25 > hanani against baasha <1KI16 -:1 > hashub over against their house hate me whisper together against me hath pronounced evil against thee hath rebelled against his lord <2CH13 -:6 > hath rebelled against me hath testified falsely against his brother have done trespass against her husband have fought against jerusalem have fought against rabbah <2SA12 -:27 > have heard all thy blasphemies which thou hast spoken against have made thy face strong against their faces have multiplied your words against me have not sinned against thee have prevailed against him have prevailed against thee have pronounced against it have pronounced against it have pronounced against them have pronounced against them have rebelled against his commandment have set my face against this city for evil have sinned against heaven have sinned against heaven have sinned against him have sinned against thee <1KI8 -:50 > have sinned against thee have spoken unto thee against israel have strengthened themselves against rehoboam <2CH13 -:7 > have taken evil counsel against thee have transgressed against me he against whom we have sinned he also rebelled against king nebuchadnezzar <2CH36 -:13 > he built chambers against all <1KI6 -:10 > he burned against jacob like he divided himself against them he findeth occasions against me he fought against them he had spoken this parable against them he hath also kindled his wrath against me he hath builded against me he hath called an assembly against me he hath laid siege against us he hath pronounced against you he hath put forth his hands against such as be at peace with him he hath stretched forth his hand against them he hath taken against babylon he hath taken against edom he hath trespassed against me he is divided against himself he lifted up his spear against three hundred <2SA23 -:18 > he lifted up his spear against three hundred slain <1CH11 -:11 > he may seek occasion against us he might know wherefore they cried so against him he moved david against them <2SA24 -:1 > he prevailed not against him he pronounced this prophecy against me he rose up against them he shall prevail against his enemies he should rise against me <1SA22 -:13 > he was moved with choler against him he went out with jehoram against jehu <2CH22 -:7 > hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee heaven against men heel against me hell shall not prevail against it herodians against him heshbon they have devised evil against it hill's side over against him <2SA16 -:13 > hired counsellors against them his distress did he trespass yet more against <2CH28 -:22 > his hand prevailed against chushanrishathaim his knees smote one against another his labour wherewith he served against it his men came down against her <1SA25 -:20 > his might wherewith he fought against amaziah king <2KI13 -:12 > his own servants conspired against him for <2CH24 -:25 > his servants conspired against him <2CH33 -:24 > his sheath against all flesh from his testimonies which he testified against them <2KI17 -:15 > his visage was changed against shadrach host goeth forth against thine enemies house be divided against itself how long will ye imagine mischief against how oft shall my brother sin against me if adonijah have not spoken this word against his own life <1KI2 -:23 > if any man trespass against his neighbour <1KI8 -:31 > if he trespass against thee seven times if my land cry against me if one man sin against another <1SA2 -:25 > if one prevail against him if satan also be divided against himself if satan rise up against himself if they had ought against me if they sin against thee <1KI8 -:46 > if they sin against thee <2CH6 -:36 > if thy brother trespass against thee if thy children have sinned against him if ye have ought against any immer over against his house is formed against thee shall prosper is kindled against us <2KI22 -:13 > is not against us is for us is not against us is on our part is not with me is against me is not with me is against me israel came up against judah <2CH16 -:1 > israel hath hired against us <2KI7 -:6 > israel murmured against moses israel murmured against moses israel murmured against moses israel rebelled against me israel went up against judah <1KI15 -:17 > it crieth out against me it prevaileth against them jabesh conspired against him <2KI15 -:10 > jacob's anger was kindled against rachel jericho fought against you jews informed him against paul jews made insurrection with one accord against paul joab fought against rabbah <2SA12 -:26 > josiah went out against him <2CH35 -:20 > judah had fought against jerusalem judah have dealt very treacherously against me judgment against him king josiah went against him <2KI23 -:29 > king sin against his servant <1SA19 -:4 > king speaketh against caesar king's word prevailed against joab <2SA24 -:4 > king's word prevailed against joab <1CH21 -:4 > kingdom against kingdom kingdom against kingdom kingdom against kingdom kingdom against kingdom kingdom be divided against itself laid each piece one against another land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously law against her daughter law against her mother law against her mother law against her mother lay siege against it lest at any time thou dash thy foot against lest at any time thou dash thy foot against lest he cry against thee unto lest israel vaunt themselves against me lest they make thee sin against me let baal plead against him let not thine anger be hot against me let not thine anger burn against thy servant let us devise devices against jeremiah let us go up against judah let us not fight against god let us rise up against her letter against jerusalem lie against me lie against my right lifted up mine hand against them lifted up their hand against my lord <2SA18 -:28 > lord against all mine evil neighbours lord against baasha <1KI16 -:7 > lord against thee lord against this land lord against this place <2KI18 -:25 > lord arose against his people <2CH36 -:16 > lord be against you <1SA12 -:15 > lord be kindled against you lord be kindled against you lord god be witness against you lord hath pronounced against this people lord hath spoken against you lord hath spoken evil against thee <2CH18 -:22 > lord hath testified against me lord have stirred thee up against me <1SA26 -:19 > lord heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him lord is gone out against me lord kindled against his people lord kindled against his people lord pronounced all this great evil against us lord sent against him bands <2KI24 -:2 > lord set every man's sword against his fellow lord shall be performed against babylon lord shall send against thee lord spake against babylon lord stirred up against jehoram <2CH21 -:16 > lord testified against israel <2KI17 -:13 > lord thy god be kindled against thee lord was against them lord was against them for evil lord was hot against israel lord was hot against israel lord was hot against israel lord was hot against israel lord was kindled against amaziah <2CH25 -:15 > lord was kindled against israel lord was kindled against israel <2SA24 -:1 > lord was kindled against israel <2KI13 -:3 > lord was kindled against moses lord was kindled against them lord was kindled against this land lord was kindled against uzza <1CH13 -:10 > lord was kindled against uzzah <2SA6 -:7 > lord was wroth against you lord's anger was kindled against israel lord's wrath be kindled against you loved are turned against me make war against another king make war against him maketh idols against herself making war against it man at variance against his father man come over against hamath man over against him with his sword drawn man riseth against his neighbour man sin against his neighbour <2CH6 -:22 > manasseh have built an altar over against many other things blasphemously spake they against him mareshah prophesied against jehoshaphat <2CH20 -:37 > mark against thee matter against another <1CO6 -:1 > matter against any man me against sennacherib king <2KI19 -:20 > me against sennacherib king measuring line shall yet go forth over against it upon medes against them men prevailed against us <2SA11 -:23 > mercy rejoiceth against judgment midian prevailed against israel might not sin against thee mighty are gathered against me mine anger is kindled against them moab against israel moab hath rebelled against me <2KI3 -:7 > moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee morrow go out against them <2CH20 -:17 > morrow go ye down against them <2CH20 -:16 > mount against it mount against jerusalem mount against thee multitude rose up together against them murmur against him my words shall surely stand against you for evil my wrath is kindled against thee my wrath may wax hot against them myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand nation against her nation against thee from far nation shall not lift up sword against nation nation shall rise against nation nations against her nations set against him on every side from nations which came against jerusalem shall even go up from year neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour neriah setteth thee on against us nimshi conspired against joram <2KI9 -:14 > no enchantment against jacob no feller is come up against us no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against no witness against her none moved his tongue against any nor against this land nor fight against your brethren <1KI12 -:24 > nor fight against your brethren <2CH11 -:4 > nor yet against caesar north shall come against him like not against thee this day <2CH35 -:21 > now also many nations are gathered against thee o remember not against us former iniquities offended against thee old prophesied both against many countries old time hath made insurrection against kings open his lips against thee or against this people or against thy servants or did he ever fight against them order one against another other southward over against gibeah <1SA14 -:5 > our sins testify against us over against baalzephon over against bethpeor over against chios over against egypt <1SA15 -:7 > over against jericho over against jericho over against salmone over against their brethren <1CH9 -:38 > over against them <1CH8 -:32 > over against them parable against him parable against them parable against you pastors also transgressed against me people against whom people murmured against moses people murmured against moses people shall be gathered against them people spake against god people took counsel against jesus people were gathered against jeremiah pharaoh was wroth against two pharisees murmured against his disciples pitched against it <2KI25 -:1 > pitched against it plead against me my reproach plead my cause against an ungodly nation prating against us with malicious words <3JO1 -:10 > prepare against her prepare ye war against her present against joseph came at noon prevail against him <1SA17 -:9 > prevailed against it <2CH8 -:3 > prevailed against jabin prevailed against thee prevailed against them <2CH27 -:5 > prevailed against them prevailed against them pride come against me principal fathers over against their younger b <1CH24 -:31 > prophesy against gog prophesy against him prophesy against him prophesy against it prophesy against it prophesy against them prophesy against them prophesy against this house prophesy not against israel prophesy thou against them prophet against elam proud are risen against me proverb against thee publish against jerusalem purpose against you quarrel against any quarrel against him quiver rattleth against him raise up their way against me raised persecution against paul rams against it round about rebelled against him <2KI24 -:1 > rebelled against thee record against them record this day against you rejoice not against me repliest against god reproach against his neighbour returned from going against jeroboam <2CH11 -:4 > rezin against him rise against him rise against saul <1SA24 -:7 > rise against thee <2SA18 -:32 > rise up against him rise up against me rise up against me rise up against me rise up against me rise up against me rise up against thee rise up against thee rise up against thee increaseth continually rise up against us riseth up against me as river's brink against he come robber shall prevail against him rose up against me <2SA22 -:49 > rose up against me rose up against me rose up against me hast thou subdued under me <2SA22 -:40 > rose up against thee <2SA18 -:31 > rose up against thee ruler against ruler ruler rise up against thee samuel came out against them <1SA9 -:14 > sanctify yourselves against tomorrow satan stood up against israel <1CH21 -:1 > saul secretly practiced mischief against him <1SA23 -:9 > saw magnify itself against him scarce were come over against cnidus seer against jeroboam <2CH9 -:29 > send against judah rezin <2KI15 -:37 > sent them against judah <2KI24 -:2 > set all men every one against his neighbour set my face against them set thy face against gog set thy face against it set thy face against mount seir set thy face against pharaoh king set thy face against zidon seven lamps shall give light over against shall deal against them shall do against any shall lift up his staff against thee shall rise against thee shall set against thee buckler shall stand against her shall we go against ramothgilead <1KI22 -:15 > she is hardened against her young ones she sat over against shepherds is called forth against him should have wrought falsehood against mine own life <2SA18 -: 13 > should sin against <1SA12 -:23 > should stretch forth mine hand against <1SA26 -:11 > shout against her round about shout against thee side over against arabah northward siege both against judah sign which shall be spoken against sin against god sin not against <1SA14 -:34 > sinners against himself sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul sins against <2CH28 -:10 > sitting over against situate northward over against michmash <1SA14 -:5 > slaughter against slew thy prophets which testified against them so israel rebelled against <1KI12 -:19 > so saul died for his transgression which he committed against <1CH10 -:13 > so should ye sin against so they executed judgment against joash <2CH24 -:24 > so they sinned against me somewhat against somewhat against son against sought false witness against jesus soul shall sin through ignorance against any spake against him spake against this place <2KI22 -:19 > spake against those things which were spoken by paul speak against him <2CH32 -:17 > speak against me speak against my servant moses speak blasphemous words against this holy place speak evil against my soul speakest against thy brother speech against her spirit against spoiled against spoiled shall come against spoken against stand against standard against him stood against him stood up against them <2CH28 -:12 > stretch forth mine hand against him <1SA24 -:6 > stretch out my hand against thee striving against sin such as do wickedly against surely against me is he turned swift witness against sword against all their gates sword against him throughout all my mountains sword against nation syria came up against him <2CH24 -:23 > syria warred against israel <2KI6 -:8 > syria will come up against thee <1KI20 -:22 > take up against you taunting proverb against him tents against her round about testified against them testify against him testify against me testify against you this day testimony against them testimony against them testimony against them testimony against them thanks went over against their countenance doth witness against them their courses fought against sisera their device against me all their fathers have transgressed against me their feet against them their wives against their brethren them against amalek then asa went out against him <2CH14 -:10 > then he fought against israel then moab rebelled against israel after <2KI1 -:1 > then my anger shall be kindled against them then saul's anger was kindled against jonathan <1SA20 -:30 > then shall we raise against him seven shepherds then sihon came out against us then ye rebelled against there came against gibeah ten thousand chosen men out there came out against them zerah <2CH14 -:9 > there have they dealt treacherously against me there was evil determined against him by there was great indignation against israel <2KI3 -:27 > there was sore war against <1SA14 -:52 > therefore he lifted up his hand against them therefore my wrath shall be kindled against this place <2KI22 - :17 > therefore prophesy against them therefore prophesy thou against them all these words these likewise cast lots over against their brethren <1CH24 -: 31 > these sinners against their own souls these things cannot be spoken against these witness against thee these witness against thee they also went up against bethel they are confederate against thee they built forts against <2KI25 -:1 > they conspired against him <2CH24 -:21 > they conspired against him they could say nothing against it they dealt proudly against them they encamped against it they encamped against them they even prepare war against him they fought against him they fought against it they fought against them <1SA12 -:9 > they gather themselves together against they gathered themselves together against moses they gathered themselves together against moses they had devised devices against me they have dealt treacherously against they have gathered themselves together against me they have rebelled against me they have spoken against me with they have taken crafty counsel against thy people they helped david against <1CH12 -:21 > they laid wait against shechem they made no war against jehoshaphat <2CH17 -:10 > they may give light over against it they might find an accusation against him they murmured against they murmured against her they opened their mouth wide against me they pitched one over against <1KI20 -:29 > they raise up against me they rebel against me they rebelled not against his word they set their mouth against they shall come against thee with chariots they shall come out against thee one way they shall draw their swords against they shall draw their swords against egypt they shall fight against it they shall fight against thee they shall fight against thee they shall fight every one against his brother they shall gather themselves together against me they shall justle one against another they shall prevail against him they should be ready against they should come against israel they sinned yet more against him by provoking they spake against <2CH32 -:19 > they spake against god they spake against me they testified against them <2CH24 -:19 > they transgressed against <1CH5 -:25 > they trespass not against <2CH19 -:10 > they warred against they went out against jehu <2KI9 -:21 > they were helped against them <1CH5 -:20 > they were moved with indignation against thine anger against thine eye be evil against thy poor brother thine own lips testify against thee thing against <2SA14 -:13 > thing against you this evil against thy people this song shall testify against them as thorns against me those times there shall many stand up against thou art come against me thou art very wroth against us thou comest nigh over against thou hast done against <2KI23 -:17 > thou hast spoken against this place thou hast transgressed against thou knowest all their counsel against me thou prevailest for ever against him thou rebellest against me <2KI18 -:20 > thou rebellest against me thou renewest thy witnesses against me thou shalt build bulwarks against thou shalt come up against my people thou shalt go out one way against them thou shalt lay siege against it thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour thou shalt prophesy against it thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against thou shalt take up this proverb against thou thyself wouldest have set thyself against <2SA18 -:13 > thou turnest thy spirit against god though an host should encamp against me though our iniquities testify against us though their land was filled with sin against though war should rise against me though we have rebelled against him three against two thus might we procure great evil against our souls thus with your mouth ye have boasted against me thy brother hath ought against thee thy forehead strong against their foreheads thy hatred against them thy name we go against this multitude <2CH14 -:11 > thy people still are talking against thee by thy rage against me <2KI19 -:27 > thy rage against me thy teachers have transgressed against me thy wrath against token against trees thereof by forcing an ax against them trespass against trespass against trespass against him trespass against me trode them down with ease over against gibeah toward trouble they shall be against her round about truth against them which commit such things truth against thy holy child jesus turned my hand against their adversaries two against three tyrus hath said against jerusalem valley over against bethpeor valley over against bethpeor village over against you village over against you violence against thy brother jacob shame shall cover thee wait against war against hazael king <2CH22 -:5 > war against hazael king <2KI8 -:28 > war against it war against me war against thee shall be as nothing war against their enemies by <2CH6 -:34 > war against them war against thine enemies war against thy walls ward against <1CH25 -:8 > ward against ward <1CH26 -:16 > ward over against ward wards one against another <1CH26 -:12 > warred against <2CH26 -:6 > warred against israel warred against it <1KI20 -:1 > warring against was against us was tempestuous against them watch against them day wax wanton against christ <1TI5 -:11 > way against me way for an adversary against him we do wipe off against you we have dealt very corruptly against thee we have heard him speak blasphemous words against moses we have sinned against <1SA7 -:6 > we have sinned against we have sinned against thee we have sinned against thee we have trespassed against our god we may fight against we may go up against them we may prevail against him we shall not find any occasion against this daniel we shall prevail against him we should rebel against we will fight against them <1KI20 -:25 > went against <1SA23 -:28 > went against them <1KI20 -:27 > went out against israel into went out against them <1CH14 -:8 > were incensed against thee shall be ashamed westward over against what accusation bring ye against this man what do ye imagine against what doest thou against him what was decreed against her wheels over against them wheels were lifted up over against them wheels were lifted up over against them when he arose against me <1SA17 -:35 > when he fought against hazael king <2KI8 -:29 > when men rose up against us when saul saw david go forth against <1SA17 -:55 > when their wrath was kindled against us when they come out against us when they strove against when thou heardest his words against this place <2CH34 -:27 > whereas they speak against you as evildoers <1PE2 -:12 > whereby they have sinned against me whereby they have transgressed against me whereby they murmur against you wherefore their anger was greatly kindled against judah <2CH25 -:10 > wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood <1SA19 -:5 > wherein thou hast transgressed against me wherewith his anger was kindled against judah <2KI23 -:26 > wherewith thou didst testify against them wherewith ye fight against which against judah do show kindness this day unto <2SA3 -:8 > which had cried against <1KI13 -:4 > which have murmured against me which he devised against which he hath determined against it which he put forth against him <1KI13 -:4 > which he spake against which he spake against baasha by jehu <1KI16 -:12 > which he spake against us which is against nature which is over against galilee which jeremiah hath prophesied against all which murmur against me which rise up against me <2KI16 -:7 > which speak any thing amiss against which stood over against him which they have done against themselves which they have sinned against it which they murmur against me which trespassed against <2CH30 -:7 > which ungodly sinners have spoken against him which war against <1PE2 -:11 > which was over against them which were come against judah <2CH20 -:22 > while they took counsel together against me who against hope believed who had fought against who hath taken this counsel against tyre who prophesied against this city who shall come down against us who shall go up for us against who strove against moses who will rise up for me against who will stand up for me against whole family is risen against thine handmaid <2SA14 -:7 > whore against him whosoever hath sinned against me whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake why are ye come up against us why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother why dost thou strive against him why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people why have ye conspired against me <1SA22 -:13 > wicked plotteth against will blow against thee will bring thee against my land will bring them against thee on every side will bring them against this land will camp against thee round about will dash them one against another will even gather them round about against thee will even set my face against will even set my face against will fight against them with will gather all nations against jerusalem will he plead against me with will lay siege against thee with will not put forth mine hand against my lord <1SA24 -:10 > will perform against eli all <1SA3 -:12 > will plead against him with pestilence will prepare destroyers against thee will raise forts against thee will raise up against babylon will raise up against you will raise up evil against thee out <2SA12 -:11 > will raise up thy lovers against thee will rise against will rise up against them will send him against an hypocritical nation will set my face against will set my face against will set my face against will set my face against them will set my face against you will set my face against you for evil will set my jealousy against thee will stretch out mine hand against thee will testify against thee will turn mine hand against ekron will utter my judgments against them touching all their wickedness will ye rebel against wilt thou go with me against moab <2KI3 -:7 > with him come out against thee with their brethren over against them with their trespass which they trespassed against me with thy strong hand thou opposest thyself against me without over against witness against me before <1SA12 -:3 > witness against thee witness against thy neighbour without cause witness against you <1SA12 -:5 > witness against you witness against you this day witness for me against witnesses against yourselves word against word against words against words against me would bring thee against them would comfort myself against sorrow would not stretch forth mine hand against <1SA26 -:23 > wrote over against ye all have transgressed against me ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies ye are risen up against my father's house this day ye might rebel this day against t ye murmur against him ye murmur against us ye sin against christ <1CO8 -:12 > ye stretched forth no hands against me ye thought evil against me ye wrongfully imagine against me yet do they imagine mischief against me yet they have not prevailed against me yet they have spoken lies against me you be puffed up for one against another <1CO4 -:6 > you have conspired against me <1SA22 -:8 > you imagine evil against his brother young lion roared against him your hearts against his neighbour your words have been stout against me